Oracle 9i To 10g Upgrade Runbook v1

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INTEGRATION FINANCE BW 9i to 10g Sandbox Oracle !

To!ic &lanning &re'Ste!( Host Requirements Stop SAP system Download the RDBMS_SAP_64 !"P #ile as per SAP $ote 8%&8'( )he*+ ora"nst lo* #ile Ma+e sure new ,ra*le Home is a-aila.le Pre/0p1rade *he*+s )he*+in1 Prerequisites #or ,0" Download latest -ersion o# Data.ase li.raries Run sap*onn_role sql )he*+ 0ndo Mana1ement S4S56M 5a.lespa*e spa*e *he*+ )he*+in1 "$7A8"D Data.ase o.9e*ts Drop ta.les P8A$_5AB86 *!grade &roce(( &o(t'*!grade Acti+itie( :inali;e 6n-ironmental -aria.les )he*+in1 up1raded Data.ase 0p1rade BR5,,8S Run sapd.a_role sql Alter Data.ase parameters )olle*t system and ,ra*le di*tionary statisti*s
www :ullinter-iew *om

Ro$ N %ber 1 ) 7 8 & %( %% %2 %' %4 %3 %6 %7 %8 %& 2( ,0 6( 6% 62 6' 64 63

Pa1e % o# '7

Disa.le ,ra*le S*heduler "denti#y "$7A8"D o.9e*ts a#ter 0p1rade Parameter *han1es Disa.le ora*le re*y*le .in Run *atup1rd sql Restart Data.ase normally <ather statisti*s #or SAP s*hema 0pdate DB)H6)=,RA *ontrol ta.le )olle*t update statisti*s Start listener pro*ess )opy li. #ile to e>e Renamin1 old ,ra*le Home dire*tory Post 0p1rade steps to .rin1 SAP up Start SAP appli*ation )he*+ ,ra*le -ersion throu1h S5(4 Disa.le Data.ase user lo*+in1 #or #ailed lo1ins Data.ase .a*+up Tro ble(-ooting "nstallation warnin1 $o permissions to ?ora*le Startup #ailed with lo1_ar*hi-e_#ormat parameter )annot open or remo-e a #ile *ontainin1 a runnin1 pro1ram

66 67 68 6& 7( 7% 72 7' 74 73 76 77 78 7& 8( 8% 82 ./ 8' 84 83 86

www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e 2 o# '7

S1(te% Ta(2 Note( O $ n e r " r atio n Stat (


13 2 ' 4 3 6

De*ision on up1rade -ersion D7D@s 0serA <roupsA S"DA 0"DA <"D and "nstan*e $o namin1 *on-ention De*ide #iles systemsA +ernel parametersA 8PARs and other so#tware required ,rder?Download SAP Media 0p1rade <uide

%(1 pat*h le-el %( 2 ( 4 ,ra*le %(1 and pat*h S%% A <%% A "nstan*e $ %% )" on BP%38%2D5P2%7C and DB on BP%38%'D5P2%&C 7isit httpD??ser-i*e sap *om?swd* to download the so#tware #or up1rade <0"D6_0E_,RA_0P<RAD6_'(

End "ate and Ti%e 4 Ta(2 Note( O $ n e " r atio n Stat (

Start "ate and Ti%e 4 No S1(te%

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Pa1e ' o# '7

r 7 F!15.16dt!61)G BH ' 3 B$H(4C )" Host F!15.1/dt!619G Data.ase Host Stop SAP system Download the RDBMS_SAP_64 !"P #ile as per SAP $ote 8%&8'( At least %(24 MB o# physi*al RAM A.out 3(( MB #ree spa*e in the ?tmp dire*tory At least %( <B #or the ,ra*le Home dire*toryA *onsistin1 o#D ' to 3 <B #or the ,ra*le so#tware Stop only appli*ation ser-er Ip%38%'dtp2%&J?ora*le?sta1e?%(2_64?data.ase?Dis+%K ls /lrt total 36 /rw/rw/r// /rw>r/>r/> drw>r/>r/> drw>r/>r/> drw>r/>r/> drw>r/>r/> drw>rw>r/> drw>r/>r/> % oras'% d.a % oras'% d.a ' oras'% d.a 2 oras'% d.a 3 oras'% d.a & oras'% d.a & oras'% d.a 2 oras'% d.a 328' Au1 26 2((3 wel*ome html 26(% Au1 26 2((3 run"nstaller 236 Au1 26 2((3 rootpre 236 Au1 26 2((3 response 4(&6 Au1 26 2((3 install 4(&6 Au1 26 2((3 sta1e 4(&6 Au1 26 2((3 do* 4(&6 :e. 22 2((6 SAP

8 &

Ip%38%'dtp2%&J?ora*le?sta1e?%(2_64?data.ase?Dis+%K m- SAP SAP_,R"< Ip%38%'dtp2%&J?ora*le?sta1e?%(2_64?data.ase?Dis+%K ls /lrt total 36 /rw/rw/r// /rw>r/>r/> drw>r/>r/> drw>r/>r/> drw>r/>r/> drw>r/>r/> drw>rw>r/> drw>r/>r/> www :ullinter-iew *om % oras'% d.a % oras'% d.a ' oras'% d.a 2 oras'% d.a 3 oras'% d.a & oras'% d.a & oras'% d.a 2 oras'% d.a 328' Au1 26 2((3 wel*ome html 26(% Au1 26 2((3 run"nstaller 236 Au1 26 2((3 rootpre 236 Au1 26 2((3 response 4(&6 Au1 26 2((3 install 4(&6 Au1 26 2((3 sta1e 4(&6 Au1 26 2((3 do* 4(&6 :e. 22 2((6 SAP_,R"< Pa1e 4 o# '7

Ip%38%'dtp2%&J?ora*le?sta1e?%(2_64?data.ase?Dis+%K Ip%38%'dtp2%&J?ora*le?sta1e?%(2_64?data.ase?Dis+%K ?install?un;ip ?tmp?RDBMS_SAP_64 ;ip Ar*hi-eD ?tmp?RDBMS_SAP_64 ;ip in#latin1D SAP?*harset sql in#latin1D SAP?)H6)=S SL8 in#latin1D SAP?d#ltpasslt sql in#latin1D SAP?M"<'264 SL8 in#latin1D SAP?P,S5_0P<RAD6 SL8 in#latin1D SAP?P,S5M"< SL8 in#latin1D SAP?PR6M"< SL8 e>tra*tin1D SAP?R6ADM6 in#latin1D SAP?R0$"$S5A886R in#latin1D SAP?SAP SL8 in#latin1D SAP?sap*onn_role sql in#latin1D SAP?SAP" SL8 in#latin1D SAP?S7R)0S5,M RSP in#latin1D SAP?updDBS5A5)%( sql in#latin1D SAP?utlu%(2i sql in#latin1D SAP?d.*he*+ora%(_olap sql in#latin1D d.*he*+ora%(_oltp sql %( %% %2 )he*+ ora"nst lo* Ma+e sure $ew ora*le Home is a-aila.le pre/up1rade *he*+s )he*+ #ile ?et*?ora"nst lo* and ensure the ora"n-entory path is *orre*tly set Ma+e sure #ile system ?ora*le?S%%?%(2_64 is a-aila.le SL8G *onne*t ?as sysd.a SL8G spool ?tmp?pre_up1rade lo1 SL8G M?ora*le?sta1e?%(2_64?data.ase?Dis+%?SAP?utlu%(2i sql www :ullinter-iew *om Pa1e 3 o# '7

SL8G spool o## SL8G e>it 5here will .e warnin1 li+e as #ollows HAR$"$<D //G Data.ase *ontains stale optimi;er statisti*s Re#er to the %(1 0p1rade <uide #or instru*tions to update statisti*s prior to up1radin1 the data.ase )omponent S*hemas with stale statisti*sD S4S Run optimi;er statisti*s as per SAP $ote 8%&8'( SL8G M?tmp?1ather_optimi;er_statisti*s sql Run the preup1rade s*ript a1ainA the warnin1 will .e remo-ed now %' p%38%'dtp2%&Doras%%G ?run"nstaller /e>e*uteSysPrereqs "t #ailes with the error $o pre/requisite *he*+s #ound in oraparam iniA no system pre/requisite *he*+s will .e e>e*uted 6>itin1 ,ra*le 0ni-ersal "nstallerA lo1 #or this session *an .e #ound at ?tmp?,ra"nstall2((&/ (&/'(_%%/47/34AM?installA*tions2((&/(&/ 8o1in to E window session )he*+in1 Prerequisites #or ,ra*le 0ni-ersal "nstaller '(_%%/47/34AM lo1 5his #ails #or A"E 3 ' -ersion As per SAP note &8(426A this is the pro.lem with A"E 3 ' -ersion 5he wor+around is to run the run"nstaller with option ?run"nstaller /i1noreSysPrereqs 5hat does not wor+ either Download R0$"$S5A886R !"P #rom SAP note &8(426 5his R0$"$S5A886R s*ript is already ha-in1 Ni1noreSysPrereqs option in it So this s*ript *an .e dire*tly used #or the data.ase so#tware installation %4 Download latest -ersion o# data.ase li.raries Download the latest -ersion o# Bd.orasli. soA d.orasli. slA or d.orasli. oC #or the Pa1e 6 o# '7

www :ullinter-iew *om

release #romD httpD??ser-i*e sap *om?swd* Downloaded li._d.sl_276/2((((%&8 sar #ile #rom ser-i*e mar+et pla*e Download latest SAP)AR %3 p%38%'dtp2%&Doras%%G *p /p sap*onn_role sql ?ora*le?S%%?&2(_64?d.s p%38%'dtp2%&Doras%%G sqlplus ?nolo1 Msap*onn_role sql SL8OPlusD Release & 2 ( 7 ( / Produ*tion on Hed Sep '( %2D46D'4 2((& Run sap*onn_role sql )opyri1ht B*C %&82A 2((2A ,ra*le )orporation All ri1hts reser-ed Dis*onne*ted #rom ,ra*le&i 6nterprise 6dition Release & 2 ( 7 ( / Produ*tion Hith the Partitionin1 option PSer-er Release & 2 ( 7 ( N Produ*tion %6 SL8G show parameter undo $AM6 )he*+ undo mana1ement set to auto undo_mana1ement undo_ta.lespa*e %7 )he*+ #ree spa*e in S4S56M ta.lespa*e Ma+e sure S4S56M has at least 73(MB o# #ree spa*e %8 )he*+in1 "n-alid Data.ase o.9e*ts Ma+e note o# the list .e#ore and a#ter the up1rade "# .oth are same then "$7A8"D BR%((%" BRSPA)6 7 (( B%6C "n#ormation a.out ta.lespa*e S4S56M %( / :ree spa*e in ta.lespa*e in =B B#reeC SL8G ?tmp?spool in-alid_o.9e*ts_preup1rade SL8G sele*t unique o.9e*t_nameA o.9e*t_typeA owner #rom d.a_o.9e*ts where status Q R"$7A8"DRS SL8G MT? sql SL8G sele*t unique o.9e*t_nameA o.9e*t_typeA owner #rom d.a_o.9e*ts where status Q R"$7A8"DRS SL8G spool o## www :ullinter-iew *om Pa1e 7 o# '7 828'68 54P6 7A806 strin1 strin1 A05, PSAP0$D, //////////////////////////////////// /////////// /////////////

p%38%'dtp2%&Doras%%G .rspa*e /# /* tsin#o /s S4S56M

%& Drop ta.le *alled P8A$_5AB86 in S4S and S4S56M

SL8G drop ta.le US4SU UP8A$_5AB86US 5a.le dropped SL8G drop ta.le US4S56MU UP8A$_5AB86US 5a.le dropped

End "ate and Ti%e 4 Note( O $ n e r A!! rox " r atio n Stat ( S1(te% Ta(2

Start "ate and Ti%e 4 178180. 11400


603 !15.1/dt!619 2%

Start 0p1rade "nstallation o# the Data.ase so#tware throu1h E windows session

"nstall %(1 Data.ase so#tware 8o1in as oras%% Set en-ironmental -aria.les as #ollows Ma+e sure #ollowin1 en-ironmental -aria.les are not set 5H,_5AS= ,RA_$8S ,RA_$8S'2 ,RA_$8S'' Set #ollowin1 7aria.les ,RA)86_BAS6Q?ora*le ,RA)86_H,M6Q?ora*le?S%%?%(2_64 DB_S"DQS%% ,RA_$8S%(QK,RA)86_H,M6?nls?data SAPDA5A_H,M6Q?ora*le?S%% 8"BPA5HQK,RA)86_H,M6?li.DK8"BPA5H PA5HQK,RA)86_H,M6?.inD?ora*le?S%%D?usr?sap?S%%?S4S?e>e?runD?usr?.inD D?usr?lo*al?.inD?us

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Pa1e 8 o# '7


www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e & o# '7





www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e %( o# '7


Spa*e required .y the installation Ma+e a note and in*rease i# required



www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e %% o# '7


Run root sh as user root

Ip%38%'dtp2%&J?ora*le?S%%?%(2_64K ?root sh Runnin1 ,ra*le%( root sh s*ript 5he #ollowin1 en-ironment -aria.les are set asD ,RA)86_,H$6RQ oras%% ,RA)86_H,M6Q ?ora*le?S%%?%(2_64 6nter the #ull pathname o# the lo*al .in dire*toryD V?usr?lo*al?.inWD 5he #ile Ud.homeU already e>ists in ?usr?lo*al?.in ,-erwrite itT By?nC VnWD y )opyin1 d.home to ?usr?lo*al?.in 5he #ile Uoraen-U already e>ists in ?usr?lo*al?.in ,-erwrite itT By?nC VnWD y )opyin1 oraen- to ?usr?lo*al?.in 5he #ile U*oraen-U already e>ists in ?usr?lo*al?.in ,-erwrite itT By?nC VnWD y )opyin1 *oraen- to ?usr?lo*al?.in 6ntries will .e added to the ?et*?orata. #ile as needed .y Data.ase )on#i1uration Assistant when a data.ase is *reated :inished runnin1 1eneri* part o# root sh s*ript www :ullinter-iew *om Pa1e %2 o# '7

$ow produ*t/spe*i#i* root a*tions will .e per#ormed 27

"nstallation )ompleted


Start Pat*h "nstallation 0se the same oras%% session where all the en-ironmental -aria.les are set "# not then set the en-ironment -aria.les a1ain and then install pat*h

www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e %' o# '7




)he*+ the ,ra*le Home path "t should .e %(2_64

www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e %4 o# '7




$o )han1e $e>t

www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e %3 o# '7


Spa*e summery "n*rease ora*le Home #ile system Ip%38%'dtp2%&J?ora*le?S%%?%(2_64K *h#s /a si;eQX%(24M ?ora*le?S%%?%(2_64


Pat*h "nstallation

www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e %6 o# '7


Run root sh as user root


Pat*h "nstallation *ompleted su**ess#ully


)opy all the networ+?admin #iles #rom old dire*tory to new ,RA)86_H,M6

p%38%'dtp2%&Doras%%G *p /p ?ora*le?S%%?&2(_64?networ+?admin?O ora Pa1e %7 o# '7

www :ullinter-iew *om

p%38%'dtp2%&Doras%%G ls /lrt /rw/r//r// /rw/r///// /rw/r///// /rw/r///// /rw/r///// /rw/r//r// /rw/r//r// /rw/r//r// '8 '& 6dit listener ora and *han1e &2(_64 to %(2_64 % oras%% d.a % oras%% d.a % oras%% d.a % oras%% d.a % oras%% d.a % oras%% d.a % oras%% d.a % oras%% d.a 24 Apr 2& 2((2 snmp_ro ora %72 De* 26 2((' shrept lst ( Au1 %4 2((3 li.nrad%( imp ( Au1 %4 2((3 li.nrad%( e>p ( Au1 %4 2((3 li.n+3%( imp 3'% Sep %7 %4D46 tnsnames ora '64 Sep %7 %4D46 sqlnet ora 8'4 Sep %7 %4D46 listener ora 236 Sep '( %4D(% samples

drw>r/>/// 2 oras%% d.a 7i listener ora DYs?&2(_64?%(2_64?1 p%38%'dtp2%&Doras%%G lsnr*tl stop

Stop 8istener pro*ess

8S$R)58 #or "BM?A"E R"S) System?6(((D 7ersion & 2 ( 7 ( / Produ*tion on '(/S6P/2((& %4D'4D(' )opyri1ht B*C %&&%A 2((2A ,ra*le )orporation All ri1hts reser-ed )onne*tin1 to BADDR6SSQBPR,5,),8Q"P)CB=64QS%% H,R8DCC 5he *ommand *ompleted su**ess#ully


)han1in1 orata. entry

Display ?et*?orata. #ile *:/oracle/S01/920_64:N # *:/oracle/S11/920_64:N *:/oracle/S11/920_64:N )han1e hi1hli1hted entry to # *:/oracle/S01/920_64:N # *:/oracle/S01/920_64:N *:/oracle/S01/920_64:N # *:/oracle/S11/920_64:N

www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e %8 o# '7

S11:/oracle/S11/920_64:N 4%

Start up1rade assistan*e throu1h E windows Ma+e sure all the en-ironmental -aria.les are *orre*tly set .e#ore startin1 the up1rade assistan*e


<o to K,RA)86_H,M6?.in and start usin1 ?

www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e %& o# '7


Sele*t S%% "# don@t #ind entry here then *he*+ the orata. #ile a1ain

www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e 2( o# '7


)li*+ 4es 5his will .e ta+en *are durin1 post/pro*essin1


Do not mo-e data.ase #iles

www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e 2% o# '7


)reate dire*tory #or S4SA0E ta.lespa*e p15813dtp219:oras11> mkdir s sa!"_1 Sele*t Reuse 6>istin1 :ile $ame 6nter %((( MB in Si;e Sele*t A05,6E56$D ,$ 6nter %(( MB in "n*rement 6nter 2((( MB in Ma>imum Si;e


$o )han1esA *li*+ $e>t

www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e 22 o# '7


Ba*+up already *ompleted


Desele*t )on#i1ure the Data.ase with 6nterprise Mana1er

www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e 2' o# '7


Desele*t :lash Re*o-ery Area


0p1rade Summery

www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e 24 o# '7





www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e 23 o# '7


0p1rade start


0p1rade *ompleted

www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e 26 o# '7


0p1rade results


)li*+ on *on#i1ure Data.ase passwords and ma+e note o# these s*reens

www :ullinter-iew *om

Pa1e 27 o# '7



&o(t'*!grade Acti+itie(
End "ate and Ti%e 4 Pa1e 28 o# '7 www :ullinter-iew *om

Start "ate and Ti%e 4

No 6(




O $ n e r

" r atio n

Stat (

Per#orm #or oras%% and s%%adm users 5a+e *opy o# d.en- #iles p%38%'dtp2%&Ds%%admG *p /p d.en-_p%38%'dtp2%& sh d.en-_p%38%'dtp2%& sh '(Sep2((& p%38%'dtp2%&Ds%%admG *p /p d.en-_p%38%'dtp2%& *sh d.en-_p%38%'dtp2%& *sh '(Sep2(( Ma+e sure the #ollowin1 en-ironment -aria.les are not setD :inali;e en-ironmental -aria.les 5H,_5AS= ,RA_$8S ,RA_$8S'2 ,RA_$8S'' Rename o**urren*es o# &2(_64 to %(2_64 with *ommand in -i Ys?&2(_64?%(2_64?1 Set ,RA_$8S%(QK,RA)86_H,M6?nls?data


)he*+in1 up1raded data.ase

% SL8G sele*t -ersion #rom -Kinstan*eS 76RS",$ ///////////////// %( 2 ( 4 ( 2 *he*+ release and status SL8G sele*t *omp_idA -ersionA status #rom d.a_re1istryS ),MP_"D 76RS",$ S5A50S

////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// www :ullinter-iew *om Pa1e 2& o# '7

)A5A8,< )A5PR,)

%( 2 ( 4 ( %( 2 ( 4 (

7A8"D 7A8"D

' p%38%'dtp2%&Doras%%G *d K,RA)86_H,M6?assistants?*?help? p%38%'dtp2%&Doras%%G ls /lrtZ1rep De#ault /rw/r//r// % oras%% d.a 7'%6 $o- %& 2((' De#aultBeha-ior)han1esin%(1 html

4 p%38%'dtp2%&Doras%%G ls /lrt Z1rep sp#ile 62 6' 0p1rade .rtools to 7 (( /rw/r///// % oras%% d.a 46(8 Sep '( %3D4% sp#ileS%% ora 0p1rade .rtools -ersion to 7 (( i# it is not )opy .rtools pro#ile #ile initS%% sap to new K,RA)86_H,M6?d.s p%38%'dtp2%&Doras%%G *p /p ?ora*le?S%%?&2(_64?d.s?initS%% sap ?ora*le?S%%?%(2_64?d.s p%38%'dtp2%&Doras%%G sqlplus ?nolo1 Msapd.a_role P%% SL8OPlusD Release %( 2 ( 4 ( / Produ*tion on Hed Sep '( %6D2&D(3 2((& Run sapd.a_role sql )opyri1ht B*C %&82A 2((7A ,ra*le All Ri1hts Reser-ed Dis*onne*ted #rom ,ra*le Data.ase %(1 6nterprise 6dition Release %( 2 ( 4 ( / Produ*tion Hith the Partitionin1A Data Minin1 and Real Appli*ation 5estin1 options 64 Alter data.ase parameters SL8G alter system set *ompati.leQR%( 2 (R s*ope Q sp#ileS System altered Set lo1_ar*hi-e_#ormatQS%%ar*hYt_YsYr ar* Restart the data.ase so that *han1es ta+es into e##e*t 63 66 6>e*ute the *ommands 67 "denti#y the o.9e*ts whi*h are "$7A8"D )olle*t system and ora*le di*tionary statisti*s .r*onne*t /u ? /* /# stats /t system_statsS .r*onne*t /u ? /* /# stats /t oradi*t_statsS SL8G e>e* d.ms_s*heduler disa.leBR<A5H6R_S5A5S_P,BRCS SL8G e>e* d.ms_s*heduler disa.leBR,RA)86_,)M M<M5_),$:"<_P,BRCS SL8G e>e* d.ms_s*heduler disa.leBR,RA)86_,)M M<M5_S5A5S_),$:"<_P,BRCS SL8G MT? sqlS Pa1e '( o# '7

www :ullinter-iew *om

SL8G spool ?tmp?in-alid_post lo1 SL8G sele*t *ountBOC #rom d.a_o.9e*ts where status Q R"$7A8"DRS SL8G sele*t su.strBownerA%A%2C ownerA su.strBo.9e*t_nameA%A'(C o.9e*tA su.strBo.9e*t_typeA%A'(C typeA status #rom d.a_o.9e*ts where status FGR7A8"DR order .y ownerS a#ter up1rade SL8G spool o##S SL8G sele*t *ountBOC #rom d.a_o.9e*ts where status Q R"$7A8"DRS ),0$5BOC ////////// '%8 68 SL8G alter system reset d._#ile_multi.lo*+_read_*ount s*opeQsp#ile sidQRORS System altered SL8G alter system reset ,P5"M"!6R_"$D6E_),S5_ADP s*opeQsp#ile sidQRORS alter system reset ,P5"M"!6R_"$D6E_),S5_ADP s*opeQsp#ile sidQROR O Parameter *han1es 5une the parameters as per SAP $ote 8'(376 6RR,R at line %D ,RA/'2(%(D *annot #ind entry to delete in SP:"86 SL8G alter system reset ,P5"M"!6R_M,D6 s*opeQsp#ile sidQRORS System altered SL8G alter system set shared_pool_si;e Q 4(((((((( s*opeQsp#ileS System altered 6& Disa.le ora*le re*y*le .in SL8G pur1e d.a_re*y*le.inS Pa1e '% o# '7

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DBA Re*y* pur1ed SL8G alter system set re*y* Q Ro##R s*ope Q sp#ileS System altered 7( SL8G S5AR50P 0P<RAD6 SL8G SP,,8 ?tmp?pat*h lo1 SL8G MT?*atup1rd sql SL8G SP,,8 ,:: Run *atup1rd sql Re-iew the pat*h lo1 #ile #or errors and inspe*t the list o# *omponents that is displayed at the end o# *atup1rd sql s*ript 5his list pro-ides the -ersion and status o# ea*h S6R76R *omponent in the data.ase "# ne*essaryA rerun the *atup1rd sql s*ript a#ter *orre*tin1 any pro.lems 7% SL8G shutdown immediateS Data.ase *losed Data.ase dismounted ,RA)86 instan*e shut down SL8G startupS ,RA)86 instan*e started Restart the data.ase normally 5otal System < Area 468(84'264 .ytes :i>ed Si;e 7aria.le Si;e Data.ase Bu##ers Redo Bu##ers Data.ase mounted Data.ase opened www :ullinter-iew *om Pa1e '2 o# '7 2(&(28( .ytes 46&764824 .ytes 4%&4'(4((( .ytes %4684%6( .ytes


SL8G M?ora*le?sta1e?%(2_64?data.ase?Dis+%?SAP?updDBS5A5)%( sql )onne*ted sqls*ript #or updatin1 ta.le DBS5A5) #or ,ra*le %( support <ather statisti*s #or SAP s*hemas pro*essin1D SAPP%% DBS5A5) su**ess#ully *han1ed all a.o-e listed DBS5A5) ta.les Dis*onne*ted #rom ,ra*le Data.ase %(1 6nterprise 6dition Release %( 2 ( 4 ( / Produ*tion Hith the Partitionin1A Data Minin1 and Real Appli*ation 5estin1 options

7' 0pdate DB)H6)=,RA *ontrol ta.le 74 73 76 )olle*t update statisti*s Start listener pro*ess )opy d.orasli. o #ile to ?sapmnt?S%%?e>e #rom the SAR #ile downloaded in pre/ steps Renamin1 old ,ra*le Home dire*tory

p%38%'dtp2%&Doras%%G *d ?ora*le?sta1e?%(2_64?data.ase?Dis+%?SAP p%38%'dtp2%&Doras%%G sqlplus SAPP%%?Mi1rat%(n Md.*he*+ora%(_olap sql .r*onne*t /* /u ? /# stats /t all N# *olle*t /p 4

)han1e permissions o# the #ile to oras%% d.a p%38%'dtp2%&Doras%%G m- .in .in old p%38%'dtp2%&Doras%%G pwd ?ora*le?S%%?&2(_64 )han1e en-ironmental -aria.les in )" host #or ora*le %(1 *lient Ma+e sure R'trans Nd #inishes su**ess#ully



Post up1rade steps to .rin1 SAP

p%38%2dtp2%7Ds%%admG R'trans /d 5his is R'trans -ersion 6 (& Brelease 64( / 26 %( (4 / %3D43D42C R'trans #inished B((((C


Start SAP appli*ation

p%38%2dtp2%7Ds%%admG startsap )he*+in1 S%% Data.ase //////////////////////////////

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Pa1e '' o# '7

ABAP Data.ase is runnin1 )he*+in1 S%% Data.ase ////////////////////////////// Startin1 SAP/)olle*tor Daemon ////////////////////////////// %(D(8D%% (% %( 2((& 8,<D 6##e*ti-e 0ser "d is root OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O 5his is Sapos*ol 7ersion ),88 2( 87 64( / A"E -4 2( 38/64 .it (4('(& O 0sa1eD sapos*ol /lD Start ,S )olle*tor O O O sapos*ol /+D Stop ,S )olle*tor sapos*ol /dD ,S )olle*tor Dialo1 Mode sapos*ol /sD ,S )olle*tor Status

O 5he ,S )olle*tor BP"D 4&27624C is already runnin1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sapos*ol already runnin1 Startin1 SAP "nstan*e D76BM<S%% ////////////////////////////// Startup/8o1 is written to ?home?s%%adm?startsap_D76BM<S%% lo1 "nstan*e on host p%38%2dtp2%7 started "<S on host p%38%2dtp2%7 started 8( )he*+ ora*le -ersion throu1h S5(4 8%

Disa.le Data.ase user lo*+in1 #or #ailed

SL8G A856R PR,:"86 D6:A085 8"M"5 :A"86D_8,<"$_A556MP5S 0$8"M"56DS Pa1e '4 o# '7

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lo1ins 82 Data.ase .a*+up a#ter 0p1rade

Pro#ile altered

Tro ble(-ooting
Start "ate and Ti%e 4 No S1(te% Ta(2 Note( End "ate and Ti%e 4 O " ra $ tion n e r Stat (

84 &roble%4 Data.ase "nstallation warnin1 .e*ause ,RA)86_H,M6 was not empty "t *ontains lostX#ound dire*tory Sol tion 4 )ontinue with the installation &reca tion4


&roble% 4 0p1rade #ailed .e*ause oras%% does not ha-e permissions to ?ora*le dire*tory Sol tion4 )han1e permissions to ?ora*le Ip%38%'dtp2%&J?K *hmod 1Xw ?ora*le &reca tion4 )he*+ permissions to the #ile systems .e#ore startin1 ora*le up1rade

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Pa1e '3 o# '7


&roble%4 Data.ase startup #ailed .e*ause it *ould not re*o1ni;e the old lo1_ar*hi-e_#ormat parameter Sol tion4 Set the parameter to S%%ar*hYt_Ys Yr ar* in p#ile Rename sp#ile so that data.ase starts with p#ile )reate sp#ile #rom p#ile SL8G *reate sp#ile #rom p#ileS :ile *reated Restart the data.ase &reca tion4 Set the parameter .e#ore .rin1in1 down the data.ase

SL8G startupS ,RA/%&&(3D lo1_ar*hi-e_#ormat must *ontain YsA Yt and Yr

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Pa1e '6 o# '7

87 &roble%4 Data.ase installation not a.le to *opy #ile .e*ause o# the runnin1 pro1ram Sol tion4 Run sli.*lean as user root on the ser-er and try a1ain 5ry remo-in1 the pro*esses runnin1 as orasid user and try a1ain Do not i1nore3 &reca tion4 Run sli.*lean as root .e#ore stratin1 data.ase installation

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Pa1e '7 o# '7

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