CT Laborers

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Section B.

Additional Pase
trTI lr\Irl r.tlIF NATF

54u #, "*i J-', /'l o, u , "/o -ta -Jc6 ?'

B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals
LPI''Ime Rq MI PrincioalOccuoatim^ / ,/ Amount of
I ad4F ( os.u,.- S; l1'- *u^;,/otte-J Contribution
';;"n;"ii:--,,)o 'oZ.rL, ;tate ,rP LOOe Namr oTEmplo

Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse,

^, ?, fl Yes
-tf* 06vt*
excess of$400 to a candidate committee for a chiefexecutive offtcer ofa
Ifcontribution is in
or dependent child of a lobbyist? .E No municipality does contributor or business he,/she is associated with have a conkact with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? il yes fl No
Is this contribution associated with a $ ves Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state confactor? fl Yes
fundraisins event iisted in Section Ll? E lto fyes, indicate which branch or branches []No
rfr^-ii'IE** # b g- t'l -c f ofgovemmentthecontractiswith: flExecutive Ekgislative
AggreSate conmounons
Date Reqved
Method of contribution:
! c^ft ! Personal Check I Credit/Debit Card fl Payroll Deduction fl Money Order cq-1,{-uq /?c,ca
Lay:\Tme Fist MI Prircipal Occupatim Amount of
/ Contribution
I 1) sa<c,,) r f,rourS
.lty^ / itate 4p Code Nane

)":r':HIJ#*s,l l./c-,'b ,r 17- 6G4rf

Is confibutora lobbyist, spoue, I Yes ff *n!iU"tio"'ir in excess of $400 to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? ENo municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract v/ith said
municipali8 valued at more than $5,000? [ Yes fl No I u,u"
Is this contribution associated with a .4 Y* Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective strate contractor? fl Yes
fundraising event listed in Section Ll? fl No {ryes, indicate which branch or branches []No
fYes, listEvent# D?-Ao 'aq oi-govemment the contract is Executive D Legislative
with: E
DateRcdved Aggregate conmbuaots
Method of contribution:
fl Cash { rersonal Check U Credit/Debit Card I Payroll Deduction D Money Order ctr-2e-e?
L6rNalne I tmt I
I MI Principal Occupanon Amount of
(: l"^* 1tn,,* -15 ,r-t- bar"^ -
R*idential Ste€t Address itate arp Lwg NAneifEnS
li Lr-"- 1o^e- Y,, !, lJ","k T /Lvw
Is contributor/a lobbyis! spouse, E Yes ffi a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
or dependent child ofa lobbyist? DNo municipality does contribr.rtor or business helshe is associated with have a contract with said
municipali8 valued at more than $5,000? fl Yes fl No / a.or
Is this contribution associated with a .ts vo Is contribulor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective statd contractof D Yes
fundraising event listed in Section Ll? fl No fyes, rrdicate which branch or branches ENo
fyer, listEvent# 8*-Aa 'a? oigouemme.tt the contract is with: E Executive E legislative
Dale Received Aggregate contnDuuods
Method of co4tribution:
Castr fl
Personal Check fl Creditfpebit Card D Payroll Huction fl Money Order A ?-l'l- a r' ?a 'w
Last ry?+e Fi6t MI Prilcipal Occupation Amount of
( \,r,^ t
J" Bn".lo..-- Contribution
lesidmtipl Strwt Ad4Hs
I :r

rt /-/-c,,e-'t I'o,.e Sa",J- fJ*,

is coniibutor6 lobbyist, spouse, tr Yes lfJ"n ioi it i" &cess of $400 to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer of a
or dependent child ofa lobbYist? n No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued d more than $5,00O? E yes E No J5;""
Is this contribution associated with a fil Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractot? E Yes
lundraisine event listed in Section Ll ? INo fyes, indicate which branch or branches ilNo
fyes. Iisi Event # b-9- -2-Lrt ofgovemmentthecontractiswith: IExecutive [JLegislative
Aggregate contnbunons
Date Received
Method of contribution:
D Casn K Personal Check D Credit/Debitcard E Payoll Deduction I Money Order ,q-tv-d? ?5,o
o# Pnncipalryggg* Amount of
?'f7 "
{esrdennal street Aoorss
n', ?, /, /, , " / L
lrtv l,
u ,, * (4. ':;"e - t' )
, ,t itate 1io

Code lNane of
J rXtt)tti<

'a 3 oo. (i<.le kr:>t #tre " lr cttU 1,rL.tr,.i,\ 71,'t.,".1 f-et.1.,e-
Is contributor a lobbyist, spouse, E Yes If contribution is in excess of $400 to a candidate committee for a chief executive officer ola
ordependentchildofalobbyist? fl No municipality does contributor or business he/she is associated with have a contract with said
municipality valued at more than $5,000? fl Yes E *o i o oo,'o
Is this contribution associated with a D Yes Is contributor a principal ofa state contractor or prospective state contractor? E Yes
fundraising event listed in Section Ll? {No I/yes, indicate r**rich branch or branches ENo
Ifyes,listBvent# _ o-f govemment the contract is with: ! Executive f1 trcgislative
Date Received Aggregate contribfiions
Method of contribution:
D Castr p personal Check E Credit/Debit Card fl Payrolt Huction fl Money Order a8-21 "a?
SLBTOTAL Section B-This Page 5)'n

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