Natural Lighting & Passive Solar Design

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Full Name : Quah Qiu Yu
Student ID : ALFA2013-0065
Class : AR13B
Lecturer Name : Mr Wan Mohd Fakhzan Wan Zakaria
Submission Date : 5
March 2014



1.0 Introduction.3
2.0 Natural Lighting..4
3.0 Passive Solar Design....9
4.0 Case Study.14
5.0 Conclusion.19
6.0 References.20


The Sun is Earth's primary source of energy. The only other source of energy
the Earth has the fissionable materials generated by the cataclysmic death of
another star. These fissionable materials trapped in the Earth's crust is what
gives rise to geothermal energy, which drives the volcanism on Earth while
also making it possible for mankind to fuel nuclear reactors. The solar
constant is the amount of power that the Sun deposits per unit area that is
directly exposed to sunlight. The solar constant is equal to approximately
1368 W/m2 (watts per square meter) at a distance of one astronomical unit
(AU) from the Sun (that is, on or near Earth). Sunlight at the top of Earth's
atmosphere is composed (by total energy) of about 50% infrared light, 40%
visible light, and 10% ultraviolet light.

In building, the Sun is a source of free, plentiful light, and daylighting -
the method of lighting building interiors with sunlight and diffuse skylight - is
an effort to reap ths bounty. The use of advanced daylighting technologies,
such as light pipes, active skylights, and improved windows and etc, may
increase the amount of daylight available inside buildings.



2.1 Definition of Natural Lighting
Natural lighting or daylighting refers to the admittance of light from the sky into
internal spaces and is a key factor in the design of energy efficient buildings.
Properly used, it can result in substantial energy savings by reducing the need
for artificial lighting.

2.2 Daylighting Elements
i. Windows
ii. Light shelves
iii. Skylight


2.2.1 Windows
Windows are the most common way to admit daylight into a space.
Their vertical orientation means that they selectively admit sunlight and
diffuse daylight at different times of the day and year. Therefore
windows on multiple orientations must usually be combined to produce
the right mix of light for the building, depending on the climate and
latitude. There are three ways to improve the amount of light available
from a window:
Placing the window close to a light coloured wall.
Slanting the sides of window openings so the inner opening is
larger than the outer opening.
Using a large light coloured window-sill to project light into the

Different types and grades of glass and different window treatments
can also affect the amount of light transmission through the windows.


2.2.2 Light Shelves
A light shelf is a horizontal light-reflecting overhang placed above eye-
level with a transom window placed above it.

This design, which is most effective on southern orientations, improves
daylight penetration, creates shading near the window, and helps
reduce window glare.


Exterior shelves are generally more effective shading devices than
interior shelves. A combination of exterior and interior shelves will work
best in providing an even illumination gradient.
Reduce the need for artificial lighting in buildings.
Can reflect light deeper into a space
Light shelves may not be suitable for all climates.
Require a higher than average floor-to-ceiling heights in order
for them to be effective, or daylight may be inadvertently
redirected into occupants' eyes.
The distance into a space that light is cast is variable depending
on both the time of day and the time of year.

Light shelves are typically
used in high-rise and low-rise
office buildings, as well as
institutional buildings.

2.2.3 Skylight
A skylight is a structure that allows light on the roof to travel to the
interior of a building. Skylights are particularly useful in spaces that do
not receive much natural daylight. For example, walk-in-robes,
hallways and rooms next to patios or verandahs.
Uses include:
daylighting elements used to allow direct and/or indirect sunlight,
via toplighting.
providing a visual connection to the outdoor environment to
interior occupants.
sustainable building passive solar heating, and with operable
units; ventilation for passive cooling and fresh air exchange.
Less electical lighting use.
Smaller sized window glazing (sidelighting).
Saving energy.
Lowering costs.
Reducing environmental impacts.



3.1 Definition of Passive Solar Design
Passive solar design refers to the use of the suns energy for the heating and
cooling of living spaces. In this approach, the building itself or some element
of it takes advantage of natural energy characteristics in materials and air
created by exposure to the sun.
The basic idea of passive design is to allow in daylight, heat and airflow only
when they are most beneficial, and to exclude them when they are not. This
includes the storage of ambient energies where possible, for distribution later
when there may be greater need.

3.2 Major Principles of Passive Solar Design
Good passive design for thermal comfort is based on the following six major
ORIENTATION of frequently used areas towards the equator (north in
the southern hemisphere, south in the the northern hemisphere), to
allow maximum sunshine when it is needed for warmth, and to more
easily exclude the sun's heat when it is not.
GLAZING used to trap the sun's warmth inside a space when it is
needed, with adequate shading and protection of the building from
unwanted heat gain or heat loss.
THERMAL MASS to store the heat from the sun when required, and
provide a heat sink when the need is for cooling.
INSULATION to reduce unwanted heat losses or heat gains through
the roof, walls, doors, windows and floors.
VENTILATION to provide fresh air and capture cooling breezes.
ZONING of internal spaces to allow different thermal requirements to
be compartmentalised when required.

3.3 Passive Solar Energy Configurations
There are three approaches to passive systems:
i. Direct solar gain
ii. Indirect solar gain
iii. Isolated solar gain
The goal of all passive solar heating systems is to capture the suns heat
within the buildings elements and release that heat during periods when the
sun is not shining. At the same time that the buildings elements (or materials)
is absorbing heat for later use, solar heat is available for keeping the space
comfortable (not overheated).

Passive Solar System


3.3.1 Direct Solar Gain
In this system, the actual living space is a solar collector, heat absorber
and distribution system. South facing glass admits solar energy into the
house where it strikes directly and indirectly thermal mass materials in
the house such as masonry floors and walls. The direct gain system
will utilize 60 75% of the suns energy striking the windows.

Thermal mass in the interior absorbs the sunlight and radiates the heat at night.

In a direct gain system, the thermal mass floors and walls are
functional parts of the house. It is also possible to use water containers
inside the house to store heat. However, it is more difficult to integrate
water storage containers in the design of the house.
The thermal mass will temper the intensity of the heat during the day
by absorbing the heat. At night, the thermal mass radiates heat into the
living space.

3.3.2 Indirect Solar Gain

Indirect gain attempts to control solar radiation reaching an area
adjacent but not part of the living space. Heat enters the building
through windows and is captured and stored in thermal mass (e.g.
water tank, masonry wall) and slowly transmitted indirectly to the
building through conduction and convection.

3.3.2 Isolated Solar Gain
An isolated gain system has its integral parts separate from the main
living area of a house. Examples are a sunroom and a convective loop
through an air collector to a storage system in the house. The ability to
isolate the system from the primary living areas is the point of
distinction for this type of system.
Sunrooms (or solar greenhouses) employ a combination of direct gain
and indirect gain system features. Sunlight entering the sunroom is
retained in the thermal mass and air of the room. Sunlight is brought
into the house by means of conduction through a shared mass wall in
the rear of the sunroom, or by vents that permit the air between the
sunroom and living space to be exchanged by convection.

Day and Night Operation of a Sunroom Isolated Gain System

The sunroom has some advantages as an isolated gain approach in that it can
provide additional usable space to the house and plants can be grown in it quite

Summarize diagram of (from left) Direct Gain, Indirect Gain, Isolated Gain



Pusat Tenaga Malaysias Zero Energy Office

Project Name : Malaysia Energy Centre: Zero Energy Office
Location : Section 9, Bandar Baru Bangi, Bangi, Selangor
Completion : July 2007
Site Area : 2 hectares
Client/Owner : Malaysia Energy Centre (Pusat Tenaga Malaysia-PTM)
Architecture Firm : Ruslan Khalid Associates
Principal Architect : Professor Dato Ruslan Khalid
Project Manager : KLCC Projecks
Main Contractor : Putra Perdana Construction Sdn Bhd

Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (Malaysia Energy Centre), previously known as ZEO (Zero
Energy Office) Building is officially Malaysias first Green Building Index (GBI)
Certified Building. Now known as GEO (Green Energy Office) Building, it is the first
completely self-sustainable building in Southeast Asia and also Malaysias first
completed green-rated office building.
While buildings play a fundamental role in providing the recreational and work
structures that people work, play and live in, it is also impossible to ignore the
negative effects they can have, especially when a sustained amount of massive
energy is needed to power them. PTMs ZEO rises to the occasion by capitalising on
energy efficient measures implemented through various facets of the overall design.
Construction work on the building started in March 2006, which was followed by the
successful installation and commission of the four solar building integrated
photovoltaic (BIPV) systems in June 2007, leading to the completion of PTMs ZEO
in October last year.
Spread over a 5-acre site in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor,the building, located 40
kilometres south of the city centre of Kuala Lumpur, operates on the dynamic of both
passive and active techiques and on-site renewable energy generation, as
exemplified in the solar BIPV system.


The building incorporates features utilising passive techniques as well as orientation
and vegetation, balanced with active features seen in efficient lighting systems, floor
slab cooling, double-glazed windows as well as a thermal wall at its east- and west-
facing facades.
Utilizing extensive energy efficiency strategies along with clean renewable energy
generation technologies, the building will have no on-going energy related cost.
This is achieved through the incorporation of many energy efficiency and renewable
energy producing technologies and strategies. Highlights of energy savings efforts
Double-pane windows reduce heat gain but provide natural light.
Energy efficient building envelope.
Daylighting with integrated blinds and light shelves.
High efficiency pumps and fans.
Desiccant heat wheel dehumidification.
Energy efficient office equipment.
Concrete slab thermal cooling and storage.
Wet/ trickling water night cooling roof.
Phase change thermal storage.
These efforts result in 85% reduction in energy consumption as conventional
Malaysian office building.
Renewable energy production technologies include:
Solar photovoltaic panels.


Light Shelves System in ZEO building.


Skylight Roof


To conclude, I have gained wider knowledge about the natural lighting and
passive solar design after accomplishing this assignment. Good lighting is
essential to a building. Natural lighting or daylight needs to be considered at
the outset of designing a building as daylighting strategies and architectural
design strategies are inseparable. Daylight can not only replace artificial
lighting, reducing lighting energy use but also influence both heating and
cooling loads. Daylighting can cut lighting energy use in some buildings by up
to 80%. In addition to energy savings, daylighting generally improves
occupant satisfaction and comfort.
Architectural elements such as windows, skylights, light-shelves and
even the reflectivity of internal surfaces are very important factors in
daylighting design. So are external elements such as site obstructions and
applied shading devices. There are many other alternatives strategies and
technologies to encourage daylighting such as light reflectors, light tubes,
sawtooth roof, heliostats, smart glass, fiber-optic concrete wall, hybrid solar
lighting and solarium.
On the other hand, passive solar design uses non-invasive
technologies to maintain a buildings environment at a desired temperature
(based upon the suns daily and annual cycles) and thus reduce energy
consumption. For example, the amount of direct sunlight entering a building
can be reduces, and cooler interiors created, by making use of balconies with
deep overhangs.
Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to ALFA College and
lecturer, Mr. Wan for giving me the opportunity to do this assignment. Thank



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