ITULessonOne Introduction

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NAME _Amanda Bevers_

DATE ________________

TITLE OF LESSON: Introduction to the novel The House on Mango Street. Day one of our Immigration ITU unit. CURRICULUM AREA & GRADE LEVEL: English 2 10th grade DATE OF LESSON CA CONTENT STANDARD(S): ENG CC RI10.2 Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. CA ELD STANDARD(S) : Bridging 4. Adapting language choices Adjust language choices according to the task (e.g., group presentation of research project), context (e.g., classroom, community), purpose (e.g., to persuade, to provide arguments or counter arguments), and audience (e.g., peers, teachers, college recruiter) (Found Poem Lesson). 1. Exchanging information/ideas Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions, sustaining conversations on a variety of age and grade appropriate academic topics by following turn taking rules, asking and answering relevant, on topic questions, affirming others, and providing coherent and well articulated comments and additional information (Lit Circle Groups). BIG IDEA ADDRESSED/ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: Why this material is important to teach; how it fits in with the unit or theme: In this unit on immigration students will learn more about the immigrant Mexican-American community through engagement with the short novel The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros a member of the Mexican- American community with strong ties to the immigrant community. By reading the text students will learn about the lives and struggles of this community and will develop empathy for this important group in our society. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Who are immigrants? Can immigrants become members of their new communities while still retaining their sense of self and culture? What struggles do immigrants face? OBJECTIVE(S) OR LEARNING GOAL(S) - choose one Cognitive Affective Students will be introduced to the unit and the novel being covered over the next few weeks. After introduction and first reading/listening of the novel students will be able to start their first rotations of lite circle groups and

complete their group work. ASSESSMENT(S) - choose one Diagnostic: Short answer pretest asking students to answer what their understandings of immigration and immigrant struggles are by answering the essential questions of the unit in 2-3 sentences. This will help me identify each students mastery of the enduring understandings and objectives of this unit. Formative - progress-monitoring On-Going: Completed lit circle group work from each student. PREDICTION OF LIKELY DIFFICULTIES STUDENTS MAY ENCOUNTER WITH THIS MATERIAL possible misconceptions or assumptions: The lit circle group work is an already established routine for these students they have practiced this group model with a previous novel and are familiar with the roles and responsibilities. Some students may find difficulty with the more challenging roles like lit luminary and discussion director however their group members know to provide support for the students with these jobs plus I will be walking from group to group checking for understanding and providing assistance to students struggling with the work. INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: What the teacher does : Anticipatory Set (Into) I will show students a video trailer for Inocente a documentary about a young homeless immigrant girl. Instruction: 1. I show the trailer and have students write a short reflection on what they saw in the trailer. 2. I pull up the Immigration Unit Introduction Prezi presentation. The presentation introduces the unit and explains what novel and author they are covering during the unit. Reviews the lit circle group work. Explains the service learning activity and the collaboration with Mr. Jensens Social Studies class in the form of the public service announcement (PSA) video project and how they will be creating a script in this class to help them with making their videos in Mr. Jensens class. 3. After the introduction Prezi I pass out the class set of books for The House on Mango Street and we read and listen to the first couple of chapters of the novel. 4. After we read and listen to the novel I let students begin their lit circle group work and discussions. 5. I walk around the room and monitor student progress and check for understanding. Paying special attention to my special needs students. Closure/ Beyond: After students wrap up their group discussions and put their work in their folders I point to the essential questions and ask them to take a minute to think about how they would answer these questions now that they have a little more information. I give them a minute to think and then ask them to write down a short response to one of the essential questions on the board in their journals. STUDENT ACTIVITIES: What the students do

Instruction: 1. Students watch trailer and discuss what they learned from the short clip as a class. 2. Students watch and listen to my presentation and introduction to the novel and unit of study. 3. Students take a cursory look at the novel as it is passed out then together they read along with the audio for the novel. 4. After the reading students start working in their lit circle groups. Here is a quick view of the roles. Students have a more detailed description in their folders. Discussion Director-leads discussion. Summarizer- summarizes the reading. Lit luminary- draws attention to key points in the reading. Connector- brings up outside connections to things in the reading. Vocabulary Enricher- find and defines difficult or new words. Illustrator- draw a picture representing an aspect of the reading. 5. After finishing up group work students think about essential questions and choose one to respond to in their journals. INFO ABOUT ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS Student 1: readiness level: CELTD 3 Learning profile: Student 1 definitely has the most difficult time out of all the students of the class when it comes to reading and continually writes his small writing assignments poorly. Interests: Like being outdoors and enjoys social studies. ELD Proficiency Level: ELD Standard 5: Emerging Student 2-(LEP) Limited English Proficient. Readiness- Standards for this student should be at the emerging-bridging levels to help him practice and refine his skills so that he can reach full reclassification. Learning profile- Student 2 struggles with grammar, spelling, and writing in a formal style. He is shy at speaking in class but his speaking and listening skills are proficient. Interests- Surfing. DIFFERENTIATION FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS - choose area(s) as necessary based on information above Content - I will be chunking material for my ELL students to allow for easier content accessibility. Also the novel chosen in this unit connects to Mexican-American culture and language and will provide relevancy to my Mexican-American ELL students. Process - Flexibility grouping-I will be grouping my ELL students with higher level Spanish speakers to provide them with access to someone who can help them break down confusing or unclear instructions or content. Product - Products are varied based on multiple intelligences and allow for students to practice a varied number of skills. INFO ABOUT STUDENTS W/ SPECIAL NEEDS Student 3-(Autism) Readiness- Great listening skills, hard worker, not afraid to ask questions. Learning profile- Visual aids like graphic organizers for writing tasks are helpful. Breaking longer tasks into smaller parts is helpful. Needs extra time and alternate site for testing. Interests- Video games and drawing.

Student 4-(Learning disibility) Readiness- Good listener is polite. Needs some reminders to stay on task. Gets work done but sometimes needs assistance with clarifying directions. He wont often ask for help so I need to check with him frequently for understanding. Learning profile- Delays in visual processing and memory. Concentration issues. Special grouping is helpful. Needs extended time on tests and quizzes and access to alternate testing site. Interests- Soccer. DIFFERENTIATION FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS - choose area(s) as necessary based on information above Content -I will be chunking material. This is help Student 3 as he needs materials and tasks to be broken down into smaller more manageable parts to add in his comprehension. Process - Process activities are also chunked in order to break them down into manageable pieces for student 3. It also helps Student 4 keep track of what task he is on and what he needs to accomplish. Products are varied based on multiple intelligences and allow for students to practice a varied number of skills. RESOURCES: Attach materials needed to implement the lesson - e.g., power point presentation, text, graphic organize Immigration Unit and Novel Introductory Prezi Presentation Directions for Lit Circle Group Work Page One Directions for Lit Circle Group Work Page Two

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