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Original Article

Innate Immunity
2014, Vol. 20(2) 161–172

Neuronally-expressed Sarm1 regulates ! The Author(s) 2013

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expression of inflammatory and antiviral DOI: 10.1177/1753425913485877
cytokines in brains

Chia-Wen Lin1,2, Hsin-Yu Liu2,3, Chiung-Ya Chen1 and

Yi-Ping Hsueh1,2,3

Sarm1 is the fifth Toll/IL-1 receptor (TIR) domain-containing adaptor protein identified to regulate TLR downstream
signaling. Unlike the other TIR domain-containing adaptor proteins, Sarm1 is predominantly expressed in the brain. Our
previous study indicated that Sarm1 regulates dendritic growth, axonal extension and neuronal polarity. Here, we
investigated whether Sarm1 is involved in innate immunity in the brain. First, regional and cell-type distribution of
Sarm1 in mouse brains was revealed using double immunostaining. Sarm1 was widely distributed in different regions
of brains, including the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, cerebellum and midbrain. Moreover, Sarm1 is present in
both projection and inhibitory neurons, but, interestingly, not in microglial cells—the main immune cells in the brain.
These results suggest that Sarm1 is unlikely to regulate microglial activity in a cell-autonomous manner. However,
compared with wild type littermates, the RNA expression levels of several inflammatory and antiviral cytokines were
altered in the embryonic and adult brains of Sarm1 knockdown transgenic mice. These data imply that Sarm1 influences
cytokine expression in neurons. In conclusion, our findings suggest that Sarm1 regulates the innate immune responses of
the central nervous system through regulating the inflammatory and anti-virus cytokines produced by neurons.

Interferon, interleukin-6, Sarm1, TIR domain-containing adaptor protein, central nervous system
Date received: 1 November 2012; revised: 21 February 2013; 13 March 2013; accepted: 18 March 2013

(HEK) cells and PBMC.5 However, compared with

Introduction wild type mice, lower levels of TNF and reduced micro-
TLRs are the most well-studied type of pattern recog- glial activation were found in Sarm1-/- brainstems after
nition receptors. They are expressed in a variety of cells West Nile virus infection,6 suggesting that the function
in both vertebrates and invertebrates where they recog- of Sarm1 in neural innate immune response may not be
nize both pathogen- and damage-associated molecular simple down-regulation.
patterns to initiate innate immunity.1–3 TLRs mainly Although Sarm1 was originally studied with respect
interact with Toll/IL-1 receptor (TIR) domain-contain- to innate immunity, it is predominantly expressed in the
ing adaptors, such as Myd88, Myd88-adaptor-like
(Mal), TIR-domain-containing adapter-inducing inter-
feron-b (TRIF) and TRIF-related adaptor molecule 1
Molecular Cell Biology, Taiwan International Graduate Program, Institute
(TRAM) through cytoplasmic TIR domains to activate
of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, and Graduate Institute of Life
the downstream signaling pathways.1–4 Sterile alpha Sciences, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan
and HEAT/Armadillo motif containing 1 (Sarm1) 2
Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
was the fifth TIR domain-containing adaptor to be dis- Graduate Institute of Life Sciences, National Defense Medical Center,
covered;4 however, the function of Sarm1 in innate Taipei, Taiwan
immune response remains uncertain. Sarm1 was origin-
Corresponding author:
ally shown to down-regulate TRIF-dependent TLR3 Yi-Ping Hsueh, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, 128, Sec 2,
and TLR4 signaling, and attenuate the expression of Academia Rd, Nankang, Taipei, 11529, Taiwan.
TNF-a, IL-8 and CCL5 in human embryonic kidney Email:
162 Innate Immunity 20(2)

brain.7,8 In Caenorhabditis elegans, Sarm1/tir-1 has Transduction Laboratories, Taipei, Taiwan); and
been shown to regulate left–right asymmetric expres- HRP-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG Ab (NA931;
sion of odorant receptor genes in olfactory neurons.9 GE Healthcare, Taipei, Taiwan); mouse monoclonal
And, in mammals, Sarm1 has been shown to play mul- anti-Sarm1 was generated as described.8
tiple roles in controlling neuronal morphology.8 Using
cultured hippocampal neurons, we recently demon-
strated that Sarm1 interacts with transmembrane
heparan sulfate proteoglycan syndecan-2 and mediates Adult B6 mice (8 wk old) were anesthetized and trans-
the function of syndecan-2 to control dendritic arbor- cardially perfused first with PBS and then 4%
ization.8 In addition, Sarm1 also regulates axonal paraformaldehyde (PFA) in PBS. After removing the
extension and the establishment of neuronal polarity.8 skull, the brains were post-fixed in 4% PFA at 4 C for
The function of Sarm1 in neuronal morphology is likely 12–15 h (overnight). Vibratome slices (50 mm) were per-
through the MKK4-JNK pathway, which influences meabilized with 0.3% Triton X-100 in PBS for 10 min
microtubule stability and controls neuronal morph- at 23–25 C (room temperature). For blocking, slices
ology.8 In addition to neuronal morphogenesis, were incubated in a solution containing 3% horse
Sarm1 is also required for the injury-induced axon serum, 2% BSA and 0.3% Triton X-100 in PBS for
death pathway in both flies and rodents.10 All these 2 h at room temperature with gentle shaking. Primary
studies indicate that Sarm1 is crucial for the regulation Abs were diluted in the blocking solution and incubated
of neuronal morphology. with brain slices for 2 days at 4 C with gentle shaking.
Our previous study demonstrated that Sarm1 is After washing out excess Abs, secondary Abs conju-
expressed in neurons.8 However, the anatomic distribu- gated with Alexa 488 and 555 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad,
tion of Sarm1 in the brain has not yet been analyzed in CA, USA) and DAPI were incubated with the slices
detail. To further explore the function of Sarm1 in the for 2 h at room temperature on a shaker. After washing,
brain, here we investigated the cell-type expression pat- slices were mounted onto glass slides and soaked in
terns and regional expression patterns of Sarm1 in Vectashield Mounting Medium (H-1000; Vector
mouse brain using double fluorescence immunostain- Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA) for imaging.
ing. We found that Sarm1 is widely distributed in dif- For fetal brain staining, whole embryos at E14.5 were
ferent brain regions and expressed in a variety of washed with PBS and fixed in 4% PFA for 2.5 h at 4 C.
neurons, but notably not in microglia. However, After washing in PBS, the embryos were rotated in 30%
knockdown of Sarm1 altered expression of several sucrose at 4 C overnight. After OCT embedding and
cytokines in the brain suggesting that Sarm1 also regu- cryosectioning (20 mm), sections were blocked with 5%
lates inflammatory and anti-virus cytokine expression horse serum and 0.2% Triton X-100 in PBS for 30 min
in the brain. In view of these results, microglial cells are with gentle shaking. Primary Abs were diluted in block-
unlikely to be directly affected by Sarm1. A more likely ing solution and incubated overnight at 4 C. Secondary
scenario is that Sarm1 directly regulates cytokine Abs were incubated as described for adult brain sec-
expression in neurons to contribute to innate immunity tions. Images were acquired using a confocal micro-
in the brain. scope (LSM700, Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany),
and Zen2009 (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany)
acquisition and analysis software. All samples were
Materials and methods imaged at 20–22 C. For publication, images were pro-
cessed using Photoshop (Adobe, Taipei, Taiwan) with
Abs minimal adjustment of brightness or contrast to the
The primary Abs used for immunohistochemistry and entire images.
immunoblotting were as follows: rabbit monoclonal
anti-CaMKII (EP1829Y; Abcam, Cambridge, MA,
USA); rat monoclonal anti-CD11b (M1/70; Abcam,
Cambridge, MA, USA); rabbit polyclonal anti-
Western blot analysis
GAD65/67 (AB1511; Millipore, Taipei, Taiwan); Whole brains of adult mice were homogenized with a
rabbit monoclonal anti-calbindin (C12D26; Cell glass pestle in PBS-based lysis buffer containing 1 mM
Signaling, Danvers, MA, USA); rabbit polyclonal EDTA, 10 mM b-glycerol phosphate, 1 mg/ml leupep-
anti-tyrosine hydroxylase (H-196; Santa Cruz, Dallas, tin, 1 mg/ml aprotinin, 1 mM PMSF and 20 mM NaF.
TX, USA); rabbit polyclonal anti-Iba1(019-19741; After quantification, equal amounts of brain lysates
Wako Chemicals, Osaka, Japan); rabbit polyclonal were boiled with sample buffer containing 100 mM
anti-IL6 (AAM15G; AbD Serotec, Raleigh, NC, 2-mercaptoethanol at 95 C for 5 min. For microglia
USA); rabbit polyclonal anti-IFNb (ab140211; lysate, BV2 cells seeded in 6-well plates were
Abcam, Cambridge, MA, USA); mouse anti-valosin- treated with LPS (InvivoGen, San Diego, CA, USA)
containing protein (VCP) Ab (612183; BD at concentrations of 5 or 10 mg/ml for 24 h and
Lin et al. 163

harvested for immunoblotting. Ten micrograms of total TCCCCAAGATCCAG and Dnmt1-R: CGGAACTA
lysate was separated by 10% SDS-PAGE and then GGTGAAGTTTCAAAAA with UPL Probe#2;
transferred onto a polyvinylidene fluoride membrane. Sarm1-F: GCTTGCTGGAGCAGATCCT and
After transfer, the membrane was treated with blocking Sarm1-R: TCACGCCTAGACCGATGC with UPL
solution (2.5% non-fat milk in 0.3% TBST (Tris buf- Probe#102. IL1b-F: AGTTGACGGACCCCAAAAG
fered saline with 0.3% Tween-20)) followed by incuba- and IL1b-R: AGCTGGATGCTCTCATCAGG with
tion with mouse monoclonal anti-Sarm1, mouse anti- UPL Probe#38. IL10-F: CAGAGCCACATGCTCCT
VCP and rabbit anti-Iba1 Ab at 4 C overnight. AGA and IL10-R: TGTCCAGCTGGTCCTTTGTT
Proteins were detected with HRP-conjugated goat with UPL Probe#41. IL12b-F: GCTTCTTCATCAGG
anti-mouse IgG Ab and visualized with Western GACATCA and IL12b-R: CTTGAGGGAGAAGTAG
Lightning Plus ECL (PerkinElmer, Waltham, MA, GAATGG with UPL Probe#1. TNFa-F: TTGTCTTA
USA), according to the protocol provided. ATAACGCTGATTTGGT and TNFa-R: GGGAGC
Quantitative and single-cell RT-PCR CCL5-R:GAGTGGTGTCCGAGCCATA with UPL
For quantitative RT-PCR, total RNAs were extracted Probe#110. Iba1-F: GGATTTGACGGGAGGAAAA
from E14.5 whole brain and adult cortex by homogeniz- G and Iba1-R: TGGGATCATCGAGGAATTG with
ing the tissue with Trizol reagent according to the manu- UPL Probe#3. Each sample was analyzed in triplicate
facturer’s instructions (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). to avoid pipetting errors. PCR products after each cycle
The RNA of BV2 and Neuro-2 A cells were collected by were monitored by the fluorescent signal. The PCR
directly lysing the cells cultured on 10-cm dishes with included the following steps: pre-incubation at 95 C
Trizol. For the single-cell RT-PCR assay, the individual for 10 min, 45 cycles of 10 s denaturation at 95 C, 30 s
somata of cultured mouse cortical neurons were visua- annealing at 60 C, 1 s extension at 72 C and a cooling
lized with an inverted Axiovert 2000 microscope (Carl process at 40 C for 30 s. The relative expression level of
Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) equipped with a the target gene in each sample was calculated with the
40  objective lens/NA 0.6 (LD Plan-Neofluar; Carl 2Ct method using the crossing point (CP) value and
Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) and collected using a normalizing to the level of cyclophilin or L13. Sample
glass micropipette. The somata were immediately put sizes (numbers of animals) are indicated in the figures.
into a solubilization solution [0.5% NP-40 and 1 U/ml
RNaseOUT recombinant ribonuclease inhibitor
(Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) in diethyl pyrocarbo- Results
nate (DEPC) water]. After freezing and thawing, total
RNAs were extracted by using Trizol. Extracted total
Sarm1 is mainly expressed in neurons in mouse brain
RNAs were further incubated with DNase I (New We used various markers and Sarm1 mAb8 to character-
England Biolab, Ipswich, MA, USA) for 30 min at ize the distribution of Sarm1 in different brain regions.
37 C to remove contaminating DNA. For brain tissues, Sarm1 was widely expressed in different regions of the
BV2 and Neuro-2 A, 5 mg of total RNA was applied for cerebral cortex, including the retrosplenial agranular
cDNA synthesis using Transcriptor First Strand cDNA cortex, motor cortex and sensory cortex (Figure 1A).
Synthesis Kit (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) Sarm1 was also distributed in every layer of the cerebral
with an anchored-oligo(dT)18 primer. For single-cell cortex (Figure 1A). Based on the distribution pattern and
experiments, all of the RNA underwent reverse transcrip- cell morphology, we speculated that the Sarm1-positive
tion. The PCR reaction was performed using the cells were neurons. To confirm this, we performed double
Universal Probe Library (UPL; Roche Diagnostics) staining with Sarm1 and CaMKII, a marker for projec-
and LightCycler480 system (Roche Diagnostics). The tion neurons, and GAD65/67, a marker for interneurons.
primers and their paired probes, designed using the Basically, we found that all the CaMKII-positive cells
Assay Design Center Web Service (http://qpcr.probefin- were Sarm1-positive (Figure 1A, upper panel). In, were as follows: IL-6-F: 50 -GCT GAD65/67-positive interneurons, although the Sarm1
ACC AAA CTG GAT ATA ATC AGG A-30 and IL-6- immunoreactivity was weaker, Sarm1 was also present
R: 50 -CCA GGT AGC TAT GGT ACT CCA GAA-30 , in every GAD65/67-positive interneuron (Figure 1A,
with UPL Probe #6; Cyclophilin-F: 50 -TGC CCA GCA lower panel). We concluded that Sarm1 is widely
GTT TAG TAC CC-30 and Cyclophilin-R: 50 -TGC TTC expressed in neurons localized in different regions and
CCT GTC TCC ACA GT-30 , with UPL Probe #64; different layers of the cerebral cortex.
IFNb-F: CTGGCTTCCATCATGAACAA and IFNb- In the hippocampus, Sarm1 was also expressed in all
R: AGAGGGCTGTGGTGGAGAA, with UPL regions, including the dentate gyrus, CA3, CA2 and
Probe#18; MECP2-F: CAGCTCCAACAGGAT CA1 (Figure 1B). Similar to the cerebral cortex,
TCCAT and MECP2-R: TCTTCTGACTTTTCCTCC CaMKII- and GAD65/67-positive cells also expressed
CTGA, with UPL Probe#33; Dnmt1-F: CAAATAGA Sarm1 (Figure 1B). In the amygdala, Sarm1 was
164 Innate Immunity 20(2)

Figure 1. Expression of Sarm1 in both projection and inhibitory neurons in mouse cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Adult mouse
brains were subjected to double immunostaining using Sarm1 and CaMKII or GAD65/67 Abs as indicated. (A) Cerebral cortex;
(B) hippocampus. CaMKII is a marker for projection neurons; GAD65/67 is a marker for inhibitory neurons. In (A) the right panels are
areas from the motor cortex region shown at higher magnification. All the CaMKII-positive neurons express Sarm1. Similarly, all
GAD65/67-expressing neurons also express Sarm1. In (B) Sarm1 was expressed in all cell layers CA1, CA2, CA3 and the dentate
gyrus (upper panel). The upper right panel is a high magnification image of the CA1 region. As shown in the lower panel, most of the
interneurons are located outside the cell layers. The GAD65/67-positive interneurons also express Sarm1 (lower right panel). Scale
bars: 200 mm in the left panels of (A) and (B); and 20 mm in the right panels of (A) and (B). DG: dentate gyrus; MC: motor cortex; RSA:
retrosplenial agranular cortex; SC: sensory cortex; SL: stratum lacunosum; SM: stratum moleculare; SO: stratum oriens; SR: stratum

present in both CaMKII-positive projection neurons calbindin (Figure 2C), and a weaker Sarm1 signal was
and GAD65/67-positive interneurons (Figure 2A, B). also found in interneurons in the granular cell layer and
In the cerebellum, Sarm1 was predominantly molecular layer (Figure 2C). In addition to the fore-
expressed in Purkinje neurons, which were labeled by brain and cerebellum, Sarm1 was also expressed in
Lin et al. 165

Figure 2. Distribution of Sarm1 in amygdala, cerebellum and midbrain. (A) Sarm1 expression cells were scattered in the amygdala.
Most of these cells are CaMKII-positive projection neurons. Co-localization of Sarm1 and CaMKII in the lateral and basal amygdala is
shown at high magnification in the right panels. (B) GAD65/67-positive inhibitory neurons in the amygdala also express Sarm1. High
magnifications indicating the co-localization are shown in the right panels. Scale bars: 200 mm in the left panels of (A) and (B); and
20 mm in the right panels of (A) and (B). (C) In the cerebellum, Sarm1 is mainly expressed in the Purkinje cells marked by calbindin.
High magnification of lobe VII in the right panel shows that all calbindin-positive Purkinje cells express Sarm1. Calbindin-negative
basket cells located in the Purkinje cell layer also express Sarm1, but at a relatively lower level. Scale bars: 500 mm in the left panels;
100 mm in the right panel. (D) Sarm1 was also expressed in the midbrain. The dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area
(VTA) were labeled by tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) Ab. High magnification of VTA is shown in the right panel. Scale bars: 200 mm in the
left panels; 20 mm in the right panel. LA: lateral amygdala; BA: basal lateral amygdala. GC: granular cell layer; M: molecular layer;
P: Purkinje cell layer.

the midbrain (Figure 2D). Double -staining with Ab indicated that Sarm1 is widely expressed in brain and
recognizing tyrosine hydroxylase, an enzyme is present in a variety of neurons.
catalyzing the conversion of the amino acid L-tyrosine
to L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine, further indicated
Sarm1 is not detectable in microglial cells
that Sarm1 was expressed in the dopaminergic
neurons of the ventral tegmental area of the midbrain The aforementioned results indicate that Sarm1 is mainly
(Figure 2D). expressed in neurons. However, a previous study showed
In conclusion, the results of the fluorescent immu- that a deficiency of Sarm1 results in the impairment of
nostaining covering different areas of mouse brain microglial activation.6 To examine whether Sarm1 is
166 Innate Immunity 20(2)

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

(E) (F) Sarm 1 3000 lba1

BV2 Brain lysates 1.5
*** *
Relative of expression
Relative of expression

0.5 mg 1 mg *** *
Ctrl LPS LPS Tg WT 2000

72 Sarm 1
0.5 1000

97 VCP
0 0

Figure 3. Lack of Sarm1 expression in microglia. (A) CD11b+ microglial cells are dispersed in the cerebral cortex; however, none of
CD11b + cells express Sarm1. (B) High magnification of (A). The arrow indicates an example showing typical microglia morphology,
which is negative for Sarm1 expression in its cell body, nucleus and cell processes. Arrowheads indicate examples of the CD11b-
positive signals located in Sarm1-positive neurons. (C) In the stratum radiatum of the hippocampus, which is mainly comprised of
neuronal fibers, CD11b+ microglias also showed a dispersed pattern and none of them expressed Sarm1 protein. (D) Z-Series analysis
of CD11-positive punta in a neuron. (i) Z-Stack of images in the x–y plane (focal section: 3/9, section thickness: 1mm) (ii) cross-section
of z-axis projection image from y planes. (iii) Cross-section of z-axis projection image from x planes. The series z stacks of (ii) and (iii)
indicates invasion of microglia into neighboring neuron. Scale bars: 50 mm in (A) and (C); 10 mm in (B) and (D). (E) The absence of
Sarm1 proteins in microglial BV2 cells. Sarm1 was not detectable in the cell lysate of BV-2 microglia with immunoblotting, even after
LPS treatment at the doses of 0.5 mg and 1 mg/ml for 24 h. (F) Sarm1 expression in BV2 cells examined by quantitative RT-PCR. The left
panel is a comparison of Sarm1 expression levels in murine neuroblastoma Neuro-2A (N2A) cell line, BV2, and BV2 activated by LPS
treatment. In the right panel, microglia marker, Iba1, was specifically expressed in BV2, but not in N2A. Sample size is n ¼ 3 for each
group. *P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001.

expressed in microglia, we performed double immunos- immunoreactivity in microglial cells in mouse cerebral
taining with Abs recognizing Sarm1 and CD11b or cortex (Figure 3A, B) or hippocampus (Figure 3C).
Iba1, the markers that label both resting and activated Therefore, it seems unlikely that Sarm1 directly regulates
microglia. Unexpectedly, we did not find Sarm1 the innate immune response mediated by microglial cells.
Lin et al. 167

We noticed that CD11b-positive puncta were occa- an absence or extremely low level of expression of
sionally present in Sarm1 positive neurons (Figure 3B, Sarm1 in microglial cells.
arrowheads). The signals were not a staining artifact
because Z-series analysis showed that the CD11b-posi-
Forebrain neurons express IL-6 and IFN-
tive signals in neurons were actually the processes
extending from neighboring microglia (Figure 3D). Previous studies have demonstrated the expression of
Recently, a study in larval zebrafish showed that neu- inflammatory cytokine IL-6 and antiviral cytokine
rons steer the processes of resting microglia and pro- IFN-b in sympathetic neurons and cerebellar neu-
mote the contacts between microglia and neurons in a rons.13–15 Here, we further investigated the expression
neuronal activity-dependent manner.11 The tight con- of IL-6 in forebrains. Using single-cell RT-PCR to ana-
tact between microglial cells and neurons in zebrafish is lyze cultured cortical neurons we found that some
similar to our finding in mouse brains. This suggests mouse cortical neurons express the IL-6 transcript,
that the reciprocal modulation between resting micro- even under normal culture conditions (Figure 5A, B).
glia and neurons is likely an evolutionally conserved In addition, double immunostaining was performed to
regulation. investigate the protein expression of IL-6 and IFN-b in
To confirm the absence of Sarm1 in microglial cells, adult mouse brains. Both IL-6 and IFN-b Abs revealed
we further examined Sarm1 expression in murine a small punctate pattern in mouse brain sections
microglial BV2 cells, which are commonly used as a (Figure 5C, D). The puncta were localized in MAP2-
cell line representing primary microglial cells.12 By positive cells, indicating neuronal expression of IL-6
immunoblotting, Sarm1 proteins were undetectable in and IFNb (Figure 5C, D, left panel). Although micro-
BV2 cell lysates (Figure 3E). In addition to immuno- glial cells are recognized as professional immune cells in
blotting, we further performed the more sensitive quan- brains, we barely detected IL-6 and IFN-b in resting
titative RT-PCR to examine the Sarm1 expression in microglia (Figure 5C, D, right panel). Perhaps, expres-
BV2 cells. Compared with the positive control, murine sion of IL-6 and IFN-b in microglial cells are induced
neuroblastoma Neuro-2A cells, the Sarm1 RNA level by immune challenge.
in BV2 cells was extremely low (Figure 3F). The weak
signals of Sarm1 in BV2 cells were not due to the poor Reduction of Sarm1 dysregulates cytokine expression
quality of RNA because the microglial marker Iba1
in brain
was easily detected in BV2 cells (Figure 3F). As LPS
stimulation induces Sarm1 expression in PBMC,5 we Induction of cytokine expression is the critical step of
then wondered whether Sarm1 would be up-regulated TLR activation to induce innate immunity. Previous
after LPS treatment in BV2 cells. However, in contrast studies13–15 and our results (Figure 5) clearly indicate
to PBMC, LPS did not induce Sarm1 expression in BV2 cytokine expression in neurons. Moreover, Sarm1 nega-
cells at the protein or RNA level, although LPS tively regulates TLR signaling.5 Therefore, although
induced Iba1 expression (Figure 3E, F). The experi- Sarm1 was not expressed in microglia, we still won-
ments using BV2 cells supported the earlier double dered whether Sarm1 influences expression of the
immunostaining result and together strongly suggest inflammatory and antiviral cytokines in the brain.
that Sarm1 is not noticeably expressed in microglial Several transgenic mouse lines harboring an artificial
cells. miRNA cassette against Sarm1 expression have been
In addition to the adult brain examined in the above generated in our laboratory.8 Because the miRNA cas-
experiments, we also investigated the expression pattern sette was inserted into the 30 untranslational region of
of Sarm1 at embryonic d 14.5 (E14.5). In the cortical the GFP transcript, the transgenic mice are easily iden-
plate, Sarm1 co-existed with MAP2, a neuronal marker tified by the fluorescent signals of GFP (Figure 6A).
(Figure 4A, B), indicating neuronal expression of In addition to the GFP signal, the knockdown effi-
Sarm1 at the embryonic stage. In addition to the cor- ciency of Sarm1 was routinely confirmed using
tical plate, Sarm1 was also expressed highly in the mar- immunoblotting with Sarm1 Ab or quantitative PCR
ginal zone and at a moderate level in the intermediate (Figure 6B–D). We examined the levels of a series of
zone (Figure 4A, B). We then examined whether Sarm1 cytokines in embryonic brain at E14.5 by quantitative
is expressed in microglia at the embryonic stage. At PCR. Among the cytokines examined, we found that
E14.5, microglial cells labeled with Iba1 Ab were spar- the RNA levels of both IL-6 and IFNb were increased
sely distributed in mouse brains (Figure 4C). We still in Sarm1 knockdown transgenic mice (Figure 6C).
did not find Sarm1 expression in microglial cells at There was no noticeable difference in levels of the
E14.5 (Figure 4D). Similar to adult brains, at the other cytokines, including IL-1b, IL-10, IL-12b,
embryonic stage some microglial cells tightly interacted CCL5 and TNF-a, in Sarm1 knockdown transgenic
with Sarm1-positive neurons (Figure 4D, lower right mice and their WT littermates (Figure 6C). In addition,
panel). Taken together, the experiments using adult the expression levels of other genes, such as DNA
and embryonic mouse brains and BV2 cells indicate methyltransferase 1 (Dmnt1) and methyl-CpG-binding
168 Innate Immunity 20(2)

Figure 4. Expression pattern of Sarm1 in embryo brains at E14.5. Sarm1 was double stained with MAP2, which delineates the
regions of the cortical plate. In this caudal section, Sarm1 was expressed in the cortical plate, where it was co-localized with MAP2. In
addition, Sarm1 was also expressed in the marginal zone and the intermediate zone. (B) Higher magnification of (A). (C) Sarm1 was
double stained with microglia marker Iba1. The cell population of microglia at E14.5 was smaller than that in the adult brain shown in
Figure 3. (D) Z-Series analysis of Sarm1 expression in Iba1-positive microglia. (i) Z-Stack of images in the x–y plane (ii) cross-section of
z-axis projection image from the y planes. (iii) Cross-section of z-axis projection image from x planes. The series z stacks of (ii) and (iii)
suggest that microglia per se do not express Sarm1, but are often surrounded by cell extensions containing Sarm1 signals from
neighboring cell. Scale bars: 200 mm in (A) and (C); 10 mm in (B) and 5mm in (D). mz: marginal zone; cxp: cortical plate; sp: subplate;
iz: intermediate zone; svz: subventricular zone; vz: ventricular zone; cp: caudoputamen; LV: lateral ventricle.

protein 2 (MeCP2), were not changed by Sarm1 knock- by Carty et al. using HEK cells,5 which showed that
down (Figure 6C), supporting the specific effect of Sarm1 attenuated CCL5 expression. Thus, compared
Sarm1 on IL-6 and IFNb expression in embryonic with embryonic brains, Sarm1 has a broader effectt on
brains. cytokine expression in adult brains.
We also investigated whether Sarm1 influences cyto- In conclusion, although it is unclear why Sarm1
kine expression in adult mice. Unexpectedly, the cyto- knockdown has a different effect on cytokine expression
kine expression profile regulated by Sarm1 in adult in adult and embryonic brains, our data suggest that
brains was different from that in embryonic brains. Sarm1 expressed in neurons influences expression of
The same as in embryonic brains, IL-10 expression inflammatory and antiviral cytokines in the absence
was unchanged in the WT and Sarm1 knockdown of immune challenge.
adult brains; however, there was also no obvious differ-
ence in the level of IL-6 in the WT and Sarm1 knock-
down adult brains (Figure 6D). IFN-b and TNF-a were
down-regulated in Sarm1 knockdown brains (Figure This report examined the distribution of Sarm1 in
6D). The result showing TNF-a reduction in Sarm1 mouse brain and the role of Sarm1 in the regulation
knockdown brains is similar to the data collected from of cytokine expression. Sarm1 was widely expressed
Sarm1-/- mice by Szretter et al.6 In contrast, IL-1b, in all the brain regions examined, including the cere-
CCL5 and IL-12B were all significantly up-regulated in bral cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, cerebellum and
Sarm1 knockdown adult brains (Figure 6D). The CCL5 midbrain. Further, the results of double immunos-
up-regulation in adult brains echoes the results collected taining clearly showed that Sarm1 is expressed in
Lin et al. 169

Figure 5. Neurons express IL-6 and IFN-b. (A), (B) Single-cell RT-PCR was performed to investigate the expression of IL-6 mRNA in
cultured mouse cortical neurons at 4 day in vitro. (A) The representative images before and after collecting the soma of a neuron for
single-cell PCR. Scale bar: 20 mm. (B) Single-cell RT-PCR. The results of eight single neurons are shown. Two negative controls, medium
(M) and non-template control (NTC), are shown to indicate the specificity of PCR. (C) IL-6 was double stained with neuronal marker,
MAP2, or with microglia marker, CD11b. (D) IFN-b was double stained with MAP2 or with CD11b. Scale bars: 10 mm in (C) and (D).
SR: stratum radiatum.

neurons—both projection neurons and interneurons— Sarm1 in the previous study because Sarm1 is highly
in mouse brain. In contrast, although microglial cells expressed in neurons. In this study, we did not detect
are critical players in innate immune responses in the noticeable RNA levels of Sarm1 in microglial BV2 cells
brain, expression of Sarm1 in resting microglial cells compared with Neuro-2A cells. Immunostaining did
was undetectable. This neuron-specific distribution of not reveal significant signals in resting microglial cells
Sarm1 in mouse brain echoes our previous finding, in mouse brains either. Although it might still be pos-
suggesting that Sarm1 plays a critical role in neuronal sible that resting microglial cells in mouse brains
morphogenesis. Although only hippocampal neurons express a very low level of Sarm1 proteins that is
were investigated in our previous study, it is likely under the detection threshold of our Sarm1 Ab, our
that Sarm1 plays a general role in controlling the results favor the conclusion that Sarm1 proteins are
morphogenesis of a variety of neurons. predominantly expressed in neurons and not in micro-
Using RT-PCR to analyze the primary cultures, a glial cells.
previous study showed Sarm1 expression in all of neu- Although Sarm1 is undetectable in microglia, our
rons, astrocytes and microglial cells.6 However, the data showed that the expression levels of antiviral
detailed methods used to prepare the primary cultures and inflammatory cytokines are altered in Sarm1-
and the purities of the primary cultures were not knockdown transgenic mice. Here, using single-cell
described in the previous work. It is possible that neur- PCR and double immunostaining, we demonstrated
onal contamination contributed to the PCR signals of that murine neurons also express IL-6 and IFN-b. In
170 Innate Immunity 20(2)

(A) WT Tg WT Tg (B) WT Tg
#1 #2 #1 #2 #3 #4

72 Sarm 1

97 VCP
Visual light GFP
(C) E14.5
Sarm 1 IL-6 IFNb Dmnt1 MeCP2
1.6 **
* ns. ns.
Relative expression level

1.4 ***
n =26

n =26

n =33

n =29

n =35

n =31

n =14

n =14

n =14

n =14
IL-1b IL-10 IL-12b CCL5 TNFa
1.6 ns. ns.
ns. ns. ns.
Relative expression level

n =19

n =21

n =19

n =21

n =19

n =21

n =19

n =21

n =19

n =21
(D) Adult
Sarm 1 IL-6 IFNb IL-1b
1.4 2
ns. **
Relative expression level

1.2 *** *
1.0 1.5

n =10

n =11

n =14

n =11

n =14

n =11

n =14

n =7

0 0
IL-10 IL-12b 2 CCL5 1.4 TNFa
1.4 5
* **
Relative expression level

ns. * 1.2
4 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.8 3 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.5 0.4








0.2 0.2
0 0 0 0

Figure 6. Dysregulated cytokine expression in Sarm1 knockdown mice. (A) Gross morphology of Sarm1 knockdown brain. Left
panel, brain morphology of a Sarm1 knockdown (Tg) mouse and a wild type (WT) littermate. Right panel, GFP signal labeling the
Sarm1 knockdown brain. (B) The Sarm1 protein levels were lower in Sarm1 knockdown brains. Immunoblotting was performed using
Sarm1 and VCP Abs. (C), (D) Quantitative RT-PCR was carried out to quantify the mRNA levels of several inflammatory and antiviral
cytokines in Sarm1 knockdown (Tg) and WT littermates in (C) E14.5 mouse brains and in (D) adult mouse cerebral cortex. Before
collecting the brains, GFP signals were used to distinguish Sarm1 knockdown and WT mice. Some RNA samples were also measured
to confirm the efficacy of Sarm1 knockdown at the RNA level. Two unrelated genes, Dmnt1 and MeCP2, were used as negative
controls. Data represent means  SEM. The sample sizes (n) indicating the number of animals are shown in the columns. *P < 0.05;
**P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.
Lin et al. 171

Sarm1 knockdown embryonic brains, IL-6 and IFN-b is expected to occur in neurons, suggesting that Sarm1
were up-regulated, indicating that Sarm1 may nega- regulates the innate immune responses of neurons.
tively regulate the innate immune responses of embry- Further, as IL-6 is also known to negatively regulate
onic neurons. Sarm1 has been shown to attenuate the dendrite growth, in addition to the JNK-microtubule
activity of TRIF in the TLR3 and TLR4 pathways in pathway, as reported in our previous study,8 it is likely
innate immune response. Expression of Sarm1 reduces that IL-6 may also act downstream of Sarm1 in embry-
TRIF-induced NF-kB activation and cytokine produc- onic brains to regulate dendrite growth, although fur-
tion in HEK cells.5 As TLR3 and NF-kB are also ther investigation is need to address this speculation.
expressed in neurons Sarm1 likely uses the same mech- Because prenatal infection is frequently associated
anism to down-regulate cytokine production in embry- with schizophrenia and autism, and because Sarm1
onic neurons, although direct evidence supporting the protein levels are lower in the cortex of patients with
involvement of NF-kB downstream of Sarm1 in neu- autism,16,17 our data also suggest a possible role
rons is still lacking. for Sarm1 in inflammation-related neuropsychiatric
It is puzzling that the Sarm1-regulated cytokine pro- disorders.
files are different in adult and embryonic brains.
Perhaps, expression of cytokines in neurons is also con- Funding
trolled by developmental stage or neuronal activity.
This work was supported by the National Science Council
For instance, IL-1b, IL-12b and CCL5 may be up-regu-
(grant numbers NSC 98-2311-B-001-012-MY3, NSC-100-
lated by signal of neuronal activation. In mature neu- 2321-B-001-022, NSC-101-2321-B-001-010).
rons, Sarm1 may antagonize the signaling pathway
from neuronal activation to cytokine production.
Therefore, removal of negative signal derived from Conflict of interest
Sarm1 increases the expression of these three cytokines The authors do not have any potential conflicts of interest to
in adult brain. Another explanation is that the cytokine declare.
profile at E14.5 is mainly determined by neurons them-
selves. In the adult, a significant population of astro- Acknowledgements
cytes and microglial cells in the brain and the peripheral
We thank Ms Miranda Loney for English language editing of
immune responses may interact with Sarm1-expressing the manuscript.
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