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Assignment 3 Belma Sarajlic Sprachpaxismodul Oral and Writing Skills, prof. Anette Stemmerich Februar !", #$!

&'()(&A* A+A*,S(S OF )-. ).*./'A0-1S A')(&*. 2.li3abeth -urle forced to den claims of an affair 4ith Bill &linton2 5Feb 6, #$!%7

)he e8asi8e and changing language used to describe the alleged relationship bet4een 9r &linton and 9iss -urle is suggesti8e of the bias the author has against the former and it is used to compel the reader to take the same stand on this stor 4hile not e8en presenting both sides of it. )his is an article from a British ne4spaper about a British actress and model 4hose pri8ate life has been 8er public during her career: ho4e8er, she is the heroine of this stor because the antagonist is a former ;S president 4ith a sex scandal in the past. )he author uses se8eral terms to describe the alleged relationship bet4een 9r &linton and 9iss -urle and e8er time it is a deliberate attempt at forming a specific image and opinion in the reader1s mind. (n the headlines of the article and once again in the first sentence their relationship is characterised as an 2affair2 4hich is usuall used in the context 4here someone is cheating on their partner 4ith another person. -ere it is used to denote that 9r &linton 4as cheating on his 4ife -ilar &linton and to remind the reader of his pre8ious affair. )he 4ord 2affair2 is also used in the headlines to attract attention, suggest that this is not a trash papara33i article but a professional take on the stor , and promise the reader a glamurous and intriguing stor about a beautiful British actress and an elderl and lasci8ious former ;S 0resident. -o4e8er, in the sub<headlines the 4ord used for their relationship is 2fling2 4hich is unusuall and some4hat inaccuratel used 4ith the phrase 2 ear<long2. Fling usuall denotes a flippant and unimportant relationship and as such can rarel been used for a relationship that allegedl lasted for a ear. )herefore, this 4ord should be obser8ed in the 4ider context 4here it is once again stated that 9iss -urle denied being in a relationship 4ith 9r &linton but her dismissal is presented in such a 4a that it seems to the reader that she finds the 4hole thing funn because it is certainl untrue. Furthermore, e8en if it is true that the t4o 4ere in a relationship, she is the one 4ho ended it since she did not see it as an thing meaningful, nothing more than a fling. Once again the author is tr ing to 4in the reader to the British side, i.e. 9iss -urle 1s side, as opposed the American side represented b 9r &linton, presenting her as the one 4ho 4as


unin8ol8ed and therefore left the relationship unscathed.

)he next 4ord used for their relationship is 2liaison2 4hich is a dead<ringer for an illicit sexual affair, foreign<sounding and therefore e8en more e e<catching. (n addition, 4hen paired 4ith the rest of the sentence 4here it is said that 2liaison2 took place at the White -ouse 4hile 9rs &linton 4as in the next room, it is both an accusation against 9r &linton for the double humiliation of his 4ife and a reminder for the reader of 9r &linton1s other affair that took place in the same iconic building. Ob8iousl the author is tr ing to in8oke the glamour and po4er the White -ouse stands for in the reader 4hile at the same time shaming 9r &linton for using that place for his adulterous affairs. )he author succeeds because e8en though this affair ma be a false one the reader no4 remembers 9r &linton1s affair 4ith 9s *e4insk and some other alleged affairs, such as the one bet4een 9ar lin 9onroe and =ohn F. >enned . )he last s non m used for the alleged relationship is 2report2. )his 4ord is used in the 4ider context 4here it is said that 9iss -urle once again denied the rumours and the reason this specific 4ord 4as used is because it is 8er unbiased, professional, and objecti8e 4hich is 8er important because it is paired 4ith the phrase 2legal actions2. 9iss -urle threatened to take legal action and therefore the 4ord for the alleged relationship no4 had to be impartial and aloof so that the reader could feel that 9iss -urle is a serious and respectable 4oman 4ho does not deser8e such bad reputation. Once again the reader had been manipulated b the author of the article to take 9iss -urle 1s side and judge the 4hole stor in her fa8our. (n addition to this language manipulation, another similar pattern can be traced throughout the article, namel the form of address of 9r &linton. (n the headlines 4e are gi8en his full name, Bill &linton, because it is assumed that e8er one is familiar 4ith his name. Further on, in the sub<headlines, he is referred to as 2the former American 0resident2 in order to eliminate an doubt and to superimpose his occupation 4ith fri8olous phrases such as 2fling2 and 2ludicrousl sill 2 and therefore make it e8en more prominent in the mind of the reader. *ater on in the text he is referred to as 9r &linton, but this title is also contrasted 4ith the full name of his 4ife, -ilar &linton, 4here the phrasing 29r &linton2 becomes derisi8e and mocking since the emphasis is on his alleged adulter 4hich makes him a lous 29r2 to -ilar 1s 29rs2. &linton1s former occupation is deliberatel used in parts of the text 4here it is said that he misused his po4er as the ;S 0resident or 4here he is allegedl ?uoted cursing and threatening in order to shame him as a man and belittle as a president in the e es of the reader. .8en though 9r &linton1s name is used 8er prominentl in the article it can be safel presumed that the stor 4ould not ha8e attracted as much attention had it been someone else in his place, the author ne8er pro8ides the reader 4ith an statements from 9r &linton. )herefore it can be concluded that the article is based on not enough e8idence and blatantl used to 4in readers o8er to 9iss

-urle 1s side 4ho is presented as abo8e it all and to exaggerate 9r &linton1s image as a cheating slea3eball.

WO'@ &O;+)A !$$#

Elizabeth Hurley forced to deny claims of an affair with Bill Clinton .li3abeth -urle dismissed claims she had a ear<long fling 4ith the former American 0resident as 2ludicrousl sill 2

B Anita Singh

BA%609 /9) $6 Feb #$!%

As celebrit gossip goes, it takes some beatingA actress and model .li3abeth -urle has ear<long affair 4ith Bill &linton 4hile he 4as ;S 0resident. )hro4 in the suggestion that the had a liaison in the White -ouse 4hile -illar &linton 4as next door, and that 9r &linton ended it 4hen he realised he 4as falling in lo8e, and ou ha8e a stor that ri8als 9aril n 9onroeCs alleged fling 4ith =ohn F >enned . But 4hen something sounds too good to be true, it usuall is, as 9iss -urle pointed out on Wednesda 4hen she 4as forced to den the Dludicrousl sill E report and threatened legal action as it gathered pace online. )he allegations 4ere made b )om Si3emore, a -oll 4ood actor 4ho claims to ha8e dated 9iss -urle in the !FF$s. Si3emore 4as recorded on 8ideo boasting to friends that he had arranged 9iss -urle Cs first rende38ous 4ith the president in !FFG follo4ing a White -ouse screening of Sa8ing 0ri8ate ' an. )he actor 4as one of the stars of the film and claimed &linton pulled him a4a from the screening for a pri8ate con8ersation. (n the 8ideo, obtained b the gossip 4ebsite 'adar Online, Si3emore sa s &linton asked himA D@id ou go 4ith *i3 -urle for four earsH @o ou still see herHE

When Si3emore confirmed that the couple had dated but 4ere no longer an item, &linton is said to ha8e asked for 9iss -urle Cs phone number. (n the recording, Si3emore claims the then<0resident told himA I/i8e it to me. ,ou dumb mJJJJJJJJJJJr, (Cm the &ommander<in<&hief of the ;nited States of America. D)he buck stops here. /i8e me the damn number.E &linton then reportedl telephoned her, announced himself 4ith the 4ords, D.li3abeth, this is our &ommander<in<&hief.E -e is alleged to ha8e continuedA 2*isten .li3abeth, this is the 0residentK ( donCt ha8e an time for this sJJJ. (Im keeping the 4orld from nuclear 4ar all the time. (Cm sending a plane to pick ou up.2 -e is said to ha8e despatched a pri8ate jet to 4hisk 9iss -urle from *os Angeles to Washington 4here she sta ed for four da s. Si3emore claimed the affair continued for a ear but that Dat a certain point L&lintonM told her, I( donCt do lo8e and (Cm beginning to think ( might lo8e ouCE. 'esponding on )4itter, 9iss -urle saidA D*udicrousl sill &linton. )otall untrue. (n the hands of m la4 ers. ,a4n.E stories about me N Bill

9r &linton, 4ho famousl had an affair 4ith intern 9onica *e4insk 4hile in the White -ouse 4hich almost brought do4n his presidenc , has not responded to the reports. 9r &linton and his 4ife, the former ;S secretar of state, ha8e 4eathered 8arious reports of his infidelit during their nearl %$< ear marriage. &linton and -urle are kno4n to ha8e met in #$$! 4hen his spokesperson confirmed that the 4ere both at a Santa 9onica beach house for a part along 4ith other celebrities including Sher l &ro4. )he 4ere then pictured together in #$$6 at a 'ussian charit mas?uerade ball. Si3emoreCs reliabilit 4ill be called into ?uestion b those in 9iss -urle Cs corner. -e 4as once tipped for great things, 4ith roles in Born On the Fourth Of =ul and Black -a4k @o4n, but has battled heroin, cocaine and cr stal meth addiction. -e has also spent time in prison. -is recentl published autobiograph is titled B Some 9iracle ( 9ade (t Out Of )here. Si3emore appeared 4ith 9iss -urle in the !FF# action film 0assenger 6" and claims to ha8e begun a relationship 4ith her. At the time she 4as in a relationship 4ith -ugh /rant. /rantCs complex romantic histor is in the spotlight again after it emerged that he fathered t4o children in the space of three months. )4o 4omen, Anna .berstein and

)inglan -ong, 4ere pregnant 4ith his children at the same time. 9iss -urle 4as pre8iousl married to (ndian businessman Arun +a ar and recentl dated cricketer Shane Warne. But the designer and model has been absent from the gossip pages since @ecember 4hen the pair announced the had ended their relationship. ne4sO!$B#$%!#O.li3abeth<-urle <forced<to< den <claims<of<an<affair<4ith<Bill<&linton.html

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