Air Interface3

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Mobile Stations Function:

They consist of two major component: The Mobile Equipment (ME) The Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Voice and data transmission !requency and time synchroni"ation Monitorin# of power and si#nal quality of the surroundin# cells for hando$er %ro$ision of location updates Equali"ation of multipath distortions &isplay of short messa#es up to '() characters lon# Timin# ad$ance*

Base Transciver Station Function(BTS):

+hannel codin#: To protect the transmission, incomin# information is pro$ided with parity chec- bits and redundancy (con$olutional codin#) and spread in time o$er se$eral .! bursts (interlea$in#)* +ipherin#* /urst bloc- formation* Modulation* %ower +ontrol %+: +ontrol of the power le$el of the /TS and MS* Timin# 0d$ance T0: +alculation of the distance of the MSs from the /TS the MSs are informed of necessary transmission ad$ance* !requency .oppin#: a feature which enhances the reliability of information transfer* Synchroni"ation: %ro$idin# of mobile stations with frequency and time synchroni"ation information*

Base Station controller Function:

Inter1cell hando$er 2eallocation of frequencies amon# /TSs %ower mana#ement of /TSs Time and frequency synchroni"ation si#nals to /TSs Time delay measurement of the recei$ed si#nals from MSs with respect to /TS cloc+ontrols frequency hoppin#

MSC: Mobile services Switching Center Function:

Switchin# of user connections* 2outin# functionality (path selection)* Si#nalin# with other MS+s and e3ternal networ- e3chan#es* E$aluation of a$ailable si#nalin# information for destination routin#* 4e#al interception* +opin# with abnormal si#nalin# conditions, e*#* loss of si#nalin# information* Supplementary Ser$ice support* %rocessin# of transmission path attributes, e*#* echo compensation* +all super$ision* 5$erload protection* +ontrol of priority calls, e*#* emer#ency call +har#in#** Traffic measurement and traffic obser$ation*

VLR: Visitor Location Register Function:

The Visitor 4ocation 2e#ister V42 is responsible to aid the MS+ with information on the subscriber, which are temporarily in the MS+ ser$ice area*

Exa !les o" subscriber #ata in the VLR: MSIS&6: Mobile Subscriber IS&6 number* IMSI: International Mobile Subscriber Identity* TMSI: Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity* .56: .ando$er 6umber* MS26: Mobile Station 2oamin# 6umber* Triples (0uthori"ation parameters)*

$LR: $o e Location Register Function:

The .ome 4ocation 2e#ister .42 is the main data base of the mobile subscriber* The .42 is always associated with an 0uthentication +enter 0+* The $LR !er"or s the "ollowing i !ortant tas%s: It sends all necessary data to the V42* It supports the call setup in case of Mobile Terminatin# +alls MT+* 2outin# information to the 7ateway MS+ (Interro#ation)* It transmits the Triples from 0+ to V42 on request

&'C: &uthentication Center Function:

0n 0uthentication +enter 0+ contains all necessary means, -eys and 0l#orithms for the creation of security related authori"ation parameters, the so1called Triples* The Triples are created on V42 request and deli$ered $ia .42 to the V42* 0n 0+ is always associated with an .42*

Central in"or ation containe# in the &C is: IMSI: International Mobile Subscriber Identity 8i: Indi$idual 8ey (top secret mobile subscriber identity)

0l#orithms for authentication and encryption: 09, 0:*

E(R: E)ui! ent (#entit* Register Function:

The Equipment Identity 2e#ister EI2 contains the Mobile Equipment identity: the International Mobile Equipment Identity IMEI* 0n IMEI clearly identifies a unique Mobile Equipment ME and contains information about the place of manufacture, de$ice type and the serial number of the equipment*


Physical channel: In GSM is defined by a frequency air f!r "L#$L and a Ti%e S&!' TS !f '(e T$MA fra%e)

CH 0 124

CH 0 3

CH 0 2

CH 0 1

Kinds of frame
TDMA Frame:In GSM 8 TS form one TDMA frame (4.615ms), i.e. 8 physical channels are sin! "he same fre# ency $an% $ein! cyclically (&'ery 4.615 ms) alloca"e% "o a cer"ain ser ( applica"ion. Multiframes: Multi-frames of physical channels alloca"e% for ser "raffic (Traffic )hannels T)*) are repe"i"ion cycles of +6 TDMA frames. Multi-frames of physical channels alloca"e% for si!nalin! %a"a (mos"ly on one ( se'eral of "he TS, of "he carrier of one cell) are repe"i"ion cycles of 51 TDMA frames. Superframe: 51 Traffic M l"i-frames. +6 )on"rol M l"i-frames. Time of S per-frame . 51/+6/4.615 . 6.1+ Sec Hyperframe: +,48 S per-frame. Time of *yper-frame . +,48/6.1+ . 0.5 ho rs.

logical channels:
Many "ypes of lo!ical channels e1is"s, each %esi!ne% "o carry a %ifferen" messa!e "o or from an MS. All informa"ion "o an% from an MS m s" $e forma""e% correc"ly, 2o!ical )hannels can carry Traffic or con"rol si!nals.

Traffic Channels:3nce call se"- p proce% res ha'e $een comple"e% on "he con"rol physical channel, "he MS " nes "o a "raffic physical channel. I" ses "he Traffic )hannel (T)*) lo!ical channel. Traffic channels are "h s p lin4 an% %o5n lin4. There are two types of TCH: Full rate (TCH) Transmi"s f ll ra"e speech (10 6$i"s(s). A f ll ra"e T)* occ pies one physical channel. Half rate (TCH/2) "ransmi"s half ra"e speech (6.5 6$i"s(s).

Logical Channel Broadcast Channel Frequency C!rrec'i!n C(anne& (FCCH) Sync(r!ni.a'i!n c(anne& /SCH0

Direction $!*n&in+ !in' '! %u&'i !in' $!*n&in+ !in' '! %u&'i !in'

BTS info Trans%i's a carrier frequency Trans%i' inf!r%a'i!n ab!u' T$MA fra%e s'ruc'ure in a ce&& and base1s'a'i!n iden'i'y /,SIC0 ,r!ad cas' s!%e 2enera& ce&& inf!r%a'i!n suc( as : (LAI) &!ca'i!n area iden'i'y %a3 !u' u' !*er a&&!*ed in '(e ce&& 4and '(e iden'i'y !f BCCH carrier Trans%i' a a2in2 %essa2e '! indica'e an inc!%in2 ca&& 4 '(e a2in2 %essa2e c!n'ains '(e %!bi&e iden'i'y nu%ber !f '(e %!bi&e ne'*!r+ *is(es '! c!n'ac' Recei5es a si2na& fr!% %!bi&e s'a'i!n f!r si2na&in2 c(anne& Assi2ns a si2na&in2 c(anne& SDCCH '! MS T(e ,TS s*i'c(es '! '(e assi2ned SDCCH '(e ca&& se'u r!cedure is erf!r%ed in id&e %!de 4a&s! used '! 'rans%i' 'e3' %essa2es and s%s Ins'ruc' MS '! 'rans%i''in2 !*er and f!r 'i%in2 ad5ance

MS info Iden'ifies ,CC- carrier by carrier frequency and 'une '! '(e frequency Sync(r!ni.e *i'( '(e fra%e s'ruc'ure *i'(in ar'icu&ar ce&& Recei5es LAI and c!% are i' *i'( e3is'in2 !ne in '(e SIM 4 MS se' '(e !u' u' !*er based !n inf!r%a'i!n !f BCCH4 fina&&y MS s'!res BCCH carriers '! assis' in bes' (and !5er

,r!adcas' c!n'r!& c(anne& (BCCH)

$!*n&in+ !in' '! %u&'i !in'

Common control channels

Pa2in2 c(anne&s


$!*n&in+ !in' '! !in'

If i's iden'ify MSIN '(en '(e %!bi&e *i&& res !nd '! '(e ne'*!r+ Ans*er a a2in2 %essa2e by reques' a si2na&in2 c(anne& Recei5es si2na& c(anne& assi2n%en' SDCCH T(e MS s*i'c(es '! '(e assi2ned SDCCH T(e MS Recei5es TC- assi2n%en' inf!r%a'i!n Sends '(e si2na& %easure%en' /s'ren2'( and qua&i'y0 !f i's ce&& and nei2(b!rin2 ce&&s

Rand!% Access C(anne& (RACH) Access Gran' C(anne& (AGCH)

$!*n&in+ !in' '! !in' $!*n&in+ !in' '! !in'

Dedicated Control Channels

S'anda&!ne $edica'ed C!n'r!& C(anne& /SDCCH0

" &in+ and $!*n&in+ !in' '! !in' " &in+ and $!*n&in+ !in' '! !in'

S&!* Ass!cia'ed C!n'r!& C(anne&(SACCH)

Dedicated Control Channels

Fas' Ass!cia'ed C!n'r!& C(anne&(FACCH)

" &in+ and $!*n&in+ !in' '! !in'

Trans%i' (and !5er inf!r%a'i!n

Trans%i' necessary (and !5er inf!r%a'i!n in access burs'

Ta!le" Ill#strate the Logical Control Channels



A %!bi&e c!%%unica'i!n en5ir!n%en' suffers fr!% %any r!b&e%s re&a'ed '! radi! 'rans%issi!n4 *(ic( %ay cause unacce 'ab&e de2rada'i!n !f '(e ser5ice qua&i'y) Ra$io Trans%ission Pro!le%s"

Fa#ing !ro!le :
Fadin2 %eans '(a' '(e si2na& s'ren2'( recei5ed f&uc'ua'es ar!und a %ean 5a&ue *(i&e c(an2in2 '(e %!bi&e !si'i!n) &'Slo( Fa$ing ) Log *or%al Fa$ing ) Sha$o(ing "'
T(e reas!n f!r s(ad!*in2 is '(e resence !f !bs'ac&es &i+e &ar2e bui&din2s !r (i&&s in '(e a'( be'*een '(e si'e and '(e %!bi&e) T(e dis'ance be'*een fadin2 di s /%ini%u% 5a&ues !f si2na& s'ren2'(0 is fr!% 67 '! 87 %e'ers) Sol#tion For The Slo( Fa$ing"' T! !5erc!%e '(e fadin2 r!b&e%s4 '(e fadin2 %ar2in s(!u&d be &ar2e en!u2( '(a' '(e &!*es' fadin2 di is s'i&& (i2(er '(an '(e recei5er sensi'i5i'y)


Fading Margin
Receiver Sensitivity


+'Fast Fa$ing ) Rayleigh Fa$ing ) M#lti,ath Fa$ing"'

T(is !ccurs *(en a si2na& 'a+es %!re '(an !ne a'( be'*een '(e MS and ,TS an'ennas)4 T(e Si2na& is ref&ec'ed !ff bui&din2s4 f!r e3a% &e4 and is recei5ed fr!% se5era& differen' indirec' a'(s) Ray&ei2( fadin2 !ccurs *(en '(e !bs'ac&es are c&!se '! '(e recei5in2 an'enna) T(e recei5ed si2na& is '(e su% !f %any iden'ica& si2na&s '(a' differ !n&y in (ase /and '! s!%e e3'en' a% &i'ude0) Sol#tion of Rayleigh Fa$ing"'
& Antenna (S,ace) Di-ersity"'

T(e ce&& 'ranscei5er *i&& use '*! recei5in2 an'ennas ins'ead !f !ne) A dis'ance !f ab!u' 9 %e'ers *i&& se ara'e '(e%4 and '(ey *i&& recei5e radi! si2na&s inde enden'&y4 s! '(ey *i&& be affec'ed differen'&y by '(e fadin2 di s and '(e be''er si2na& recei5ed *i&& be se&ec'ed)

+ Fre.#ency Ho,,ing "' T(e fadin2 effec' %ay n!' be '(e sa%e f!r a&& !f '(e frequencies4 s! '(e 'i%e s&!' !f '(e subscriber *i&& :u% !r ;(! < be'*een '(e

frequencies !f '(e ce&& *(en i' is re ea'ed in eac( T$MA fra%e) If !n&y !ne !f '(e frequencies is affec'ed se5ere&y by fadin24 a s%a&& frac'i!n !f '(e si2na& *i&& be &!s') T(e (! cyc&ic !r rand!%) in2 sequence %i2(' be

Ti%e $elay ,ro!le%"

Eac( MS !n a ca&& is a&&!ca'ed a 'i%e s&!' !n a T$MA fra%e) T(is is an a%!un' !f 'i%e durin2 *(ic( '(e MS 'rans%i's inf!r%a'i!n '! '(e ,TS) T(e inf!r%a'i!n %us' a&s! arri5e a' '(e ,TS *i'(in '(a' 'i%e s&!') T(e 'i%e a&i2n%en' r!b&e% !ccurs *(en ar' !f '(e inf!r%a'i!n 'rans%i''ed by an MS d!es n!' arri5e *i'(in '(e a&&!ca'ed 'i%e s&!') Ins'ead4 '(a' ar' %ay arri5e durin2 '(e ne3' 'i%e s&!'4 and %ay in'erfere *i'( inf!r%a'i!n fr!% an!'(er MS usin2 '(a' !'(er 'i%e s&!') A &ar2e dis'ance be'*een '(e MS and '(e ,TS causes 'i%e a&i2n%en') Effec'i5e&y4 '(e si2na& cann!' 'ra5e& !5er '(e &ar2e dis'ance *i'(in '(e 2i5en 'i%e)

Sol#tion of Ti%e Delay"'

Ti%in2 ad5ance is a s!&u'i!n s ecifica&&y desi2ned '! c!un'erac' '(e r!b&e% !f 'i%e a&i2n%en') I' *!r+s by ins'ruc'in2 '(e %isa&i2ned MS '! 'rans%i' i's burs' ear&ier !r &a'er '(an i' n!r%a&&y *!u&d) In GSM4 '(e 'i%in2 ad5ance inf!r%a'i!n re&a'es '! bi' 'i%es) Ma3i%u% => bi' 'i%es can be used in GSM sys'e%s)

Interference ,ro,le%" &) Co'channel interference"'

Is Caused ,y use !f a frequency c&!se '! '(e e3ac' sa%e frequency) T(e f!r%er *i&& in'erfere *i'( '(e &a''er4 &eadin2 '! '(e 'er%s in'erferin2 frequency /I0 and carrier frequency /C0)

60 T(e GSM s ecifica'i!n rec!%%ends '(a' '(e carrier1'!1in'erference /C#I0 ra'i! is 2rea'er '(an ? decibe&s /d,0) 80 Sec'!ri.a'i!n !f Ce&&s)

+) A$/acent Channel Interference"'

Ad:acen' frequencies /A04 '(a' are frequencies s(if'ed 877+-. fr!% '(e carrier frequency /C04 %us' be a5!ided in '(e sa%e ce&& and referab&y in nei2(b!rin2 ce&&s a&s!) A&'(!u2( ad:acen' frequencies are a' differen' frequencies '! '(e carrier frequency '(ey can s'i&& cause in'erference and qua&i'y r!b&e%s)

60 Sec'!ri.a'i!n !f Ce&&s)

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