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.. Algebra and· Fwtic.nsStcJndard L3 .... '~%,ifi:i

.. Stu~ts solvepPO~Je,~·irtvol~i~,~difi~rj;~ira~i¥.:muftipIiCQtion,and;\.
divfSIQft of whpltnQ~bers;);,;>".:';.~y~",
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,.:_:c .: •. jj;hdGYfhJes Trick-or- Treat
The students in Mrs. Gomez's claSs knewthat
her birthday was in October, but they did oct : Jake and his 2 friends went trick-or-treatingon Halloween,J~ke
kn~r' the date. Mrs. GomeZ-gavet~e .s~u~~ti;....' :: i, u' 0 ", got 233 pieces of candy; Sam gotjl6.!. pieces of c~~.~'anq
i .
M_or91h .
th~eclues: -My birthdate·is~nurri~rthat is! ,:ft~·9..·:::..,:~~·, got 2is pieceso(~~~dy. Onthe.r,wayhome, Jake trippe~,.4~?:4t: ;
'more than 19. The nu~~ris amultiple of3,'6nd pieces of his caRdy-~It¢into the gutter! When they gof;~o>me,' ,
th~ Sum of the digits' in,the number is 9." What '. the fri~ decided to 'put their cancff altogether, ther'divi~~ if ; ..
is ~rs. Gomez's biHhdcite? " . "z~
>'" ""."
. equally.): ,....••... . . ' .: . '.<\ ;:.'

) HOW'm,dny' Pl~.c,esofcandy did they each get? .';,~.:.

) HOl,~anyp!ectS would they havenad, if Ja~~ di~,~rI9se" ...
~;, Mcrth~~ ~~';~ard 2.3; '!"41~pi'~es?" .. · .', .. '')'.;.:'::.....'' . . .
StOdents use a varie1y of methods, such as words,numbers,symbols,charis, , Rem~rnbert~ wri:te~~ yQur~~~atio~.and i.~1,~9~ pqr~~t~~es for
..~ ~
tables, di~ Q~ ~el~ito exPlajMn(1themqtl~ reGSoning.:r
. :.. ' '.:' ~:.. :' ;. "':'._.,::::' ii j ..~. ~'. ":.:.. -7 .: Ii;
separa:tio~rOti~~~I~.Qjnyo~rst~p~for sQlvlng..: •.. "."
':,:.; .~"'.; : ~.;" : < • '. ',.: .~.-:: :"~" ": ;"' ••• c . .' ' .,' -.• ,: .• .' ., -,'

'<', ~'
~~:. '::~.
. Pizza Problem
.• You have pur~~ed"'a78, ~er,rt'srice of pizza at the matI.
If you are Ii~ited toperinles,nic~els and quarters,
': '~'C:

::., .". :,.

i .
,:' ~,
:.. . what possjbl~ coi~ combinatio~ cainbe us~gas {. .~. ~

••• ~m;etitr~i~ ~~!leqf~o~·a~o~:t~~~~PS1"Cfins?... ~~e ", .. '~' "/:... :\." '"C, ." . ~-'" :

o . least? ~ribeyour plan and tell/show howyou .: ~~.. :~'l ,'~'.•'.". ::·~.",?l. '. :,,.;.p" .•': ~•• '"' :;:<::,•..• ,:.
o ·,~.;~rp"~'stat,;t~h'Q~~~rfi~~.~:~;·:"li~,};;:~\':,,~;~rff~'··i~~';.;~;~:.:~;y)Fd;,~~
·•·.;;,:,~;>.. .'


o , .
~ C2002 K.Aihara .
. , ,

".1 '. ;.: .. -: _. "

Soccer Tournament No Tivo

Analysis and Probability Standard 1.0 ;''1'~StGtistics, Data An41ysis and Probability·
. ' Standard 1.0
represent and interpret numerical emdcategorical data f Students organize,'represet'\tand interpret numerical and categorical data
cate findi ,and clearly communicate findings. '

Cora bought a videotape so he could record some episodes of her two


favorite television programs. One of the shows is 30 minutes long,and the

ons are one of sixteen teams . other one losts one hour. The chart on the 'videotape box read:
: elimination soccer tournament \ MODE RECORDING TIME
..I SP . 2 hours

ames will.your team need to. I LP . 4 hours

. EP 6 hours
o win the tournament?
Howmanydifferent episodes can Cora record on the tape in each mode?
ames will be played in all? DeveropQ graph or table that explains your answers.
:e games can be played each afternoon, how many
will the tournament last? j: ••••• ---"'!'"Numbe
--1-.3"""""· -and"""'!"-1.••••4~-- •..••
in charge of the tournament and one'team was r Students round whole numbers and decide when,a rounded solution is
e last minute, how would you add it to the ;:. called for and explain whysuch a solution may be appropriate.

Lunch Menu
Is/tabl~ and words to explain your thinking. ~
i ~
Tina kept a record of the lunches' sold for four

days. On Monday, 268 stu~ents bought pizza; on

'...•".. .
Tuesday, 249 bought chalupa; on Wednesday, 198
students bought chicken patty sandwiches and on
Thursday, ·272 students bought burritos. Tina can
onlyorder food in multiples of 10. Using a chart or.
graph, expJainhow many hamburgers Tina should .
en boy for n~xtFridcly~- .
;~. -4-
::i~;' 1!P2002 K. Aioora
...• .If

j ; ~ ':' ",:. '.'

'.' .' .., ...•..
...- '
;:l' ,- ,AlgebrGand:Functi~ftS'Sftndard1~3.'
Students usepar'entheses toindiccrtewhfch' operation, to~r;fflr,,,,J~st:~h~, II
.dlvl~Qhof wh~l~rI~bu~"{..:i\C"\"~'~\!"", ' .£." ,',; > ,I writing expresst~/1ScontainingmOi"eth~ntwoterms .anddi¥f~re~t~percrti(ms. '
j . :, : .'::,.".'". '.>.i-'.' ~ -.: .

'.' \Bi~
\:].;'. ;..;;::

'1, .' ." ~~i~'

The students in Mrs. Gomez'sclass knewthat
~f ~irthday was in October, but they did not Jake and his 2 friends went trick~or-treating onHalloween.Jake
k~w".~ the date..... M~$.Gome;fgcivethe ,students ; got 233 pieces of candy,~m gotJ6.7 pieces of can~yQndMor.gan,
'. ""'. . ..
got 2is piecesQfc~ndy. OntheJ;r,wClyhome,Jake trippedcind'47 ..
.: .',

thr.;e clues: "Myb~rt?datersan~triQer that is' ~,~

'mqre than19. The rium~r isa multipleof 3·6nd pieces of his candyron~dinto the gutter! When they ~o(ho",e~ .
the ~umof the digjts·in:the nurn'beris9. What the fri~s decide,dto put theircanqy altogether, thendivi9~ it

equally.;:' ":",' " "'<, ", .'

is Mrs.
.~v. Gomez's birti:Icite?'" ""
» :Hqwmanypieces.of candy did they each get?
\I. ,', . ;'.~

» Ho~,manrpJeces wouldthey havehaQ, if Jake di~n~tlose '

. \

• ;~;.j Mat~~I'i~~-;;'St$,dard2.3 . >i .:tH~'47,pj~ces? . '. """ ."

Students use a variety of method$, such as words, numb~s, symbols, charts, , .Rem~mber to ,~rif~ ~~t your ~q~tiol\S andi~~lu~e PQf'e~t~~$es,for
,.grqphs, tables, diagrgnls an~'model~~to~~lqin.~hemQ,ticpl reasoning. . . 'sepa~eqp~ratio~sr_~lainyo:~rS'tep~Jor solVing.' ..•.".. ' ~". . ," "
·.:~~r:; . '.} :; :': ..;~;:.:'" ';'.? .:::., ~.;~~~..:~.. :;: ;:".::,.jr- :. , ../.. .: .'. • .' :.' ..,; . . • c :." '.. • !.~ :. :.~., •

~~~ ; t~::
Pizza'Problem -L
. Youhave purch~ed'a 7Q~ent;s,lfte of pizzaat thernaH.
If you are IinUfedto'p~nles,n,c'kels and quarters, .
, what possible coincombinatio~ c~ be us~das . "
... th,e
I~Qst?[)esCrib«your planand tell/shOw howyou ,i~., .;.;

.. ~rd¥~~,:~t~~~r~~~2";"
G2oo2 K. Aiharo

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