Types of Energy: 50 Minute Class Period Lesson Plan

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Types of Energy

50 minute class period lesson plan

Chloe Farmer

Learning Objectives/Goals/Outcomes:
7th grade Physical Science Standard: Students demonstrate an understanding of the composition of physical systems and the concepts and principles that describe and predict physical interactions and events in the natural world. This includes demonstrating an understanding of the structure and properties of matter, the properties of materials and objects, chemical reactions and the conservation of matter. In addition, it includes understanding the nature, transfer and conservation of energy; motion and the forces affecting motion; and the nature of waves and interactions of matter and energy. Students demonstrate an understanding of the historical perspectives, scientific approaches and emerging scientific issues associated with the physical sciences. Benchmark- Nature of Energy 3. Identify different forms of energy (e.g., electrical, mechanical, chemical, thermal, nuclear, radiant and acoustic). Goal: My students will get an 80% or higher on a formal assessment/quiz

Lesson Summary /Overview: Introductions Review Partner work with assignment sheet Classroom discussion Assessment Lesson Procedure:
I would start by helping the children reach into their prior/background knowledge. o Review over the laws of conservation matter cannot be created or destroyed. Therefore it only changes forms! Example experiment of melting ice done by me and students watch o Ice cube in breaker over a Bunsen burner. They can watch ice (solid) melt and become a liquid and then to a gas as well.

o Discussion of the types of energy Students read aloud objective of I can identity and explain the different form of energy. Assignment sheet of electrical, mechanical, chemical, thermal, nuclear radiant and acoustic energy. o I want students to use the textbook and their smartphones and get with a partner to search for definition and examples. o Scaffolding during group work Classroom discussion of what the students found in their research Quiz

Physical Science text book Smartphones Fill in the blank worksheet

Check for completion of finding definition of each type of energy along with good correct examples Short quiz at the end of class

Types of Energy Quiz 1. Propane, gasoline burning, the energy in you cells of your body from digestion are all examples of what type of energy? (chemical energy) 2. What is one example of thermal energy? (rubbing your hands together to make heat) 3. What is the energy that is stored in the nucleus of an atom? (nuclear energy) 4. What is one example of electrical energy? (plugging a string of lights into the wall, electricity) 5. X-rays, radio waves, and light are examples of which kind of energy? (radiant energy) 6. What is one example of mechanical energy? (putting a book on the shelf)

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