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Mr. E. J.

Krass, SoH
Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine Spokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm March 9, 2014

NEW EVIDENCE has come forward on a Right basis that relates to my thesis paper

To Everyone: When you Reject The Truth by not reading it, you are rejecting things out of hand in an unfair and responsible manner. Years ago, I produced a scientifically valid explanation for the functioning of ginglymus joints in all animals across time - no exceptions. BUT, my thesis paper that was submitted through the proper channels was covered up and I could not explain why? Today, I have that answer and it relates to habeas corpus, the 14th Amendment of The US Constitution and s. 7 of Canadas Charter of Rights and Freedoms - Everyones Legal Rights. In olden days, there was just criminal law with no such thing as civil law. So, people were either criminals or FREE men. Often, the criminals were exonerated by the Ecclesiastic Courts of England centuries ago. Today, we have financial compensation for exoneration or civil matters. The term for exoneration centuries ago was habeas corpus and when invoked the prisoner was freed. The reason for this lies in the 14th Amendment of The US Constitution and s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms which read as follows: Everyone has the Right to life, liberty and security of person... Centuries ago, mankind did not even consider that the human body has a maturation period before its internal physics take over and it defined The Right to Life and Security of Person and Liberty! In my 2000 thesis paper entitled The Krass Realities of Arm Rotation and Rotatory Instability (, I 3929 Woodell Road, WESTBANK BC V4T 1E1
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Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine Spokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm exposed the proper mechanics of ginglymus joint and their far reaching scientific effects. I also forgot to show people how to determine the existence of a lateral soft tissue insufficiency simply and how to really determine the scientific validity of my thesis paper. To start, put your hands directly in front of your body at shoulder height. Now, with the fingers straight out as well as the thumb being perpendicular to the hand and straight as well as your arm, rotate the hands all the way round so that your palm is towards the ground. Now, reverse this hand position so that the palm is to the sky. Did you notice that your shoulder completed these motions or started them by snapping back from the extreme. In short, you are seeing that the arm functions like a drive train in a front engine rear wheel car. Now, if you have an insufficiency of either of your lateral soft tissue structure at the lateral epicondyle, you will be able to rotate that arm downwards much further than the other, i.e. palm going down to the earth (pronation of the hand). Also, when the thumbs are up in the air, lock your shoulders by tensing them and rotate your palms down and you will notice that one hand pronates noticeably further than the other. You have just diagnosed that hand which overpronated as having an insufficiency of the lateral soft tissue mass at the lateral epicondyle: insufficiency is either a torn, stretched or genetically deficient from your parents and grandparents living and working with this condition. This is the most profound discovery of your life or all lifetimes until now because there never really were lateral collateral or secondary ligaments at the ginglymus joint as these ligaments were established in a tension test by The Mayo Clinic to be load bearing: 21193&app=WordPdf&wdo=1. Well, returning to the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution and s. 7 of Canadas Charter of Rights and Freedoms, we now know that for this standard to come into existence, the human body must be allowed to attain its maturation date of at least 25 for most persons and sometime longer.

3929 Woodell Road, WESTBANK BC V4T 1E1

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Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine Spokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm Thus, the true wording of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution and s. 7 of Canadas Charter of Rights and Freedoms must read as this: Everyone has the Right to Life, Security of Person and Liberty that is imposed by the maturation period of the human body from birth. Thus, NOBODY has the right to work nor earn a livelihood as previously presented. There is a whole new world order coming because my thesis paper and its conclusions were 100% correct. Furthermore, the pronator teres is wholly mislabeled as this muscle only NORMALLY contracts to return the bicipital tuberosity to the top of the ulna which NORMALLY only rotates under this boney spur of the radius through hand supination and pronation BUT if the forearm is valgusly aligned relative to the humerus in x-ray evidence. My x-rays here support this Truth: 933A2AC%21131. The system suppressed this reality because it is revolutionary and dismisses everything mankind has come to accept. I can only tell you the Truth. Dont reject me out of hand but read my thesis paper and your will see, I did not lie but somehow this Truth did not make it into your brains for at least 50 years. I implore you - read the evidence and you will see that there is a massive cover-up in my case and it is ongoing. The United States and Canada have remedies to relieve the problems in those who know of the corruption but it involves paying out as little as possible through the courts. Things must change soon so that you can drop out, drop in to The Truth based Realm where the order of today no longer exists. To maintain your bodys health until this revolutionary change takes place learn Tai Chi and Qi Gong and practise them as slowly and relaxed as possible 2-3 times daily. Peace be with you. 3929 Woodell Road, WESTBANK BC V4T 1E1
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Mr. E. J. Krass, SoH

Just Call Me - Galileo II/Founder of the Unified College of Medicine Spokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm Praise be unto God Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

EJ Krass, SoH
Spokesperson for THE TRUTH BASED FREE Society and Its Realm

3929 Woodell Road, WESTBANK BC V4T 1E1

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