Frontpage: Bid Rounds Flap

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President Sirleaf Fires Official For Shielding Rapist





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BUYING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2014 TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 2014 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 2014 L$83.00/US$1 L$83.00/US$1 L$83.00/US$1

SELLING L$84.00/US$1 L$84.00/US$1 L$84.00/US$1

These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Source: Research, Policy and Planning Department, Central Bank Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia

VOL 8 NO.550


MONDAY, MARCH 10, 2014


The NOCAL President and CEO further made it clear that he is very much aware of his responsibilities as well as his obligations and limitations regarding the sector, and will do nothing to compromise neither the interests of NOCAL nor those of the government regarding the reform process. Dr. McClain urged media stakeholders who are in the habit of sensationalizing and personalizing issues for ulterior motives to desist.



See PG 2 & 3

Monrovia -

Page 2 | Frontpage

Monday, March 10, 2014

he dog days of the UN travel ban behind him, Benoni Urey is still haunted by his ties to former President Charles Ghankay Taylor but judging from his early pronouncement and political maneuverings, his supporters say, the Taylor tie could actually prove to be an asset, rather than a liability for the millionaire businessman who has made it quite clear that he will be a contender and a force to reckon with in the 2017 presidential race. Urey is featured prominently in this months NewAfrican Magazine which asks the question: Liberias Next President? The magazines cover story features interviews with Urey and some of his supporters as he makes his case for the Liberian presidency. Preying on the growing perception that the ruling Unity Party government has been weak on corruption and governance, Urey is counting on his business successes in his quest to separate himself from the rest of the pack. At this Point in the life of our nation, we need somebody with the requisite experience and know-how to run the country. I have worked in several governments. I have both political and business experience. I have the requisite education, and I have been able to show that I can use all of these things to run the country, Urey says. Many political observers add that Ureys financial muscle could make him formidable opponent in what is expected to be another wide field of contenders in a sea reminiscent of the 2005 race which featured 22 politicians vying for the top prize. Urey explains that he acquired most of his wealth from his investment in LoneStarCell/MTN and his farm in Careysburg where he is said to have the fourth largest rubber plantation in the country. He is currently a majority shareholder and head of the board. Urey dismisses the much-held perceptions that he attained his wealth from his time as head of the Liberia Maritime Authority. Some people claim that my wealth came from when I was the commissioner for maritime affairs. That is totally incorrect. Urey says there has been at least three audits conducted since his departure from the maritime bureau and he has not been held by any. The government of Liberia sent auditors to audit the maritime programe when I was commissioner. VOSCON audited me, and the European Union also audited the maritime programme. In all the audits, they found that the Maritime Bureau rather owed me money, but they have not been honorable enough to pay me what the Maritime Bureau owes me, and you ask why I havent commented on in it. But never has the international community accused me of any financial impropriety while I was at the Maritime Bureau. What you are hearing is all empty political talk. In fact, Urey insists that much of the wealth he has acquired came after his departure from the Maritime Bureau. Well, I did start a poultry farm when I was commissioner, but most of what I have acquired over the years came after my days at the Maritime Bureau. After I left the Maritime programme, I started my GSM company, LonestarCell Communications, in which I now jointly own 40 percent shares. That has been the primary source of my wealth and income, and whatever I have had from LonestarCell has been re-invested wisely to reach where things are today. Urey insists that he acquired his wealth through hard work. I started my poultry farm during the Taylor administration. At that time we were the only poultry producers in Liberia. We were selling eggs. We were growing pepper. We had cattle. We had a fishery programme. Thats where my wealth started from. Then after Taylor was removed from power, I devoted my time and energy to my business, and from there it grew and grew. Adds Urey: I have never been accused by anybody, not by the Liberian government or the international community or any credible institution of any financial impropriety, never! When I left the Bureau of Maritime Affairs, there were three audits done and all of them cleared me. The United Nations Panel of Experts which had previously been on Urey and other former associates of Taylor agreed, recommending Ureys removal from the travel and assets freeze ban late last year. The Panel went as far as validating Ureys prowess for the presidency, suggesting that Urey clearly has the resources and the leadership capacity to command support and undermine peace and security in Liberia if he chooses. "The Panel attempted to investigate Urey's extensive assets to determine whether they are being used to support groups seeking to destabilize Liberia and the sub-region. Urey's assets have not been frozen or fully disclosed. The Panel also erased fears that Urey could use his resources to destabilize the nation when it said, it did not find any information scold uggesting that Urey was involved in activities that would destabilize Liberia and the sub-region." Urey currently serves as the Chair of Lonestar Communications Corporation, which is one of the largest taxpayers in Liberia. He owns 20 per cent of the company's shares through a PLC Investment Limited, a Liberian company that is in turn owned by IDS and Nexus -- two other Liberian companies established in 1989 with anonymous bearer shares, the Panel added. The Panel added that Mr. Urey's business activities, and the profits gained from them, would appear to suggest that the civil conflict in Liberia would have a significant

Rodney D. Sieh,

While many see the Taylor factor as a liability for Urey, others say it could be Ureys Americo-Liberian heritage that could be a deterrent with Liberians likely to settle for an indigenous Liberian to succeed Sirleaf. Urey acknowledges the issue and says it is one of those areas previous and current leaders have failed to tackle. They have not united this country, to the point where in the age and time people are still preaching ethnicity. It is total foolishness. Animosity between descendants of the Americo-Liberians, who emigrated from the United States of America and those born in Liberia heightened since independence in 1847. The arrival of Samuel Doe on April 12 1980 ended decades of Americo-Liberian rule. In recent years, the ties have improved through inter-marriages and religious crossings. Nevertheless Urey explains that his roots is not all Congau or Americo-Liberian. It is difficult to look at me today and say I am a Congau man, but all my life I grew up as an indigenous person. I have never been a member of the elite ruling class. I speak Kpelle. My father had three wives, two of them were Kpelle and one was Congau. I have uncles and aunties who have never spoken a word of English in their lives. And they are my relatives. So how do you judge somebody like me. Urey says the divide issue will be a major priority for him if he cinch state power. These are some of the areas we will tackle when I am elected President.. We have to look at ourselves as Liberians, and not as Kpelle, Gio, Congau, Mandingo, etc. because it is divisive for our country. It doesnt help this country. Besides addressing the divide, Urey is hoping to set himself apart from the rest of the pack. When it comes to nationalism and love for the country, a lot of the candidates who are likely to run for the presidency dont love the country. They love what they can get out of the country. All of them come here and go, their families live out of Liberia. They dont live with the Liberian people. But I have been here with the Liberian people, I have felt their pain, I have shared their joys. I have seen them at their worst, I have seen them at their best. I have been with them, I have worked with them. The other aspiring candidates have not. They dont know what it is to be poor. I know what it is to be poor because I came out of a predominantly poor family.

Of all the candidates likely to enter the race, I am the only one who has lived in Liberia all my life. I have lived among the people, I can show them what I have done, and they can see what I have done.
Benoni Urey, Potential candidate for the Presidency, 2017 Liberia presidential race

negative financial impact on him. Addressing concerns from many that the Taylor connection could hurt his prospects for the presidency, Urey states: Like any other Liberian, I worked for the government of Liberia under President Taylor. But one has to understand that everybody in Liberia worked under Taylor. Perhaps because of my proximity to him, they might say something, but what does that amount to? Urey acknowledges the connection but says it doesnt change his commitment to his country. There were other people who worked under Taylor and were closed to him as I was, and they are now holding important public positions in this country, either as senators or senior senators, judges, senior civil servants, and senior members of the Legislature and ministers in the present government. They have all been given opportunities to serve this country again after their time with Taylor. So why should it be different when it comes to me?



Monday, March 10, 2014

Page 3


must either take steps to end this madness or bags, resign their posts and stop wasting the expectations. The buck stops here. THE NOCAL board must take steps to end this madness or members should might as well pack up their bags and stop wasting the Liberian peoples time, resources and expectations. MEMBERS OF THENATIONAL Legislature in Liberia were clear in telling the National Oil Company of Liberia(NOCAL) that there would be no more bidding or attempts to sell remaining oil block in Liberia. THAT MESSAGE APPEARS to have been lost on Dr. Randolph McClain, Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of NOCAL, who during a presentation in Johannesburg recently conducted a power point presentation, reiterating his commitment to launching a licensing round, earlier promised for the third quarter of 2014, comprising at least 11 licenses including blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 29 and 30 in the Harper basin, together with blocks 6, 7, 16 and 17 in the Liberia basin. Also in the frame are more than 20 blocks in the ultra-deep which have now been demarcated ready for licensing, although it is not certain whether these would be included. THIS IS WHY we are baffled that NOCAL chose to issue a statement last weekend dismissing as malicious falsehood and bad journalism stories being run in some local newspapers of late, accusing him of undermining the ongoing oil sector reform process. IN THE STATEMENT, Dr. McClain made it clear that at no time has he undertaken any activity that would undermine the integrity of the ongoing reform in the oil sector as alleged by some local newspapers. His presentation in South Africa proved otherwise. HOW CAN NOCAL put out a statement, suggesting that Dr. McClain is very much aware of his responsibilities as well as his obligations and limitations regarding the sector, and will do nothing to compromise neither the interests of NOCAL nor those of the government regarding the reform process, when he usurps the function of the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy. THE LAW IS CLEAR that the Minister of Lands, Mines and Energy, not the NOCAL CEO, shall, subject to the recommendation of the petroleum regulatory body and the approval of the president, have the following responsibilities under this act which shall be exercised in accordance with the provisions of the act: The general management of the Petroleum resources and the administration of this Act; Issuing Petroleum regulations; Opening up new areas for Petroleum operations; Making such decisions and issuing approvals as required in connection with the tender and award of Petroleum agreements; Granting Petroleum rights and amending or revoking the same. THE LAW CLEARLY STATES that prior to opening up for Petroleum operations agreements areas that have not been previously subject to Petroleum agreements, the Petroleum Directorate shall at the request of the Minister, conduct (i) an evaluation of preliminary geological, geophysical and geochemical data of such areas, and (ii) an assessment of the economic, social and environmental impacts of the conduct of Petroleum operations in and around the subject areas, and shall provide an opportunity for public comment on the proposal. In relation to the conduct of any such impact assessment, the Petroleum Directorate shall consult with the relevant Ministries or agencies in respect of any matter falling within the scope of functions and responsibilities of the Ministry or agency in question. ACCORDING TO THE LAW, the Lands, Mines and Energy Minister, not the NOCAL CEO, shall give due consideration to the technical evaluation and the impact assessment report shall decide whether to open up the subject areas for Petroleum operations and whether to impose any exclusions, restrictions or other special conditions in connection with the opening up of the areas in questions. Nowhere does the new law mention NOCAL in the process as coordination with GOL in the tender process. Liberian peoples time, resources and members should might as well pack up their

The National Oil Company of Liberia board




Nat Bayjay,, Contributing Writer

aryland Countys once feared travelling menace for being Liberias farthest southeastern point has now been converted to being the educational safe haven for a region once neglected and forgotten, thanks to the impressive achievements of the William VS Tubman University. Spread across over 250 acres of land, the once dilapidated structures on the campus are now taking shape with sparking new and rehabilitated structures, pushing out the ugly past of the massive looting and destruction the campus experienced in having its fair share of the countrys unreasonable 14 years war. The infrastructural development aside, academically, and importantly too, the countrys lone university in the Southeast has already begun to make an impact as a university beyond just being a regional one but one that is of international standard. Since its transition from a technical college (then Tubman College or TC) to a full-fledged university in 2009, Tubman University (TU) has within the shortest possible time achieved much: five degree granting colleges (Agricultural and Food Sciences, Health Sciences, Management and Public Administration, Engineering and Technology and Education College), top-notch faculty and staff both from across Liberia and abroad attracted, and now brags of a student enrollment of nearly 1,000 from its initial small enrollment of 200 when it first re-opened about five years ago. Most of all, TU prepares its first batch of graduates hopefully for June of this year. During my recent visit to the Universitys first career day event graced by Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, I had the opportunity of speaking to a few students whose respective and personal frank assessments of their educational endeavors provided a complete coverage of why TU is now not just the educational safe haven for the countrys farthest point, but also fast becoming a regional tertiary institute attracting students from neighboring counties and countries. From Bong to Nimba, from Grand Bassa to Grand Gedeh and from River Gee to Sinoe, students who could probably not have had an easier admission into a full-fledged university are making the most of the timely availability of TU ideally located in the warmthembracing port city of Harper in Maryland County. Elliot J. Boegbah Jr, studying Mechanical Engineering, is a first year student. He hails from Buchanan, Grand Bassa County where the Grand Bassa Community College (GBCC) has been in full gear. He rather chose TU over GBCC for the obvious reasons: his desired ambitious career is being provided by TU that will award him an under-graduate degree opposed to a community colleges associate degree. Besides, admission into the University of Liberia has been an uphill battle for him, other hundreds of his other peers caught across the country. Student Elliot now explains to me: Well, this university is a university that is offering quality education to transform the lives of students from all over the country. .in the absence of TU, I wouldnt have been in school because it has been difficult for me to enter the UL and besides, it [UL] doesnt offer the course [Mechanical Engineer] I wanted. Satta Gankpalas outstanding introduction of keynote speaker Minister Ngafuan wouldnt have allowed anyone to ignore her in the collection of students views. For her, the Liberian saying Seeing is believing works best for her. She followed-up all the good news she heard about TU and in no time was overly impressed beyond what her ears were just hearing: I chose to come to Maryland because I actually read about it on the internet. It appealed to me and I talked to some people about it who I knew were students here. Everything they told me about it got me impressed and I promised that if my first semester didnt go well, then I would have left but since I came here I have seen more than what I heard. A third year junior student majoring Banking and Finance, with emphasis in Accounting, Satta hails from Bong County but resided in Monrovia. She had sought admission into the Cuttington University in Bong County where she was studying Management but got transferred to TU: I took transfer because they [Cuttington] are not offering banking and finance. So far its been splendid here: good atmosphere and good teaching staffs, Satta confused. But what also impressed me is that the university has attracted

students from other countries. Izetta George, for instance, comes from Sierra Leones Fourah Bay College. [Let it be noted here that Fourah Bay is also the University of Sierra Leone after it merged with Njala University College in 1967 and is that countrys premier university.] A sophomore student, Izetta finds herself in TUs College of Education. Why did she choose the newly established TU over the century-old Fourah Bay that was established in 1827 and well known in West Africa, Izetta replies: Well, I can see that Fourah Bay College University is a very good one but its very archaic but TU is a new one with lots of opportunities here for also nonLiberian students. She explains to me that TU is an opportunity to meet different people from around the world who go to the university to teach and also learn. Continues Izetta: And you get vast experiences here from different cultures from around the world which we dont find in other universities. I have a better chance of not only learning about Liberian culture and my field of study but I can also gain knowledge from people that have worked outside Liberia Izetta notes that the Education College at TU is broad and exposed, unlike that of Fourah Bay College. Two years later, she hopes to immediately go for her Masters in Education that would land her at the job market, fairly giving back firstly to Liberia. While noting the Universitys location despite its rapid growth that continues to see students transferring from the University of Liberia and others, she advises: People out there should not feel that the University is going nowhere because it is in the bush. It is growing and has established greatly. Christopher P. Theoway, for his part, acknowledges the conducive atmospheric environment of the University: Taking into consideration the location of the school, not much distracting factors are around here. This means that students remain focused on their lessons when they are in Tubman University. Christopher is a sophomore student of the Agriculture College who hails from Grand Kru, but resided in Monrovia prior to his admission into TU. He identifies as a major strength of the University its top-notch faculty and staff drawn from home and abroad: Depending on the professors we have here, we have real qualified professors who are full time professors and they really give students the time and remain engaged with students; making sure that they give their best to students. No wonder why the determined students and their dedicated faculty and staff proudly refer to their university as the only 21st Century university which presence in the countrys Southeast is beaming its light in that region. TUs impressive footprints, clearly demonstrating the Governments decentralization policy in the educational sector, smoothen the debate why there need to be other regional universities in places probably such as in Lofa, or Nimba to cater to surrounding counties and in Sinoe or Grand Bassa Counties to do same. Afterall, the argument of sparse population that doesnt commensurate with the construction of a full-fledged university in a particular locality does not hold anymore as its presence attracts huge population, the case of a growing Tubman University in a sparely populated Maryland County. While such recommendations remain vital for the decentralization of tertiary education in Liberias quest to keep abreast with contemporary realities, TU will continue to shine its light in a region successfully transforming itself from being once neglected and abandoned to an educational hub while economically recovering to keep pace with the rest of the country. Bravo to the Dr. Elizabeth Davis-Russell led Tubman University. Bravo to the committed students and dedicated staff restoring hope to Liberias Southeast!!!!! About the Author: Nat Bayjay is a Media Consultant/ Communication specialist. Doubling as a PUL Best Investigative & Best Environmental Journalist in 2011, Bayjay uses his journalistic profession to always highlight issues in the country including political, economical and socio issues through in-depth articles and news analyses. Hes reachable on: a reform that will ensure that our future generations are protected. THERE IS NO need to rush to sell oil blocks now without taking into consideration not only Liberias future but the welfare of generations yet unborn. THE NOCAL board must take steps to end this madness or members should might as well pack up their bags and stop wasting the Liberian peoples time, resources and expectations.

THAT THE NOCAL CEO without oversight from the board and the legislature, took it upon himself to unilaterally declare bid rounds for oil blocks open when the legislature has put a freeze on bidding, speaks volumes. THE NATIONAL LEGISLATURE must take this matter serious and bring Dr. McClain to book for his unilateral action. WE ARE CONFUSED over why Dr. McClain is in a rush to open new rounds of bidding for oil blocks when NOCAL is yet to put in place


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This thing make me sick when people who know better refuse to accept the truth. People leave Liberia and come to the west and get all the best education and go back to Liberia to make fool of the poor people. If you know you can win a election without CBL post or money ,than just leave. LET US LOOK AT LIBERIA AS A SICK CHILD THAT NEED HELP AND NOT A GROUND OR PLACE WHERE WE CAN GO AND GET RICH OVERNIGHT AND COME BACK HERE WITH THE MONEY AND BUY ALL THE BIG HOUSES AND CARS. RAYMOND SUMO CUTTINGTON UNIVERSITY, LIBERIA The Legislature and the Executive have worked together to fight political corruption in this case. I believe Dr. Jones knows better but he brought this on himself and members of the board, and other government agencies such as finance is on the radar for similar bill. Civil society and their supporters should get ready again. In fact Dr. Jones helped the President and the legislature to pass this bill into law. I am only disappointed in our civil society, some learned Liberians who were on the wrong side of history, and some of our young people who were bused to the legislature on behalf of Dr. Jones. There are so many ills in our society that the civil society could tackle, but no money in those areas. ARTHUR DAVID FREED-HARDEMAN UNIVERSITY I am not a fan of this Legislature, but I support them fully on this CBL Act. If someone at the CBL wants to run for President, let them resign and run. Dividing public funds to gain political leverage is a disease and must be stopped. If this fellow has sincere intentions in jump starting the Liberian economy and empowering Liberian small businesses, then why is there all this noise about a law targeting him. Let the future Bank Governors worry about this bill. Let him go on and do his job. To continue using these poor, uneducated and uninformed people is a crime. SAYKU KROMAH CIY OF PHILADELPHIA AT RETIRED Well, CBL Board Members, the ball is in your court. Over a year ago, I shared with most of my friends that Gov. Jones had outsmarted the corrupt politicians with presidential ambitions by designing this loan scheme to headstart his presidential campaign. I admonished them that unless they stopped him, given. The level poverty, he was the next President. I even raised this with some members of the Legislators, but I did not foresee them using a sledgehammer to kill a fly. Well, Gov. Jones, it looks like the other crooks outsmarted you. To have directly stopped the loan scheme, would have put them in antagonistic position with the market women, but the way the have done it is Checkmate. Now lets see if the loan scheme will continue with the same level of enthusiasm. the level of poverty. NYEMADE WANI AVERAGE JOE AT POWER TO THE PEOPLE Why don't you sit down in Philadelphia and stop writing nonsense you know nothing about. Our useless, greasy incompetent Senators know that Jones is the man to fix this mess of a country they have created. They are targeting only one person because he has a chance of becoming president. Out new constitution can remove their nonsense. I say give them only 2 years in office and let them read a book in front of the entire country so we can see if they are educated. These people will destroy our country. NOBODY should be restricted from running for president. If a former warlord can win our election and former rebels can now call themselves honorable, Mills Jones who was never a rebel or a warlord can be president. The comments expressed here are those of our online readers and bloggers and do no represent the views of FrontPageAfrica

The Editor, About three years ago, we were confronted with a dilemma; to choose a better leadership that would steer Liberia on the right trajectory. We were presented with two major alternatives, and we made a conscious decision to support the reliable option, President Sirleaf. The decision to support President Sirleafs reelection bid was based on the premise that she would not only combat corruption, but she would also rebuild struggling institutions.


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The Reader's Page

Monday, March 10, 2014

The Editor, The term Caveat Emptor means the principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before a purchase is made. What are the dreams of the average Diaspora Liberian? The purpose of this commentary is to enlighten the deceived Liberians about the reality of life in Liberia and not the perceived myths.. Let me list them: 1. Build a house in Liberia at a reasonable cost. 2. Make my family members independent. 3. Find a loving person to share the wealth that I have accumulated. Lets dispel the truth from the myths: 1. The reality of building a house in Liberia at a reasonable cost is myth. Try sending your hard earned money to a relative and envision them being honest about spending the thousands of dollar you send to build a palace while they live in poverty. Tell that to a friend of mine who was being sent pictures of someone elses house being built (being told that the pictures were that of his house). He went back to Liberia and found and empty lot and an empty bank account of $40,000.00. His brother build his own house and financed young girls, wow! 2. Make my family members independent: That will not happen. I have another friend who sent a used car and a Toyota bus to his family thinking that that would end the dependence. Within one year, both cars were beyond use and they called him to ask for money to repair the vehicles. He asked. what happened to the daily report money? No answer. 3. Find a loving person to share the wealth that I have accumulated: Right? Do you think that that girl does not have a lover in Liberia? An associate of mine found that out. He went to Liberia and married his girlfriend. He brought her over to the United States. She stated that she wanted to send for her brother to come on a visit. He came to America and stayed at their house; but to find out he was actually her Liberian boyfriend. She got her green card and went and divorced him and married her Liberian boyfriend who had been staying in their house, being fed by him, and sleeping with his wife. Wow, this is wild. john weah,

Even Though the Sirleaf led government had made tremendous gains in the post-war reconstruction effort, it is disheartening to state that President Sirleaf has failed miserably in her attempt to fight corruption. Whenever a leader overtly supports cronyism, cliques, and favoritism, it becomes challenging for such leader to genuinely battle corruption. The war on government corruption and impunity should not be selective. There have been several cases in which certain officials of government that were involved in corrupt practices were never prosecuted; while other officials were treated unsympathetically for similar vices. This is not the Liberia we envisioned under the leadership of President Sirleaf. In the report published last Thursday by the US State Department, Secretary of State John Kerry mentioned a number of significant impediments to the post-war development, especially, corruption. Honestly, the hope and expectation of steering Liberia on the right track is dwindling, and we the sternest supporters of President Sirleaf are starting to display signs of buyers remorse. There have been numerous reports and outcries on corruption in government; regrettably, President Sirleaf has consistently turned a blind eye on this issue. Officials of government are involved in corrupt practices with impunity. When will the culture of corruption and impunity ever end? Although we are troubled by the direction Liberia is heading, there is still hope that Ma Ellen to show honest effort in combating corruption in her government. President Sirleaf still has sufficient time to redeem herself. We fervently hope that the president shows leadership by dismissing, and prosecuting {all} officials accused of engaging in corrupt practices. The support for President Sirleaf reelection effort was valid; thus, we demand nothing less. It is important to note that if appropriate measures are not taken by Madam Sirleaf to prosecute corrupt officials, we will have no other option but to join civil society, opposition groups, and other well-meaning Liberian organizations to pressure the president to resign. The fight against corruption should be a collective effort and every Liberian need to speak out against corrupt practices in Liberia. May God continue to bless the work of our hands. Hassan Fadiga


Rodney D. Sieh, Managing Editor, 0886-738-666; 077-936-138,; Wade C. L. Williams, News Desk Chief, wade.; 0880664793 Francis F.B. Mulbah, Layout Editor; 0886639382 REPORTERS Sports Editor, Danesius Marteh, danesius.marteh@, 0886236528 Henry Karmo, henry.karmo@frontpageafricaonline. com Al-varney Rogers com, 0886-304498


Sports Reporter, A. Macaulay Sombai,macaulay.sombai@, 077217428 COUNTY NEWS TEAM Grand Bassa, Alpha Daffae Senkpeni, 0777432042 Bong County, Selma Lomax, selma.lomax@, 0886-484666 Sinoe County, Leroy N.S Kanmoh, leroy.kanmoh@ 0886257528 BUSINESS/ADVERTISING Kadi Coleman Porte, 0886-304-178/ 0777832753, advertise@

Monrovia -

Monday, March 10, 2014




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he National Oil Company of Liberia came out swinging against several media report last week taking the head of the company, Dr. Randolph McClain to task for undermining the ongoing oil sector reform process. In a statement issued in Monrovia on the weekend, the company dismissed as malicious falsehood and bad journalism stories being run in some local newspapers of late, accusing him of undermining the ongoing oil sector reform process. But in a major contradiction, a report by the International petroleum publication, Upstream on McClains recent presentation in South Africa, states that Dr. McClain in fact did reiterate his commitment to launching a licensing round, earlier promised for the third quarter of 2014, comprising at least 11 licenses including blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 29 and 30 in the Harper basin, together with blocks 6, 7, 16 and 17 in the Liberia basin. Also in the frame are more than 20 blocks in the ultradeep which have now been demarcated ready for licensing, although it is not certain whether these would be included. The report went on to say that Liberian officials concerned with passage of the Petroleum Exploration & Production Bill and the draft National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) are gearing up for the culmination of a consultation process which has taken a road-show around the country. Thirty round tables will be held reflecting different lobbies, and interest groups will meet to approve the final package which sponsors hope can be returned to Capitol Hill. It is thought proceedings can be wrapped up within a week and any changes to the law passed to lawmakers before submission to President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf House for assent. However, problems may persist in the House of Representatives, which failed to approve the draft on the last reading. The Senate has already approved the Bill but, according to Upstream report, may have reservations if changes are made although proponents hope it may pass into law before the end of the month so that a new licensing round can go ahead under fresh institutional supervision. NOCAL would become a purely commercial E&P entity, while a new regulatory body called the Petroleum Directorate would be established to organize and regulate fresh tenders, the report said. On Saturday, NOCAL appear to be out of the loop of McClains presentation in South Africa, asserting that at no time had McClain undertaken any activity that would undermine the integrity of the ongoing reform in the oil sector as alleged by some local newspapers. McClain, according to the NOCAL statement, pointed out that contrary to what is being alleged in the newspapers concerned, he is working assiduously to ensure that NOCAL remains focused on the reform of the sector for the benefit of the country and its people. In this regard, the National Oil Company of Liberia official said, NOCAL continues to fully cooperate with all relevant stakeholders, including the National Legislature to ensure a successful outcome of the oil sector reform process. The NOCAL President and CEO further made it clear that he is very much aware of his responsibilities as well as his obligations and

NOCALs Defense Of CEO Mcclain Backfires, Report Confirms preparations for bidding, Presentation in South Africa
limitations regarding the sector, and will do nothing to compromise neither the interests of NOCAL nor those of the government regarding the reform process. Dr. McClain urged media stakeholders who are in the habit of sensationalizing and personalizing issues for ulterior motives to desist. Ironically, McClains decision to announce bid round breached the oil sector reform process. The Senate passed Petroleum Law (2013) stating that all tenders for blocks will be housed under the new regulatory arm called the Petroleum Directorate (PD) and that new institution would have prior approval by the President of the Republic and public hearing and newspaper notices before any blocks were put up for bid. FrontPageAfrica reported last week that McClain, in a recent meeting with ExxonMobil, again announced that NOCAL is preparing for an upcoming bid round of 9 11 blocks offshore Liberia, a statement which reportedly sent alarm bells ringing. Last September, Chloe Fussel of Global Witness stated that NOCAL was attempting to push the law through so that it could conduct a bid round. Many within the process said no, it would be impossible with the provisions of the new law and if that were true, Dr. McClain would not have disappeared the day before the law went into the Senate. Since 2007, 10 Production Sharing Contracts were signed, including 4 with 2 of the largest and most reputable companies in the World, Chevron (2010) and Exxon (2013). 5 exploration (meaning looking for) wells have been drilled and more wells will be drilled in 2014. Liberia has a total of 30 offshore Blocks: 17 Deep Water Blocks and 13 Ultra Deep Water Blocks. To date, some eight companies are in Liberias Deep Water Blocks currently looking for oil but no company has found oil in enough quantities to produce it.



Again later during the same week of the burning of rubber, some citizens seized the companys nursery and stopped the workers from working for two days demanding that their concerns be addressed. The burning of the five thousand hectares of rubber compelled President Sirleaf to act, sending Deputy Internal Affairs Minister Varney Sirleaf to work along with Cllr. Alfred Brownell of Green Advocate International, to solve the crisis. Salala Rubber Corporation (SRC) says the government is in her pocket because she has taken our land, without just compensations and has destroyed our drinking water source and nothing is being done, so I am here to take the company from governments pocket and put it in my pocket, says Mr. Abraham Kamara, Spokesperson for the Citizens. During a meeting in Salala at the weekend, some citizens raised concerns that the company was imposing a curfew on them, while several security personnel were harassing the citizens and taking money from them on a daily basis. Some of us can cut sticks to sell to get money for our families but when we reach to the check point of the Company, the company security can charge us L$1,500 to cross our sticks. So after taking our land, they are taking our money, so how does the company expect us to live, says Jerry Kollie, a local farmer. Speaking about the alleged curfew and harassment carried out by the Company, Minister Sirleaf warned the Company against the act if the allegations are true. If it is true that you have imposed a curfew on the citizens, it is wrong and you should stop, because only a state can impose a curfew on citizens and not a company. Since the matter has reached the President, and the matter is being investigated, no security should harass the citizens who are trying to make a living. Anybody found doing so, and the matter is reported, you will be dealt with according to the law. Minister Sirleaf said the government is not in SRC pocket as claimed by some of the citizen; as he said such comment prompted President Sirleaf to ask him to work with Cllr. Brownell and the Company to find a solution. When President Sirleaf saw the story that the rubber farm was on fire, she immediately called me to ask what was she seeing in the papers and asked that I work along with Cllr. Brownell. And we have suggested to the Company that a team of expert from overseas to come and do




mediation team setup by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to look into growing tension between residents ofSalala and the Salala Rubber Plantation Company has calmed tension existing at the plantation while an independent team is expected to be invited to further probe allegations of contamination of nearby creeks and other sources of water by the rubber company. The conflict between the Salala Rubber Corporation, SRC and the citizens of Margibi County has been going on for a while, but recently the crisis intensified when nearly five thousand hectares of rubber was set on fire by unknown persons.

an independent investigation with all parties involved, for transparency and accountability. So nobody can accuse the other group of bribery, said Deputy Minister Sirleaf. Mr. JallahMensah, SRC Administrative Officer, said the Company has addressed the issue of crop payment since 2002, 2012 and 2013 and stated that regarding the issue of SRC crossing the boundary, a survey has to be done in order to know where boundary stops. The meeting that brought together hundreds of indigenous farmers from nearby Towns and Villages had a Kpelleh interpreter, who made it for the farmers to understand. But the citizens went wild with anger when SRC representative blamed them of making themselves sick from the poisoned water that they almost left the meeting if not for the presence of the Minister and Cllr. Brownell. If you say the water was poisoned, in October we addressed the issue by building hand pumps, but you decided to go back and drink the same water which your forefathers were drinking, and when you get sick, we are not to be held responsible, Mensah said. After the spokesman calmed the angry crowd, Mr. Mensah said the company was ready to work along with the Minister and the Cllr. to settle the issue. We will work along with your lawyer Cllr. Alfred Brownell, and Minister Varney Sirleaf to settle this problem once and for all and put it behind us, so the Company has agreed to work with your lawyer in addressing the issues. Cllr. Alfred Brownell during the meeting frowned on the alleged actions of money exploitation by the plantations security and warned the company to stop if they are involved in such act. How can you be wicked to your own people in such manner when you all are Liberians? How do you expect the man to feed his family when you set check point to take money from him? He cautioned his clients not to take the law into their hands, since he is representing them, because he believes in the law. Cllr. Brownell said he is writing international experts to do investigations, admonishing the citizens to find all documents to show the company did or did not pay for their crops, instead of waiting for the experts to come, before searching for their documents. I am going to write the same experts who are based in Swaziland to do the investigation because they have done other cases regarding similar cases in Liberia and around the world. But I have to write them first and see if they can come before I can send word to tell you all, because sometimes they are busy and have other work to do.

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Monroviat is a sunny Friday afternoon the eve of International Womens Day, Miatta Jackson, 43 and other local business women in Monrovias commercial district of Duala are busy running behind vehicles filled with goods that has just come from upcountry. Together they call themselves the by most peculiar name that you can imagine and even though it is in no way related to the former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, it is the name by which they ply their trade with pride. Im a Gobarchop, Im running behind cars. Gobarchop means when the car comes from up interior, we run behind it and put our clothes there, said Miatta in a FrontPageAfrica Exclusive Interview for international Womens Day. Were the ones can put our lappas over the car. You put your lappa there, when you catch the plantain, banana, anyone-fruit it is for you. Miatta and other energetic women who engage in this business sometimes with little or no education are the ones that run the chain of Monrovias organic food Market. They serve as the brokers between the women who put their fresh goods on the market stalls, these women are the middleman between the farmer and the urban market woman, and without them the market would be chaotic. We run behind it and buy it then we go and put it on the ground, we sell it to other people, said Miatta explaining how it works getting the goods off the cars. When you put the lappa over the car, you can buy it cheap and you bring it and sell it to the other person. It means the market for me; this is because maybe we will be two or three over the car but then the one I hold is for me; the one my friend hold is for her. It is a tough business and to do it you as a woman have to be tough because it requires a lot of energy and people who do it sometimes say it is almost like playing football, only the strongest can get their hands on the goods. It not easy oh, we have to run fast because thats competition, you want to be the first to throw your lappa on the car because if you dont do it, your friend will buy the whole car of pepper or plantain for small money and make big profit, she said. Breadwinners Miatta and other women involved in this business are the breadwinners for their respective families and they have to work overtime to be able to cater to the needs of their households and the Gobachop business is letting them stay on top of this game. She tells FrontPageAfrica that it is a very profitable business and she has been doing it for so long that it has helped her put her five children through school. We thank God because through that our children are going to school and some of us our husband then not working-through that we can help the family; God is making a way for us, were prospering inside, said a smiling Miatta. The gobarchop profit own pa, I cant lie God is really do well for us because, if I catch the plantain for L$150, I come, I sell it for L$ 375 or 350, or 400, I chopping. I have six children, some of them are out of high school, and some of them are working. Drivers are partners Miatta and other women say the business is a game of chance and the drivers of the vehicles that transport the goods from the farms to the market are the ones who make it happen for them (gobarchop women) who wait in Monrovia to take the produce to market; that would eventually land it on every meal table in Monrovia at a price. The drivers thats our partners because sometimes they can catch the market from the owner when theyre coming; when they bring it, then when theyre coming and the way Im here the driver knows me he can bring the market and give it to me, said Miatta. When the driver makes contact for you, when you get the market, the driver get share there. Like if you bring 10 bags o corn for me today, when I get hundred, hundred, I can give him L$500. The saving strategy Baindu Williams, 29is another Gobachop woman as they call themselves. For her a mother of a four-year-old girl child, the business is profitable because through it they are able to create their own means of savings. Baindu says a Gobarchop woman often does not have a bank account that she uses to save her business money. The young businesswoman says that the women have their own means of saving money called the Susu and it is a means of collecting a specified amount of money daily and giving it to one woman among them who is called the Susu ma (mother) for safekeeping. This susu ma keeps the money said Baindu and at the end of the month if ten women saves a specified amount a day, all that money is given to one member of the group and they continue in a cycle until everyone is able to benefit from the scheme. The susu is not too bad, because sometimes we come in the market, we hold the market, we sell it. Like me Im paying L$400 a day, she said. If I hold the market, I sell it I get profit, I can pay my susu every day and then the end of the month if like thirty persons pay, I can take that money home to be able to pay my house rent and pay my daughters school fees; everyday one person eating, so the business is not too bad. Risky way of saving Baindu admits that the susu business is a risky way of saving but it is the only way market women like her, know to save money. She said they do not experience the bad omen of people running away with their life savings, which has befallen many people because,



Monday, March 10, 2014


Wade C. L. Williams,


they have chosen one of their own to be the susu ma. It cant happen among us because the Susu ma is among us, were seeing her every day and shes doing the same business too and it is through that her family surviving; so she cant do that, she said. The person just wants to be wicked; it is not a good habit because to get the money is not an easy thing. I can wake up very soon and by six I can be in the market, so if you run away with my money, youre hurting my heart. She said that as market women they also have a scheme wherein they can save at a bigger scale, which they call the Club. Baindu said the club only allows a market woman to collect what she has saved only at the end of the year, so it becomes a bigger venture for them. I can save, the club is our saving, we the business people, she said. We dont have chance for bank, so after two months if we take the susu, we can put it in the club, when the year ends then we take it and see what we can do with it. In the club, you keep money for a year but the susu you get it every week or every month. It is profitable. Difficulties in getting loans These market women like many others across the country, continue to face difficulties in securing loans from banks because many of them lack the collateral that is required to get it. I took loan once it was like L$5,000 and I paid back; to take the money is not the thing but the interest that they can put is more than the money you taking, said Dora Wleh another market woman who has had her experience with the bank in terms of loans and interest rates. She said many market women like herself, prefer the susu club because the banks have made it very difficult for them to get loans. She said if the banks are serious about lifting market women up and improving their businesses they (banks) must try to relax the criteria associated with getting a loan. If the bank can give us loan with low interest rate it will be ok, said Dora. The people when they giving you the loan, they will say you must give land deed, they will ask you for all those property value and for some of us it will be hard for us to take it because we dont have the land deeds or the property theyre asking for. Tribute to women Gender Minister Julia Duncan Cassell extols the resilience of these women adding that it is because of the hard work of women like these that the world celebrates International Womens Day. Those are the people that we are talking about; this is what International Womens Day is all about; it is to recognize these women, said Minister Cassell. You and I know that 65% of the farmers are women; 65% of the breadwinners in this country are women. Before a woman eats, she makes sure there is something for her husband and there is something for her children. They can be the last to eat; these are the women that this day is dedicated to. The said the power of the Liberian woman no matter her status in society is embedded in her resolve to selflessly serve her family

and raise her children the best way she knows how not demanding anything in return. They want to see to it that their children go to school, that they have something to eat. When I travel throughout the country and ask the women, what is it that you desire? The biggest thing she says to me is, so that my child can live better than me, said Minister Cassell in tribute to the Liberian woman. Continues Cassell: This is why we celebrate, to say to them youve done well; put your bundles down, come and lets celebrate together. Let us know that there are other women around the world that share your view and appreciate you. Those women from Duala, Redlight, Kakata, Ganta, grand Gedeh, Harper, Pleebo, those people sit on top of those trucks, those are the women that International Womens day recognizes. As for the women doing Gobachop business, many of them will be working as the world celebrates International Womens day, but for them what would matter most is that they continue to stay alive in good health, despite the risks associated in what they do in terms of staying healthy. Actually it is not too bad, sometimes we get headaches, or maybe fever, thats all but to just get sick and stay in bed, it does not happen among us because eating a lot of fruits here, said Baindu who maintains that she has bigger dreams for the future as a Gobarchop woman. The fruits we sell we also eat them, we eat plantain, pineapple, butter pea, watermelon cucumber, all the fruits; thats why making us healthy; so it is hard for us to get sick. Five years from now, I want to be a big business woman, if I have the opportunity to even go back to school, I would do business because business is what Im interested in. The world must do more Political leaders the world over will make amazing speeches as the world celebrates women, but as the United States Secretary of State John Kerry in his 2014 International Womens Day statement puts it, it takes more to make a womans life better. International Womens Day is a moment to pause and reflect on the contributions of women to the world and to reaffirm our commitment to continued progress on gender equality, said Secretary Kerry. We cannot hope to break the cycle of poverty if we fail to harness the talent and productivity of half the worlds population. And we cannot hope to break the cycle of war if women are not enlisted as equal partners in the work of peace. He said it is time that the entire world begin to demand the equal participation of women in the decisions that affect the world. They must have a seat on the boards of corporations that impact our economies, and they must have a voice in the halls of justice that uphold the rule of law, said Secretary Kerry. When we invest in our mothers, wives, daughters, and sisters, we invest in a brighter future for the world. The United States stands ready to protect and advance the health, education, and human rights of women and girls everywhere, because womens progress is human progress.

Monrovia he Leadership of the House of Representatives of the 53rdNational Legislature will on Monday March 10, 2014 launch phase- two of their nation-wide public engagement on the PETROLEUM SECTOR LAW REFORM. Phase-two of the public engagement on the two draft oil legislations (The Draft Petroleum Exploration & Production Act of 2013 & The New NOCAL Act of 2013) will be Stakeholders Roundtable Consultations that willsolicit observations and recommendations from Local and International Civil Society Organizations, the Donor Community, the Business Community, Political Parties, Youth & Student Organizations, International Oil Companies, and Faith Based Organizations. Since 2007, 10 Production Sharing Contracts were signed, including 4 with 2 of the largest and most reputable companies in the World, Chevron (2010) and Exxon (2013). 5 exploration (meaning looking for) wells have been drilled and more wells will be drilled in 2014. Liberia has a total of 30 offshore Blocks: 17 Deep Water Blocks and 13 Ultra Deep Water Blocks. To date, some eight companies are in Liberias Deep Water Blocks currently looking for oil but no company has found oil in enough quantities to produce it. The program will be graced by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who will deliver a keynote address,the Speaker of the House, the Senate ProTemp, scores of Senior Government officials, and members of the diplomatic corps and the oil and gas industry. A release from the House of Rep. quotingDeputy Speaker, Hans Barchue, said the Stakeholders Roundtable Consultation will be slightly different from the just ended Nation-wide public Engagement. Before delegates can make their observations and recommendations on the draft laws expected to guide Liberias potential hydrocarbon sector,natural resource experts, invited from Africa, America and Europe, will share practical experiences and exhaustive knowledge on the most effective, sustainable, accountable and environmentally prudent manners oil resource has been explored and produced in other countries, the release furthered. Deputy Speaker, Hans Barchue named few of the experts as Robert E. Smallwood, a Tax Adviser who has spent over 12 years advising Energy & Mining clients in Africa, Europe and America on Tax planning, Foreign corrupt Practices Act, holding companies analysis and other tax matters; Paul Brown, an American with extensive knowledge of the Norwegian Models for the development of oil, gas and energy; Ernest C. Nwapa, Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Content Development & Monitoring Board since 2010 is a local content experts from Nigeria National Petroleum Company with detailed knowledge & practical experience of the challenges surrounding Local Content Development & regulation in Africa. He also named others as Cindy Roberts &Malcolm B. Roberts of Alaska and Taa Wongbe; a Managing Partner to Khana based in New york, Ghana, Uganda & Liberia. The process according to Hon. Barchue fulfillsthe pledge made by the House Representative, on the holding of a Round Table Consultation after the completion of a Nation-wide public engagement on the draft oil legislations. He reaffirmed commitment of the House to incorporating meaningful recommendations from participants and encourage them to use the opportunity and add their voices to draft oil legislations. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who will deliver a Keynote address, The Speaker of the House, the Senate Pro-temp along with an array of senior Government officials and international oil companies will grace the program. The technical round tables will take place from the afternoon of March 10 through March 15, 2014 at the SKD Stadium and Corina Hotel respectively. Among the experts providing opinions are: Paul Brown With more than thirty-five years of management, fund-raising, marketing and organizational development experience Paul has led and been a key member of projects in candidate and issue campaigns, community service, and the arts. He began his career as a newspaper executive. Mr. Brown was associated with the Lewis Cohen Group in New York for political campaigns. He was a consultant and author of a report for Common Cause, a national good government organization based in Washington, DC, and he served on the presidents. He was a member of the 2011 Norway Policy Tour sponsored by Institute of the North to study that countrys model for development of oil, gas and renewable energy. He is a member of Backbone, a citizens group whose purpose is public education on the issue of resource wealth. Paul is a member of a working group of Alaskans guided by His Excellency Olafur Grimsson, President of the Republic of Iceland, to plan a global campaign of awareness on the world wide commons. He is engaged in the research and development phase forThe Commons - no legitimate reason for poverty, a major film project showing ways the worlds vast resource wealth can benefit all people. Paul Brown is a veteran of the U.S. Army, and was awarded Brigade Soldier of the Year at Fort Benning, Georgia. He attended Nassau Community College and studied at New York Universitys School of Continuing Education. Ernest C. Nwapa Engineer Nwapa (MNSE) was appointed Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Content Development & Monitoring Board in April 2010 following the signing of the Nigerian Content Act. He has worked for many years in the international oil and gas industry, gaining most of his experience within various capacities and functions at NNPC. His appointment as the pioneer Nigerian Content Coordinator in


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Legislature, Stakeholders Roundtable Consultation on Draft Legislations Begins Today, Seven Foreign Natural Resource Professionals to Provide Opinions

2004 included the challenge of translating volumes of stakeholder recommendations into a comprehensive, implementable policy document, which was submitted to the Federal Government in February 2005. It provided the framework for setting up the NCD in March 2005 where Nwapa worked until his appointment as Group General Manager, Nigerian Content Division of NNPC in March 2010 in recognition of his noted contributions to the development of the industry in Nigeria. Engr Nwapa is a 1982 graduate of the Civil Engineering Department (B.Engr.) of the University of Nigeria Nsukka, graduating with honors. Engr Nwapa has written several papers and made presentations on the subjects of local content development and capacity building both locally and internationally and is now internationally recognized and well-known for his advocacy and promotion of capacity building and local content development in national oil and gas industries. Cindy Roberts Cindy is a key component of her husbands Anchorage-based government and community relations consulting firm, Malcolm B. Roberts & Associates. Since its founding in 1972, she has dealt with a range of Alaska issues, most notably state oil and natural gas development policy and legislation, and public information regarding timber and mineral resources. Mrs. Roberts has held a variety of government positions with federal, state and municipal organizations. Alaska government service included serving as executive staff to the Commissioner(s) of Department of Natural Resources and Department of Commerce, Community & Economic Affairs. Mrs. Roberts was the founding executive staff for the Alaska Minerals & Energy Education Foundation. Since 2007, Mrs. Roberts has been an active member of Backbone II, a tri-partisan citizens organization which began in 1999 to protest the proposed merger of two of the three major oil corporations on Alaskas North Slope. Backbone has remained a watch-dog of Alaska oil and gas issues. Cindy edited and produced the Alaska natural gas pipeline glossary, Cracking the Code. In January 2008, the CODE was an insert in the Alaska Business Monthly magazine. In January 2012, the CODE was enlarged to 200 terms and published independently. As this issue defines Alaskas next economic boom, the CODE has increased citizens depth of understanding of the science, the legal framework, the geography, and the economics of Alaska natural gas development and liquefied natural gas in the global market. Malcolm B. Roberts Malcolm B. Roberts is a Senior Fellow at the Institute of the North and worked closely with the founder, the late Governor Walter J. Hickel, for nearly 40 years. The Institute studies and teaches about the Alaska economic model and how to care for and use commonly owned lands and resources for the benefit of the common man.Since 1999, Roberts has served on the Executive Committee of Backbone, a watchdog organization that follows state oil and gas policy. The focus of the group ranges from legislative oil and gas tax policies and encouraging the development of the 35 trillion cubic feet of stranded natural gas at Alaskas North Slope to providing low-cost, clean energy for Alaskans and promoting the export of liquefied natural gas to lucrative Asian markets.The first Executive Director of Commonwealth North from 19791982 (and later from 19871990), Roberts helped create and lead Alaskas leading public forum. As executive director, he edited over 20 action papers on critical issues

including the Arctic National Wildlife Range, the Alaska Permanent Fund, North Slope natural gas, and the Alaska Railroad. Roberts was educated at Princeton University where he earned a bachelors degree. Robert E. Smallwood Robert is an International Tax Director with PricewaterhouseCoopers African Tax Group based in New York. He primarily advises clients on tax and business matters relative to English speaking West Africa (Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone) as well as Angola and Mozambique. He has over 12 years of diverse tax experience including advising energy and mining clients on tax due diligence, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), corporate restructuring, tax planning, holding company analysis, and other related matters. Robert has presented on various African tax and business topics at forums and conferences in the USA, Europe and Africa. Robert is a Certified Public Accountant and has a postgraduate degree in Taxation. Taa Wongbe Taa Wongbe is the Managing Partner of The Khana Group, a management consulting and advisory firm that combines private sector views with development approaches to positively impact and transform Africa. He is responsible for all aspects of the firms strategy, teams and operations across all four offices in New York, Liberia, Nigeria and Ghana. He has served a wide range of clients and led projects for governments, corporations, multilateral institutions, aid agencies, and social impact investors across Africa and around the globe focused on strategy, program design and development, organizational development, and technology. Prior to The Group, Taa was co-founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Pangean Technologies, a firm that provided communications solutions and services to corporations globally. He was responsible for driving technology innovation and delivering new products and services to clients. He managed the firms exit through a buyout to a publicly traded US company.Taa has also served as a consultant with Deloitte Touche Tomatsu, McKinsey & Company, Gartner, and ThruPoint in New York on strategy, operations and technology engagements for global organizations. Originally from Liberia, Taa has led initiatives to foster the growth of SMEs, build capacity and empower African women and youth. He received his BS from New Jersey Institute of Technology and certificates in Finance & Accounting from the Wharton Business School Executive Education Program and Program Management from New York University. Estrada Jefferson Bernard, III Estrada J. Bernard III is currently in his last year at South Anchorage High School, where he is an honors student, varsity athlete, and student leader. Mr. Bernard began his study of resource management during Anchorage School District Gifted Mentorship with Malcolm Roberts, founder of Malcolm B. Roberts & Associates, a firm with expensive experience working on issues of natural resource management. Since then, their research has led them to determine ways in which resources around the globe can be managed, and how the idea of The Commons can be applied to societies around the world. Mr. Bernard authored a paper for the Institute of the North (a public policy forum), entitled: Resource Management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Alaskan Parallels with Liberia.

Monday, March 10, 2014



Mae Azango
The ability of the new Armed Forces of Liberia to conduct this training independently of foreign supervisions speaks volume of the current professional attainment of the New Armed Forces of Liberia for which we are grateful to our international Partners. This graduation is unique because it marks the first set of personnel to be added to the new AFL under my watch as Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Liberia. The graduation program brought together family members and well wishers awarded five officers for respective performances. Prince Y. Zayzay was awarded distinguished honor for having all As in his performances. Elemento V. Peso was also honored doing well, Alvin M. Nagbe was awarded for superior physical Fitness, and Otis Johnson was awarded the rifle Marksmanship for aiming 49 out of fifty bullets. Joseph Idriss Jr. was awarded the Leadership award. Deputy Defense Minister Saint Jerome Larbelee promised that the ministry will work closely with the government to ensure that the Army gets all the support needed. We will work with the government to ensure that you get the support you need. I know it was not easy, but with the limited resources given you, you were able to carry on the training, so we want to thank you. And we will make sure that the Todee Barracks is fully renovated for enough space, so that you can carry on your task well. The recruit process started with18 females and now has 17 females left. There are two females amongst the trainers.



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The new Chief of Staff cautioned the recruits that the military profession is not a bed of roses, but a service, stressing that discipline should be their guide. Quoting Sociologist Bishop Baldwin Jr. who said An Army without discipline is in fact more dangerous to its civil population than to the enemy, the army Chief of Staff warned the recruits to see discipline as the bedrock of the army. He said; Therefore, no form of indiscipline will be tolerated or Monroviacondoned. You must endeavor at all times to avoid any conduct ithout the input of foreign experts the Armed that will bring yourself, your families or the Armed Forces of Forces of Liberia has graduated 134 new Liberia to disrepute. recruits with a warning from new Army Bg. Gen. Ziankhan said the Armed Forces of Liberia like any Chief of Staff Bg. Gen. Daniel Ziankhan that other Armed Forces in the World has its peculiar challenges, but dishonorable conduct will not be condoned in a lot of efforts have been made by the Commander in Chief of the the army. AFL President Sirleaf through the Ministry of Defense to improve As your Chief of Staff, I will be by your side when you make the condition. innocent mistakes provided your integrity and honor are not The Improvements are gradual, but by his grace, we will get tainted by those actions or omissions, he said. there. I will however assure you that as your Chief of Staff; I will I must add that it will not be my wish to discharge any of you not eat while you starve, we shall not clothe and expect you to from service for dishonorable conduct, but rest assured that I will walk naked. Neither, shall we sleep and expect you to stay awake. gladly do so if that will restore the image of the Armed Forces of We are in this project of serving our fatherland together, and we Liberia as a force for good. shall eat, starve, sleep, awake, sink or float together. The 134 recruits graduated over the weekend from the initial Bg. Gen Ziankhan said the training which lasted for 12 weeks and Entry Training at the Camp Sandee Ware Military Barracks in the that set of recruits was packaged and executed by indigenous Careysburg, Montserrado County. The recruits are said to be the instructors without the supervision of any foreign training outfit, first of three batches of recruits to be trained by AFL trainers unlike previous recruitments and trainings carried out by Dynamic without foreign experts. Corporation.


-Minister Ngafuan




Al-Varney Rogers/ FPA STAFF WRITER

big cost to bear especially if we say that we are committed to women empowerment, Ngafuan added. The former Finance Minister said, with such provision women representation will increase in the legislature. Ngafuan continued: Today is actually a day we need to make some commitment to women empowerment not just celebrating.In Liberia it should be a shame that we have fifteen counties but if we check in our legislature we have less than fifteen women what it means that some county do not have even one women legislator how can we reverse this scenario. The president pro Tempore of the Liberian Senate Gbehzongar Findley reaffirmed the senate commitment to women empowerment in Liberia. This time we are here to work along with the women of Liberia to ensure that development we need in Liberia is achieved, Senator Findley said. Prospecting on President Sirleafcommitment in 2006 that papa will come the president pro tempore is suggesting that the president commitment should rather

former student activist now Minister of Foreign Affairs Augustine Ngafuan says the new constitution should include provision for women representation so as to increase their participation in government. One proposal we need to proffer is that, just as we have in Rwanda, Uganda there are provisions in their constitution that set aside certain seats for women, what I think we need to do is that when we go for the constitutional referendum next year, each county should have a seat that should be competed by women to have fifteen seats for women and no one can say that it will cost too much, Minister Ngafuan said. According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the proposal is not a big cost for the country to bear if Liberia is committed to women empowerment. Do you know the cost the country bears by not having women in the legislature, do you know the cost because women are closer to women issues so I think this is not a

be for both papa and mama to come home. Senator Findley added: The day I do not have a job I expect my woman to support me and nothing wrong with that. Responding to the Pro Tempore President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf said, the idea behind her statement years back was to empower fathers who are considered the breadwinners of their families. Sirleaf said: The president pro Temp mentioned the statement I made in 2006 or 2007 about papa coming

home the whole idea there was that it will empower father so that when they get home their children will gladly welcome them because they came home with a job and power to help them to feed them to educate them but we have a problem here the problem is papa stop too many places before he gets home. This statement made the president and the entire audience dominantly women to burst into laughter. President Sirleaf said, it is time to empower the women so that they will be able to

come home. The Liberian leader urged, women to register and participate in the up-coming election adding with that women representation will increase. You got to be there to play. You got to be in it to win and so you got to start the registration for transformation, President Sirleaf said. Speaking at the program marking the celebration of International Women Day President Sirleaf openly launched a voter registration drive for women.

So I want to see who here have registered to vote in this year election. We are going to start a registration drive I want every woman in this audience to get ready to go registered, she added. President Sirleaf continued: if you are from Bassa and you want to go in Bassa we will sent you there if you from Grand Kru and you want to vote in Grand Kru we will sent you there but should tell truth dont go there to do market than you saw go to registered. I will ask the Ministry of Gender to organize it and I know many of you are in Montserrado. Special Representative of the Secretary General Catherine Langren said, a country with more women in leadership performs better. Langren said, progress remains too slow for girl access to primary education. Langren added that women should form part of the decision that affects their lives. Women should have equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. The international women Day was celebrated at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium with the audience largely women who are working in government with a small portion from civil society other women grouping.

Monday, March 10, 2014




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Monroviaresident Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has fired one of her women serving in a key capacity at the ministry of Foreign Affairs for compromising a rape case that involved the ladys granddaughter. The President at an International Womens Day program held in Monrovia at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium that she was relieving the lady who is allegedly related to her (President Sirleaf), for not allowing the due process of law to take precedence in the matter. And so today I wear black to the memory of all the young women, whose lives have been taken from them by vicious and violent men, said President Sirleaf on Saturday. I wear black for the 13-year-old girl, whose future was sacrificed by her grandmother who compromised with an offender by having him taken out of prison when he had been arrested for this vicious act. I assure you, he has been rearrested and she has been fired. On Valentines Day a Lebanese national by the name Ali Saksou, aged 21 allegedly raped a 13-year-old girl, but upon arrest by the police and turning over to the Monrovia City Court, the accused was clandestinely released from prison through the influence of the rape victims grandmother. After almost a week of on the run the suspected rapist was rearrested by the Liberia National Police on Thursday last week and turned over to the Monrovia City Court which then charged him with rape and interfering with child custody. Montserrado County Attorney Mr. Daku Mulbah confirming the suspects appearance before the court told FrontPageAfrica Thursday evening via mobile phone that the suspect has been taken to the Monrovia Central prison at South Beach. The suspect is spending the night at the Monrovia Central Prison as we speak, the reason he had not been taken there until today was because I was not informed about the turning over of the suspect to the court; but I received him today and took him to prison, said Mulbah. Last week the alleged Lebanese rapist was forwarded to the Monrovia City for prosecution by the Liberia National Police (LNP) but later released with fingers been pointed at both the court officers and the court liaison office of the Liberia National Police for acting jointly to have the alleged rapist released. Col. Joseph B.Flomo Chief of Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of the LNP denied that the police was involved in releasing the defendant and stated that the defendant was turned over to the court and received by court officers, something that was backed by document that were signed by court officers. We have document in our possession to show that this guy was turned over to the court and received by court officers, he said. When we turn people over to the court the police has nothing else to do with that person. Rape a serious problem Speaking on the matter, Gender Minister Julia Duncan Cassell in an interview with FrontPAgeAfrica said the Sirleaf-led Administration was concerned about the wave of rape cases across the country and it was doing everything in its power to make sure perpetrators are brought to book. She said the challenge remains the judiciary, adding that when cases are taken to court for prosecution, justice is often hindered by lack of evidence. Most of our cases are lost because of prosecution; they tell you, no evidence. When will we start collecting evidence? Said Minister Cassell. We get a weekly report from across the country, the different cases and the ages; she gets that report every week and she sits and says, what are we going to do? Because of her motherly and grandmotherly concern, that is why people are reporting it. She said people are afraid to come forward when their family members fall victims to rape adding that they would rather keep it a

President Sirleaf Fires Official For Shielding Rapist

Wade C. L. Williams,

secret than let the rule of law take its course, highlighting the case of a little girl who was constantly abused by her maternal uncle for over seven years, which led to the death of the child. It is the same parents and guardians; most of the perpetrators are family members; look at the story of Olivia that is being played on Aljazeera recently, this little girl was being molested from a young age till she got to be twelve years old before her uncle discovered that there was something wrong with her, she said. The mother was keeping her there because she was afraid that if she said something, her brother would put her out of the house and where would she and her children go. These are things that we live with everyday. Parents being careless The gender minister blamed parental carelessness as one f the factors responsible for the growing number of rape victims. She sad some parents are not taking into account the safety of their girl children when leaving them alone with strangers. You send your daughter on a Pehn-Pehn; right there to Coca-cola factory, that is where most of our rape cases take place, she said. Continued Minister Cassel: They put the little children on the motorbikes, the guys take them and rape them and leave them there and go. Weve had six cases in two months from that area. Whats wrong with the parents? Are they worthy of being parents? Minister Cassell said rape is a societal problem that everybody should take seriously. She said parents should always be careful and not willfully expose their children to dangerous men who might end up raping them. It is not just government, it is societal, it is all of us- you cant just have your child and say government will make sure my child doesnt get raped. No, that is your responsibility to take care of that child, she said. To ensure the safety of that child; so if you are not ready to be a parent, then you shouldnt be. We have family planning; if youre ready to be a parent, come for counseling so you know how to take care of that child. But it is a societal issue, so everybody in this

country should be involved in it. She said the rate at which children are being subjected to sexual abuse by adults is alarming and President Sirleaf as a woman President faces the shocking reality of this societal menace everyday when she meet women to update her on the cases of rape across the country. She said a lot ow women are being subjected to sexual violence everyday in Liberia but many of them are afraid to come out and speak about it because they are afraid of being stigmatized. Most o the cases are about children, if I tell you women are not being raped; they are being raped, she said. But women are afraid to talk about it because they might be stigmatized or because the men will say women dont get raped only children get raped. Many want review of rape law Minister Cassell disclosed that due to the constant appeals from a cross section of Liberians calling on the government to revisit the rape law, the ministry of gender is working in collaboration with the Association of Female lawyers of Liberia to have a nationwide consultation on the rape law. The rape law was crafted and approved but people say it is too weak, some people say the penalty is too harsh, they dont want to send their fathers and brothers to life in prison., she said. So we had a meeting with AFELL, AFELL is going to take the battle where were going to ask the law reform commission to look at the law again, and maybe there is something thats missing in that law. We will do another consultative meeting with both male and female. Name and shame them Proposing a more stringent action on sex offenders, Minister Cassell offered a way forward: We need to now start naming and shaming, weve said this, but until we can get the list of the names of people who have been convicted, so we can put their picture in the communities, so that when you see that person whether they are out of jail or not you will know that they are a rapist. Once the pictures start going up other men will say oh, I will not do it because I dont want my picture to go up.

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Monday, March 10, 2014

AFL New Recruits Graduation in Pictures

New AFL Recriuts in Group photo with Top Military Officials

Col. Abubarkar and US Marine

Dep. Minister Saint Jerome Larbelee & Bg. Gen. Ziankhan at the Pogram

Bg. Gen. Ziankhan addresses AFL graduating class

Saint Jerome Larbelee addresses graduates

AFL Recruits in formation

Other AFL Personel and foriegn Staff

Monday, March 10, 2014

AFL New Recruits Graduation in Pictures


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Chief of Staff Ziankhan awards honoree Prince ZayZay

Chief of Staff Ziankhan awards second honoree Elemento V. Peso

Company C Recruits headed by Female trainer Yamah Flomo

Female Trainer salutes

Well Wishers and Family members

AFL Recruits in formation

The Graduates

Karin Landgren, Special representative of the United Nations Secretary-General and Coordinator of United Nations Operations in Liberia/ Culled from the Huffington Post


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Monday, March 10, 2014

iberian women are peacemakers, known the world over for their role in ending the country's brutal civil conflict, which ended in 2003 and left the country in tatters. Nobel Laureates Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Leymah Gbowee have become the international face of Liberian women. But their fame, and the fact that Liberia is home to Africa's first democratically-elected woman President, should not obscure the fact that there are many constraints to women's full and equal participation in political and economic life. Life for Liberians has improved in the past decade. But while the poverty rate has dropped from 64 per cent in 2007 to 56 per cent in 2010, the country still ranks close to bottom of global league tables, coming 174th out of 187 countries in the UN's 2013 Human Development Index. Although on the decline, Liberia's maternal mortality rate remains among the highest in the world, and with limited reproductive health services, approximately four women die each day in Liberia from pregnancyrelated complications. Girls' formal schooling--which helps empower them for active roles in public life -- is often disrupted by traditional initiation practices and child marriage, which remain deeply entrenched in parts of Liberian society. Under the leadership of the President, executive appointments have enabled women to make up one-third of County Superintendent posts and two-thirds of the mayorships of county capitals. Thirty per cent of cabinet level posts are held by women. With women currently occupying some of the country's most visible posts of influence, it would be easy to assume that women dominate political life. Some women are being told, in effect, to enjoy this while it lasts: these are gains that may be reversed upon Liberia's next presidential elections, to be held in 2017. Women seeking elected office, or traditional leadership roles, are on shakier ground: just over two percent of Liberia's paramount chiefs are women, and thirteen women sit in Liberia's 103-member Legislature, where sentiment

Women farming in Liberia | UNMIL Photo

on initiatives to strengthen women's political participation can be lukewarm. Women do not feel empowered to stand for office, and have lacked the institutional support to do so. But efforts to level the playing field are gaining ground. In recent days, the Senate approved an amendment to the election law which encourages political parties to promote a non-binding 30 per cent target for women in governing structures and candidate lists. While this is a step forward in the public debate about women's political participation, it falls far short of a guarantee. Some four-fifths of the population, or 78 per cent, are engaged in "vulnerable employment", meaning they may not have decent working conditions, social security, a steady stream of income, or an organized, representative voice. Women comprise over half of Liberia's adult labour force, and are far more likely than men to be vulnerably employed in the informal sector and agriculture. This is especially true in rural areas. Men greatly outnumber women in all other sectors of Liberia's economy including forestry, mining and manufacturing. There have been efforts to empower women economically. In 2010, women trading agricultural and other goods along Liberia's borders with Cte d'Ivoire, Sierra Leone and Guinea formed the Association of Women in Cross Border Trade, through which they established selfmanaged financial institutions, utilizing their own savings to invest in each other's out to each other beyond our superficial differences in tribe, age, gender, religion and associations," she said. Liberia has embarked on reform initiatives which have the potential to address factors which drove its past conflicts and contribute to its persistent poverty. Deep-rooted structural changes which will move Liberia closer to being a more inclusive, participatory, just and stable society include reform of land policy, local governance, the security sector, and of the constitution itself. For these reforms to succeed, socio-cultural shifts about the role of women and girls in public and private life are also fundamental. Liberians-women and men alike--need to raise their voices and demand equality for women and girls in all spheres of society. The full and equal participation of women and girls in Liberia's development and governance is the country's gain; when women are empowered, nations are transformed. Today, on International Women's Day, the United Nations highlights the importance of equality for women and girls to bring about greater social, economic and political progress. Nowhere is this more urgent than in the fragile countries, such as Liberia, where past war and poverty have left the greatest need for transformation. Karin Landgren is the special representative of the United Nations Secretary-General and Coordinator of United Nations Operations in Liberia.

Liberian women mark ten years of peace | UNMIL Photo

businesses through lowinterest loans. The Association has grown since its founding, and now has 4,000 members, with some women expanding their trading activities well beyond the region, to Asia and elsewhere. The Association has given women the courage and confidence to enhance their own lives, and the links they establish with their sister traders across border have made important contributions to Liberia's security, and to the region's. This type of women's entrepreneurship has translated into more local jobs, better housing, and money for children's school fees. Masa Sanoh, a cross-border trader from Grand Cape Mount County, began construction of her family's first home with the profits earned from her first loan; she has now earned enough to send her daughter to high school. Liberia needs this type of economic activity on a larger scale. By promoting women's equal access to productive inputs, to formal education, and to financial services, the gates will open for more equitable development of Liberia's economy. Liberia's transition to a middle-income economy by 2030, the goal set by this Government, will depend on empowering women and girls socially, politically and economically, and encouraging their participation as equal partners to turn Liberia into an inclusive and productive economic force. In her annual address to the nation this year, President Johnson Sirleaf appealed to Liberians to gather the courage needed to depart from the country's history of exclusion, and to overcome longstanding social cleavages that remain a latent risk to peace and democratic governance in Liberia. "We know that we have some distance to travel to overcome the challenges bequeathed to us by the long years of conflict, division, marginalization and exclusion... We know that it will take courage to ensure that rights and freedoms are protected. But today, the bonds of our nation are stronger; the direction of our advance is clearer; and the common purpose of nation-building is compelling us to reach

Monday, March 10, 2014




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Equatorial Palm Oil (EPO) Faces Arson Attacks Amid Expansion Hurdles, Land Dispute

ebbah Town, District Four, Grand Bassa County With the Equatorial Palm Oil (EPO) already facing serious retrogression over the ongoing land saga with the local communities, several hectors of its newly planted palm plantation have been attacked with fire. Although the cause of the fire has not yet been established, the company is pointing accusing fingers at individuals who have expressed dissatisfaction over the presence of the palm company in the county and its potential expansion project. Speaking to FrontPage Africa at Palm Bay in Grand Bassa County, the Senior Assistant Plantation Manger David Woah said there have been several fire incidents on the plantation in recent weeks and asserted that the incidents are the results of people wanting to attack the plants because they are dissatisfied. Already more than 12 hectares of 2011 planted palms have been burnt down causing the management to lost over USD$125,000.00. With these fire attacks on the palms, it means we have lost a lot of money and we will have to start planting them all over again which means it will have a negative impact on our budget, Mr. Woah disclosed. These loses have only amplified the threats that EPO investment may face in the coming months as the land saga deepens and worsen. The management says it has countless number of seeding and pay huge sums of money to develop it but the expansion stalemate has made it impossible to use them, leaving them vulnerable to destruction any time soon. Last year the company declared some 150 employees redundant and the recent shutdown its factory has left those assigned there to lose their jobs. Right now the limited functions of the palm company have sliced work force to only 452 personnel. The management says it has a huge investment potential once the land crisis is resolved. Nevertheless, the company continues to face resistance by the locals which recently prompted a meeting called by the president has further twisted or prolonged a resolution. EPO have accused the Sustainable Development Initiative (SDI) of in-sighting and manipulating the locals against the company adding that SDI has failed to speak to the company on a way forward. THE LAND SAGA DEEPENS The ongoing land dispute between the EPO and the indigenous of District Four ended in a deadlock as the potential investment plan by the oil palm company remains in limbo, a FrontPage Africa inquiry has gathered. During an FPA investigation, it was widely noticed that locals of the 16 affected towns are adamantly unwilling to open any negotiation with the company. In a cross section interview with residents of Debbah town, a town which is notorious for its resistance against the company, insist that they will never embraced the company or its expansion initiatives. As for me I will not want for them to take step because it was the arrangement on January 5, 2008 that they should remain to their concession area until otherwise other, the town youth leader, John Zeon lamented. Zeon continued: Since they came here in 1964, they have not done anything for us. We need roads, toilet, high school in this area, etc. Roland Paygar, another resident said: We know how Palm Bay looking, so we cannot agree for they and us to even sit down and talk anything. Some locals have accused the company of rejecting the employment of sons of the soil to top positions but the

management claimed that it has recruited several individuals from the Bassa tribe in as much as it employed on the basis of qualification and not ethnocentrisms. Visitors to Debbah town looking to solicit the views of the residents over this land issue risk being disperse or thrown-out by the town people once the residents become suspicious. Residents have often accused the districts representative, Hon. Robertson Siawaye and others politicians of plotting against them and siding with the company to take away their land. Like the youth leader, many in the Debbah Town, the most populated amongst the affected towns with over 20 villages around it have outlined the failure of the company to address its cooperate social responsibility in the past when their fore fathers were forcible evicted as the background for their bitterness against the EPO. For now, the residents in Debbah Town want EPO to undo the past by initiating projects ignored in the 1960s. The new Palm Bay owner, EPO has often claimed that it is committed to a new approach of engaging the locals and impacting their lives. The Senior Assistant Manager of EPO, David Woah told FPA the company continues to render services to the communities. We built roads; places that never had roads before we built roads there. For example weve built the roads from Nnohns town all the way to Zammie town. Beside that we have our health center here with qualified health workers with an ambulance service that cater to people beyond Compound Four, Mr. Woah explained. EPO have embarked on the construction of hand pumps for towns in the area and recently built a road which links Debbah town and other communities including the plantation. Although, it is clear that the company is constructing some feeder roads, Debbah Town residents want the road linking Grand Bassa and Rivercess counties rehabilitated by the company. Observers say more than 70% to 80% of the locals in the area are supportive of the companys extension project but the few groups of people who have expressed dissatisfaction in more uncertain terms have casted doubts in the minds of the investors and made possible negotiation difficult. Residents of the affected communities were optimistic of a recent meeting called by President Sirleaf to discuss the land crisis. While some have already lost confidence in the governments approach, others are hopeful that their resistance will ensure that the government takes the right steps to protect the land of their ancestors. The District Commissioner, Matthew Gibson holds the view that the way forward is through dialogue. Even though residents position on the matter is glaring, Commissioner Gibson is optimistic that the people dont have problem with the company, as he assets that the land dispute is being politicized. You know this is an election year, so some politicians want to play politics, notwithstanding we need to dialogue to solve the problem, the commissioner said. Commissioner Gibson and his boss, Superintendent Etweeda Cooper along with other county officials have openly voiced their frustration over the procrastination of the negotiations. They have often considered the potential economic benefits the county will enjoy from the companys expansion. Founded in 2005, Equatorial Palm Oil PLC (EPO) a crude palm oil company is publicly listed on the Alternatives Investment Market (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange in the United Kingdom. The 2008 concession agreement gives EPO 34,500 acres of land but the management says it currently occupies 9 to 10 thousands of the total amounts in the concession agreement.

Monrovia inance Minister Amara Konneh has instituted an immediate reshuffle within the Ministry of Finance, affecting several senior officers, particularly the Customs Division, in a bid to accelerate the governments revenue collection efforts Instituted with immediate effect, Minister Konneh in a senior staff meeting said the action was an outcome of a routine process of internal administrative reviews and adjustments. Saying further, the reshuffle was not the result of any wrongdoing of impropriety on the part of anyone but rather intended to instill renew vigor and enthusiasm in the taking the agency forward. He used the occasion to extend thank all senior staff for their dedicated services and encouraged them to work harder in their new roles by bringing renewed zest, commitment and the required energy needed to serve the people of Liberia. Under the changes, Mr. Dixon Seboe, who has been acting Commissioner of Customs since 2012, is now Advisor to the Minister. The new Acting Commissioner of Customs is Mr. SaaSaamoi, who served as Assistant Commissioner of Customs for Urban Ports prior to the changes. Mr. Jesse Korboi, former Deputy Commissioner for Tax Operations, has been transferred to the Budget Department as Manager of the Economic Revitalization Pillar. Mr. T. OjukuNyenpan, former Principal Director of the Large Tax Division in the Revenue Department, has been transferred to the Expenditure and Debt Management Department as Deputy Comptroller and Accountant-General for Bank Reconciliation. Mr. SekouSanoe, former Deputy Comptroller and AccountantGeneral for Bank Reconciliation in the Department of Expenditure and Debt Management, has been transferred to the Department of Revenue as Deputy Commissioner for Operations, Division of Internal Revenue. Mr. Robert Johnson, former Audit Manager in the Risk & Compliance Division, is now Principal Director of the Large Tax Division. Others appointed are Daniel J. C. Hayes, Principal Director, Rural Tax; Jeremiah Sackie, Deputy Comptroller and AccountantGeneral for Technical Services; Stephen Johnson,Technical Focal Person, office of the Deputy Minister for Revenue; Wilma Senkpeni, Principal Director, Medium Tax Division; Mr. Sebastian Weah, Principal Director, Small Tax Division; Cecelia McGill, Senior Customs Collector, Freeport of Monrovia; Benedict Roberts, Assistant Commissioner of Customs for Urban Ports. The outgoing Senior Customs Collector at Freeport of Monrovia, Amanda Garnett, and the outgoing Principal Director of the Rural Tax Division, Albert Browne, are slated for reassignment.

Changes see several top-level Revenue Department officials shifting places


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Monday, March 10, 2014

Invitation for Bids

1. . The Republic of Liberia has received Financing from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), the International Development Association (IDA), the African Development Bank (AfDB), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) toward the cost of an Integrated Public Financial Management Reform Project (IPFMRP), and and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for Supply of Furniture. 1. The Ministry of Finance (MOF) now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for Supply of Assorted Furniture.





DELIVERY PERIOD from contract signature

1 2 3

Workstations Conference Room Furniture Office Desks and Chairs

Various Various Various

Liberia Revenue 10 weeks Authority Headquarters, Monrovia, Liberia

2. Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding procedures as specified in the World Banks Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers January 2011 (Procurement Guidelines), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the Procurement Guidelines. In addition, please refer to paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 setting forth the World Banks policy on conflict of interest. 3. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the Ministry of Finance, and inspect the bidding documents during office hours i.e. 0900 to 1700 hours at the address given below. 4. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested eligible bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of US$100.00. The method of payment will be bankers draft. Banking details will be provided upon request. The Bidding Documents will be provided in hard copy. 7. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 11.00 hours GMT on March 26, 2014. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders designated representatives and anyone who choose to attend at the address below at 11.00 hours GMT on March 26, 2014. 8. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid-Securing Declaration. 9. The addresses referred to above are: For Bid Opening: For obtaining Information and Bid Submission: The PFM Reforms Coordinator IPFMR Project, 4th Floor Conference Room I PFMR Project, 4th Floor Ministry of Finance Ministry of Finance Broad and Mechlin Streets Broad and Mechlin Streets Monrovia, Liberia. Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231-886512462

Monday, March 10, 2014



HILLA, Iraq (Reuters) suicide bomber driving a minibus packed with explosives killed at least 45 people and wounded 157 on Sunday in the southern Iraqi city of Hilla, police and medical sources said. The attacker approached a main checkpoint at a northern entrance to the largely Shi'ite Muslim city and detonated the minibus, a police officer said on condition of anonymity. At least 50 cars were set ablaze with passengers trapped inside and part of the checkpoint complex was destroyed, the officer said. Sunni Islamist insurgents linked to al Qaeda have been regaining ground in Iraq over the past year, particularly in the western province of Anbar bordering Syria.


TRIPOLI (Reuters) ibya threatened on Saturday to bomb a North Korean-flagged tanker if it tried to ship oil from a rebel-controlled port, in a major escalation of a standoff over the country's petroleum wealth. The rebels, who have seized three major Libyan ports since August to press their demands for more autonomy, warned Tripoli against staging an attack to halt the oil sale after the tanker docked at Es Sider terminal, one of the country's biggest. The vessel started loading crude late at night, oil officials said. The oil dispute is just one facet of the deepening turmoil in the North African OPEC member, where the government is struggling to control militias who helped topple Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 but kept their weapons and now challenge state authority. A local television station controlled by protesters showed footage of pro-autonomy rebels holding a lengthy ceremony and slaughtering a camel to celebrate their first oil shipment. In the distance stood a tanker. The station said the ceremony took place in Es Sider.

KUALA LUMPUR/PHU QUOC ISLAND, Vietnam (Reuters) fficials investigating the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines jetliner with 239 people on board suspect it may have disintegrated in mid-flight, a senior source said on Sunday, as Vietnam reported a possible sighting of wreckage from the plane. International police agency Interpol confirmed that at least two passports recorded in its database as lost or stolen were used by passengers on the flight, raising suspicions of foul play. Nearly 48 hours after the last contact with Flight MH370, mystery still surrounded its fate. Malaysia's air force chief said the Beijing-bound airliner may have turned back from its scheduled route before it vanished from radar screens. "The fact that we are unable to find any debris so far appears to indicate that the aircraft is likely to have disintegrated at around 35,000 feet," a source involved in the investigations in Malaysia told Reuters. If the plane had plunged intact from close to its cruising altitude, breaking up only on impact with the water, search teams would have expected to find a fairly concentrated pattern of debris, said the source, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the investigation publicly. Asked about the possibility of an explosion, such as a bomb, the source said there was no evidence yet of foul play and that the aircraft could have broken up due to mechanical causes. Dozens of military and civilian vessels have been criss-crossing waters beneath the aircraft's flight path, but have found no confirmed trace of the lost plane, although oil slicks have been reported in the sea south of Vietnam and east of Malaysia. Late on Sunday, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam said on its website that a Vietnamese navy plane had spotted an object in the sea suspected of being part of the plane, but that it was too dark to be certain. Search planes were set to return to investigate the suspected debris at daybreak. WIDENING SEARCH "The outcome so far is there is no sign of the aircraft," Malaysian civil aviation chief Azharuddin Abdul Rahman said. "On the possibility of hijack, we are not ruling out any possibility," he told reporters. The Malaysian authorities said




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they were widening the search to cover vast swathes of sea around Malaysia and off Vietnam, and were investigating at least two passengers who were using false identity documents. The passenger manifest issued by the airline included the names of two Europeans - Austrian Christian Kozel and Italian Luigi Maraldi - who, according to their foreign ministries, were not on the plane. Both had apparently had their passports stolen in Thailand during the past two years. The BBC reported that the men falsely using their passports had purchased tickets together and were due to fly on to Europe from Beijing, meaning they did not have to apply for a Chinese visa and undergo further checks. An employee at a travel agency in Pattaya, in Thailand, told Reuters the two had purchased the tickets there. Interpol maintains a vast database of more than 40 million lost and stolen travel documents, and has long urged member countries to make greater use of it to stop people crossing borders on false papers. The global police organization

Missing Malaysian Jet May Have Disintegrated In Mid-Air: Source

confirmed that Kozel's and Maraldi's passports had both been added to the database after their theft in 2012 and 2013 respectively. But it said no country had consulted the database to check either of them since the time they were stolen. "Whilst it is too soon to speculate about any connection between these stolen passports and the missing plane, it is clearly of great concern that any passenger was able to board an international flight using a stolen passport listed in Interpol's databases," Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble said in a statement. In a sign that Malaysia's airport controls may have been breached, Prime Minister Najib Razak said security procedures were being reviewed. FOUR SUSPECTS Malaysian Transport Minister Hishamuddin Hussein said authorities were also checking the identities of two other passengers. He said help was also being sought from the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). However, an attack was only one of the possibilities being investigated. "We are looking at all possibilities," he said. "We cannot jump the gun. Our focus now is to find the plane." The 11-year-old Boeing 777200ER, powered by Rolls-Royce Trent engines, took off at 12:40 a.m. on Saturday(1640 GMT Friday) from Kuala Lumpur International Airport, with 227 passengers and 12 crew on board. It last had contact with air traffic controllers 120 nautical miles off the east coast of the Malaysian town of Kota Bharu. Flight tracking website flightaware. com showed it flew northeast after takeoff, climbed to 35,000 ft and was still climbing when it vanished from tracking records. There were no reports of bad weather. "What we have done is actually look into the recording on the radar that we have and we realized there is a possibility the aircraft did make a turnback," Rodzali Daud, the Royal Malaysian Air Force chief, told reporters at a news conference. The search was being extended to the west coast of the Malay peninsula, in addition to a broad expanse of the sea between

Malaysia and Vietnam, he said. Vietnamese naval boats sent from the holiday island of Phu Quoc patrolled stretches of the Gulf of Thailand, scouring the area where an oil slick was spotted by patrol jets just before nightfall on Saturday. Besides the Vietnamese vessels, Malaysia and neighboring countries have deployed 34 aircraft and 40 ships in the search. China and the United States have sent ships to help, and Washington has also deployed a maritime surveillance plane. U.S. officials from Boeing, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the Federal Aviation Administration were on the way to Asia to help in investigations, NTSB said in a statement. Boeing said it was monitoring the situation but had no further comment. The airline has said 14 nationalities were among the passengers, including at least 152 Chinese, 38 Malaysians, seven Indonesians, six Australians, five Indians, four French and three Americans.


Kiev (AFP) ro-Russian activists attacked a pro-Kiev rally in Crimea with clubs and whips on Sunday as thousands took to the streets across Ukraine in rival demonstrations, escalating separatist tensions in the troubled ex-Soviet state. Related Stories Interim Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk vowed Ukraine would not cede "an inch" of its territory to Moscow after Russian forces and pro-Kremlin gunmen took over the Black Sea peninsula. "This is our land," Yatsenyuk told a crowd of several thousand in the capital that was also attended by Russian former oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who spent a decade in prison in Russia and is

a top critic of President Vladimir Putin. The standoff in Crimea has set Europe and the United States against Russia over Ukraine's future in the worst East-West confrontation since the Cold War. Illustrating the divisions in Ukraine, interim president Oleksandr Turchynov led a minute of silence at the Kiev rally for demonstrators killed in three months of protests that led to the ouster of pro-Kremlin president Viktor Yanukovych. In contrast, in the eastern city of Donetsk pro-Moscow activists paid tribute to a feared riot police unit accused of shooting at protesters in clashes in Kiev that left around 100 dead late last month.

"Russia! Russia!" the activists waving Russian flags shouted in Donetsk, the heartland of the former president, who fled to Russia after his overthrow. - 'Illegal occupation' In the Crimean capital Simferopol, hundreds of protesters took part in separate rallies for Ukrainian unity and for joining Russia that passed off peacefully. "They cannot seize Crimea, (it's an) illegal occupation," said Svyatoslav Regushevsky, a 46-year-old who attended the unity rally with his two-year-old son, wearing a ski jacket in the colours of the Ukrainian flag. Around 1,000 people were at that demonstration, while some 10,000 turned out for the rival one on Lenin Square across town where

a sea of Russian tricolours could be seen. "We don't want to be with those Ukrainian fascists any more," said Olga, 60, who declined to give her surname, while around her placards read "Crimea is not in Ukraine" and "With Russia, Peace

in Crimea." Pro-Russian lawmakers in the region are planning a referendum next Sunday on becoming part of the Russian Federation, a move that has been dismissed as "illegitimate" by the new Westernbacked government in Kiev.

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arack Young Controllers impressive run in this years African Club Champions League came to a end Sunday as the reigning Liberia Football Association Champions fell 1-0 to Ivorian champtions Sewe Sports. The first leg in Monrovia ended 3-3. Sewe qualifies on a 4-3 goal aggregate. A 44th minute goal from Liberian-born Roger Assale gave Ivorian Champions Sewe Sports a 1-0 victory over Liberian champions Barack Young Comptrollers Sunday. Sewe who reached the group stage in last years edition of the competition held the edge going into Sundays duel. The win secures progression for the Ivorians in the next round of the competition on a 4-3 aggregate. The first leg ended 3-3 in Monrovia in what produced a salivating attacking display. The next round kicks off March 22nd. Assale found the target in the 45th minute after Koussi Hevra Dodo placed the ball into his path. Sewe face DR Congo side and four-time winners TP Mazembe on March 23 when they host the first leg in Abidjan before heading to Lubumbashi for the return let



Monday, March 10, 2014

Black on Black Black Exterior with Black Leather Seats


on March 30. The winner will qualify for the group stage of the champions league. Sundays result capped an impressive outing for the Liberian champions who edged former champions Ghanas Asante Kotoko. BYC surprised many with their showing against Kotoko but football experts also foresaw a lot of challenges as the competition progressed and bigger competitions emerged.


In continuation of ongoing consultation on the PETROLEUM SECTOR LAW REFORM, the Honorable House of Representative of the 53rd National Legislature will on Monday, March 10, 2014 begin a Stakeholder Round Table consultation at the SKD Sports Complex in Paynesville and continuing until March 15, 2014. The Roundtable Consultations will bring together and solicit observations and recommendations from Local and International Civil Society Organizations, the Donor Community, the Liberian Business Community, Political Parties, Youth & Student organizations, International Oil Companies, as well as Faith Based Organizations. Petroleum Law and oil sector experts from various parts of the world are scheduled to provide different expert opinions and share practical experiences from their respective countries in a panel discussion questions and answers format during the Round Table discussions. Opinions, concerns, suggestions and experiences shared by all will be compiled and documented and the engagements are expected to increase participants understanding of the sector as well as inform the suggestions and recommendations forwarded for consideration. *** Need biographies on the following: 1. Ghanaian panelist. 2. Milton Weeks Devin Corporation

Monday, March 10, 2014

Small Town protests Lawrences disqualification from ensuing LFA elections


Danesius Marteh,



Page 15



he elections committee of the Liberia Football Association (LFA) has released the final list of candidates ahead of the 19th ordinary congress in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County from March 21-22. At a news conference on March 6, Chairman Malcolm Joseph disqualified incumbent vice president for operations Adolph Akwe Lawrence, who was temporarily barred on February 27, due to double nomination by Gardnersville FC. Former Invincible Eleven vice president Alfred Sayon, who is bidding to replace Lawrence, was also disqualified for the same offence, breaching chapter 25, article 58.2 of the LFA statutes. It means FC Fassell President Cassell Kuoh is the only candidate for the second vice presidential position. Bah out The committee reaffirmed its decision to disqualify exFulani FC President Alieu Bah in keeping with chapter 21, article 45.4 of the statutes. Qualified candidates Lemuel B. Sherman, Bishop Allen Klayee, Samuel Y. Karn, Ansu V.S. Dulleh, Rochell G.D. Woodson, Adolphus G. Harmon, Matthew Smith, Samuel Ashley, Wilmot Smith, Nyanqueh S. Borsay, Urias Glaybo, Mustapha I. Raji, Doris Sheba Browne, Wallace G. Weiahwere qualified to contest for one of nine executive committee members (ECM)s slots while Ciatta A.

Adolph Lawrence
Bishop is the lone candidate for the female representative to the executive committee. Trio cleared Cyrus N. Wright, Dee Maxwell S. Kemayah and Korpu Beatrice Kpoto, who were temporarily barred for various reasons, were cleared to contestfor a place in the executive committee. LFA President Musa Hassan A. Bility was cleared to seek reelections while incumbent Musa Shannon and BYC President Sekou W. Konnehwill contest as vice president for administration. But Small Town FC has written the elections appeals committee to nullify the decision of Josephs committee to disqualify Lawrence. In a March 7 letter, vice president Samuel Nagbe drew Chairman Karmo Soko Sackors attention to chapter three, article eight of the electoral code and chapter 25, article 58.2 of the statutes. Nagbe argued that the committee established a guideline that limited the

Malcolm Joseph
Al Fateh University in Libya. Nagbe wants the committee to request from Kuoh his transcript, residence permit, identification card and spoken language to disprove their revelation that hes not a college graduate. The second division club is also claiming that Kuoh bears two Liberian passports with two different names (double identity) and two dates of birth. Nagbe wondered why Kuoh was cleared, having been found guilty of forgery by the appeals committee in relations to the work and resident permits of Sierra Leones Lasana Sesay last season. It appears Josephs ruling hangs by a thread and a repeat of the 2008 electoral hullabaloo looks to be the most likely pathfor the current impasse. And Bility's personal recollections of facing an uphill electoral contest will not fill him with much confidence, having needed Fifas intervention for a smooth election at the Samuel Kanyon Doe sports complex in March 2010.

ast weekend the Spanish title race seemed to have swung decisively back in the favor of Barcelona. A win at home against Almeria as routine as could be expected was preceded by a draw in the Madrid derby that did neither Real nor Atletico any favors. It's a very different picture this weekend as Barca, in as meek a fashion imaginable, had its grip on La Liga's trophy loosened by a 1-0 defeat to Real Valladolid. This was not a Liga dark horse they were visiting; this was as close to a guaranteed three points for Barcelona as exists in the Spanish top flight. Eight straight wins against Valladolid came before this fatal blunder at the Estadio Jose Zorrilla, where they won 3-1 last season. But Barcelona never looked likely to take the full share of the points from the first whistle to last as Juan Ignacio Martinez's expertly drilled outfit not only threw Barca's title charge off course but also gave the club a vigorous boost in its quest for survival. Valladolid is clinging to life in the Primera Division that is the extent of its ambition. This is a side that had previously won only four matches all season in league competition and had won only one of its previous 10. But it was Barcelona and not the hosts who played like relegation fodder.

statutory provision, which says no one member shall propose two or candidates, to only the first and second vice presidents. He said the eligibility criteria (under candidatures) for the ensuing elections are defined by the code and statutes, which must comply with the statutes and regulations of Fifa.

Alfred Sayon

Nagbe, given the two provisions, pointed out that there aredouble nominations because there are 54 statutory members with the power to nominate a candidate. Small Town has also protested thequalification of Kuoh to Sackors committee, contending that the Fassell president didnt graduate from


amuel Etoo showed he bears no hard feelings to Jose Mourinho over the Chelseas bosss jibes about his age with a goal celebration mocking his OAP a teenager as he raced on to Jan Vertonghens disastrous back-pass to put Chelsea ahead against Spurs in the 56th minute of their 4-0 win on Sunday. And his goal celebration walking like a hunched old man to lean on a corner flag, feeling his back brought a smile to his team-mates and Mourinho.

status. Mourinho was caught on camera recently suggesting Etoo was 35 rather than his stated age of 32, but the Cameroon striker looked like

aris Saint-Germain star Zlatan Ibrahimovic should cut out the media comments and focus on playing soccer, according to former France coach Raymond Domenech. The Ligue 1 champions secured a Classique double over Olympique de Marseille with a 2-0 win last weekend to put them firmly in control of the title race. Ibrahimovic said after the match that OM counterpart Andre-Pierre Gignac was effectively operating as an extra defender given his lack of impact in attack during the match, but Domenech was less than impressed with the Swede's latest musings and claims PSG should be more respectful toward the rest of France's top flight.

VOL 8 NO.550


MONDAY, MARCH 10, 2014




Barack Young Controllers impressive run in this years African Club Champions League came to a end Sunday as the reigning Liberia Football Association Champions fell 1-0 to Sewe Sports of San Pedro. The first leg in Monrovia ended 3-3. Sewe qualifies on a 4-3 goal aggregate.




Spot News

Monrovian Liberia the issues surrounding women rights have been about women in decisionmaking especially holding public offices. Evident to that was the President open voter registration drive for women to increase their representation in the national Legislature.You got to be there to play. You got to be in it to win and so you got to start the registration for transformation, President Sirleaf said. The next issue that this government has taken to her chest is the issue of rape and violence against women which this government must be applauded for but little is heard and done in terms of womens right to land meaning farm land, forest and property right. During the celebration of the International Women Day a group of women mainly from francophone countries presented a statement to the president promising to work with women of Liberia in protecting their rights to land. Women in rural Liberia rights to land and property have been ignored over the years and this is not unique to Liberia alone but the entire Africa. With this group one can say that women issues are taking different trend in Liberia.

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