Grand Revalida Study Guide PDF

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This study guide is intended to help you study for your grand revalida. After each heading are questions/instructions that will help you understand better each portion. I. GENERAL MEDICAL BACKGROUND
A. Definition

Main Question: What is (the condition)? Tips: If a specific condition, give an accurate definition for this condition which will include the following: System affected Peculiarities General clinical manifestations If a group of conditions, give an accurate umbrella or all-encompassing definition for this group of conditions which will include the following: System(s) affected Commonalities Common general clinical manifestations
B. Classification

Main Question: How is the condition (or group of conditions) classified? Tips: Discuss any classification systems applicable to this condition or group of conditions, which may be any of the following: Anatomical Physiological Classification systems set by professional organizations
C. Epidemiology

Main Question: How frequent does this condition (or group of conditions) occur? Locally? Worldwide? Tips: If a specific condition, discuss any significant epidemiologic indicators. These indicators are usually demographic data such as: Age (or age group-range) Sex Race Occupational predilection If a group of conditions, discuss any significant epidemiologic indicators common to all groups. These indicators are usually demographic data (see samples above).
D. Etiology

Main Question: What causes the condition (or group of conditions)? Tips: If a specific condition, enumerate all possible causative factors or agents of the condition. If a certain theme (grouping) of factors or agents is evident, try to enumerate them per theme/group. Explain as to why each factor/agent causes or may cause the condition. Risk factors may be included here. If a group of conditions, enumerate all COMMON possible causative factors or agents. Other specifics stated as above also follow.
E. Pathophysiology / Pathomechanics

Main Question: What are the events that occur when a patient has the condition (or group of conditions)?

Tips: If a specific condition, discuss the pathophysiology (what occurs at the physiologic level) or the pathomechanics (what occurs at the anatomic/kinesiologic level) during all possible phases of the condition (such as acute, subacute, chronic). If possible, use diagrams. If a group of conditions, discuss the COMMON pathophysiology or pathomechanics of the group of conditions. If possible, use diagrams.
F. Clinical Manifestation(s)

Main Question: What are the subjective and objective manifestations of this condition (or group of conditions)? Tips: If a specific condition, enumerate and discuss each of the primary signs and symptoms of the condition. If a group of conditions, enumerate and discuss all COMMON primary signs and symptoms of the group of conditions.
G. Complications

Main Question: How do the original manifestations of the condition (or group of conditions) affect the other body systems? Tips: If a specific condition, enumerate and discuss the possible secondary signs and symptoms of the condition. Complications are termed as secondary signs and symptoms because they are usually brought about or caused by the clinical manifestations (primary signs/symptoms) of the condition. If a group of conditions, enumerate and discuss COMMON possible secondary signs and symptoms of the condition. (see above for further explanation)
H. Diagnosis

Main Question: What available techniques are used by health care professionals to diagnose a patient with the condition (or group of conditions)? Tips: If a specific condition, enumerate and discuss how the health professions, overall, diagnose the condition using any of the following processes or tests/measures: History-taking and patient interviews Laboratory tests Imaging tests (radiology) Other tests/measures used by other health professions If a group of conditions, enumerate and discuss the COMMON processes or tests/measures used by the health professions, in general, that are used to aid in diagnosis of the group of conditions.
I. Differential Diagnosis

Main Question: How does this condition differ from other similar conditions? (if a specific condition) How do the conditions in this group of conditions differ from each other? (if a group of conditions) Tips: If a specific condition, differentiate the condition from other conditions that are similar to the condition. This may be done through a table discussing the differences in each of the following: Definition Classification Epidemiology

Etiology Pathophysiology / Pathomechanics Clinical Manifestation(s) Complications Prognosis If a group of conditions, differentiate between the conditions in the group through a table (specifics of the table are the same as above).

J. Prognosis

Main Question: What happens to the patient after acquiring the condition (or group of conditions)? What factors would help the health care professional identify if the case will worsen or improve over time? Tips: If a specific condition, discuss the prognosis of the condition (what usually happens if managed or unmanaged). Here, factors that indicate either a good or bad prognosis are also discussed. If a group of conditions, discuss the COMMON prognosis of the group of conditions. Here, factors that indicate either a good or bad prognosis may also be discussed. II. GENERAL HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT
A. Medical, Surgical, and Pharmacologic

Main Question: How do physicians treat this condition (or group of conditions)? Tips: Medical approach is non-inclusive of pharmacologic or surgical approach. Examples may be wound care, splinting, or resting prescriptions. Surgical approach is inclusive of open and closed surgical methods, manipulation under anesthesia, and other specialized nonmedical/pharmacologic therapies. Pharmacologic approach includes only the medications and pharmacologic therapies. If a specific condition, discuss the general physicians approach to the condition. If a group of conditions, discuss the COMMON AND SPECIFIC general physicians approaches.
B. Other Healthcare Management (Rehabilitative/Supportive)

Main Question: How do other healthcare professionals treat this condition (or group of conditions)? Tips: Rehabilitative management includes the intervention of other rehabilitation professionals in helping the patient improve in affected functional activities. Supportive management includes the intervention of other healthcare professionals directed toward patient comfort and well-being, but not toward improving function. If a specific condition, enumerate and discuss the other healthcare professionals involvement in the management of the condition. If a group of conditions, enumerate and discuss the COMMON AND SPECIFIC management of other healthcare professionals. III. PHYSICAL THERAPY EXAMINATION, EVALUATION & DIAGNOSIS
A. Points of Emphasis in Examination

Main Question: What areas of the PT Examination process would be necessary for you to make a comprehensive evaluation of this case? Be as specific as possible

(i.e., palpation of wrist/hand extensor muscles, ROM of thumb, LGM of ankle, etc.). Tips: The points of emphasis in examination are the specific components of your patient examination that would give significant findings as to your specific case. If you have the sample Initial Evaluation format, you can just list down the specific components from the Subjective and Objective portions that would be significant for this case. After listing, you can expound on each item on the list as to the specific things you would look for.
B. Problem List

Main Question: What would be the problems, as evidenced by the findings of the necessary areas of the PT Examination process, which can be addressed by you, the PT-in-charge? Tips: Remember that this is just a summary / list of the significant findings gathered from your patient examination. You can base this list from the findings that you can expect in your Points of Emphasis in Examination.
C. Physical Therapy Diagnosis

Main Question: What would be the appropriate PT Diagnosis for this case? Tips: When writing down the PT Diagnosis, this should be the PT diagnostic label, and not the components of the examination. IV. PHYSICAL THERAPY PROGNOSIS (including PLAN OF CARE) & INTERVENTION
A. Plan of Care

Main Question: Basing on your Problem List, what would be the appropriate PT Goals for each of these problems? Tips: This would be your list of goals to address your Problem List. It would be best to identify at least one (1) goal for each identified problem.
B. Intervention (including Rationale)

Main Question: Basing on the PT Goals that you identified, what would be the appropriate PT Intervention(s) that could help you achieve each of these goals? Be as specific as possible (i.e., to reduce pain on hip: icing for 10-15 minutes over painful area, to prevent recurrence: patient education on proper handgrip sizes and appropriate warm-up stretches to the wrist/hand extensor muscles). Tips: This would be your list of appropriate PT interventions that could achieve your Plan of Care (PT Goals). It would be best to identify all possible PT interventions for each identified goal. GENERAL TIP FOR PHYSICAL THERAPY PORTIONS: TABULATE YOUR PROBLEM LIST, PLAN OF CARE, AND INTERVENTIONS!!! Problem List Plan of Care Intervention Problem #1 Goal #1 Intervention #1 (Goal for Problem #1) (Intervention to achieve Goal #1) Etc Etc Etc

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