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Fayoum university

Faculty of science
Botany department


2nd year students

Prepared by: Asmaa Khamiss Revised by: Dr. Hesham Elfayoumi

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

The fruit
It is a fertilized ripened ovary, it contains at least
one seed enclosed by the pericarp.
Pericarp may be:

Homogenous Heterogenous
Has one type of Tissue differentiated into:
tissue. *Epicarp [outer layer].
*Mesocarp [middle layer].
*Endocarp [inner layer].

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

Fruits may be:

False [accessory] True

Simple Simple
Aggregate Aggregate
Compound Compound

Simple true fruits

Fleshy Dry
Berry Splitting
Drupe In-dehiscent
Pepo Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi
In-dehiscent dry simple true fruit


Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

Dehiscent dry simple true fruit

By lid
By pores
By teeth

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

Aggregated true fruit

Achene Follicle

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

False fruit:
It is a fertilized ovary + non-ovarian part.
Simple (pome) false fruit
One fruit + receptacle.
Heterogenous pericarp.
e.g.: Pyrus malus, Pyrus communis


Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

Aggregate false fruit
Numerous free carpels (in one flower) aggregate
in fleshy receptacle.
e.g.: Fragaria
Peduncle Straw berry

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

Compound false fruit:
Inflorescence + enlarged fleshy axis of the inflo-
rescence [peduncle].
e.g.: Ficus

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

True fruit
Fertilized ovary only.
(A) Simple
1- Fleshy simple true fruits
Pericarp is fleshy [succulent] homogenous or

# Berry fleshy simple true fruit

* Heterogenous pericarp
 Leathery epicarp
 Fleshy mesocarp
 Fleshy endocarp
* One carpel.
* Axile placentation.
* e.g.: Solanum lycopersicum
Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi
# Drupe fleshy simple true fruit
*Heterogenous pericarp
 Leathery epicarp
 Fleshy mesocarp
 Stony [woody] endocarp
* One carpel.
* Basal placentation.
* e.g.: Prunus armeniaca, Olea europea

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

# Hesperidium fleshy simple true fruit
* Heterogenous pericarp
 Firm epicarp with oil glands.
 Soft mesocarp.
 Fleshy endocarp.
* One carpel.
* Axile placentation.
* e.g.: Citrus sinensis (Lemon).

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

# Pepo fleshy simple true fruit
# Heterogenous pericarp
 Fleshy epicarp
 Fleshy mesocarp
 Fleshy endocarp
# United carpels
# Parietal placentation
e.g.: Cucurbita pepo

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

2- Dry simple true fruit
Dry homogenous pericarp .
# Splitting dry simple true fruit [schizocarp]
In which the ovary has two or more locules, after maturity
these locules separated from each other giving fruit-lets
[mericarps], after the pericarp decaying the seeds are
liberated from the mericarps.
e.g.: Malva Ricinus communis

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

# In-dehiscent dry simple true fruit
Pericarp dose not open at maturity but decays or bursts.
# Achene in-dehiscent dry simple true fruit.
 One carpel.
 One locule.
 One seed.
 Pericarp dose not fused with the seed.
– e.g.: Rosa fruit-lets.

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

# Cypsela in-dehiscent dry simple true fruit
– Two carpels.
– One locule.
– One seed.
– Pericarp dose not fused with the seed.
 e.g.: Helianthus annus

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

# Nut in-dehiscent dry simple true fruit
 Two or three carpels.
 One locule.
 One seed.
 Pericarp dose not fused with the seed.
– e.g.: Cyperaceae

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

# Caryopsis in-dehiscent dry simple true fruit
 One carpel.
 One locule.
 One seed.
 Pericarp fused with the seed forming a grain.
– e.g.: Zea mays

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

# Utricle in-dehiscent dry simple true fruit
 Three carpels.
 One locule.
 One seed.
 Pericarp fused with the seed.
– e.g.: Rumex

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

# Samara in-dehiscent dry simple true fruit
 One carpel.
 One locule.
 One seed.
 Pericarp fused with the seed, extending forming
– e.g.: Macharium fruit let

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

# Lomentum in-dehiscent dry simple true fruit
 One carpel.
 One locule.
 One seed.
 Pericarp dose not fused with the seed.
 There are constrictions separate between the
– e.g. :

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

# Dehiscent dry true fruit
Pericarp opens at maturity.

# Follicle dehiscent dry simple true fruit

 One carpel.
 Opening along the ventral suture only.
– e.g.: Delphinium

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

# Legume dehiscent dry simple true fruit
 One carpel.
 Opening along the ventral and dorsal sutures.
– e.g.: Pisum sativum

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

# Siliqua dehiscent dry simple true fruit
 Two fused carpels.
 Opening along the ventral and dorsal sutures.
– e.g.: Eruca sativa

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

# Capsule dehiscent dry simple true fruit.
Opening by:
* By lid:
 Two or three carpels.
 Opening by lid.
– e.g.: Anagalis

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

* By pores:
 Two or three carpels.
 Opening by pores.
– e.g.: Papaver

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

* By teeth:
 Two or three carpels.
 Opening by teeth.
– e.g.: Caryophylaceae

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

* Septicidal:
 Two or three carpels.
 Opening by dorsal wall rupturing at the septae.
– e.g.: Linum

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

* Loculicidal:
 Two or three carpels.
 Opening by dorsal wall rupturing at the locules.
– e.g.: Gossypium

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

* Septifragal:
 Two or three carpels.
 Opening by dorsal wall rupturing at both septae and locules.
– e.g. : Datura

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

Comparison between different types of
Opening by No. of carpels Examples
Lid 2 or 3 Anagallis sp
Pores 2 or 3 Papaver sp
Teeth 2 or 3 Caryophyllaceae
Septicidal 2 or 3 Linum sp
Loculicidal 2 or 3 Gossypium
Septifraga 2 or 3 Datura
Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi
Aggregated true fruit
It is a group of separated fruits developed from free
carpels of one flower.

# Achene aggregated true fruit.

e.g.: Rosa

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

# Follicle aggregated true fruit
e.g.: Stericula

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

# Samara aggregated true fruit
e.g.: Macharium

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

Compound true fruit
 Developed from inflorescence [many of closely
associated fruits].
 e.g.: Morus

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

Taxonomy of the flowering plants- Asmaa Khamiss&Hesham Elfayoumi

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