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fun cheerful a%using interesting

18. A SECTION B she B his C For her each question, choose the best Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. Dblank. their answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered

Question 11-20 are based on the following text.

19. A But B <o #t$s been a long ti%e since # recei&ed 'our e%ail.C Also Are 'ou bus' (((((((()11* school pro+ects, -now what, .he /outh Club in %' area D !owe&er ((((((()12* organi0ing a trip to the 1ld 2ol3s !o%e in 4o%pin. Aalso %a' 5e are going to (((((((()13* up the ho%e1:. and help to )14* so%e flowers in B too. will5e also ha&e to prepare a s3etch to the co%pound. 5e will be painting (((((((()15* house C canDo sa' 'ou$ll co%e. #t will be %ore entertain the old fol3s. 5ould 'ou li3e to +oin us for the trip, D could (((((((()16* ha&ing 'ou around. 7ini is going too. #n fact" ((((((((()18* brother is the one who is organi0ing the trip. ((((((((()19*" we are gi&ing full 2;. A support 5rite to hi%. 5e reall' hope that the trip (((((((()1:* be a successful one. B 4un )2;* %e a repl' as soon as possible" o3a', C <hoot D Draw Shahila !i" 11/ 11. A B C D 12. A B C D 13. A B C D of on in with is are was were clean cleans cleaned cleaning

14. A plant B build C pattern 15. A a B an C the D

Question 21-30 are based on the following text. =host >onth is celebrated on the se&enth lunar %onth of the Chinese calendar. 1n the first da'" the =ates of !ell (((((((((( )21* open. .he ghosts and spirits (((((((((( )22* now gain access to the world of the li&ing. .he' &isit their fa%ilies and start ((((((((( )23* on the offerings in the for% of food and incense. Belie&ers ((((((((( )24* burn ?paper %one'@ for the spirits to spend. ((((((((( )25* offerings are usuall' done at a chosen spot outside the house. 1n the 15th da'" the Hungry Ghost Festival is celebrated. .his is the da' when the spirits are (((((((( )26* high gear. 2a%ilies usuall' offer the% a su%ptuous feast. .his (((((((( )28* done not onl' appease the% but also to bring luc3 to the fa%il'. 1n this da'" .aoist priests also perfor% ((((((((( )29* to ease the sufferings of the deceased. 1n the last da' of the %onth" the =ates of !ell are closed ((((((((( )2:*. Before this" .aoist priests perfor% ((((((((( )3;* rituals to infor% the spirits that it is ti%e to return to the underworld. .hen it is Auiet again until the next !ungr' =host 2esti&al.



spring sprang are sprung has sprung can %a' could %ight feast feasts feasted feasting then also therefore in addition .his .hat .hese .hose



on in at of is are was were cere%on' cere%onies cere%onial cere%onious again too also onl' an' %ore %uch another










Question 31-33 are based on the following text.

4ead the dialogue below and choose the best %eaning for the phrases that are underlined <iti 2ati%ah <iti 2ati%ah <iti 2ati%ah <iti 2ati%ah 31. B !ello" 2ati%ah. # need a fa&our fro% 'ou. B /es" <iti. !ow %a' # help 'ou, B Could we drop in =race BoutiAue this afternoon, (31) B 1f course. But 'ou ha&en$t told %e how # %a' be of help to 'ou. B # need 'ou to help %e pic3 out a dress for %' engage%ent part' next wee3. (32) B #$d lo&e to do that. B .han3s" 2ati%ah. #$% glad 'ou didn$t turn down %' reAuest. (33) B /ou$re welco%e 33. turn down A pro&e B refuse C disagree D discuss

drop in A &isit B fall C enter D reAuire pic3 out A sew B bu' C choose D borrow


Question 34-36 4ead the text below and choose the best %eaning for the phrases underlined. Cil' was excited that her friend" Cinda in&ited her for %o&ie at Cineleisure. !opefull'" she as3ed her %other for per%ission but her %other wanted to 3now who would 3eep an e'e on (22) her. 5hen told that Cinda$s %other would be going along" she was still hesitant about it. <he would ha&e a word (23) with her father first. Cil' tried to persuade her %other to gi&e per%ission sa'ing onl' she went out once in a blue %oon (24). <ubseAuentl'" she had to contend with waiting for her father$s sa'. 34. 3eep an e'e on A pla' with B loo3 after C dine together D wal3 along ha&e a word A tal3 B argue C whisper D Auarrel 35. once in a blue %oon A rarel' B often C alwa's D occasionall'


SECTION D Questions 37-40 are based on the following pamphlet.

Road accidents are on the rise. Often, road accidents are the result of carelessness.

Follow Road Safety Rules 5ear seatbelts while in %o&ing car" especiall' when the &ehicle is %o&ing fast. #n case the car stops suddenl'" 'ou will not be thrown forward. Chec3 both sides of the road carefull' before crossing. .he si%ple traffic rule of loo3ing left" right and left again before crossing can sa&e 'our life. Do not cross behind a stationar' bus" lorr' or &an. 5hen 'ou are behind these big &ehicles" 'ou can$t see inco%ing &ehicles. 7either will the dri&er of the %o&ing &ehicle see 'ou in ti%e. 5hen riding bic'cles" do so in single file at the side of the road. Do not c'cle side b' side. -eep to the side of the road at all ti%es" especiall' when there is hea&' traffic. It is better to be safe than sorry sorry. 38 According to the pa%phlet" %ost accidents are caused b' A &ehicles B carelessness C hea&' traffic D fast %o&ing cars .he sentence It is better to be sa e t!an sorr" %eans A it is better to follow safet' rules instead of regretting it later B it is better to re%ain safe instead of ha&ing to apologise later C it is better to wear seat belts all the ti%e instead of sa'ing sorr' D it is better to sta' at ho%e than to go out when there is hea&' traffic 5hich of the following state%ents is true, A wear seatbelts so that 'ou can be safe when the &ehicle is not %o&ing B wear seatbelts so that 'ou can sa&e 'our life if 'ou ha&e to cross a bus' road C wear seatbelts so that the dri&ers in other &ehicles will be able to see 'ou clearl' D wear seatbelts so that 'ou will not be thrown forward when the car stops suddenl' .he word #are$essness in the pa%phlet can be replaced with A tiredness B exactness




C rec3lessness D %eaningless Questions 2%-34 are based on the following article. Cats are interesting and adorable creatures. At ti%es" the' %a' see% distant and e&en unfriendl'. Dnli3e dogs" which are often Auite affectionate and expressi&e" cats see% to 3eep to the%sel&es a lot. .he' are nor%all' de%onstrati&e. /et" there are %an' cat lo&ers who find the% lo&able and cuddl'. At ti%es" cats can be &ar' and friendl'. .his can be seen when the' curl up on their owners$ laps and nu00le up to the%. Cats are re%ar3able ani%als. !ere are so%e fascinating facts about the%. Cats are said to be intuiti&e. T!e" can predict &olcanic eruptions" earthAua3es and electrical stor%s. !ours before an earthAua3e occurs" cats beco%e &er' restless. .he' pic3 up their 3ittens in their %ouths and flee in panic fro% the house. #t is as though the' 3now that so%ething terrible is about to happen. Cat owners are said to be healthier than people without pets. <tro3ing and pla'ing with cats can reduce stress. #t %a3es the person cal%er. <o%e doctors reco%%end it as therap' and it has been 3nown to wor3 well e&en in cases of %ental illness and heart proble%s. E&er'one 3nows that cats get rids of rats. #n the %iddle ages" the 4o%ans brought cats to get rid of the rats on the island. An'one caught 3illing a cat was se&erel' punished.


According to the first paragraphs" cats A li3e to be on their own B are friendlier than dogs C can be fairl' de%onstrati&e D do not show %uch e%otion .he word T!e" in the passage refers to the A cats B doctors C 3ittens D cat owners 5hat do cats do +ust before an earthAua3e, A .he' beco%e cal% and patient. B .he' attac3 their owners in panic. C .he' chase 3ittens out of their ho%es. D .he' beco%e restless and flee their ho%es. 5h' did the 4o%ans bring cats to Britain, A .o 3eep as pets




B .o cure illnesses C .o get rid of rats D .o punish the British 45 .he word &ar' in the passage can be replaced with A gentle B caring C cheerful D affectionate SECTION E Questions 46-(0 Choose the correct pronouns. 46. .he teacher scolded ((((( because # was late for class. A her B %e C the% D hi% 48. .he wo%an and (((((( children went to the cine%a. A her B %e C the% D hi% 49. 2ather ga&e %' twin sisters +eweller' 3its for ((((( birthda'. A %' B their C her D hi% 4:. 5ith all that %one'" ((((((( can bu' herself a new car. A she B %e C he D the' 5;. .he bo's did not do their ho%ewor3" so the teacher punished (((((((. A hi% B her C %e D the%


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Disa!)an o$e!*

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