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ADIZ The East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (abbreviated ADIZ) is an Air Defense Identification Zonecovering

most of the East China Sea where the People s !ep"blic of China anno"nced that it was introd"cing new air traffic restrictions in #ovember $%&'( The area consists of the airspace from abo"t) and incl"ding) the *apanese administered Sen+a+" Islands (+nown as the Diao," Islands in mainland China) north to So"th -orean. claimedSocotra !oc+ (+nown as S",an *iao in China)( Abo"t half of the area overlaps with a *apanese ADIZ) while also overlapping to a small e/tent with the So"th -orean and Taiwanese ADIZ( 0hen introd"ced the Chinese initiative was controversial as re1"irements were imposed that other co"ntries with air defense identification 2ones do not impose3&4 and it incl"ded contested maritime areas(3$4 Critics said the move escalated the Sen+a+" Islands territorial disp"te between China and *apan(3'4354 The first ADIZ was established b, the 6nited States in &78% when it created a 9oint #orth American ADIZ with Canada) citing the legal right of a nation to establish reasonable conditions of entr, into its territor,( The 6(S( does not appl, its ADIZ proced"res to foreign aircraft not intending to enter 6(S( airspace and does not recogni2e the right of a coastal nation to appl, its ADIZ proced"res to foreign aircraft not intending to enter their national airspace(3843:4 So"th -orea s ADIZ was established in &78& d"ring the -orean 0ar) also b, the 6nited States( It c"rrentl, does not cover Socotra !oc+) +nown to -oreans as Ieodo( -orean Defence ;inister -im -wan. 9in said that -orea wo"ld consider e/tending its ADIZ in light of the e/tent of the Chinese ADIZ3<4 b"t an anno"ncement of a change was postponed after a meeting with the 6nited States ambassador(3=4 *apan s ADIZ was created b, the 6(S( d"ring its post.0orld 0ar II occ"pation of *apan( ;anagement of the ADIZ was transferred in *apan in &7:7( The *apanese ADIZ is not recogni2ed b, China or !"ssia(374 *apan "nilaterall, e/panded its ADIZ twice after the 6S

transfer) once in &7<$ and once in $%&%(3&%4 >n *"ne $8) $%&% *apan e/tended its ADIZ $: +m west to cover a *apanese island called ?onag"ni Island) the island having been intersected b, the Taiwan@*apan ADIZ lines originall, drawn b, the 6(S(3&&4 The government of the Taiwan e/pressed its Ae/treme regretA over *apan s handling of the move(3&$4 The People s !ep"blic of China anno"nced the establishment of what it called its East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone on #ovember $') $%&'3&'4 defining an ADIZ as a 2one that allowed a coastal state to Aidentif,) monitor) control and react to aircraft entering this 2one with potential air threats(A 3&54 Despite several international protests) China s move received broad domestic s"pport(3&84 According to a $%&& st"d, of the 9"stifications for establishing an ADIZ) at that time there had not ,et been a Arecorded instance of protestA against the initial establishment of an ADIZ(3&:4

According to the Chinese ;inistr, of #ational Defense) foreign aircraft in the 2one will be e/pected to abide b, the followingB3&<4

Identification of flight plan( An, aircraft in the 2one m"st report its flight plan to China s ;inistr, of Coreign Affairs or Civil Aviation Administration(

!adio identification( Aircraft in the 2one m"st maintain two.wa, radio comm"nication and respond in a timel, and acc"rate manner to in1"iries

!esponder identification( An, aircraft with an Air Traffic Control !adar Deacon S,stem transponder m"st +eep it on d"ring the aircraft s time in the 2one

Sign identification( An, aircraft in the 2one m"st displa, insignia indicating its nationalit, and registration clearl,) in accordance with international treaties

Aircraft in the 2one sho"ld follow instr"ctions( The Chinese militar, will adopt Aemergenc, defensive meas"resA in response to aircraft that ref"se to follow the instr"ctions(

China anno"nced that the r"les were in effect from &% am on $' #ovember $%&' Dei9ing time( >n #ovember $: the state.controlled People s Dail, said that while Afreedom of flightA wo"ld be respected for AnormalA flights) the principle wo"ld not appl, to Aprovocative fl,over and s"rveillance activities(A3&=4 >n #ovember $7 a Chinese Coreign ;inistr, spo+esman replied to the 1"estion) A?o" referred man, times to ADIZs established b, other co"ntries) b"t there is a difference( Cor e/ample) an aircraft which is passing thro"gh the 6S ADIZ witho"t entering the sovereign 6S airspace does not have to notif, 6S a"thorities)A b, stating that Adifferent co"ntries have set different r"les(A3&74

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