Notes On Introduction To Linguistics I These Are The Main Materials For The Mid-Term Test

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Notes on Introduction to Linguistics I These are the main materials for the mid-term test.

1. Chapter 1 What is Language? Language is the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. Linguistic Knowledge includes:

Knowledge of the Sound System: Knowing what sounds are in that language
and what sounds are not.

Knowledge of Words: Knowing the sound units that are related to specific
meanings. Arbitrary relationship between form sounds! and meaning concept! of a word. "nomatopoeic: Words whose pronunciations suggest their meanings.

Knowledge of Sentences: Knowing how to form sentences.

Linguistic #ompetence: What you know about a language. Linguistic $erformance: %ow you use this knowledge in actual speech production and comprehension. $rescriptive &rammar:

'()*+ ,ishop -obert Lowth+ A Short Introduction to English Grammar with

Critical Notes. . don/t have none . don/t have any 0ou was wrong 0ou were wrong 1athilda is fatter than me 1athilda is fatter than .

1any of those rules were based on Latin grammar. Latin was assumed as the
respected scientific language in the '2th 3 '(th #enturies. 4escriptive &rammar:

'562+ -andolph 7uirk, Sidney &reenbaum, &eoffrey Leech, and 8an Svartvik+
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. ,ased on a corpus of actual spoken and written 9nglish.

2. Chapter 3 Morpholog ! The Word of Language :he development of monolingual dictionaries:

');<+ -obert #awdrey+ A Table Alphabetical+ *,2;; entries. '(22+ 4r. Samuel 8ohnson+ Dictionar of the English Language+ two volumes. '6*6+ =oah Webster+ An American Dictionar of the English Language + two
volumes+ (;,;;; entries.

!ebster"s Third International Dictionar

<2;,;;; entries.

of English Language has over

#ontent words: =ouns, >erbs, Ad?ectives, and Adverbs. @unction words: #on?unctions, $repositions, Articles, $ronouns, 1orpheme: :he minimal unit of meaning.

@ree morpheme: a single morpheme that constitutes a word and can stand

,ound morpheme: a morpheme that must be attached to another morpheme.

$refiA: An affiA that occurs before a morpheme.

Some eAamples of negative prefiAes:

$refiA B=C ="=C 4.SC AC Added to ad?ectives various classes ad?ectives, verbs, nouns ad?ectives, nouns unfair nonCsmoker, nonsense, nonCdrip disloyal, dislike, disfavour amoral, asymmetry 9Aample

4egree and siDe prefiAes:

$refiA ArchC SuperC "verC %yperC SubC 1iniC 1eaning highest, worst above, better too much eAtremely lower than little Added to nouns nouns, ad?ectives verbs, ad?ectives ad?ectives ad?ectives nouns 9Aample archduke, archCenemy superman, supernatural overeat, overconfident hyperactive substandard minibus

SuffiA: An affiA that occurs after a morpheme.

#lass preserving suffiAation:

SuffiA Cer Cian Cist Clet 1eaning occupation occupation occupation small engineer musician violinist piglet 9Aample

#lass changing suffiAation:

>erbs =ouns >erbs Ad?ectives Ad?ectives =ouns Ad?ectives >erbs

=ouns >erbs =ouns Ad?ectives

4erivational morpheme: deriving creating! a new word with a new meaning. .nflectional morpheme: changing the form of a word because of the rules of syntaA. 9nglish inflectional morphemes: =ouns 3s 3/s >erbs 3s 3ed 3en third person singular present past tense past participle plural possessive

3ing progressive Ad?ectives 3er comparative

3est superlative

Word #oinage: #ompounds, Acronyms, ,ackCformations, Abbreviations, 9ponyms, and ,lends. #ompounds: :wo or more words ?oined together to a form a new word. %ome E work homework $ick E pocket pickpocket =ote: :he meaning of a compound is not always the sum of the meanings of its parts. #oconut oil oil made from coconuts. "live oil oil made from olives. ,aby oil ......... cathouse ......... blueCmovies ......... blueCchip ......... Acronyms: Words derived from the initials of several words. =ational Aeronautics and Space Agency ......... SelfCcontained underwater breathing apparatus ......... ......... @0. ......... :&.@ ......... a.k.a ,ackCformations: #reative reduction due to incorrect morphological analysis.

9ditor ')<5! edit '(5'! :elevision '5;(! televise '5*(! Abbreviations #lipping!: A word which is clipped. @acsimile faA %amburger burger &asoline ......... Advertisement ......... "mnibus ......... Words from =ames 9ponyms!: Words derived from proper names or things. Sandwich #elsius ,lends: Similar to compounds, but parts of the words are deleted. 1otor E hotel 1otel ,reakfast E lunch ......... modulator, demodulator .........

4eny Arnos Kwary Lecturer of Linguistics Airlangga Bniversity

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