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A Collection of Bruises I Cannot Show Off

Bite-Size Poetry, Ramblings, and Photos by Julia Alexander

i. picking through dirty clothes, trying to find something to wear, why do i never do laundry? ii. falling asleep on the train, clutching a mostly empty backpack iii. your hands on my throat iv. as i am sinking into my own bed, my hands are still warm from running them across your skin v. im blooming in the middle of winter, something is rising out of the snow.

I am learning my own description without using your name in the sentence. I am picking out a new set of words to explain the meaning behind my breath. I reshuffled the deck, and I am drawing new cards. The ridges on my palm dont point to you anymore. Ive seen the reading, and there are things you would never believe set out before me. Every piece of my destiny is dripping out of my open hands. You were never my fate, and you are no longer an endpoint on my map. You are not the destination. Im navigating a new course. Its time to seek alternate definitions.

i. productivity as a shelter, as a crutch, as a humane suicide ii. wrapping myself in my own arms, seeing what it feels like to be enthralled by being iii. falling down on the ice, standing back up, falling down on the ice, standing back up, falling down on the ice, staying down on the ground, learning to function at this new level. iv. the feeling in my stomach when something bad happens to someone else. i think that is called empathy. is it wrong to call that satisfaction? v. im writing because of the instinct, because of the emptiness when i do not, because of this headache.

I Spent More Time In the Shower At RIC Than I Did In Class

i spent half a semester in college. i studied the way a girl can turn into a rabid dog when she is trapped. i was chained to a fence and scratching at fleas. i allowed myself to destroy another persons life just because i was caged and she was different, and she was an easy target. i spread this infection purposefully, and i could never apologize enough, so i have not apologized at all. i studied the way a girl can unravel when her problems are never fixed. i let old wounds fester. nothing ever healed right. i let myself scratch the scars wide open. i spent more time

getting high in browne hall than i did in class. i am not proud of that. i spent more time crying in the shower than i did in class. i am not proud of that. i did not ask for help because i did not know that i was sick. i studied the way a girl can look at the house she grew up in so much differently when she is no longer allowed to sleep there. i made myself stay away from here for long enough to know that the best way to say home is with tears streaming down your cheeks, is with your whole body shaking, is with longing, is with your fathers arms wrapped around your shoulders.

i. im waking up in the city and for once i feel synchronicity. i dig my own grave in the town where i eventually fall asleep ii. i flushed the medication i should be taking down the toilet in the bus station. iii. scratch your elbows against the pavement and watch blood pool on the asphalt. iv. the promises that i didnt keep no longer taste like burnt flesh. now they taste like stomach acid, now they taste like the pills i couldnt swallow v. i run ice cubes across my skin while im sitting down in the shower. the water doesnt heat up enough anymore. i need a new infliction of penalty against my tissue.

i. drinking cough syrup until my vomit turned pink and cleared my sinuses each time i heaved it ii. all of the nights i sat on the bathroom floor and wished i were someone else, wished i were something smaller. iii. the girls i wanted to kiss. the boys i didnt have the words to stop, i didnt know i could have said no iv. putting someone elses hands over my mouth, letting someone shut me up v. i am forgiving myself for everything i have done. i am forgiving myself for the things i didnt find the courage to tell you about.

Truth About Me (sorry for thinking you liked me)

im just a dreamer with the mask of a cynic because every time ive believed words to be about me someone was breathing them into the mouth of a girl with a straighter spine. youre a dream about the snow melting, so i cant help but wonder if youve been thinking about mine.

i. there are flowers on my kitchen table. they have been slowly rotting there for two weeks. ii. we never get exactly what we want, we mold our desires to the reality iii. i am still begging you to stay in my life. i am just quietly whispering my pleas to the ceiling as i lie in bed, you just cant hear me anymore iv. i regret a lot of things. i regret trying to make you be more than just a person. i tried to get you to fix me when i wasnt even broken. v. i wish you could see how i am different now. i wish you could see how i am the same.

i. i am unhappy with the way things turned out between us. is it easy to tell that i am still bitter? is it easy to tell that i am still in love with you? ii. i pull the wings off of moths and press them between the pages in notebooks full of poetry that you will never read iii. would you wrap your hands around my throat if i asked you to? would you kill me if i asked you to? iv. i am eating a plate full of moth balls maybe that will keep you away, maybe that will get you out of my brain. v. we talk about deserving people. we talk about deserving love. we talk about conquest. we talk about reaping the benefits of everything we grew together. we talk about conquest. did you get the prize you wanted? are you satisfied with this as a prize?

i. a balance of pushing and giving way, holding on and letting go, skin on skin, hands against wrists ii. bite my lip until there is blood pooling in my mouth. i have always liked the taste of iron, of strength. iii. im collecting bruises that i cannot show off. i am still proud. this is a test of patience. this is a test of body. this is a test of who will break eye contact first. iv. your hand on my throat feel the pressure, the iron v. you and me and skin, on skin, on skin.

message i wish i had the courage to send

can you just admit that you were wrong? can you just admit that we should end up together? can you just admit that every time you close your eyes the only thing you can imagine is the taste of my skin?

i. fingertips pressed against skin, it has give. it will always give. ii. i could smell the chemicals on your clothes from jumping in the swimming pool. i still wouldnt put my head underwater. iii. i get angry at strangers who dont try hard enough to undress me. i still let them do it anyway. iv. my clothes still smell like you even though you have been gone for two months. v. i always need more than anyone thus far has been willing to give.

i. two people in two bedrooms in two states, do you still think of me as much as i think of you? should i still be thinking of you? ii. dripping sweat and im still not finished. im not finished with you yet iii. i am familiar with hunger, with restriction, with longing. iv. im up at dawn to watch the crows eat guts off the street, to watch sunlight come in through the windows and illuminate the filth in this room v. theres a fire somewhere within me, but i cant see the smoke. i know its here. i can feel it burning.

i. trying on new clothes, trying on new music, trying on new lifestyles. nothing fits right anymore. nothing fits right now. ii. i have to get out of here. i can see myself rotting in this bedroom forever. iii. watching you pace back and forth across the room, neither of us know how to get out of this. iv. coming down is a lot like falling. coming down is a lot like trying to grab onto empty words as they collapse into dust. coming down is a lot like giving up. v. toughing it out never seemed to feel so rough. it never used to burn like this. i used to be able to handle it on my own.

If I pretend that I am supposed to be here, maybe I will start to belong. I hope it isnt completely obvious that I dont know what Im doing. Im still growing into my skin. I havent found the person I am supposed to be yet. I dont have a clue as to where I am supposed to be, or what Im supposed to do to get there. This is all an act. Im not successful. Im not worth reading, but I hope I can convince you otherwise. Im tricking you into tolarating me. I live with my parents. I dropped out of college. Im an idiot. My sisters and I are three little kids in a trench coat, standing on each others shoulders. Were all faking it. Im realizing as I get older, everyone else is faking it too. Nobody deserves anything they have earned. No one belongs. But I am at least here, so I have decided that this is mine.

i. there are nights that i wake up and im still screaming. there are nights that i wake up and think if i turn over, youll still be there. ii. i rub dirt on the wounds i gave myself. i do not blame anyone else for this. i cannot blame anyone else for this. iii. staring off into space, i try to clear my head, i try to not think about anything at all iv. i know that i should have gotten over this by now. i know that i should have moved on by now. v. i know im letting people down. i cant stop letting everyone down. why does anyone expect anything different from me at this point? you are expecting too much from me. theres no water in this stone.

l, g, j, and m
People think it is attractive when I am helpless. Helpless as in tied up, as in snapping like a rubber band, as in begging, as in pinned down. Im enamored with boys who want to hurt me. He calls me princess. He calls me baby. He calls me kitten. And, I cant help but do whatever he asks. What does that say about me? I dont seek these people out, but somehow he always ends up getting his way into my phone. Somehow he always ends up getting his way into my pants. If you say you adore my skin, Ill let you bruise it. If you say my body is perfect, Ill let you ruin it. I cant take compliments. If you say that you love me, your hand better be on my throat.

i hear bones cracking like dinner plates against the wall as my skull reaches the pavement. i listen for the sirens for an ambulance, but i dont think anyone has called for help. i am whispering all my secrets into the asphalt as if they were quarters falling out of my pockets. i have always carried the wrong currency. maybe someone else will pick them up. maybe someone else can use them. one last coin rolls out of the corner of my mouth, but who am i praying to when i dont believe in god?

a diary of bones, blood and whipsers

Keep It Quiet
If you hold your breath for a couple minutes Im sure youll probably pass out. However, it is difficult to do this on your own. Without a hand pressing tight to your throat its hard fight your own bodys will to survive, your brains hunger for oxygen. Trust me, Ive tried. Trust is a strange thing. Staring up at the ceiling, I counted the seconds I could hold it in before taking a new breath. I never got passed forty-seven, and he didnt notice my face was turning red. My body was blooming, spread, an empty highway. I couldnt lift my head off the pillow. Trust is a strange thing. We were both betrayed. I trusted that he would never take advantage of the fact that I was crumbling. I was a house burning down in front of him. He trusted that my silence meant what he wanted it to mean. He trusted himself to be able to tell the difference between consent and

assault. Trust is a sick game. He was ripping my insides out like pages of an old notebook. Trust me, I didnt say no. His interpretation of my quiet was the hand around my throat. I did not say anything. Trust me, I was wishing someone would walk in. Trust me, the drugs I took that morning kept me asleep all day. Trust me, Ive taken drugs every single day since to keep myself from screaming every time someone touches my skin. Ever since that night Ive been fighting my hunger for oxygen. Ive been holding my breath and hoping I can put myself to sleep. Trust me, I dont sleep. Trust is a strange thing. One definition of trust is confidence placed in a person by making that person the owner of property to be held or used for the benefit of others. And, I guess thats exactly what we did.

i wish we were still together

i am so familiar with the feeling of disembowelment that i no longer flinch at the sight of my own guts spilled across a page. this hurt has lasted for almost three months. i learned to hold myself tighter than you ever could have when you left. i learned to love myself harder than anyone else could have when you left. i realize that i do not need you anymore. but it never stopped hurting. i never stopped touching the places you cut yourself out of me out of my life. the incisions are not healing.

and now we are talking again and you are saying that you cant stop hurting. you are not healing. i think we are both infected. i think we are both dying. i used to think that this feeling was the end. i think now it is the beginning of learning to love another person softer than anyone else ever could have. i dont know what i want. i just know that i have emptied myself since youve left. i just know i hate the feeling of evisceration.

julia alexander is a part time

poet and a full time cry baby. shes eighteen and lives in connecticut. when she isnt too busy putting the punk in spunk, she runs an independent literary magazine, Insert Lit Mag Here. julia has a full length album of spoken word poetry called Accepting the Facts and chapbook called As My Voice Shakes. julia likes pizza. julia likes biting her nails. julia likes surf pop. julia likes meeting people on the internet. julia likes meeting people in real life. julia likes being alone. julia likes taking pictures of herself. julia never shuts up. for julias tumblr click here for julias bandcamp click here

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