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Table of Contents

Course Guide TOPIC 1 INTRODUCTION TO SQL 1.1 Background of SQL 1.2 History of SQL 1.3 Basic Structure of SQL Statements 1.4 Four Queries for SQL Development 1.4.1 What is the Required Output? 1.4.2 What Have You Learnt? 1.4.3 What are the Tables Involved? 1.4.4 How are Tables Linked? Summary DATA DEFINITION LANGUAGE 2.1 Data Relationship Structure 2.2 Data Definition in SQL 2.2.1 SQL Data Types and Identifiers 2.3 Definition a Database Schema 2.4 Creating a Tables 2.5 Removing a Tables Summary DATA MANAGEMENT 3.1 Insert Command 3.2 Update Command 3.3 Delete Command Summary QUERY DATA 4.1 Solution Strategy 4.2 Simple Query 4.2.1 To Retrieve all Rows and Tuples 4.2.2 To Retrieve Specific Rows and Tuples 4.2.3 DISTINCT Application ix - xi 1 2 3 4 7 7 8 8 8 9 11 12 14 14 16 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 27 28 28 29






To Select Rows 4.3.1 To Retrieve Tuples and Select Rows 4.3.2 Rename Tuples 4.3.3 Comparison between Ranges 4.3.4 Rules with Multiple Comparisons 4.3.5 Comparing Sequence 4.3.6 Design Correspondence 4.3.7 NULL Search (IS NULL/IS NOT NULL) 4.4 Sorting the Result 4.4.1 Sorting One Attribute 4.4.2 Sorting More than One Attribute 4.5 Aggregate Function 4.5.1 COUNT (*) Application 4.5.2 COUNT and DISTINCT Application 4.5.3 COUNT and SUM Application 4.5.4 MIN, MAX and AVG Application 4.6 Gathering Results 4.6.1 GROUP BY Clause 4.6.2 HAVING Clause 4.7 Sub-Queries 4.7.1 Using a Sub-query with Equality 4.7.2 Using a sub-query with an Aggregate Function 4.7.3 Nested Sub-queries (Use of IN) 4.7.4 NOT IN Clause 4.8 Set Comparison Using ANY, SOME and ALL 4.8.1 ANY and SOME Clause 4.8.2 ALL Clause 4.9 Multiple Table Statement 4.9.1 Simple Union 4.9.2 Structuring Union 4.10 EXIST and NON EXIST Clause 4.10.1 EXIST Clause 4.11 Combining Table 4.11.1 UNION Clause 4.11.2 INTERSECT Clause 4.11.3 EXCEPT Clause Summary


31 31 32 33 33 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 45 46 46 47 48 50 51 51 52 54 54 55 56 56 57 58 58 59 61



DATABASE DEVELOPMENT I 5.1 Introduction to Access 5.2 Creating an Access Database 5.3 Creating Tables 5.3.1 Field 5.3.2. Primary Key 5.3.3 Field Element 5.4 Relationship 5.4.1 Define Relations and Referential Integrity 5.5 Creating Queries 5.5.1 Query by Example 5.5.2 Developing Query by Example Create a Query Field 5.5.3 SQL Query 5.5.4 SQL Query Creation 5.5.5 The Usage at Multiple Criteria Summary DATABASE DEVELOPMENT II 6.1 Form 6.1.1 Creating a Form 6.1.2 Creating a Sub-form To Create Main Form and Sub-form 6.1.3 The Guideline of Form Design 6.2 Producing a Report 6.2.1 The Guideline of Report Design 6.3 Switchboard 6.3.1 Creating a Switchboard Summary TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT 7.1 Transaction Support 7.1.1 Properties of Transaction 7.2 Concurrency Control 7.2.1 The Requirement 7.2.2 Concurrency Control Techniques 7.2.3 Deadlock 7.2.4 Time Stamping 7.2.5 Optimistic Technique Summary

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DATABASES AND WEB TECHNOLOGY 8.1 An Introduction to the Internet and Web 8.1.1 The Web 8.1.2 HTTP 8.1.3 HTML 8.1.4 URL 8.1.5 Static and Dynamic Web Pages 8.2 The Web as a Database Application Platform 8.2.1 Requirements for Web-DBMS Integration 8.2.2 Web-DBMS Architecture 8.2.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Web-DBMS Approach 8.2.4 Approaches to Integrating the Web and DBMS Summary

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Tutorial References

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