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Level II-Comprehensive Review Novem er !""#

Situation: Children need adequate intake of vitamin C and calcium. The nurse must emphasize this in the health teaching sessions to the mothers. 1.Why should Vitamin C and calcium rich foods occupy a greater part of the childs daily menu? a. Readily available and affordable over the counter b. Many pharmaceuticals supply samples c. Because these prevent conditions li e carries and bone brea age d. !hey act li e natural vaccines ".#f a child has dental carries$ he %ill also be prone to have a. &lu c. &ractures b. Baldness d. Wounds

1. C

". 1

'. B '.&or vitamin C to be easily absorbed by the childs gut$ %hat form of presentation is recommended by the nurse? a. !ablets c. Che%able b. (i)uids d. #n*ectable +. 1 +.#n an array of food spread out in the table$ the child by nature %ill have servings of a. ,nly pic -a-pic choices b. .ecessary nutrients c. .onsense food groups d. /%eets and *un s food 0.#f research is to be made on eating preferences of preschoolers %hat design of study %ill you use? a. 1nalytical c. 23perimental b. 4escriptive d. Case-control Situation 2: Environmental Sanitation is one of the main problems in the big cities of our country. hat can a nurse do to make a difference. 5.Which of the follo%ing agencies is responsible for the promotion of health environmental condition and prevention of environmental related diseases? a. 4epartment of 6ealth &ield 7nits b. 2nvironmental 6ealth /ervice c. 4epartment of 6ealth /anitation /ervices d. 7rban 6ealth and .ational ,rgani8ation 5. C

0. B

9.Which of the follo%ing agencies has the authority to act on all issues concerning environmental health? a. 2nvironmental 6ealth /ervices b. Waste management and disposal 1

St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. (082) 224-25 5 or 222-8!"2

c. 2nvironmental /anitation ,ffice d. /anitation Code : ;05

;.Which among the follo%ing health problems ;. 1 is related to poor environmental condition as its M1#. cause? a. 4iarrhea c. #nfectious hepatitis b. 4engue 6emorrhagic &ever d. <arasitism =. 4 =.1s a nurse the main topic for health teaching in the prevention of environmental related illness %ould include a. (inis Ba uran c. ,peration #llness b. /treet Cleaning d. <roper Waste 4isposal

1>. B 1>. &or hospitals %aste disposal$ the recommendation is using a. /hredder c. (and &ill b. #ncineration d. Compost pit

Situation !: Elizabeth a la"yers secretary# had an abrupt onset of fever# chilly sensation# aches and pain in her back and feeling prostration. This lasted for $ days. 11. ?ou are a friend of 2li8abeth because you are board mates and you are %or ing in nearby hospital. Which step %ould you do as your assessment of 2li8abeths condition? a. Consult a 4octor c. !a e 6istory b. Chec vital signs d. 1dvise for laboratory 1". 2li8abeth also has respiratory symptoms. Which one is the most common symptoms of viral influen8a? a. Cough c. 6eadache b. &ever d. <allor

11. B

1". 1

9. C

1'. 1s friends$ you and 2li8abeth sometimes borro%@ use each others personal things. Which item should .,! be used as common belonging? a. 4rin ing glass c. Ma e up it b. Blouse and / irt d. Bandana and belt 1+. 1t bedtime$ you do health teaching to 2li8abeth. Which one belo% is most important?

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a. b. c. d.

Aeep %arm and free from draft /top office %or 2at light food 1void e3posure to pneumonia 10. B

10. Mode of transmission of influen8a virus %hich 2li8abeth suffers is through a. &ood inta e c. 4rin ing %ater b. 4roplet d. /oiled linen Situation %. Community &ealth 'ursing utilizes the nursing process that leads to desires outcome of health status. 15. 1ssessment process involves participation of clients. Which step determines the health status of families regarding family dynamics and patterns of coping? a. 1nalysis of 4ata c. #nterpretation of 4ata b. Collection of data d. <resentation of 4ata 19. !o categori8e health problem$ this condition leads to disease or in*ury. a. &oreseeable crisis c. 6ealth need b. 6ealth threat d. 6ealth deficit

15. B

19. 1

1;. 1 1;. a. b. c. d. Which of the follo%ing is health deficit? 6istory of repeated infection 7se of nuclear medicine 4eath or illness in the family <opulation is inade)uately immuni8ed

1=. 4

1=. !here are many %ays to collect data. !his one is face to face interaction of the researcher and the individual a. Revie% of /tatistics c. /urvey b. (aboratory and screening test d. #ntervie% ">. !he data collected is systematically recorded to facilitate a. Confidentiality c. Research b. Correct and accurate records d. Retrieval

">. B

1'. 1

1+. B

Situation $. The E(panded )rogram of *mmunization "as launched in +uly#,-./ by the 01& and in cooperation "ith the &1 "1. Which of the follo%ing is the general ob*ective of 2<#? a. Reduce morbidity and mortality among people of all ages b. Reduce morbidity and mortality among urban poor children c. Reduce morbidity and mortality among infants and children caused by communicable diseases d. Reduce morbidity and mortality among pregnant %omen %ith high ris
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. (082) 224-25 5 or 222-8!"2

"". What is 2<# based on? a. Research studies on communicable diseases b. 2pidemiological situation c. /urveillance studies and research d. /cenario of the community affected

"". B

"'. Which age group is 2<# compulsory as per <4:==5 of 1=95? a. /chool entrants c. Babies and infants b. Children of all ages d. Belo% ; years old "'. 4 "+. 1s a nurse$ %hat is your role in the implementation of 2<#? a. !arget setting b. Bather children every Wednesday for <ata c. /urveillance studies and research d. Management of cold chain "0. Which vaccine is a re)uirement for school entrants regardless of the presence of BCB scar? a. 4<! b. 6epa B c. BCB d. 1nti tetanus Situation /: There are corner stones or pillars in )rimary &ealth Care to achieve its mission "5. Which of the follo%ing is .,! a corner stone of <rimary 6ealth Care? a. #ntra and inter lin ages b. 7se of technology and support mechanism c. 1ctivities for self reliance d. 1ctive community participation "9. !o encourage active participation of the community %hat )ualities should a nurse possess? a. #ntellectual capacities c. Role modeling b. Coach behavior d. (eadership

"+. 1

"0. C

"5. C

"9. 4

";. C

";. (in ages is an important action$ %herein the community leaders relate %ith other "=. !he use of appropriate technology could agencies li e the follo%ing$ 2CC2<!D also mean? a. /chools c. W.6., a. Computers c. 6erbal plants b. Red Cross d. Rotary club b. Medical 2)uip d. 2ssential drug "1. C '>. !he primary role of a nurse in <rimary 6ealth Care is as? a. ,rgani8er c. &acilitator b. !eacher d. (eader Situation .. Evaluation of care is an integral part in the application of nursing process.

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'1. What are the changes in the clients health status %hich is the result of the nursing intervention? a. 6ealthy lifestyle b. 4esires ,utcome c. Modified Behavior d. Compliance %ith regime '". Which of the follo%ing is the structural element from %hich nursing care is delivered? a. <hilosophy of care c. Regimen b. 6ealth team d. Modification of symptoms ''. Which of the follo%ing is the process element as frame%or of nursing care? a. ,utcome changes b. 4etermining nursing goals c. ,rgani8ational structure d. .ursing ob*ectives '+. Which is the follo%ing is the outcome element of nursing care? a. /uccess of nursing action b. Budget and e)uipment c. Coordination of services d. / ill level of the client '0. What is the measure of nursing effectiveness if )uality assurance is recommended? a. /tandard of practice b. Changes in behavior of the client c. 6igh cost of health care regimen d. .urse E patient ratio Situation 2: *mmunization schedules are to be used in order to provide ma(imal immunity to the seven E)* diseases before the child reaches the first birthday '5. Which of the follo%ing vaccines is given at birth for the protection as part on testing from other members of the family? a. ,<V b. Measles c. BCB d. 4<! "=. C

'". B

''. B

'+. 4

'0. B

'5. C

'9. 6o% many doses of 4<! should be given %ith an interval of + %ee s? a. + b. ' c. 0 d. 5 ';. 1t %hat age is 4<! given? a. 5 %ee s b. Birth c. " %ee s d. + %ee '=. <rotection against polio is increased if given earlier. When is the right age? a. + %ee s b. " %ee s c. 5 %ee s d. Birth +>. Measles is given subcutaneously at a dose of .0ml. 1t %hat age is this done? a. = months c. 5 months b. ,ne and half year d. one year

'>. 4

'1. B

St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. (082) 224-25 5 or 222-8!"2

Situation -: 'ursing care after delivery is very crucial to both mother and baby. +1. Which of the follo%ing is .,! chec ed on the mother? a. Vital signs b. Contracted and hard uterus c. Boing home dress d. 23pelled placenta and laceration +". Which of the follo%ing should be %atched on the baby? a. 1<B1R score and congenital defects b. Birthmar and pigmentation c. &oot and 6and mar d. Measure of length +'. a. b. c. d. Registration of baby must be done by a .urse Community Volunteer 6ealth Wor er Mid%ife !rained 6ilot

+". 1

+'. C

++. 4 ++. !he first postpartum visit in the home is a. 5 %ee s after delivery c. 1 %ee after delivery b. + %ee s after delivery d. Within "+ hours +0. C +0. 1n important function of the nurse is recording . Where are the reports submitted? a. Mayors ,ffice c. &6/#/ b. <rovincial ,ffice d. Rural 6ealth 7nit Situation ,3. 4rs. &erera is the nurse at the mother and child health nursing unit of a health care facility# "hich includes home visit in the home of the mother and child5 +5. Which of the follo%ing is Mrs. 6ereras concern %hen she visits the mother and child? a. <ost natal care and lactation of the mother and ne%born care b. Ma e a schedule of the visit to the doctors office c. 4etermine family planning method for the mother d. 2valuate socio-economic status of the family

'9. 4

';. 1 '=. C

+>. 1 +9. Which of the follo%ing is the primary goal of maternal child health nursing? +1. C
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a. !o promote the %ell being of potential mothers and learn the right approach to family life and family planning b. !o consider that every child has love and security and has a better future c. !o insure that every e3pectant mother maintains good health$ learns the art of child care$ has a normal delivery and have healthy children d. !o avoid having children %ho are misdirected and became street children +;. What is the ob*ective of prenatal care? a. !o avoid complication of babies upon delivery li e fetal death in utero b. !o reach all pregnant %omen to give sufficient care and ensure healthy pregnancies and full term birth of healthy babies c. !o ensure that all pregnant %omen are given tetanus to3oid immuni8ation d. !o schedule at least ' prenatal visits during the time of pregnancy +=. ta a. b. t vitamins should a pregnant %oman e to increase hemoglobin? Minerals c. &errous sulfate Vitamin 1 d. vitamin C

+;. B

+=. C

0>. 1 0>. When should the first prenatal be advised? a. &irst month c. &irst )uic ening b. &irst trimester d. &irst (M<

+5. 1

Situation ,,: 6pplication of C&' concepts and processes 01. Which of the follo%ing statements is .,! correct? a. 1s part of participation to policy formulation$ the nurse plays an active role in lobbying for amendments to the nursing la% b. #n the community$ the nurse raises the level of a%areness for the people to identify e3isting problems and potentials and address such problem c. #f the people in the community %ants free medicines$ the nurse complies as the basis of services should be on %hat people demands d. #f many of the trained CV6W resigned$ the nurse has to start all over again and never give up. 0". Which of the follo%ing statement is correct? a. #f people are not attending to the services of the health staff$ the team must reassess the needs of the people

+9. C

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b. #n participatory approach$ the nurse devotedly adhere to %hat the people %ant c. #n a pleasant community$ %here people are fighting for land o%nership$ the nurse must not participate as this is not a health problem d. .urse must not *oin protest actions as nurses should al%ays be at neutral times. 0'. C 0'. <eople have the potential for changing behavior this meansD a. ,ne cannot teach old dogs ne% tric s b. 1pathy and passive cannot be addressed as these are defense mechanism development by people themselves c. 2ducation and training are meant to increase a%areness to%ard responsible action d. /ocial offenders must al%ays be %atched out as they have the tendency to revert to 0+. C their former selves 0+. #f a particular health service fails$ the most basic )uestion is? a. #s this %hat %rong? b. What %ent %rong? c. #s this %hat the people need? d. Who is responsible for the failure? 00. #n a meeting %ith the peoples organi8ation in the community$ the nurse %as as ed regarding her position on gambling and usury? Most appropriate response is? a. 1s long as people do not harm others$ its o . b. Bambling and usury are part of &ilipino culture so let them be c. Bambling$ ?esF 7sury$ .oF d. Consider other forms of recreation and economic source

01. B

0". 1

Situation ,2: Tessie is a ne" community health nurse assigned in rural community. 05. /he notices that .ay (olita$ the local herbolaria is snubbing her. !he best thing for her to do isD a. /nub her as %ell and pretend she does not e3ist b. 1s the mid%ife and fetch her and have a meeting %ith her at the health center to clarify c. Ma e a courtesy call by visiting her %here she lives d. /end an invitation for a training of community health %or ers

St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. (082) 224-25 5 or 222-8!"2

09. /he made a home visit to Marlyn and 09. 4 Gose to give prenatal instructions. /he noticed that the t%o are having )uarrel. What %ill she say? a. HWhy are you )uarreling? !ell me so # can *udge %ho is at fault.I b. HCan you stop )uarreling? We %ill be tal ing more important thing.I c. H/top it Gose. ?ou are doing harm in the baby. d. H#s it alright$ if # %ill *ust come bac some other time? 0;. 4 0;. #n a health %or ers training$ you found out that the participants too along their small children. 1nticipating confusion during the training$ the best action isD a. <ut all the children in another room and have someone ta e care of them. b. !ell the participants to go home and have someone ta e care of them. c. (et the children be$ any%ay$ the participants have to ta e care of their young d. <ostpone the training for a day$ %hen the participants can come of themselves alone 0=. #t %as election time and a candidate comes to you and re)uest you to participate in a free clinic %hich is part of the campaign. What %ill you do? a. 1s an apology for not participating and tell him that people can come to the health center anytime they need the service b. Verify first if the candidate can give you substantial professional fee c. ?ou li ed him and no )uestions as ed and B,F d. Wait until the rival candidate comes in and *oin the one %hich you feel must %in 5>. 1 %oman %ent to the center fro treatment of syphilis. ?our mid%ife shared the matter to mothers %ho %ere there during that time. What %ill you do? a. Confirm the story to the mother b. 23plain to mothers that syphilis can be treated c. #gnore the incident d. Ma e a denial Situation ,!: 6s a community health nurse# 6gnes is very competent in assessment of congenital health disease 51. Which of the follo%ing is the main cause of congenital disease %hen a mother ta es substances or drugs during pregnancy? a. /ocial c. Benetic b. 2nvironmental d. Maternal
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00. 4

05. C

5". Which of the follo%ing is the main cause 5". B of congenital heart disease %hen the mother has diabetes mellitus during pregnancy? a. Maternal c. Benetics b. 2nvironmental d. /ocial 5'. Which of the follo%ing is the cause of congenital heart disease %hen there is trisomy? a. 2nvironmental c. Maternal b. Benetics d. /ocial 5+. Congenital 6eart 4isease may arise %hen there is familial clustering li e this situation a. environmental c. Blood relatives b. (ifestyle of parents d. Maternal infection 50. .urse 1gnes role in the cases of congenbital heart diseases is health teaching on a. /e3$ love and marriage b. Rest$ diet and physical e3ertion c. !ravel limitation d. &luid and electrolyte balance 0=. 1 5'. 4

5+. C

50. 4

Situation ,%: Cardiovascular 0iseases have become the greatest threat of the "ell being of the 7ilipino today. 8 01& 2333 9 55. Which of the follo%ing is .,! considered a cause of cardiovascular diseases? a. #nherited or ac)uired b. 2nvironmental and constitutional c. #nfectious diseases d. Calm outloo of life 59. Congenital 6eart disease can rise due to the follo%ing ' but 1 is .,! a. 4rug inta e c. Congenital b. 1ccident d. Maternal 4iseases

5>. 4

5;. Rheumatic 6eart 4isease can rise due to a. &re)uent sore throat c. Viral infection b. Benetic causes d. 4epression 5=. 6ypertension is associated %ith a. /tressful %or %orld c. (overs re*ection b. &amily conflict d. 6igh salt diet 9>. Coronary 1rtery 4isease is associated %ith a. &itness regimen c. /edentary lifestyle b. .ight out activities d. /e3ual overuse Situation ,$: Community 1rganization is a process "herein people in the community# health care providers and agencies in the community are brought together.

51. 4

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91. Which one of the follo%ing is .,! an ob*ective of community organi8ation? a. (earn about common problems b. <lan the ind of action needed to solve problems c. .ever to act on issues presented d. #dentify problems as their o%n 9". Which of the follo%ing is the primary principle involved in the community organi8ation? a. <lanning group needs b. 1ssembly of community leaders c. !echni)ue in as ing )uestions d. 4efined functions in each group 9'. Which basic method can determine the e3tent to %hich the basic needs are met for the health %or ers to bring about the ad*ustment bet%een need and resources? a. 2ducation and #nterpretation b. 4etermination of needs c. <rogram instruction d. &act &inding

9". 1

9'. 4

55. 4

9+. 1s a nurse you have gained entry in the community. Which initial step is done? a. (ist names of persons to contact b. Bather information from persons and records c. 1rrange the first meeting d. <repare the agenda 90. Which of the follo%ing should a nurse do if the purpose in community organi8ing is to integrate %ith the people? a. Be punctual in reporting at the R67 b. (ive %ith the people c. 1ssign community officers d. Reside in the home of the Municipal 6ealth officer Situation ,/. 'ursing process is a hierarchy of steps in managing patient care 95. 1ssessment is the first step of the nursing process. Which is the follo%ing is the lo%est priority in addressing patients needs after a thorough assessment? a. !he client social and belonging needs b. .eeds of family members and friends %ho are involved in patient care c. /afety related needs d. Clients needs for referral to appropriate agency 99. 1 9> year old patient is on absolute bed rest. !he priority assessment by the nurse is that this client is at greatest ris for %hich of the follo%ing? a. 4ecubitus ulcer affecting the heels b. #nterrupted sleeping pattern c. Venous thrombosis d. 4ecreased appetite

59. B

5;. 1

5=. 4

9>. C

91. C

St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. (082) 224-25 5 or 222-8!"2


9;. 1 1> year old child is brought to the 2R for burns affecting the chest and the upper e3tremities. Which of the follo%ing is the first nursing priority in ta ing care of the patients? a. #nserting an #V c. #nserting a foley catheter b. Comforting the child d. Maintaining 9=. C patient air%ay 9=. 1 1" year old child %as admitted in Baguio Beneral 6ospital for suspected meningococcemia. Which of the follo%ing measures should you ta e in order to assess for meningeal irritation? a. 2valuate papillary reaction to light b. 2valuate for the presence of photophobia c. 2valuate the strength of clients e3tremities d. 2valuate the level of consciousness 9+. B

;>. Which of the follo%ing is an appropriate nursing intervention follo%ing a lumbar puncture? a. 6elping the client to maintain a fle3ed position b. 1 pressure dressing at the site c. Maintaining bed rest d. Monitoring the client for headache Situation ,.: The 7ilipino people has varied menus and ingredients. 'urses should kno" "hat to advise nursing mothers on "hat foods to eat that "ill benefit their motherhood status and the baby ;1. Which of the follo%ing sets of foods should be encouraged to be specifically eaten by nursing mothers? a. <roteins$ fats$ carbohydrates$ minerals b. Beans$ ham$ *ollibee chain of foods$ pi88a and pasta c. Cereals$ cheese$ carrots$ enriched bread and stea d. (eafy green and yello% vegetables$ mil $ fish and fruits ;". What can a %or ing mother %ho is lactating do to fulfill her duty of %or ing in the office and at the same time breast mil her baby? a. 23cuse herself from the office on scheduled feeding time b. Bring the baby in the cradle to the office for feeding time c. Rent an apartment near office to facilitate going home d. /)uee8e periodically mil from breast and put in the bottle$ ref ;'. Cuddling and caressing and carrying of the baby during infancy should be ma3imi8ed because this contribute greatly to the babys a. <arental bonding c. #ntelligent capabilities

90. B

95. 1

99. C

9;. 4

St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. (082) 224-25 5 or 222-8!"2


b. 2motional )uotient d. /ocial graces ;+. What is ensured in the mothers mil anytime she breast feeds her baby? a. improving suc ling refle3 of the baby b. /ufficient amount of mil c. Rest time of mother from office %or d. Right temperature at all times ;0. Breast mil is also good medicine to treat acne vulgaris among young people. What component of mothers mil resolves acne problem? a. Moisturi8er c. <roteins b. 1stringent d. &ats ;>. 4

;0. C

Situation ,2: Community 0iagnosis ;5. !he most common method for community diagnosis that accounts for the bul of data is a. Census c. Records revie% b. #ntervie% d. /ample survey ;9. !he follo%ing are the steps in processing the data. 1. 4ata analysis '. 4ata presentation ". 4ata collection +. 4ata collation a. "$+$1$ and ' c. "$+$' and 1 b. "$'$+ and 1 d. "$'$1 and + ;;. Ma*or factors affecting population includes the follo%ing 2CC2<!D a. Births b. 4eath c. Migration d. Morbidity ;=. 1 population pyramid %ith triangular shape and broad base indicates the follo%ing e3ceptD a. 6igh death rates c. ?oung population b. 4eath d. Morbidity =>. !he sampling method used for a reliable community diagnosis isD a. /imple random c. Cluster b. Multi stage d. /ystematic Random Situation ,-. :ital Statistics =1. !he crude birth rate of C community is '>.0. !his meansJ a. '>.0 birth in every 1>>> population b. '1 births in every 1>>> population c. '> births in every 1>>> population d. '> births in every 1>>> population of %omen 10 to ++ years

;1. 4

;". 4

;'. 4 =". #nfant mortality rate refers to deaths in every 1>> births belong toD a. >-"; days c.>-1 %ee b. >-1 month d. >-1" months ;+. 4

St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. (082) 224-25 5 or 222-8!"2


='. !here %ere "> cases of measles in a community and 0 died. What is the C&R of measles? a. .>"0 b. ".0 c."0K d. "0> =+. !he relative importance of a cause of death is computed as a. C&R c. <MR b. Cause of 4eath Rate d. #ncidence Rate =0. #n estimating the ran of cause as a common illness$ the nurse ma es use ofD a. #ncidence rate c. /%aroops #nde3 b. <revalence Rate d. 1ttac rate ;5. 1

=+. 1

=0. 1

;9. B

Situation 23: *n the prevention of the disease the use of the epidemiological approach is an essential skill =5. 2pidemiology pertains to the study of the a. Causes of the health and disease in the family b. ,ccurrence and distribution of health and disease in a population c. &actors that influence the causation of the disease in man d. !en leading causes of morbidity and mortality =9. !his is the ob*ective in the use of the epidemiological approach in the practice of nursingD a. to obtain baseline data for evaluating a preventive program b. !o help in the formulation of nursing diagnosis c. !o identify the agent-host-environment factors of a specific disease d. !o increase s ill in the control of a specific disease =;. !he natural history of any disease in man centers on the follo%ing conceptD a. !he disease process is affected by various factors b. #llness is caused mostly by environmental factors c. #llness and culture are associated d. 1gent host environment factors interrelated to cause a disease ==. When is an epidemiology investigation indicated? a. When the secretary of health orders it. b. When the Municipal 6ealth ,fficer re)uest c. When the disease is a reportable case d. When there is an epidemic 1>>. a. b. c. 2pidemiological reports emphasi8e Control measures instituted #solation of cases 2ducation of the public 14

;;. C

;=. 1

=>. 1

=1. C

=". 4

='. C

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d. #mmuni8ation of all those susceptible $There is no limi% %o %he &oo' ( person )(n 'o i* he is willin& %o le% someone else %(+e %he )re'i%,-

=5. C

=9. C

=;. 4

==. C

1>>. 1

St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. (082) 224-25 5 or 222-8!"2


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