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give some concrete examples of how you can apply Knowledge Management in your personal life...

Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) is focused on personal productivity improvement for knowledge workers in their working environments. A core focus of PKM is 'personal inquiry' a quest to find connect learn and e!plore.

"ur goal is for you to # collect information from the internet people maga$ines %ooks etc and # convert the information into knowledge %y filtering and # connecting the different pieces of information. &his will ena%le you to convert information to knowledge (for you) and also help you create new knowledge %y connecting and understanding different pieces of information. 'e %elieve knowledge is an individual product # it is a human understanding of information %y learning and thinking. &he learning is often through connections dialogue and social interaction %ut the thinking is personal (if not it easily %ecomes group thinking and not your personal view). "nce you attain this knowledge it can %e e!pressed and shared in many ways %oth through social media and through knowledge management systems. (hared knowledge is not automatically common knowledge # people still need to find read)learn and adopt the shared knowledge. Ppc(oft iKnow is designed to help you collect connect convert and create knowledge # personal knowledge # how you use it and share it is up to you *

+'e always know more than we can say and we always say more than we can write, -ave (nowden 'hat is +PKM,. /t0s a%out taking responsi%ility for personal 1 professional development in order to remain 2relevant0 in a sometime choatic and fast#3changing environment.

The industrial age required predictable and repeatable processes Industrial age practices are no longer relevant to the 21st Century Knowledge Economy Labour is replaceable, talent is not !" #arche$ %emember when we learnt the same things, at the same time and at the same pace Learning and personal development is no longer con&ined to the classroom

Learning and 'nowledge acquisition is a li&elong activity and a &ar more personalised e(perience )ocial learning is how people wor' and share 'nowledge to become better practitioners *e have to be able to quic'ly adapt and change to an increasingly volatile and challenging environment *e live in a socially connected world, where anyone can have a voice, and everyone wants to be heard Knowledge &rom a trusted source is richer than what we can discover &or ourselves But who can you trust

+etting in&ormation o&& the internet is li'e ta'ing a drin' &rom a &ire hydrant What needs to change..... )ocial learning and personal development requires a shi&t &rom hierarchies to networ's, and empowerment o& the wor'&orce to choose the tools they need to do the ,ob

-It.s not the strongest o& the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most adaptable to change / 0arwin

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