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Handbook for agency staff

REV. JUNE 2013

Handbook for agency staff

www.personalhuset .no
Welcome to ISS Personalhuset Vision and values Ethical guidelines (the ISS Code of Conduct) Benefits programme Staff survey Employment and contract of employment Assignment confirmation Follow-up We Care Determining salaries ID cards Contractual obligations and working conditions Loyalty and confidentiality Dismissal and notice periods Attestation Timesheets and wages Filling in timesheets Working hours Overtime Bank holidays (1 and 17 May) Moveable public holidays Travel and subsistence allowance Holidays and Leave of Absence Holidays and holiday pay Parental benefits Compassionate leave Sick pay Sick leave with a medical certificate Self-certified sick leave Self-certified absence when your child is sick 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13

Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE) 14 HSE procedures 14 Personal protective equipment (PPE) 14 Alcohol and drug policy/ AKAN (Arbeidslivets Kompetansesenter for Rus- og Avhengighetsproblematikk The Workplace Advisory Centre for issues related to alcohol, drugs and addictive gambling in the workplace) 14 Safety representatives 15 The Occupational Health Service (OHS) 15 Handbook for agency staff 3

Insurance and Pensions Occupational injury insurance Travel insurance Mandatory occupational pension (Obligatorisk tjenestepensjon OTP)

16 16 16 16

Handbook for agency staff

www.personalhuset .no

Welcome to ISS Personalhuset

Vision and Values Our visionthe dream that inspires usis to be a crucial part in our customers success. Innovation and development of our services is a natural consequence of our vision, and to be successful in this, you, the employee, are our most important resource. Our values are honesty, initiative, quality and responsibility. Our values form the basis of what we do and what we expect from our staff. As an employee of ISS Personalhuset you are given the opportunity to try several different lines of business and jobs to find out what suits you best. Such varied experience gives you valuable skills and enhances your future prospects in the job market. One of our dedicated consultants will follow up with you at regular intervals and provide you with feedback on your work. ISS Personalhuset focuses on being a safe and reliable employer. We are members of the BRF (a Norwegian association of staffing and recruitment companies), which is also a member of the NHO Service (National Federation of Service Industries). This ensures that we comply with the prevailing rules and regulations at all times.

Ethical guidelines (ISS Code of Conduct) The guidelines are based on the fundamental principles that apply to all work in ISS that will govern staff behaviour. The guidelines aim to ensure that we run the company in an ethically-responsible and correct manner. The guidelines are part of the terms and conditions of employment and come with the contract of employment you enter into with ISS Personalhuset. We hope that you will enjoy working with us and take pride in your work!

Handbook for agency staff

Benefits programme ISS has 14,000 employees in Norway. Agency staff employed through ISS Personalhuset are entitled to the same discount agreements that ISS has negotiated on behalf of its own staff.

With 12,000 employees, this means good deals for the staff
Actic (gym) Avancia Sport Center Beckers Brilleland Byggmakker The Choice chain Elixia Esso (petrol) Europcar car hire Flgger Interoptik as Montr/Optimer a NorEngros Hostelling International Norway Perminalen Hostel Riis Bilglass SAS Corporate Leisure S.A.T.S. Scandic Hotel Time Expressen Tools TusenFryd Vianor Jernia/Komplett Home

As well as this, you can also use ISS company-owned holiday cabins.

Staff survey We measure employee satisfaction to find out the areas on which ISS Personalhuset needs to focus in order to further improve quality. These results also give our customers a good indication of how they are perceived by our employees and the possibilities they have to improve how they receive agency staff. In this way, we ensure that your workday with our Handbook for agency staff 6

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customers will be a positive experience.

Handbook for agency staff

Employment and contract of employment Your conditions of employment commence when you begin your first assignment. Before starting work with ISS Personalhuset, the contract of employment should be signed by both parties. For all conditions of employment, the Norwegian Working Environment Act (AML) regulates the conditions between the employee and employer, and your contract of employment will be drawn up in accordance with these regulations. ISS Personalhuset is responsible for paying your wages and holiday pay, and is responsible for paying tax deductions, employer's contributions and OTP pension contributions. The contract of employment does not include information about work tasks, workplaces or pay terms. This will vary depending on the individual assignment and will be described in the assignment confirmation you receive before the assignment commences. Regarding the conditions of the employment permit, it is assumed that you have a valid work and residency permit for Norway. Any changes, be they an extension, lapse of your permit or similar, should be reported to your consultant in ISS Personalhuset. Company rules apply, and you are obliged to comply with these. You will be given a copy of the company rules together with your contract of employment.

Assignment confirmation You will receive an assignment confirmation from ISS Personalhuset for each assignment that is agreed. When you have accepted or agreed to an assignment, you are obliged to work for the employer in accordance with the agreed time and place specified in the assignment confirmation. All essential information about the assignment such as its duration, working hours, work tasks, workplaces, hourly rates and overtime terms will be specified in the assignment confirmation. If you wish to discontinue the assignment during the agreed time, the terms of notice for the contract of employment will apply. The assignment confirmation as well as confirmation of extensions will be sent to you by text or e-mail unless 8
Handbook for agency staff

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otherwise agreed.

Handbook for agency staff

ID cards

All companies that carry out work on building and construction sites or in the cleaning industry are obliged to equip their workers with ID cards. The purpose of this is to identify who you are and also who you work for. The ID card is personal and must not be given to others. ISS Personalhuset is applying for ID cards. The ID card remains the property of the employer and must be returned to your ISS consultant when you finish working on an assignment for which it is required or when the conditions of employment end.

Follow-up We Care When you work for ISS Personalhuset, we are committed to looking after you and following up with you so that you are as successful as possible in your work. While working for us, you will be followed up at regular intervals by your ISS consultant. While on an assignment, you will normally be contacted by your ISS consultant every 14 days for a brief discussion, positive follow-up and also to find out about any uncertainties or challenges. You will be invited to two set employee events per year. A performance appraisal after approximately three months and then annually. Ongoing development is one of our themes. Special attention on our biggest holiday and on birthdays. Close follow-up of any periods of absenteeism Exit interview

Determining salaries As an employee of ISS Personalhuset, you will be paid by us. The agreed hourly rates will be in the assignment confirmation and apply for the agreed period. The pay will depend on the type of job and the qualification requirements. This means that the pay may vary from assignment to 10
Handbook for agency staff

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assignment. ISS Personalhuset pays in accordance with the Norwegian Working Environment Act and the temporary staff recruitment agencies' provisions regarding the principle of equal treatment. The principle of equal treatment means that when employed by ISS Personalhuset as an agency worker, you will receive the same pay and working conditions as you would if you were directly employed by the customer in an equivalent temporary post. The principle of equal treatment applies to the following areas: Work duration and location Overtime Duration and location of breaks and rest periods Night work Holidays, holiday pay and pay for public holidays Wages and expenses Access to shared facilities such as a canteen, etc.

Handbook for agency staff


Contractual obligations and working conditions While working for an employer, you should comply with the employers work instructions/guidelines. It is important that you comply with the employers guidelines regarding the use of the telephone, Internet, e-mail and social media such as Twitter and Facebook. If the employer wishes to extend the assignment beyond the agreed time, you must contact your consultant at ISS Personalhuset to agree on the extension. You are free to accept or reject new assignments and extensions. If the employer asks you to discontinue the assignment before the agreed time, you must contact your consultant at ISS Personalhuset as soon as possible so that we can find other suitable work for you. In order to be paid for the agreed time of the assignment, you are obliged to take other suitable work for another employer for the remaining time of the agreed assignment. If you refuse such work, ISS Personalhusets obligation to pay for the remaining period ceases.

Loyalty and confidentiality All employees have a duty to be loyal to their employers. All our staff are required to maintain confidentiality regarding all business matters concerning ISS Personalhuset and its employers. The duty to maintain confidentiality also applies after the working conditions have ended. Any breach of confidentiality is considered to be a gross breach of duty and may lead to dismissal.

Dismissal and notice periods When you accept an assignment, you are obliged to work for the agreed time of the assignment. If you wish to give notice to ISS Personalhuset, the provisions of the Norwegian Working Environment Act apply regarding one months mutual notice period once the trial period has been completed; see the Norwegian Working Environment Act regarding notice. There should be a six-month trial period, and during the trial period there is a two-week mutual notice period.

Certification When you finish working for ISS Personalhuset, you will be given certification. The certificate should include your name, date of birth, the type of work you have done and the duration for which you worked. Handbook for agency staff 12

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Timesheets and wages As a rule, we pay every 14 days. Before you are paid, the Payroll Department must have received your tax card. You should supply your tax card as soon as possible, and at the latest with your first timesheet. According to the prevailing rules and regulations, if we do not receive your tax card in time, then we are obliged to deduct tax at a rate of 50% from your gross pay. When you finish working for ISS Personalhuset, your tax card will be sent to you if you so wish.

Filling in timesheets Ideally, this should be done electronically on our homepage. This ensures that you will be paid on time. Login information will be sent to you by e-mail. Your consultant at ISS Personalhuset will give you more detailed information and training about the use of electronic timesheets. It is your responsibility to fill in your timesheet correctly. The timesheet must be electronically approved or be signed by the employer before payment can be made. If the employer finds discrepancies regarding the hours recorded, this should be taken up with your consultant at ISS Personalhuset and not with the employer. Falsification of the timesheet or an attempt to so do may be reported to the police. The timesheet should be sent, registered or delivered to payroll by the 15th and the last day of each month. Wages are paid on the 7th and the 22nd of each month. If the payment date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, then wages will be paid on the first and subsequent working day.

Working hours Normal working hours at 100% of a position based on 37.5 working hours per week, excluding meal breaks. Otherwise, please see the provisions of the Norwegian Working Environment Act 10-4. The right to holidays and holiday pay as well as the determination of annual leave complies with the provisions of the Norwegian Act relating to holidays. Handbook for agency staff 13

Overtime Working hours and overtime are regulated by the Norwegian Working Environment Act. All overtime should be agreed and approved with the employer in advance. Overtime is paid after a 9-hour workday or a 40-hour week. In order to receive overtime payment for weekdays, you must first work a full day before overtime payment comes into force. An overtime allowance of 50% is paid up until 21:00, and after that it increases to 100%. In accordance with the Norwegian Working Environment Act, the total working hours (general working hours + overtime) should not exceed 13 hours in a 24-hour period. An individual can work up to: 10 hours over a 7 day-period 25 hours over 4 consecutive weeks 00 hours over 52 weeks

Bank holidays (1 and 17 May) To qualify for payment for 1 and 17 May, you must have worked for ISS Personalhuset for a consecutive period of at least 30 days, or it should have been agreed that you would work for us for at least consecutive 30 days. In addition, you must have been working the last day before and the first workday after the applicable date, and you would have been required to work on the day of the public holiday.

Moveable public holidays Moveable public holidays are red letter days that fall on days that would normally be workdays. These days are Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Ascension Day and Whit Monday. When you have worked for ISS Personalhuset for 750 hours in the preceding 12 months, you qualify for pay for the following days in accordance with the same rules that apply for 1 and 17 May. If the hiring company has shorter working hours or is closed some days in connection with public holidays, you will only be paid for the hours worked. Qualifying for pay for moveable public holidays assumes that you should have Handbook for agency staff 14

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been working on the day on which the public holiday fell. If you are out of work for a consecutive period of more than 14 days, a new qualifying period commences. In case of absence due to sickness or pre-agreed holidays, you are still entitled to be paid for public holidays.

Handbook for agency staff


Travel and subsistence allowance This will be agreed case-by-case and will be approved by your consultant in advance. So, if you have expenses which should be refunded, these should be entered on a separate form and original receipts should be attached.


Handbook for agency staff

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Holidays and Leave of Absence

Holidays and Holiday Pay Holidays must be agreed with both ISS Personalhuset and the employer at least 14 days before they are taken, otherwise the provisions of the Norwegian Act Relating to Holidays apply. Holiday pay is regulated by the Norwegian Act Relating to Holidays, and in accordance with this, the rate is 10.2% of basic holiday pay. If you are on an assignment in a company that has a higher rate of holiday pay, then it is this rate of holiday pay that will apply to the assignment. The rate of holiday pay may vary from assignment to assignment. Accrued holiday pay is generally paid on 22 June. When you end your employment with us, you will receive your accrued holiday pay; see the Norwegian Act Relating to Holidays 11.3. This applies to a final settlement and not if you are just on a break between two assignments.

Compassionate leave If compassionate leave is required, please contact your ISS consultant immediately. If you have worked 750 hours in the last 12 months, you are entitled to paid compassionate leave under the following circumstances: Leave of absence for one day owing to bereavement and to attend a funeral when this involves a close family member (spouse, partner, child, sibling, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent or grandchild) Leave of absence for medical investigations, treatment and appointments with a specialists (dental or medical) following referral by a doctor. This leave is limited to 3 hours at a time for up to a total of 9 hours during a 12-month period of employment. This only applies if it is not possible to get an appointment outside of working hours. Remember that a copy of the receipt/referral to the specialist should be attached to the timesheet. Antenatal appointments: If you work full time and you cannot reasonably get an appointment outside of work hours, you are entitled to paid leave of absence for such appointments. If you work part time, such appointments should be scheduled for a time when you are not working. Handbook for agency staff 17

Parental benefit You can receive parental benefit if you have been working and have had a pensionable income for at least six of the previous ten months before the benefit period commences. Your annual income should be at least half of the basic amount of the national insurance. Contact NAV (the Norwegian Labour & Welfare Organisation) for more information about this. In connection with childbirth, a father is entitled to two weeks unpaid personal leave to support the mother. Such leave of absence in connection with a birth must be taken all at the same time.


Handbook for agency staff

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Sick pay The right to sick pay comes into force on the first day on which you report that you are sick, provided that you comply with the statutory rules. In the event of sickness absence, you should ring and inform ISS Personalhuset of this as soon as possible, and at the latest before work commences. Reporting that you are sick via a text message or e-mail is not acceptable. Proof of absence should be provided without undue delay according to regulations set in the Norwegian National Insurance Act. The duty to report that you are sick also applies when you have a medical certificate. A medical certificate or self-certification should be provided as soon as possible or at the latest with the timesheet for the applicable time period. NB! If the duty and time frames for reporting that you are sick are not complied with, your wages will not be paid for some of the time you were sick.

Sickness absence with a medical certificate You must have worked for ISS Personalhuset for four weeks before being entitled to sick pay with a medical certificate. These four weeks constitute a qualifying period. If you have a break between assignments of 14 days or more (not including pre-scheduled days of holiday entitlement), you must accumulate a new qualifying period before you are entitled to receive sick pay.

Self-certified sickness absence If you have worked for us continuously for at least eight weeks, you can provide self-certification of absence for up to three calendar days at a time. From and including the fourth day, you will need a medical certificate to qualify for sick pay. If you become sick again before 16 days have elapsed, previous absence is not taken into account if there is no medical certificate. This right is limited to 4 instances of self-certification during the preceding 12 months (not necessarily a calendar year). For any sick absence over and above the four latter instances, the employer is entitled to request a medical certificate from the first day of absence. If you have a break between assignments of 14 days or more (not including pre-scheduled days of holiday entitlement), you must accumulate a new qualifying period before you are entitled to receive sick pay.
Handbook for agency staff


Self-certified absence when your child is sick The employer pays sick pay for up to 10 days per calendar year in the event that your child is sick (20 days if you are a lone parent) up until the child reaches 12 years of age. You can self-certify once you have worked for four weeks for ISS Personalhuset. If you have a break between assignments of 14 days or more (not including pre-scheduled days of holiday entitlement), you must accumulate a new qualifying period before you are entitled to receive sick pay.


Handbook for agency staff

www.personalhuset .no

Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE)

HSE Procedures ISS Personalhuset have developed HSE procedures to ensure that all staff have safe working habits, clear responsibilities, good working relationships and safe workplaces. When you are on an assignment for an employer, it is the customer who should ensure that HSE requirements and procedures are complied with and that you receive requisite training in procedures and safety equipment in the workplace. This is in accordance with the Norwegian Working Environment Act 2-2 and the rules regarding co-ordination of HSE in the workplace.

Personal protective equipment If personal protective equipment or other equipment that is essential for your safety is required, it will be supplied and you are obliged to use it. If you experience substandard or dangerous conditions, you should contact the line manager at the employers premises immediately and also your consultant at ISS Personalhuset and notify them of the conditions.

Alcohol and drug policy / AKAN ISS Personalhuset operates a zero-tolerance policy regarding the use of intoxicating substances. This applies to all types of intoxicating substances (alcohol, narcotics and drugs) as well as hangovers and smelling of alcohol during work hours, and absenteeism relating to this. ISS Personalhuset staff are advised to exercise caution with regard to gambling, and this should not take place during working hours. Any breach of this policy will have consequences for your conditions of employment. ISS Personalhuset has its own procedures for following up drug, alcohol and gambling addiction. You can request help for a drug, alcohol or gambling problem, even if the problem has not affected your work. An employee with drug, alcohol or gambling problems is normally offered individual support based on the AKAN follow-up model, and ISS Personalhuset will, as far as possible, help you to receive Handbook for agency staff 21

support and treatment.


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Safety representative Represents all employees (managers and non-management staff) in cases concerning the work environment. The safety representative should ensure that HSE matters regarding staff are taken care of in line with HSE legislation and internal procedures. ISS Personalhuset is a subsidiary of ISS Facility Services, and we are connected to the ISS Group HSE Committee (the Working Environment Committee [AMU], the AKAN Committee and the Workplace Rehabilitation Committee) and the Safety Organisation. ISS Personalhuset is a separate safety entity within the group and has its own safety representative.

The Occupational Health Service ISS Personalhuset is associated with the occupational health service at Preventia Medisinske Senter.

Handbook for agency staff



Handbook for agency staff

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Insurance and pensions

Occupational Injury Insurance As a member of staff in ISS Personalhuset, you are insured in accordance with the Norwegian Act Relating to Industrial Injury Insurance. If you are exposed to injury or illness in connection with your work, it is important that you inform your consultant at ISS Personalhuset as soon as possible.

Travel insurance All our staff are covered by annual travel insurance. This insurance only applies to work travel while working for ISS Personalhuset.

Mandatory occupational pension (OTP) Pensionable income is the pay you receive during the course of one year's defined contribution plan. Overtime payments or other variable or temporary supplements will not be taken into account. Wages below 1G and above 12G will be disregarded (G = the basic amount of National Insurance). The basic amount will be regulated every year by the authorities, usually in May. Your annual contribution constitutes 2% of your wages. The Norwegian Mandatory Occupational Pensions Act (OTP) came into force on 1 January 2006. This act determines that the type of company described in 1 of the act should pay a contribution to the old-age pension for its members. New staff should be included from the day on which they commence work. To become a member of the pension scheme, you should be 100% fit for work, have reached 20 years of age and be working at least 20% of a full-time job. If you quit before 12 months, you will not be entitled to accrued pension capital. Accrued pension capital will then be transferred to the companys contribution/premium reserve fund. The employer bears the financial cost of expenses related to the administration of the pension scheme.

Handbook for agency staff


In the event of any conflict between the Norwegian and English version of the handbook (translated) the Norwegian version shall take precedence.


Handbook for agency staff

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Handbook for agency staff




Handbook for agency staff

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Handbook for agency staff

19 Tel.: +47 815 81340

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