Lesson Plan Phonics Year 1

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Focus : Theme : Topic : Target Audience : Content Standard :

Listening and Speaking World of Knowledge My Favourite Toys Mostly intermediate, but some weak (Mixed abilities! "y t#e end of t#e $ear % primary s&#ooling, pupils will be able to pronoun&e words and speak &onfidently wit# t#e &orre&t stress, r#yt#m and intonation' (upils will be able to listen and respond to stimulus given wit# guidan&e) (e! alliteration "y t#e end of t#e lesson, pupils will be able say words wit# t#e p#onemes *b* and *r*' %+ minutes ,' -' 4' 5' 6' *b* and *r* introdu&tion videos (songs! .a// 0#ant) 1T#is is My Toy2 (p' %3 of textbook! .a// 0#ant lyri&s (on (ower(oint! Flas#&ards (wit# p#onemes *b* and *r*! (i&ture &ards (wit# words t#at #ave t#e *b* and *r* p#onemes! Notes Tea&#er mig#t want to repeat words in video, as video may be a bit fast'

Learning Standard :

Objective : Time : Teaching Aids :

Activities ,' Tea&#er asks pupils to wat&# and listen to two s#ort videos'

Contents 7nimated videos t#at introdu&e t#e *b* and *r* p#onemes t#roug# song' Suggested words) ball rat boy ro&k bat red bag rod boat robot

-' Tea&#er introdu&es grap#emes toget#er wit# t#e respe&tive p#onemes' Tea&#er also demonstrates t#e a&tions made wit# ea&# pronun&iation of t#e p#oneme'

8rap#emes b and r (#onemes *b* and *r* 7&tions (refer to pp' %9 36!

Tea&#er pronoun&es and demonstrates a&tions before letting pupils follow, t#en drill to en#an&e memori/ation of t#e grap#eme p#oneme relations#ip'

4' Tea&#er instru&ts pupils to open textbook to p' %3 and toget#er read t#e :a// &#ant' T#en, &#ant wit# t#e a&tions'

T#is is My Toy "oat, "ig boat, "ig blue boat, T#is is my big blue boat' ;obot, ;ed robot, "ig red robot, T#is is my big red robot'

.a// &#ant lyri&s* words are displayed on pro:e&tor s&reen during t#is a&tivity' (upils do respe&tive a&tions w#en t#e *b* and *r* p#onemes are #eard'

5' Tea&#er divides &lass into two big groups and assigns ea&# group a p#oneme to listen and respond to' 6' Tea&#er divides pupils into groups of four or five' (upils pra&tise saying words wit# *b* and *r* p#onemes, t#en group t#e words a&&ording to t#e fo&used p#onemes of t#e lesson' Tea&#er dis&usses answers wit# pupils'

T#e w#ole &lass says t#e :a// &#ants< groups #ave to stand and do a&tion w#en #earing t#e assigned p#oneme during t#e :a// &#ant' *b* boy boat ball bear bus bun bag book bed box *r* robot radio red ro&k rat run rod rabbit &ar

T#e tea&#er must remind pupils to only respond to t#e initial sounds' T#e groups &an swap p#onemes (optional!' =a&# group gets a set of four &ards' (upils are divided into same ability groups' Tea&#er explains if t#ere are words wit# t#e final sound (&ar! and*or words wit# bot# p#onemes (bear!'

%' (upils re&all or &ome up wit# as many words wit# t#e *b* and *r* p#oneme'

(upils &lap on&e, meet t#eir friend2s #ands, t#en say a word wit# t#e fo&used p#onemes'

=xample) *b* &lap *b* meet #ands *b* one pupil says 1ball2 =xample) *r* &lap *r* meet #ands *r* one pupil says 1ro&k2

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