Math Problems and Improvementsv2

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Students who struggle with math

Students who are not being challenged



Math Curriculum

Use AMC assessment data to intervene as early as possible.

Use assessment data to create math groups K-5, like is done in spelling and reading.

Is not universally or systematically applied in either direction.

Transparency: the process appears arbitrary under grade 6 and unknown assessments are given and not shared with parents.

Is Everyday Math the right curriculum for D65? Will there be issues related to alignment with common core?

Develop Direct Math Instructors or a math fluency or tutoring program in K-3 (just like reading).

Consider real acceleration - change the pace perhaps allow for 2 grade levels in one year.

Does professional development/coaching in math make a difference for differentiation?

Need to create uniform standards for cases below 5th grade.

What is the algebra pilot? What are the outcomes?

Make better use of resources available, eg, Math Exemplars, EDM differentiation, etc.

How can D65 create differentiation materials and guidance for teachers that can be system-wide?

Need to have a clear process that takes place in the spring/summer not the fall so that students can prepare if accelerated.

Should D65 explore supplements to Everyday Math and Connected Math, eg, DreamBox, ST Math, IXL.

Utilize best ed-tech tools available in classroom and at home, especially programs that are not as language heavy as Everyday Math.

Use educational technology better, especially for independent computer time.

How can educational technology tools be used in classroom for math strugglers or achievers?

"Acceleration" right now is grade skipping in math there should be a way to cover the material faster without skipping it.

How to encourage reasonable math homework/practice? Higher quality not quantity.


Starter List of Solutions DRAFT FOR COMMENTS

Get differentiation right.
What are the teachers who differentiate most effectively doing? And how could D65 make that widespread practice or at least guidance for other teachers?

Develop a District educational technology plan for math.

Explore the best platforms and apps to use to supplement the curriculum Address questions about computer science education and math Explore districtwide licenses for in-classroom, public libraries and at-home use (e.g. Everyday Math passwords for home use)

Actively promote math enrichment and extracurricular activities.

Encourage all schools to participate in Math Olympiad and Math Counts and promote coordination Start other math clubs, such as GEMS (Girls Excelling in Math and Science) or coding/computer science clubs

Use data and evidence for decision-making.

How many accelerated students? How many students recommended or considered for accelerated but not accelerated? How many at-risk math students K-3? Consumer data: last parent survey showed that parents did not believe that differentiation was working (survey parents; focus groups with students)

Consider more time for math (and science) in the school day.
170+ minutes per day for language arts One hour per day for math; 30 minutes for science


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