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7 Gerunds and infinitives

Verb + infinitive

I want to speak to the manager. She's learning to ride a horse. He offered to help us wash up.

More verbs in this group: afford, agree, ask, choose, decided, expect, hope, prepare, promise, pretend, refuse, would like.
Verb + 'ing' form

I enjoy travelling. He admitted stealing the necklace. I don't mind waiting if you're busy.

Other verbs in this group: avoid, consider, dislike, feel like, finish, give up, can't help, practise, suggest.
Verb + infinitive or 'ing' form with no change in meaning

A few verbs can be followed by either an infinitive or the 'ing' form and the meaning does not change:

I started to work here in 1994. I started working here in 1994.

The meaning of these two sentences is the same. There are not many verbs that can take both forms with no change in meaning. Two more examples are 'begin' and 'continue'.
Verbs followed by 'ing' or by infinitive with changes in meaning

Some verbs can be followed by either an infinitive or 'ing' but with a change in meaning. These are some of the most common ones: like

I like watching old films on TV. (Here 'like' means 'enjoy'). I like to wash up as soon as I finish eating. (I might not enjoy washing up but I think it's the right thing to do.)

Remember that 'would like' can only be followed by an infinitive.

I would like to go to Japan next year, if possible.


I'm trying to learn Japanese but it's very difficult. (try + to + infinitive means that something is difficult and you make an attempt to do it.)

Have you tried using butter instead of oil? (try + 'ing' means to experiment. It might work, it might not.


I've stopped buying a newspaper every day to try to save money. (The action of newspaper-buying has stopped.) The bus stopped to pick up the children. (With the infinitive, we find out the reason something stopped. In this example, the reason that the bus stopped was to pick up the children.)


Don't forget to post that letter for me. Did you remember to post that letter for me. (remember/forget + to + infinitive means that you remember something you have to do - a duty or a chore. I'll always remember meeting you for the first time. I'll never forget meeting you for the first time. (remember + 'ing' means to remember something that happened in the past - an event or an activity).

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