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Piping PDMS Job Note

Number: PDMS- 014 Rev: 01 Date: 18th April 2008

PDMS Module: PARAGON SPECON ISODRA ! Description: "Ne#$ %olting Metho&

'O( I! (OR)S
Each flanged component has a %*R array which points to a %O*!SE!. he boltset contains information for each of the bolt holes in the flange. !hen a flanged "oint is encountered during isometric production PDMS uses the information stored in the boltset to determine the amount of bolt length and bolt diameter re#uired for each hole of each component. he preferred bolt type for the component is also stored in the boltset. $nce PDMS has determined the bolt length for each of the components% the bolt types are e&amined and the most superior type is fi&ed for the "oint. his type is then referenced in the bolt specification to determine the bolt re#uired from the corresponding %O*!RE in the spec. he single bolt 'S%O*( determined from the specification is then referenced to determine what 'if any( additional length's( needs to be added to the accumulated fitting lengths. he total accumulated length is then chec)ed against the lengths held in the length table for the bolt and a final re#uired length established according to the following rules:* +f there is an e&act match with the calculated length then use that length. +f there is a length within ,-mm of the calculated length then use that length $therwise use the ne&t length above the accumulated length. he item code to be shown on the isometric is then e&tracted from the corresponding .D/ in the length table.

Piping PDMS Job Note

Number: PDMS- 014 Rev: 01 Date: 18th April 2008
PDMS Module: PARAGON SPECON ISODRA ! Description: "Ne#$ %olting Metho&

CA!A*OG+E RE,+IREMEN!S %O*! SE!S 0olting information for a component is stored in the 0olt Set '%!SE(. Each hole is referenced by a 0olt Point '%*!P( which stores the following information: N+M% %DIA %!') %!-PE 0olt*1ole Number 0olt Diameter '+n millimetres to 2 decimal places(

0olt 3ength through the component 0olt ype

+n order to simplify the input of data% the %!SEs have been categorised by flange standard4rating. his fi&es the number of holes and the bolt diameter for each si5e% leaving only the bolt thic)ness and bolt type as possible variables. %!') he %!') utilises parameters already used by the component in the catalogue. his removes the need to create separate %!SEs for different facings or for a manufacturer6s specific re#uirement. +n this way components such as relief valves% which may have an e&tra throat thic)ness% do not re#uire a separate %!SE. +t does mean% however% that the parameter used for flange thic)ness4bolt must be controlled so that the total number of %!SEs is reduced. 1ence the following convention has been used:* 7or single bore components: /ny of P/R/M 8% 9% :% or ; is used for flange thic)ness40olt 7or two bore components /ny 2 of P/R/M 8% 9% :% or ; is used for the flange thic)ness40olt 'one for each bore( 7or three bore components /ny < of P/R/M 8% 9% :% or ; is used for the flange thic)ness40olt 'one for each bore( 7or four bore components P/R/M 8 is used for the -st flange thic)ness40olt P/R/M 9 is used for the 2nd flange thic)ness40olt P/R/M : is used for the <rd flange thic)ness40olt P/R/M ; is used for the 8th flange thic)ness40olt his method does however mean the information needs to be )ept in four separate 0 SE references 'one for each thic)ness parameter(.

Piping PDMS Job Note

Number: PDMS- 014 Rev: 01 Date: 18th April 2008
PDMS Module: PARAGON SPECON ISODRA ! Description: "Ne#$ %olting Metho&

%!-PE his can be one of the following:* %O*! 'default( MAC' S!+D CAP JAC) !AP priorit. / priorit. 2 priorit. 2 priorit. 1 priorit. 1 priorit. 1

/ built in priority system will ensure that a priority 2 %!-PE will ta)e precedence over a priority < and a priority - %!-PE will ta)e precedence over both priority 2 and priority <. =enerally% the bolt type is governed by the piping specification but the length calculation method is the same for all types. 7or this reason most %!SEs have the bolt type set to %O*! for each hole and the bolt specification default will determine whether a studbolt or he& head bolt is to be used. 7or tapped holes% where a specific bolt type is re#uired% the type is set to !AP and a separate entry is made in the bolt specification to override the default. +n principal any hole with a %!-PE other than %O*! will cause PDMS to use that other bolt. any of the other types may be used for a component to cause an override to occur. Since each hole is handled independently it is possible to mi& %!-PEs within the set. 7or e&ample% a 0utterfly valve may re#uire through bolts for some holes% and he& head screws for the rest. hus%

0NO!E1 In 2pe3i4l 342e2 the 52e o6 4 "&577.$ 3o7ponent 74. be 3on2i&ere& to trigger 4 2pe3i6i3 bolt 2ele3tion8

Piping PDMS Job Note

Number: PDMS- 014 Rev: 01 Date: 18th April 2008
PDMS Module: PARAGON SPECON ISODRA ! Description: "Ne#$ %olting Metho&

N+M%ERING ORMA! !here a choice is restricted by the system% the digits chosen have been fi&ed. !here there is no restriction digits have been used in alphabetical order. /ny additional entries should use the ne&t available letter. his is much easier to control than trying to ma)e things >meaningful6. %!SE Digits - ? 2 Digit < % C * M S ! Digit 8 %S %olt Set 0olt ype %olt 0&e645lt8 C4p S3re# !4ppe& 'ole 0(46er *5g 94l:e8 M43hine S3re# St5&bolt !4ppe& 'ole Spec 0 @P %O*! CAP !AP MAC' S!+D !AP

7lange Standard A ASME %1;<= % ASME %1;<4> C API D SAE Rating ro7 St4n&4r& PDMS Co&ing Parameter Number 4? =? ;? or > Nominal 0ore ro7 St4n&4r& PDMS Co&ing

Digit 9 Digit : Digit ;

%*!P he %*!P uses the number of the %!SE with a suffi& AP!n where n is the number of the hole. '1oles are numbered cloc)wise around the flange starting at the top(

Piping PDMS Job Note

Number: PDMS- 014 Rev: 01 Date: 18th April 2008
PDMS Module: PARAGON SPECON ISODRA ! Description: "Ne#$ %olting Metho&

SING*E %O*! he single bolt 'S%O*( defines the additional items 'nuts% washers and e&tra thread(% used in con"unction with the flange dimensions to calculate the re#uired bolt length plus reference to a length table. Since washers are not normally used% and the nut and e&tra thread are consistent% it is possible to define the S%O* in terms of its type% dimensional standard% material% and diameter. S%O*s are members of a %*IS %*IS Digits - ? 2 Digit < %% %olt 3ength Standard 'for access to client length tables( A De645lt 3ength .nits I In3h *ength2 M Milli7etre *ength2 0olt C ' J S ! ype C4p S3re# 'e@ 'e4& %olt A N5t J43B S3re# St5&bolt 'e@ 'e4& %olt - no n5t C 0!4ppe& 'ole8

Digit 8

Digit 9

Digit :

0olt Material Standard A AS!M A1D/-%> % AS!M A/20-%8 C AS!M A/20-*> D AS!M 4;8-= Nut Material Standard A AS!M A1D/-%8 % AS!M A1D4-2' C AS!M A1D4-4 D AS!M A1D4-> E AS!M A4;>-= N$ E: !here no nut re#uired use B

Digit ;

S%O* Numbering of the S%O* is identical to the %*IS with an additional digit for bolt diameter. Digit C Diameter See !4ble

Piping PDMS Job Note

Number: PDMS- 014 Rev: 01 Date: 18th April 2008
PDMS Module: PARAGON SPECON ISODRA ! Description: "Ne#$ %olting Metho&

*ENG!' !A%*E he length table '*!A%( defines the preferred lengths of bolt for each diameter and the stoc) code to be printed on the isometric 0ill of Materials and M $ reports. he numbering format is identical to that for S%O* e&cept that the 2nd digit is * instead of %. *!A% Digits - ? 2 Digit < Digit 8 %* *ength !4ble length standard 'for access to client length tables( A Client A 3ength .nits I In3h *ength2 M Milli7etre *ength2 0olt C ' S ! ype C4p S3re# 'e@ 'e4& %olt St5&bolt 'e@ 'e4& %olt - no n5t C 0!4ppe& 'ole8

Digit 9

Digit :

0olt Material Standard A AS!M A1D/-%> % AS!M A/20-%8 C AS!M A/20-*> D AS!M 4;8-= Nut Material Standard A AS!M A1D/-%8 % AS!M A1D4-2' C AS!M A1D4-4 D AS!M A1D4-> E AS!M A4;>-= N$ E: !here no nut re#uired use B

Digit ;

D!A% Numbering of the D!A% is identical to the *!A% with an additional digit for bolt diameter. Digit C Diameter See Di47eter !4ble

Piping PDMS Job Note

Number: PDMS- 014 Rev: 01 Date: 18th April 2008
PDMS Module: PARAGON SPECON ISODRA ! Description: "Ne#$ %olting Metho&

DIAME!ER !A%*E he following table has been created so that the same %O*!RE s and S%O*s will give the correct diameter of bolt whether +mperial or Metric diameters are re#uired on output. +n either case the PDMS input for diameter is in metric but will convert correctly on output. he diameter must be input in the same format 'i.e. 2 decimal places( on all PDMS forms.

CODE A % C D E G ' I J ) * M N O P , R S ! + 9 ( F G 1

ME!RIC M8 M10 M12 M14 M1; M18 M20 M22 M24 M2> M/0 M// M/; M/D M42 M4= M48 M=2 M=; M;0 M;4 M;8 M>0 M>2@; M>;@; M80@; MD0

IMPERIA* 1E2 =E8 /E4 >E8 1 1<1E8 1<1E4 1</E8 1<1E2 1<=E8 1</E4 1<>E8 2 2<1E4 2<1E2 2</E4 / /<1E8 /<1E2 -

PDMS INP+! 8<00 10<00 12<00 12<>0 1=<88 18<00 1D<0= 22<00 22<2/ 2=<40 28<=8 /1<>= /4<D/ /8<10 41<28 44<4= 4><;/ =0<80 =><1= ;0<00 ;/<=0 ;8<00 ;D<8= >;<20 >D</8 88<D0 D0<00


Piping PDMS Job Note

Number: PDMS- 014 Rev: 01 Date: 18th April 2008
PDMS Module: PARAGON SPECON ISODRA ! Description: "Ne#$ %olting Metho&

%O*! SPECI ICA!ION he bolt specification is similar to the piping specification but is used differently by PDMS. he headings are of the same format but with 0D+/ and 0 @P replacing P0$R and S @P 'EADING !-PE !-PE NAME %DIA %!-P CA!RE NAME %DIA %!-P CA!RE DE!AI* MA!F! CMPRE %*!RE

will always be %O*! here is no definite established naming convention e&cept for the spec name prefi& but it is probably reasonable to use the S0$3 name wherever possible. always in mm to 2 decimal places he default 'preferred( choice use %O*!< .se CAP% !APDetc for alternatives /lthough not actually used by PDMS an entry must be made here. here are EdummyF components in the catalogue for this purpose. 7or e&ample: EIS%O*!A ? EIM%O*!A 0olt description to appear on reports 0olts do not generally have a GMPRE7 so use HB his is the S0$3 for the re#uired bolt and therefore the most important entry. +t is from this that the final bolt will be derived.


PIPING SPECI ICA!ION +n order to use the new bolting method and access the correct bolt spec. the piping specification must have two attributes set. %2pe3 %lt7etho& must be set to the name of the bolt specification must be set to HNE(I

hese attributes are set in PARAGON 0olt Diameter and 3ength .nits to be used on +sometrics are set in ISODRA !


Piping PDMS Job Note

Number: PDMS- 014 Rev: 01 Date: 18th April 2008
PDMS Module: PARAGON SPECON ISODRA ! Description: "Ne#$ %olting Metho&

A2257ption1 / new piping specification has been received which includes flanged components to a standard4rating which has not previously been used. he 0olting for this specification is also new to the system. A %!SE -( Greate a new CA!A for the 7lange standard4rating re#uired. his name can be descriptive. 2( Greate a new SEC! for the standard4rating40 @P. his name may also be descriptive.

<( Greate a new %!SE for the first nominal si5e assuming Parameter 8 will be used for the bolt thic)ness when the component is made. 8( Greate a %*!P for each hole in order round the flange. Set the N.M0 0D+/ 0 @P ? 0 1I i. E.g. N+M% 1 %DIA 12<>0 %!-P %O*! %!') PARAM 4 9( Repeat for all si5es of flange. :( Repeat from 2 for Parameters 9 : ? ; % *!A% -( Greate a new length table for the new bolt. 2( Greate new D!A% for the first diameter of bolt 2.-( Set acceptable bolt lengths %*EN 010=77 11077 12077 8 2.2( Set stoc) codes 'e&ample using 12to3B4( 1Sto3B41 H@@@<@@@ ...<... JJJ<JJJ I /ny number of lengths may be assigned to 03EN but the stoc) numbers are restricted by the number of characters and generally only ten entries can be made on one line of input. 7urther codes may be entered on separate lines by entering :Stoc)a2 and :Stoc)a< on subse#uent lines. +f this needs to be used then the stoc) codes must be se#uential in the same order as the lengths. Note1 !he p4renthe2i2 08 4n& K5ote2 HI 4re 3o7p5l2or.<

Piping PDMS Job Note

Number: PDMS- 014 Rev: 01 Date: 18th April 2008
PDMS Module: PARAGON SPECON ISODRA ! Description: "Ne#$ %olting Metho&

C S%O* -( Greate a %*IS for the new bolt. 2( Greate a S%O* for each bolt diameter. Set the length table reference N2t& 'name of D!A%( Set the e&tra length ' his is the length of bolt to protrude through the nut J2 threadsK( Ftr4 10 Set the length of any additional items 'nut washers etc( his is generally only the nut for normal bolting% 2 nuts if tensioning is re#uired% B if no nut re#uired. %itlen D COMPONEN! Greate or edit the components to include the correct 03 RE7 E %O*! SPECI ICA!ION /8<=

Greate the bolt specification so that for each diameter of bolt the correct S%O* is set as the %*!RE for each type of bolt re#uired.

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