Problem Set 7

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Physics 710-711-712

December 4, 2009

Problem Set 7
Problem 1: Exercise 5.3.1 The Hamiltonian is

1 2 P + Vr (X ) iVi 2m where Vr is a real function and Vi a real constant. Therefore H= H = 1 2 1 (P )2 + Vr (X ) (i) Vi = P + Vr (X ) + iVi = H, 2m 2m

so H is not Hermitian. Derivation of the continuity equation. Schrodingers equation and its complex conjugate in this case read
2 = 2 + Vr iVi , t 2m 2 i = 2 + Vr + iVi . t 2m

Multiplying the rst by and teh second by and taking the dierence, then dividing by i gives 2 P = j Vi P, t where, as before, P = | |2 and j = ( )/(2mi) are the probability density and current, respectively. Integrating this over all space, the j term vanishes (by the divergence theorem, since we assume j 0 at innity), giving 2 dP = Vi P , dt where P = d3 xP is the total probability. (I can pull Vi out of the integral since it is assumed constant in the problem.) Integrating this dierential equation gives P (t) = P (0) e2Vi t/ .

Problem 2: Exercise 5.3.4 With primes denoting derivative with respect to x, j := = 2mi 2mi [ ( ) ] (A eixp/ + B eixp/ )(Aeixp/ + Beixp/ ) (Aeixp/ + Beixp/ )(A eixp/ + B eixp/ ) = 1 (A eixp/ + B eixp/ )(ipAeixp/ ipBeixp/ ) 2mi (Aeixp/ + Beixp/ )(ipA eixp/ + ipB eixp/ ) p |A|2 + AB e2ixp/ A Be2ixp/ |B |2 2m + |A|2 + A Be2ixp/ AB e2ixp/ |B |2 p |A|2 |B |2 . m

Problem 3: Exercise 5.4.2 (a) For x < 0, V = 0, so the general is < = solution of the energy eigenstate equation ikx ikx ikx Ae + Be where k = 2mE . Similarly, for x > 0, > = Ce + Deikx . Scattering boundary conditions means we set D = 0 (no incoming particles from x = +). Now we need to gure out the boundary conditions at x = 0. Look at the time-independent Schrodinger equation,


+ V0 a (x) = E.


Since the potential has an innite jump in it, will be continuous, but may have a nite jump. To see how big the jump is, integrate (1) from x = to x = + to get


[ ( ) ( )] + V0 a (0) = E

dx .

In the limit as 0, the right hand side vanishes since is continuous, from which we learn that > (0) < (0) = (2maV0 / 2 ) (0). Applying this boundary condition along with continuity of to < and > gives the two conditions A+B = C ikC ikA + ikB = (2maV0 / 2 )C.

Dividing through by A, and solving for B/A and C/A gives B/A = maV0 /(ik 2 maV0 ) and C/A = ik 2 /(ik 2 maV0 ). Since R = |B/A|2 and T = |C/A|2 , we get k2 4 m2 a2 V02 , T = . R= 2 4 k + m2 a2 V02 k 2 4 + m2 a2 V02 (b) Call x < a region I, |x| < a region II, and x > a region III. Then solving for the energy eigenstates, = 2m(E V (x)) , of energy 0 < E V0 in each region x gives I = Aeikx + Beikx , II = Ce + Dex , and III = Eeikx + F eikx , with = 2m(V0 E ) and k = 2mE . Scattering boundary conditions means we set F = 0 (no incoming particles from x = +). The incoming wave has amplitude A, the reected has amplitude B , the transmitted amplitude E . Therefore R = |B/A|2 and T = |E/A|2 , so we only need to solve for B/A and E/A. The boundary conditions at x = a are that and are continuous, implying Aeika + Beika ikAeika ikBeika Eeika ikEeika = = = = Cea + Dea , Cea + Dea , Cea + Dea , Cea + Dea .

Dividing by A and eliminating C/A and D/A gives e2iak (e4a 1)(k 2 + 2 ) B = , A (e4a 1)(k 2 2 ) + 2i(e4a + 1)k 4ie2a(ik) k E = , A (e4a 1)(k 2 2 ) + 2i(e4a + 1)k so R= and T = 1 R. (e4a 1)2 (k 2 + 2 )2 , (e4a 1)2 (k 2 2 )2 + 4(e4a + 1)2 k 2 2

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