Kaizen Terms

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Kaizen terms

What is SDCA Cycle (Standardize, Do, Check, Act)?

SDCA Cycle (Standardize, Do, Check, Act)
A refinement of the PDCA cycle aimed at stabilization of production processes prior to
making attempts to improve.

What is Results-Oriented Management?

Results-Oriented Management
A style of management usually associated with controls, performance, product or
“bottom line” considerations, rewards and/or punishments.

What is Radar Chart?

Radar Chart
A circular chart with ten rays and spokes, one for each of the three principles and seven
concepts of KAIZEN. It is used as a diagnostic tool to measure on a scale of zero (at the
hub) to ten (at the rim) the degree of consistency with KAIZEN principles and concepts
exhibited by an organization.

What is Quality Function Deployment?

Quality Function Deployment
A system whereby customer requirements, known as “true quality characteristics” are
translated into designing characteristics, known as “counterpart characteristics”, and then
deployed into such sub-systems as components, parts and production processes to
develop new products precisely designed to meet customer needs. QFD is one of the
Seven KAIZEN Systems.

What is Quality First?

Quality First
One of the seven KAIZEN Concepts. The concept states that if either delivery or cost
leads quality in efforts to improve, no improvement will take place in the long run.

What is Quality Control Circles?

Quality Control Circles
A small group that voluntarily performs process improvement activities within the

What is QCD?
The three super-ordinate goals of Quality, Cost, and Delivery at the heart of KAIZEN

What is Product-Out?
Understood in contrast to the KAIZEN concept, Market-In. Assumes that whatever a
company knows how to make and when, is good enough to satisfy customer

What is Process and Results?

Process and Results

One of the three foundation principles of KAIZEN thinking. It is contrasted with Results
Only, the common old paradigm approach which ignores the way in which things are
done, and so misses any opportunity for systematic improvement. Process and Results
can also be stated as Process Creates Results.

Source: http://qualitymanagement.hrvinet.com/category/kaizen/kaizen-terms/

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