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4.1 4.1.1

Special information for designing centrifugal pump installations

Pumping viscous liquids Viscosity

Viscosity is a property that is exhibited by all material that is capable of flow (fluids). The range of these fluids is from gases, which are not covered here, through thin hydrocarbons to gelatinous and sticky gels. Viscosity is the property that generates a resistance (internal friction) to relative movement between adjacent layers. The internal friction manifests itself in a velocity gradient D perpendicular to the direction of flow, i.e. adjacent layers have different velocities v and in such laminar flow a force t acts between these layers in the direction x. The velocity gradient D is defined as the ratio of the velocity difference vx = vx2 vx1 between two positions 1 and 2 and the distance between them y: D = lim vx dvx y > 0 () = y dy

Fig. 4.1.01

Simple diagram showing viscous flow, velocity gradient and shear stress.

By plotting the velocity gradient D over the shear stress , the fluidity curve of the fluid is generated.


The viscosity curve is obtained by plotting the ratio of shear force / velocity gradient /D over the shear force or the velocity gradient D. From the characteristic of the curve the fluidity and / or viscosity properties of the fluid can be read off and the type of fluid differentiated as follows: Newtonian fluids A Newtonian fluid is an isotropic linear viscous fluid which satisfies the following conditions: a) Shear stress t and velocity gradient D are directly proportional b) In the simple shear flow (see fig. 4.1.01) the normal stresses in the directions of the x axis, the y axis and vertical to that are equal. Examples of Newtonian fluids are water and light oils. The relationship between the shear stress and the velocity gradient D is given as: =D The proportionality constant denotes this characteristic property of a liquid and is called the dynamic viscosity. The value of the viscosity is dependent on temperature, i.e. by rising temperature the viscosity reduces. The ratio of dynamic viscosity divided by the density is known as the kinematic viscosity . =/ Non-Newtonian fluids Non-Newtonian fluids are fluids and materials which have non-linear viscosity and materials (e.g. plastics) with linear and non-linear elasticity. Fluids and materials which have non-linear viscosity are: Pseudo-plastic fluids Non-linear pure viscous fluids, for which the viscosity reduces with increasing velocity gradient (see fig. 4.1.02a). Examples of pseudo-plastic fluids are fats, molasses, paint, soap, starch and many emulsions. Dilatant fluids Non-linear pure viscous fluids, for which the viscosity increases with increasing velocity gradient (see fig. 4.1.02b). Examples of dilatant fluids are suspended solids, especially clay / water suspensions and dissolved sugars.


Plastic materials

The behaviour of this material is characterised by limiting value, i.e. the material only begins to flow above the limit value, (see fig. 4.1.02 c). Below the limit value the material is either not deformed at all or only elastic deformation occurs. There are several rheological models for this behaviour. The best known is the Bingham model. An example of a Bingham fluid is tomato ketchup.

Fig. 4.1.02 Typical flow curves (top) and viscosity curves (bottom) The flow behaviour of non-Newtonian fluids described above is always independent of time. However flow behaviour can be time dependent and these fluids are known as thixotropic or rheopectic. Thixotropic is a time dependent flow behaviour in which the viscosity reduces from the stationary value to a lower limit as a result of a constant mechanical force. After removal of the force the viscosity is restored. An example of a thixotropic fluid is non-drip paint. Rheopectic is a time dependent flow behaviour in which the viscosity increases from the stationary value to a higher limit as a result of a constant mechanical force. After removal of the force the viscosity is restored.


Fig. 4.1.03 Dependence of the viscosity on the shear velocity 4.1.2

Fig. 4.1.04 Dependence of the viscosity on the shear time

The performance of centrifugal pumps with radial impellers pumping viscous liquids General

The performance of centrifugal pumps will vary when viscous liquids are pumped. For medium and high viscosities, the power requirement increases considerably, whilst the head and to a lesser extent the flowrate, is reduced. With the aid of diagram fig. 4.1.06, (section, the characteristics of a centrifugal pump pumping viscous liquids can be calculated providing the characteristic for pumping water is known. Conversely, the diagram may also be used to select a pump for given requirements. The correction factors established from the diagram are sufficiently accurate for general application within the limits given. If more accurate values are required, then a test should be performed with the particular liquid. Due to the considerable loss of efficiency when pumping viscous liquids when using centrifugal pumps, it is recommended that other types of pump be considered (e.g. rotary positive displacement pumps), which could give more economical running costs. The limits for centrifugal pumps are: For discharge nominal diameter: < 50 approx 120 to 300 mm/s < 150 approx 300 to 500 mm/s > 150 approx 800 mm/s


Limitations and tips on the use of the diagram fig. 4.1.06: The diagram should only be used for centrifugal pumps with open or closed radial impellers within their normal Q-H range. The diagram must not be used for pumps with mixed flow or axial flow impellers, or for special pumps for viscous or heterogeneous liquids. For side channel pumps use section 4.1.3. The diagram should only be used if there is sufficient (NPSH) available (NPSHA) to prevent the influence of cavitation. The diagram can only be used for homogeneous Newtonian fluids. For gelatinous and sludgy liquids, liquids containing fibrous material and other heterogeneous liquids, widely scattered results are obtained in practice, depending on the special properties of the liquid. With multistage pumps, the head per stage must be used in the calculation. For pumps with double entry impellers, half the flowrate must be used in the calculation. Selection of pump size for a viscous liquid vis w Given : Required: Hvis in m, viscous liquid water kinematic viscosity in mm/s, vis in kg/dm

Approximation of an equivalent operating point for water: Subscripts

Qvis in m/h,

to determine a suitable pump for which only performance data for water are known: Qw in m/h, Hw in m To determine the driver power required: Pvis in kW

The following procedure is used to establish the correction factors from the diagram: Starting with the flowrate Q on the abscissa, move vertically upwards to intersect with the required head H, then horizontally (right or left) to intersect with the viscosity of the liquid, then vertically again to the intersections with the lines of the correction factors. To establish the correction factor CH for the total head, the curve 1,0 Qopt is used. This gives: Qvis Qw , CQ Hvis Hw , CH vis C w


Example: Qvis = 100 m/h, Hvis = 29,5 m, = 100 mm/s, vis = 0,90 kg/dm The factors established from the diagram are: CH = 0,94 CQ = 0,98 C = 0,70 With these factors the approximation for water is given: 100 m/h 29,5 m Qw = 102 m/h, Hw = 31,4 m 0,98 0,94 For the pump to be used w = 75% Therefore vis = 0,75 75% = 53% Qvis Hvis vis 100 29,5 0,90 Pvis kW 13,6 kW 367 vis 367 0,53 This procedure is to be considered as an approximation only, as the numerical values for flowrate and total head shown in the diagram apply to water. However in most cases this procedure is accurate enough for preliminary pump selection. If the flowrate Qw < 0,9 Qopt or. > 1,1 Qopt then the selection should be checked by the more accurate procedure described in the following section. Establishing the characteristic of a pump for viscous liquids Conversion of the characteristic for water: The pumping characteristic for water gives the following: Qopt , Hopt and opt . Starting from these values, the correction factors CH (for 0,6, 0,8, 1,0 and 1,2 Qopt ), CQ and C can be established from the diagram using the procedure described in section For the conversion of the performance data it is convenient to use a tabular form, see example. When drawing the characteristic it should be noted that the zero flow head H0 remains about constant.

Fig. 4.1.05 Conversion of the characteristic for water


Fig. 4.1.06

Correction factors for Q, H and for centrifugal pumps with radial impellers, pumping viscous liquids


Example of the conversion of an available pump characteristic for water to a characteristic for pumping a liquid with viscosity = 100 mm/s from fig. 4.1.05. Table 4.1.01 Flowrate Total head Efficiency Conversion of the characteristic in table form (centrifugal pumps) 0,6 Qopt Qw Hw w m/h m % 60 35 65 0,8 Qopt 80 33 73 100 0.97 0.96 0.98 0.70 58.8 34 45.5 78.4 31.7 51.1 0.90 10.8 11.9 12.8 12.9 98 28 52.5 117.6 22.3 49.7 0.94 0.91 1,0 Qopt 100 29.8 75 1,2 Qopt 120 24.5 71

Kinematic viscosity of the liquid mm/s Correction factor Hw Correction factor Qw Correction factor w Flowrate Total head Efficiency CH CQ C

Qvis = CQ Qw Hvis = CH Hw vis = Ch w

Density vis kg/dm Absorbed power of pump Qvis Hvis vis Pvis = kW 367 vis 4.1.3

The performance of side channel pumps when pumping viscous liquids General

The performance of side channel pumps also varies when pumping viscous liquids. However, due to the special internal flow conditions of these pumps, there are substantial differences between the characteristics of these and radial pumps when pumping viscous liquids (see section 4.1.2). For Sterling SIHI side channel pumps, the characteristics applicable to pumping viscous liquids can be approximated with the aid of the diagram fig. 4.1.07, (section, provided that the water characteristic of the pump is known. Conversely, the diagram may also be used to select a pump for given requirements. Limitations and tips on the use of the diagram: The diagram can only be used for homogeneous Newtonian fluids. The application limits of the pump e.g. the permissible absorbed power and the required (NPSH) value (NPSHR), should be considered using the manufacturers data.

Selection of pump size for a viscous liquid vis w viscous liquid water

Approximation of an equivalent operating point for water: Subscripts

The following procedure is used to establish the correction factors: 1. Qw = Qvis = Q 2. Q determines the model of pump to be selected and also gives Qmax. See table 4.1.02. 3. Starting from the value Q/Qmax on the abscissa in fig.4.1.07 the correction factors CH for total head and CP for absorbed power of the pump are established. Hvis vis Hw , Pvis CP Pw CH w The power absorbed figure Pvis is only to be considered an approximation. It is therefore recommended in selecting the driver to use a larger power addition figure than shown in section 1.7.4. Example: Qvis = 3 m/h, Hvis = 60 m = 150 mm/s vis = 0.90 kg/dm This gives:

For Qvis = 3 m/h a Sterling SIHI pump from the range 3100 is suggested. This gives: Qmax = 6.2 m/h and Q/Qmax = 0.48 The correction factors: CH = 0.83 and CP = 1.47 are established from the diagram. With these factors the data for water is given: 60 m Qw = 3 m/h and Hw = = 72 m 0.83 The absorbed power of this pump for water is given from the characteristic, Pw = 1.9 kW (with w = 1.0 kg/dm) and from that 0.90 kg/dm Pvis 1.47 1.9 kW = 2.5 kW 1.0 kg/dm


Qmax Range 1200 1900 3100 3600 4100 5100 6100 m/h 3.5 4.4 6.2 8.7 13.5 24.6 38.0

Table 4.1.02 Guide values for the Sterling SIHI side channel pump range

Fig. 4.1.07 Correction factors for the conversion of H and P for side channel pumps used with viscous liquids

105 Establishing the characteristic of a pump for viscous liquids Conversion of the characteristic for water. The conversion of the performance data is carried out in accordance with the procedure outlined in section; it is convenient to use a tabular form, see example.

Fig. 4.1.08 Example: Table 4.1.03 Flowrate Total head

Conversion of the characteristic for water 3-stage Sterling SIHI Pump from the range 3100 Conversion of the characteristic in table form (side channel pump) Qw = Qvis = Q Hw Pw ( = 1,0 kg/dm) Q/Qmax CH CP m kg/dm kW 2.9 2.7 Hvis = CH Hw vis Pvis = CP vis Pw mm/s 0.77 1.08 94 m/h m kW 1 122 3.0 0.16 2 98 2.4 150 0.81 1.26 79 0.90 2.5 2.3 0.83 1.47 60 0.75 1.74 37 3 72 1.9 4 49 1.5 0.65

Pump power absorbed Qmax = 6,2 m/h

0.32 0.48

Kinematic viscosity of pumped liquid Correction factor for head Correction factor for power absorbed Total head Density Pump power absorbed

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