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The main event this month is our joint camp from the 28-30th March in Colac!

But there will be a preparatory mini-meeting on the 18th at 1st Malvern.

Rover Community

Melbourne Region

Next Meeting Agenda in Brief

Welcome & News BP Proposals & Completions CRC Venturers SWAMP Crew Forum

Dates to Note
29-30 March 2014 at Patanga Park, near Colac. Cost: TBC
22/3 Mafeking Open Day

Its the March Melbourne and South West Region Rover Community Gatherings, as well as a great social opportunity. We will be camping at Patanga Park near Colac, but having a day trip to Eumeralla (Anglesea) to help out on a Venturer Skills Day. This service day is open to all regions and you are encouraged to attend even if you arent able to attend the full weekend. We will be helping the 77-strong Venturer unit at CRC Sydenham the first Victorian program for Scouts in Schools. We would like at least one representative from EVERY Crew in the Region present but you should make it a weekend out for the entire Crew, we cant let your Crew Leader have all the fun!
Surfmoot AGM

28-30/3 SWAMP joint weekend 29/3 CRC Venturer Skills service

18-21/4 Hoadley Hide 23/5 May Madness Training

New Scout Award

The new Rover Scout Award Scheme was officially launched at the beginning of this year. It contains the St. Georges Award and the revamped BPSA.

For more up to date information

Wednesday 19th March at the VRC Integer on Highland Cras ut nulla a quam dignissim Factsheets available on Avenue, Clayton. gravida. Maecenas euismod auctor Crews have up to 2 odio.Nam ornare nulla ut purus. votes each.


Next meeting is 8pm Tuesday the 18th of March at 1st Malvern Scout Hall.

Crew Forum
As part of the new Strategic Plan WE are coming to YOU! The Crew Forum has been designed to bring the feedback of all crews and their members to get accurate feedback from the whole Rovering section. Between now and April, expect a visit!

World Scout Youth Forum

Scouts Australia is offering two 50% scholarships for the 12th World Scout Youth Forum, to be held in Rogla, Slovenia August 4 - 7 2014. Scouts Victoria will provide a scholarship for the remaining 50% should a Victorian be selected.

Melbourne Region News!

The Moot
The tenders are closed and the shortlist is here locations for The Moot 2017 in Victoria are ready to be voted on at this months BRC. To hear about the sites and cast your vote, make sure youre at this months MRRC gathering. Will it be: TREETOPS or MAFEKING?

Please note that applications close on the 11th March 2014.

What has your crew got coming up? This newsletter goes to every Rover in Melbou Make
sure to like The Moot on Facebook and follow it on Twitter to keep up to date with new info. Contact the team if you would like to get involved!rne Region

Last meeting we had 11 crews of 16 crews in Melbourne Region. 69% We need this many people and more at our region camp this month!

Attendance Last Meeting

Make sure to like The Moot on Facebook and follow it on Twitter to keep up to date with new info. Contact the team if you would like to get involved!

so tell us and we will tell everybody!!!

Cole Green (Region Chair)

Tony Nathan (ARC Rovers) 0401 204 254

Meeting Location

Key Contacts
Ryan Muldoon (Region Secretary)

ARC Review
The position of Assistant Region Commisioner for Rovers currently held by Tony Nathan is up for review. Send your feedback, positive or negative, to by April to be decided by our May meeting.

Cooinda Pl, Malvern East

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