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Fasa Aditya H 29113540

1.Summary Training and the National Sport School (P3SON: Pusat Pendidikan, Pelatihan dan Sekolah Olahraga Nasional) which is a multi-year project the Ministry of Youth and Sports. P3SON planned to be built on a land area of 312 thousand hectares in the village of Hambalang, Bogor regency and projected budget consuming Rp2, 58 trillion. Which is violated Regulation of the Minister of Finance. 56/2010 and the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No.. 45/2007. Two ministers have not signed, but the funds are liquid. If the view of the BPK audit dated October 30, 2012 (Rizal open the audit documents), he was associated with the melting process advances Hambalang Project. CPC stated, "Due to multiyear contract approval process violated provisions, then the parent contract should not happen, ... [then the remaining unspent advance money] in the amount of Rp116, 9 billion, an indication of state losses. In its Hambalang audit, the BPK also found that Rp 7.3 billion in funds from Adhi Karya went to several legislators in 2010 and 2011, when discussion of the sports center's construction Began. On Thursday (Sep 5 2012), the Supreme Audit Board (BPK) audit report of Hambalang Submitted case to the Commission. The audit mentions that the total state losses in the case reached Rp463.66 billion. In teh other side there are some gratification case, When Andi Alfian Mallarangeng official Affairs, Hambalang realized project. The Tender was done. The winner is PT Adhi Karya and PT Wijaya Karya and its sub contract Dutasari Citralas. The winner of the two STATE-OWNED companies that turned out to be not free. PT Dutasari Citralaras Hambalang project and subcontractor becomes guaranteed worth Rp 63 billion. The company, headed by Mahfud that comisionered by Laila Athiyyah, as wife of Anas. In addition, PT Adhi Karya spend funds also for Rp 100 billion. Half of the funds were used for the winner of the Democratic Party as Chairman of Anas and the rest doled out by Mahfud told members of the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES, including Affairs Andi Mallarangeng told. In addition, Anas also gets gratification in the form of car Toyota Harrier from Nazarudin.

Fasa Aditya H 29113540

A and B. Suspect and criminar charges 1.The Ministry of youth and sports The 2010-2011 disburse money payments to Kerjasama Operasi (KSO) of PT Adhi Karya-PT Wijaya Karya worth Rp 471 billion. 2. Co (KSO) Adhi-Wika -Before the KSO is formed, from the 2009-2010 Adhi and Wika has distrubution a fare of Rp 19,32 billion to many people. -After the KSO formed issued another $ 15.22 billion. So the total funds distribution to the parties at least Rp 34,54 billion. 3. Global Power PT Manunggal Got a contract doing structure and architecture of the junior boarders and all purppose building with totaling Rp 142,4 billion. The company has received payment of Rp 60,2 billion. From Global Fund flows into: -Former Sports Minister Andi Mallarangeng Alifian (USD 4 billion and US $ 550 thousand). -Sister of Affairs, Andi Mallarangeng Zulkarnain ($ 4 billion). -Former head of the Ministry's Planning Bureau Sports Deddy Danusiri (USD 250 million).

4. PT Dutasari Citralaras Have a contract doing of electrical connection electrical and mechanical PLN Rp 328 billion worth. The company has received payment of Rp 170,3 billion. 5. the company -The Commitment fee of PT Dutasari ($ 28 billion). -Indemnification against the group, the company owned by m. Nazaruddin ($ 10 billion). 6. Personal -Former Democratic Party Chairman Anas Urbaningrum as leader of commision three DPR ($ 2.2 billion) (Grativication). -Director of Dutasari Mahfud Suroso ($ 28.8 billion). -Former Chairman of the Sports Committee of REPRESENTATIVES Mahyudin (USD 500 million). -Member of the House budget Agency Olly Dondokambey (USD 2.5 billion).

Fasa Aditya H 29113540

-Former head of the national land Agency Joyo Winoto ($ 3 billion). -Former Secretary of the Ministry of Sports Wafid Muharam ($ 6.5 billion). -Deddy Danusiri (USD 1 billion). -Former Director of operations Adhi Karya, Teuku Nice m. Noor (Rp 4.5 billion). -Some of the public works Ministry official ($ 135 million). 2. Gratification or not ? Yes, because the contractor (Wijaya karya and Adhi Karya) pay a number of money to DPR commision three the leader is Annas Urbaningrum, the objective is to selected as main contract of Hambalang project. 3. Abuse the power of authorirty ? Yes. 1. Andi Malarangeng (As ministry young and sport) In the hambalang case say that, Adhyaksa Daud as former ministry of young and sport before Andi malarangeng decide not to allow the project located in Hambalang because in hambalang do no passes AMDAL test. In other hand when Andi Malarangeng has becomed a ministry of young and sport, suddenly he decide to allow the project located in Hambalang. 2. DPR and Financial ministry. They let the contractor mark up the budget, there are some indication that the DPR and financial ministry get the gratification from the contractor 4. Losses the state budget? In the case say that the contractor mark up the budget until Rp 1,2 trilion, so the goverment loss Rp 463 biliion from hambalang project corruption. 5. conflict of interest between the parties involved? Yes because from my oppinion the contractor need to get high margin from every project. In the DPR side Annas Urbaningrum as leader of comission 3 three in DPR want to run for Democratic party leader, so he need some money to it.

Fasa Aditya H 29113540

Refference : Akuntono, Indra. (2013, 13 September).BAKN.Ajukan Tiga Rekomendasi Terkait Kasus Hambalang. Diakses pada 27 November 2013, 01:05. Fajar, Ajat M. (2013, 23 Agustus ). Inilah Hasil Audit Tahap II BPK Soal Hambalang. Diakses pada 27 November 2013, 01:10. Farahdina, Gita. (2013, 23 Agustus). BPK: Kasus Hambalang Rugikan Negara Rp463,67 Miliar. Diakses pada 27 November 2013, 00:30

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