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COURSE DESCRIPTION UNIVERSITY OF PRISHTINA Faculty of Philology Departme t of E gli!

Course: VICTORIAN LITERATURE Academic year: 2006 200! "#$ Semes#er %S&ri'( Semes#er) C*asses &er +ee,: 2-2-. Lec#urer: Dr. /u$ame# 0A/ITI Abstract The course is a survey of Victorian literature, from 1830s till the fin de la sicle. Major novelists and poets, as well as representative works in what is known as the Victorian Age, named after Queen Victoria, form the backbone of the course. The course examines major thematic concerns in Victorian literature, related to issues of gender, class, industrialization, progress, social reform, and religion. The age saw England heavily industrializing, which, in turn, impacted the society, and literature, in a variety of ways. Of the multitude of literary forms and contents, a select number of works that mark the period will be singled out for close reading and analysis in the classroom. Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning, Matthew Arnold, and Dante Gabriel Rossetti are the Victorian poets to be dealt with as part of this course. As the novel makes considerable headway in the age, it goes without saying that the genre will dominate this course. Novelists include Charles Dickens, William Makepeace Thackeray, Bront sisters, George Eliot, and Thomas Hardy. II"a# RE$UIRED READIN% &IST Poetry Alfre' Te y!o ( )*aria a+, )The &a'y of Shalott+, )The &oto!-Eater!+, ).ro!!i g the /ar+ Ro0ert /ro1 i g( )*y &a!t Duche!!+, )Home-Thought!2 from A0roa'+, )Porphyria3! &o4er+, )Ra0i /e E5ra+# *athe1 Ar ol'( )The Scholar %ip!y+, )Rug0y .hapel+, +Do4er /each+# Da te %a0riel Ro!!etti( )The /le!!e' Damo!el+# Fiction .harle! Dic6e !( O*i1er T+is# a '"or Da1id Co&&er2ie*d 7illiam *a6epeace Thac6eray( Va'i#y 3air .harlotte /ro t8( 4a'e Eyre Emily /ro t8( 5u#$eri'( 0ei($#s %eorge Eliot( Si*as /ar'er a '"or T$e /i** o' #$e 3*oss Thoma! Har'y( Tess o2 #$e D6Ur7er1i**es a '"or U'der #$e 8ree'+ood Tree O!car 7il'e2 T$e Pic#ure o2 Doria' 8ray

Non-fiction Essays: John Stuart Mill, What Is Poetry?; John Ruskin, from Of the Pathetic Fallacy; Matthew Arnold, The Study of Poetry; Charles Darwin, Natural Selection and Sexual Selection, from The Descent of Man II/b. BACKGROUND LIT RATUR 9# Da4i' Daiche!2 A Cri#ica* 0is#ory o2 E'(*is$ Li#era#ure2 4olume! : ; <2 Sec6er ; 7ar0urg2 &o 'o 2 9=>?, ?# T$e Nor#o' A'#$o*o(y o2 E'(*is$ Li#era#ure2 Volume ?2 ?@@A, :# .lea th /roo6!2 Ro0ert Pe 7arre 2 U'ders#a'di'( Poe#ry2 Thir' E'itio 2 Holt2 Ri ehart a ' 7i !to 2 9=A@, <# T$e Pe'(ui' 0is#ory o2 E'(*is$ Li#era#ure2 4olume A THE VI.TORIANS2 e'ite' 0y Da4i' /# Pirie2 Pe gui /oo6!2 9==<, B# T$e Ne+ Pe*ica' 8uide #o E'(*is$ Li#era#ure2 e'ite' 0y /ori! For'2 4olume A# FRO* DI.CENS TO HARDY2 Pe gui /oo6!2 the e1 e'itio 29==@!, A# Da4i' &o'ge2 T$e Ar# o2 3ic#io'2 Vi6i g2 USA2 9==:, ># *uhamet Hamiti2 Teori d$e ,ri#i,9 *e#rare a'(*e:e2 p8rm0le'hDe ligD8rata!h2 ?@@@# III. For!s an" !et#o"s e!$%oye" for t#e teac#in& of t#e co'rse &ecture!2 !emi ar cla!!e!2 co !ultatio !"co fere ce hour# I(. Assess!ent .o ti ue' a!!e!!me t of the !tu'e t3! 1or6 acro!! the year Ei !emi ar cla!!e!F2 1ith 1ritte pre-te!t!2 etc# (. )a!ination A!!e!!me t 1ill 0e through a 1ritte a ' a oral eGami atio #

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