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To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee (Book) and directed by Gregory Peck (Movie) includes themes

that have been expressed in both the book and the movie. I most definitely believe that the book has more meaning and more depth whereas the movie didnt live up to the full potential and expectation it had. There was a large amount of scenes that were in the book that didnt occur in the movie or if it did occur it didnt give the full meaning and its necessities. There are many themes that are evident in the book and the movie but the meaning may be expressed differently. The themes are that I am going to explain further are, the segregation of black and white people, the mockingbird and bravery. Racism played a big factor that took part in the events of the book and the movie. A part of racism was the segregation of the black and white people. Blacks were not permitted to unite with whites in public surroundings. This was shown in both the movie and the book when Calpurnia decided to take Jim and Scout to the Black Church. In Maycomb County there was a church just for Black people and a church just for White people. This showed a sign of both inequality and separation. Also another sign that black and white were different is when Tom Robinson was convicted in the courthouse under Judge Taylor. It wasnt because Atticus wasnt a good lawyer in fact he did everything right; it was just purely because he was a black man and his accuser is white. Atticus tried his best to fight Racism in these kinds of events but the result would always be he was going to lose. The book and the movie both explained it in a similar way. Even though the Mockingbird was the title of the book and the movie the theme continued throughout. Atticus explains that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird and Miss Maudie explains whymockingbirds never do anyone any harm all they do is sing beautifully and live peacefully. Therefore, it is a sin to kill them. The meaning behind that is it represents true goodness and purity. Tom Robinson was a true example of a mockingbird. All he did was help people but then gets accused of raping Mayella Ewell but really is innocent of his charges. The entire town of Maycomb thinks he is guilty and gets sentenced to death. The outcome is that they have killed a Mockingbird. Between the book and the movie Tom Robinsons character was explained quite noble as his personality and the meaning of his character was lived up to its significance. Bravery was a theme that was mainly seen by Atticus Finch. He was a lawyer in the town of Maycomb and one night Judge Taylor came by his house to present him with an opportunity to take the law suite of Tom Robinsons rape accusation. Tom Robinson was a black man whereas Atticus Finch was a white man and no one would ever think a white man would protect a black man but since Atticus was against Racism he was brave enough to take the case and defend him in front of the whole town of Maycomb. Mrs. Dubose was the ultimate definition of bravery as she fought her morphine addiction for years wanting to die without the addiction. The book showed that bravery meant a lot more whereas the movie didnt take part in the true meaning of bravery as much as the book. The movie didnt really focus on the bravery of Mrs. Dubose which was an important factor of To Kill a Mockingbird.

To conclude I believe the movie had less impact as it was missing just too many little details in it that has much significance towards it. The meaning isnt just there as much as the book describes it. I strongly believe the book was much better than the movie.

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