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M. S. B. T. E.

State Level Paper Presentation Competition (Tech Vista-07)


Sinu S. Bhukya,
Student of Mech. Engg. Govt. Polytechnic Bramahapuri. E-mail: prince inu!t" #! $ustomer supplier relationship based on mutual trust and respect. There must be a win% win strategy for both. &! 'rganization(s in house requirement by the customers. )! $ustomer(s needs are well understood by supplier. *! Suppliers are partners in achieving zero defect situations. +! ,egular monitoring of suppliers processes and product by the customers.

A stract
#$M i the outgro%th of a long line of development eeking to evaluate and improve the &uality of manufactured good . #he idea 'ehind #$M i that much can 'e achieved 'y innovation, 'ut competitive advantage i largely affected 'y continuou proce improvement. (niver itie and college have applied #$M to 'oth the admini trative a pect of univer ity operation and, to a le er e)tent, the academic a pect . E)perience %ith the #$M proce on univer ity campu e ha found it to 'e ine)pen ive to undertake and relatively &uick to complete %hile achieving ignificant improvement.

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Total - Quality involves everyone and all activities in the company.

Introduction :Total Quality Management, TQM, is a method by which management and employees can become involved in the continuous improvement of the production of goods and services. It is a combination of quality and management tools aimed at increasing business and reducing losses due to wasteful practices. Total Quality Management is a very popular term which goes with the culture of many manufacturing and service sector. Since, many organizations are trying to adopt TQM as a way of life. There are myths about TQM which are quite different from reality. In TQM, total means involvement of all aspects of the organization in satisfying the customer. The basic principles for the Total Quality Management TQM! philosophy of doing business are to satisfy the customer, satisfy the supplier, and continuously improve the business processes. This involves"

Quality - $onformance to ,equirements Meeting $ustomer ,equirements!. Management - Quality can and must be managed. TQM - . process for managing quality/ it must be a continuous way of life/ a philosophy of perpetual improvement in everything we do.

O !ecti"e# o$ TQM:. Total Quality oriented organization must have at least following principal ob0ective % #! $ustomer focus, customer delight1satisfaction &! $ontinuous improvement as a culture of the organization, which must be the way of life. )! 2ocused, continuous and relentless cost reduction. *! 2ocused, continuous and relentless quality improvement.

M. S. B. T. E. State Level Paper Presentation Competition (Tech Vista-07) To achieve above ob0ectives, the Ten Steps to TQM are as follows" #. &. ). *. 3ursue 4ew Strategic Thin5ing 6now your $ustomers Set True $ustomer ,equirements $oncentrate on 3revention, 4ot $orrection +. ,educe $hronic 7aste 8. 3ursue a $ontinuous Improvement Strategy 9. :se Structured Methodology for 3rocess Improvement ;. ,educe <ariation =. :se a >alanced .pproach #?. .pply to .ll 2unctions &. 7here mista5es canBt be absolutely prevented, detecting them early to prevent them being passed down the value added chain Inspection at source or by the ne@t operation!. 7here mista5es recur, stopping production until the process can be corrected, to prevent the production of more defects. Stop in time!.


follows" TQM is mainly concerned with continuous improvement in all wor5, from high level strategic planning and decision%ma5ing, to detailed e@ecution of wor5 elements on the shop floor. It stems from the belief that mista5es can be avoided and defects can be prevented. It leads to continuously improving results, in all aspects of wor5, as a result of continuously improving capabilities, people, processes, technology and machine capabilities. $ontinuous improvement must deal not only with improving results, but more importantly with improving capabilities to produce better results in the future. The five ma0or areas of focus for capability improvement are demand generation, supply generation, technology, operations and people capability. . central principle of TQM is that mista5es may be made by people, but most of them are caused, or at least permitted, by faulty systems and processes. This means that the root cause of such mista5es can be identified and eliminated, and repetition can be prevented by changing the process. There are three mechanisms of prevention" #. ma0or #. &. ). *. +.

The 3rinciples of TQM are as

Quality can and must be managed. Cveryone has a customer and is a supplier. 3rocesses, not people are the problem. Cvery employee is responsible for quality. 3roblems must be prevented, not 0ust fi@ed. 8. Quality must be measured. 9. Quality improvements must be continuous. ;. The quality standard is defect free. =. Doals are based on requirements, not negotiated. #?. Eife cycle costs, not front end costs. ##. Management must be involved and lead. #&. 3lan and organize for quality improvement

%u#tomer 'ocu#: T(e Ultimate Goal

$ustomer 2ocus" :ltimate goal to reach at C@ceeds customer e@pectation. %:nderstanding customer business %$onsulting F training %'rganizational alignment $ustomer 2it" 7or5 as binder %'n%time delivery %Quality %3rice

3roduct 1Service 2it" $ore issue to start with %2unctionality %3erformance %,eliability

3reventing mista5es defects! from occurring Mista5e % proofing or 3o5a%Ao5e!.

M. S. B. T. E. State Level Paper Presentation Competition (Tech Vista-07) GQuality is equal to people plus right attitude to achieve e@cellence, producing error%free product and services to the customer on time/ and satisfying the requirements and e@pectation of customer, present and future.H Quality means providing both e@ternal and internal within organization! customers with innovative goods and services that meet their needs effectively. Quality is achieving and e@ceeding customer e@pectation and needs in order to produce business for future. The goal is to achieve a continuous quality improvement effort that permits every process, all products and service in the organization. 2or the survival of manufacturing and service industries in a hostile environment, customers( complete satisfaction is a must. Quality includes"% #. &. ). Meets the customers needs in every respects , .vailable when required , .t a price the customer is prepared to pay. essence, TQM alters the way a company thin5s about wor5 and all of its relationships as it impacts every function, system and person connected with the company. Teams are at the heart of TQM and are based on the belief that better solutions emerge when everyone is given a chance to wor5 on process problems. Kust as importantly, solutions are accepted and implemented more quic5ly and are longer lasting because the people affected have helped to develop them. $ontinuous 3rocess Improvement Teams are composed of people who normally wor5 together on the process being reviewed. Cach team includes a team leader most often the supervisor of the process being reviewed!, a facilitator1trainer and no more than ten team members. The team sponsor usually the team leader(s boss! ensures that the team(s wor5 is guided by the TQM vision. TQM teams use a ten%step problem%solving model to complete their wor5 as mentioned below. L The team identifies and interviews customers of the process to determine which services are not meeting their needs. . The team charts customer problems, selects one ma0or problem to wor5 on, prepares an issue statement to direct the study and uses customer data to set a measure of improved performance. L The team constructs detailed flow charts1process maps of the process and sub%processes as they currently e@ist. L The team brain storms possible causes of the process problem, then uses TQM tools to select critical causes for further study. L The team collects data, graphs it concisely and uses it to determine root causes of the customer problem. This data becomes a benchmar5 for measuring future progress. L The team develops possible solutions for the root causes that are verified by data, then measures them against criteria that reflect customer needs. L The team identifies benchmar5s for the process being studied, ie processes used by other

.s customers( needs are ever changing there is no much thing as absolute quality. Iowever Gfitness% for JpurposeH and Gvalue%for%moneyH are the two things that will bring bac5 the customers again and again organization. .s quality level changes, the profit margin also changes due to increase in the production related cost for maintaining quality. 'lo+ %(art

z )e#cri&tion o$ t(e General *roce##:The goal of TQM is to deliver the highest value for the customer at the Cstablish Q. 3olicy lowest cost, while achieving sustained profit and economic stability for the company. Top management must commit to a vision and align and train TQM 'b0ective its employees toward Mefine a common mission. To do this, cross%functional teams wor5 on improvements that respond to customer requirements. Eong%term relationships with customers, suppliers and employeesMefine focus on ,esponsibilities quality beyond short%term profit. In

Cstablish Q. System .udit 3repare F ,eview Q. Improvement 'verall Cffectiveness 3rogram Identify Implement Monitor 3roblem 3rogress 3rogram .reas

M. S. B. T. E. State Level Paper Presentation Competition (Tech Vista-07) organizations or wor5 areas that produce a high%quality product or service. 3ossible solutions are measured against the benchmar5s. L The best solutions are implemented and their performance is monitored. If the solutions wor5, they are adopted. L The team measures the results of the improvement and refines performance measures. If the problems are solved, the fi)e are standardized and become Standard 'perating 3rocedure. L The team selects another process to review and improve.

TQM *roce## Im&ro"ement and *ro lem

*LAN 3E.4 . $I.4DC! )O IM3ECMC4T TIC $I.4DC!

)E'INE T.E */O0LEM #. ,ecognize that what you are doing is a N3,'$CSSN

I)ENTI'Y *O,,I0LE %AU,E, 8. N>,.I4ST',MN what is causing the problem.



TQM does wor5" companies run better" customers remain loyal because they are satisfied with the responsiveness of companies to their needs. $ompanies develop high%performance, cross% functional teams. Institutional learning is captured. Mata is collected, analyzed and used to ma5e continuous process improvements/ companies invest in training and measure the value of the training by assessing its impact in the wor5place/ suppliers and unions buy in/ and productivity and quality continue to improve at lower costs for the customer. The idea behind TQM is that much can be achieved by innovation, but competitive advantage is largely affected by continuous process improvement. To implement this practice a commitment is necessary that includes a plan of action. . five%Step process designed to help turn opportunities into on%the%0ob improvements is listed below" L .wareness" ,ecognizing an opportunity to improve a process. L .ssessments" Identifying the gap between where you are and where you want to be. L 3reparation" Meveloping strategy, assembling resources and going through readiness steps. L .ction 3lan" Cstablishing specific goals, time%bound steps and measures to implement an improvement. L Cvaluation" ,eviewing how well you met the goals established in the .ction 3lan and re%planning is needed.

;. Metermine #?. Metermine # the what change c relationship would help c between Aour cause and 5nowle dge &. Identify the 9. Metermine what effect o Scatter of the commodity past data shows. diagrams process being o 2requency o ,egression Scatter processed. distribution analysis % 3rocess o 3areto charts diagram Inference o $ontrol charts s - sampling =. Metermine $ontrol ). Mefine what the $harts some process is measurable doing now samplin characteristics o $ontrol g of value to the charts 3areto commodity. % sampling analysis *. Mescribe the N3,'$CSSN o 3rocess 2low .nalysisBs o 2low charts o Eist of steps +. Identify the N>igN problem o >rainstorming o $hec5lists o 3areto analysis OOOOThen ma5e the change.

Im&lementation *rinci&le# and *roce##e#:. preliminary step in TQM implementation is to assess the organizationBs current reality. ,elevant preconditions have to do with the

TQM *roce## Im&ro"ement and *ro lem ,ol"ing ,e-uence :-

M. S. B. T. E. State Level Paper Presentation Competition (Tech Vista-07) organizationBs history, its current needs, precipitating events leading to TQM, and the e@isting employee quality of wor5ing life. If the current reality does not include important preconditions, TQM implementation should be delayed until the organization is in a state in which TQM is li5ely to succeed.

M. S. B. T. E. State Level Paper Presentation Competition (Tech Vista-07) If an organization has a trac5 record of effective responsiveness to the environment, and if it has been able to successfully change the way it operates when needed, TQM will be easier to implement. If an organization has been historically reactive and has no s5ill at improving its operating systems, there will be both employee s5epticism and a lac5 of s5illed change agents. If this condition prevails, a comprehensive program of management and leadership development may be instituted. . management audit is a good assessment tool to identify current levels of organizational functioning and areas in need of change. .n organization should be basically healthy before beginning TQM. If it has significant problems such as a very unstable funding base, wea5 administrative systems, lac5 of managerial s5ill, or poor employee morale, TQM would not be appropriate. Iowever, a certain level of stress is probably desirable to initiate TQM. 3eople need to feel a need for a change. 6anter #=;)! addresses this phenomenon by describing building bloc5s which are present in effective organizational change. These forces include departures from tradition, a crisis or galvanizing event, strategic decisions, individual Nprime movers,N and action vehicles. Mepartures from tradition are activities, usually at lower levels of the organization, which occur when entrepreneurs move outside the normal ways of operating to solve a problem. . crisis, if it is not too disabling, can also help create a sense of urgency which can mobilize people to act. In the case of TQM, this may be a funding cut or threat, or demands from consumers or other sta5eholders for improved quality of service. .fter a crisis, a leader may intervene strategically by articulating a new vision of the future to help the organization deal with it. . plan to implement TQM may be such a strategic decision. Such a leader may then become a prime mover, who ta5es charge in championing the new idea and showing others how it will help them get where they want to go. 2inally, action vehicles are needed and mechanisms or structures to enable the change to occur and become institutionalized.

TQM %om&ared to I,O 3 4556 "%

IS' =??? is a Quality System Management Standard. TQM is a philosophy of perpetual improvement. The IS' Quality Standard sets in place a system to deploy policy and verifiable ob0ectives. .n IS' implementation is a basis for a Total Quality Management implementation. 7here there is an IS' system, about 9+ percent of the steps are in place for TQM. The requirements for TQM can be considered IS' plus. .nother aspect relating to the IS' Standard is that the proposed changes for the ne@t revision #===! will contain customer satisfaction and measurement requirements. In short, implementing TQM is being proactive concerning quality rather than reactive.

A&&lication o$ TQM in .ig(er Education :In the :nited States many colleges and universities are now e@perimenting with TQM to ensure that quality, i.e. consistently high levels of college learning as an outcome is no longer left to chance. :niversities and colleges have applied TQM to both the administrative aspects of the university(s operations and, to a lesser e@tent, the academic aspects i.e. teaching, research, etc!. T'M teams at the :S. :niversity campus have tac5led problems in the faculty review process, faculty resource budgeting, provision control, the chemistry lab supply process, travel accounting and the student chec5 disbursement process, to name 0ust a few. They found TQM to be ine@pensive to underta5e and relatively quic5 to complete, while achieving significant improvement. >efore we can begin to apply T'M to Cngineering Institution of higher learning, we need to define what we mean by quality, what appropriate and adequate evidence of quality is and how evidence of quality should be communicated.

2or purposes of quality assurance the paramount issue for every college or university is the performance

M. S. B. T. E. State Level Paper Presentation Competition (Tech Vista-07) of its graduates. .mong the important characteristics of college and university graduates, for e@ample, are the following" technical competence in a given field/ high%level communications, computational, technological literacy and informational abilities that enable individuals to gain and apply new 5nowledge and s5ills as needed/ the ability to arrive at informed 0udgments that is, to effectively define problems, gather and evaluate information related to those problems and develop solutions!/ the ability to function in a global community, including 5nowledge of different cultural and economic conte@ts as well as foreign language s5ills/ a range of attitudes and dispositions, including fle@ibility and adaptability, ease with diversity, initiative, motivation and persistence, ethical and civil behaviors, as well as personal integrity, creativity and resourcefulness and the ability to wor5 with others, especially in team settings/ and, above all, demonstrated ability to deploy all of the above to address specific problems in comple@ real world settings and under enterprise conditions in which the development of wor5able solutions is required. These desired attributes of graduates are listed as e@amples only, but they are distinguished by several factors. 2irst, they are couched principally in the language of e@ternal sta5eholders and reflect the involvement of these sta5eholders in the conversation. Second, they demand the concerted attention of the institution as a whole. Third, they embody a conception of quality that is outside the mainstream of higher education .s current quality assurance practices. 7hat is the evidence of qualityP Diven the definition of quality based principally on outcomes consistent with sta5eholder needs, the evidence for quality should be generated from sources e@ternal to higher education to a far greater e@tent than occurs at present. The ma0or types of evidence could include the successful and timely completion by students of their educational programmes/ the placement and performance of graduates in the wor5 place and their effective involvement in civic and community life/ performance and further education, relevant licensing and certification e@aminations/ results of direct assessments of students. .bilities on e@it consistent with both institutional and societal goals, and the value added to these abilities by the institution given entering student characteristics/ and reported satisfaction of students with the contributions made by higher education toward the attainment of their own goals relative to the costs incurred. $omplete adequate assessments of the full range of these outcomes are not currently available, but the technology e@ists to create them. In the conte@t of a clear demand for performance information of this 5ind, e@isting methods can and should be applied. 2urthermore, that demand for information should generate both incentives for and commitment to the development of new and better assessments.

%onclu#ion:In summary, TQM is a process that promotes bringing the right people together in teams where the boundaries between organizations have been eliminated and where the participants on the teams have been empowered to ma5e changes. The process assists in identifying problem areas, utilizes process mapping to thoroughly understand the nature of the wor5 involved so that unnecessary steps or wor5 can be eliminated, with the final ob0ective of aiming for speed and simplicity which results in improved productivity.
!e"erence#*+ ,ndu trial Engineering and Management - Dr. -avi Shankar .+ Paper #itled /#$M0 - Dr. 1lifford 2. Smith 3+ /#$M #utorial0 from ,nternet - De)ter 4. 5an en 6+ /,ntroduction 7 ,mplementation of #$M0 from ,nternet - 8hurram 5a hmi

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