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Academy, 54, 86, 111, 118, 121, 139, 1667

Addison, Joseph, 7
adventure romance, 7, 38, 63, 65, 756, 78,
81, 82, 84, 86, 8891, 946, 99100,
1036, 11015, 118, 141, 158
see also novel; realism; romance
American book market, 33, 72, 1378, 142,
1727, 180, 182
American Series, 175, 176
Broadway Series, 175
Eureka Detective Series, 177
Franklin Square Library, 174
Hawthorne Series, 175
Lakeside Library, 174
Red Letter Series, 175
Seaside Library, 174
Town and Country Library, 1745
see also serials; literary property and
Anglo-American War (1812), 83
anonymity, 2, 5, 3940, 534, 56, 69, 70
see also pseudonyms and pseudonymity
Arnold, Edward (publishing firm), 179
Arnold, Edwin, 1, 28
Atalanta, 134, 136
Athenaeum, 5, 21, 25, 26, 37, 3940, 412,
434, 46, 47, 4850, 51, 53, 56, 59, 62,
68, 69, 82, 86, 112, 140, 1724
Austen, Jane, 21, 34
Australian book market, 138, 144, 170, 174,
see also serials
and anonymity, 50, 556, 70
and gender, 45, 3940, 423, 489

economics of, 267, 35, 5962, 68, 154,

female impersonation, 25, 3943, 4450
see also literary property and copyright
Bakhtin, Mikhail, 76
Belgravia, 92, 132, 133, 148
Bennett, Arnold, 181
Bentley (publishing firm), 34, 52, 53, 603,
712, 83, 156
Bentley, George, 27, 32, 39, 49, 50, 56, 59,
623, 68, 6970, 71, 73, 78, 83, 148,
1537, 161
Bentley, Richard, 53, 156
Besant, Walter, 24, 138, 147, 178
bigamy, 403, 44, 50, 64, 1289
see also marriage
bindings, 162, 163, 166, 167
Black, William, 63, 157, 162, 174
Blackmore, R. D., 162
Clara Vaughan, 40
Blackwood (publishing firm), 170
Blackwoods Magazine, 8, 157
Blanchard, E. L., 21
Blathwayt, Raymond, 31, 33
Bolton Weekly Journal, 143, 144
Book-Buyers Guide, 43
Bookman, 162, 163, 169, 175, 182
Boswell, James, 25, 26
Bowden, James (publishing firm), 151, 179
Boys Own, 135
Braddon, Mary, 38, 62, 63, 82, 144
Aurora Floyd, 44
Birds of Prey, 57
Charlottes Inheritance, 57
Lady Audleys Secret, 41
Bristol Mercury, 145




William Clark Russell and the Victorian Nautical Novel

British sailor, Britishness

see English sailor, Englishness
British Quarterly Review, 43
Bront, Charlotte, 39
Jane Eyre, 40, 52
Broughton, Rhoda, 50, 156
Brown, Sarah, 46
Buchan, John, 138
Burke, Edmund, 7
Butler, Judith, 122
Byron, Lord, 78, 47, 57, 98
Childe Harolds Pilgrimage, 78, 57
Caine, Hall
The Deemster, 169
cannibalism, 667
Casey, Ellen Miller, 5, 37, 3940
Cassell (publishing firm), 1345, 158, 177
Cassell & Co. (US publishing firm), 142
and libraries, 56
and magazines, 13743
Chamberlain, Joseph, 2930
Chamberss Journal, 121, 13843, 179
Chamier, Captain Frederick, 8
Chandos Library, 24
Chapmans Magazine, 134
Chatto, Andrew, 14, 32, 33, 1312, 13842,
1434, 14951, 1601, 163, 178,
17980, 181
Chatto & Windus (publishing firm), 2, 32,
33, 34, 92, 107, 132, 133, 134, 137,
13842, 144, 147, 14851, 153, 157,
15861, 1625, 16870, 1745, 177,
17980, 181
see also Chatto, Andrew
cheap editions, 1557, 158, 1603
clothes, 113, 114, 116, 117, 1212, 125,
see also cross-dressing
Cohen, Margaret, 8, 12, 76
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 7
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, 93
Collier (publishing firm), 175
Collins Modern Fiction, 181
Collins, Wilkie, 38, 41, 578, 62, 63, 69,
Armadale, 57

Mad Monckton, 57
Collins, William (publishing firm), 181
colonialism and imperialism, 29, 1235
Conan Doyle, Arthur, 1, 13, 131, 170
The Five Orange Pips, 1
Conrad, Joseph, 1, 1213, 30, 35, 97, 170
The Nigger of the Narcissus, 13
Constable (publishing firm), 34, 179
Contemporary Review, 9, 28, 31
continental editions, 172
Cooper, James Fenimore, 1, 11, 120, 166,
Jack Tier, 120
The Two Admirals, 166
The Water-Witch, 120
see literary property and copyright
Costantini, Mariaconcetta, 578
Country Gentleman, 111
Cowen, Joseph, 27
Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock
Hannah, 44, 48
cross-dressing, 76, 118, 119, 1202, 1267,
see also clothes
Cupples, George
The Green Hand, 166


Daily News, 20, 104, 106

Daily Telegraph, 9, 28, 31, 32, 117, 120, 137,
147, 163, 178
Dana, Richard Henry, 1112, 33
Two Years Before the Mast, 12
David, Deidre, 125
deceased wifes sister debate, 448, 501,
see also marriage
Defoe, Daniel, 7, 99, 110, 170
Robinson Crusoe, 7, 88
detective fiction, 81, 131, 135, 177
Detroit Free Press, 22
Disraeli, Benjamin
Endymion, 155
Downey & Co. (publishing firm), 169
Duncan Dunbar (ship), 16, 17
Dunn, James Nicol, 34

Eliot, George, 4, 378
Silly Novels by Lady Novelists, 378
Eliot, Simon, 161
elopement, 1279, 13840
see also marriage
Ellaby, Marguerite (daughter), 2
English Illustrated Magazine, 29, 1334, 166
English sailor, Englishness, 2930, 67, 768,
1004, 1234, 126
Era, 1920
Escott, T. H. S., 312
Examiner, 42, 44, 55, 66, 86
Exeter Book, 7
Fenn, George Manville, 923, 163
Seven Frozen Sailors, 923
Fielding, Henry
Amelia, 25
Flint, Kate, 5
formula, 1048
Fortnightly Review, 31
Foulke, Robert, 7, 967, 101
Frasers Magazine, 132
Frow, John, 81


Thyrza, 158
Gladstone, William, 27
Glasgow Herald, 91, 114, 146, 158
Good Words, 133, 137, 1423
Gordon & Gotch (publishing firm), 138
Gothic, 39
Gradener, Paul (publishing firm), 61, 154,
Graham, Kenneth, 91
Graphic, 50, 53, 54, 678, 69, 70, 78, 91,
105, 110, 111, 112, 118, 155, 179
Green, Martin, 99
Greg, W. R., 5
Griffith, Farren & Co. (publishing firm),
147, 150
Grosvenor (ship), 72
Gruner, Elizabeth, 46, 47
Haggard, Henry Rider, 91, 96, 158, 175
Allan Quartermain, 100, 158
King Solomons Mines, 96
Hakluyt, Richard, 7
The Principal Navigations, Voyages,
Traffiques, and Discoveries of the
English Nation, 7
Hardy, Thomas, 21, 38, 39, 132, 143, 1623,
174, 178
Desperate Remedies, 38, 39
Harper & Brothers (publishing firm), 61, 72,
137, 1724, 175
Harpers Bazaar, 1367, 175
Harpers Monthly Magazine, 172
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 53
Heinemann, William (publisher), 138, 160
Henry, O.
What You Want, 177
Henty, G. A., 10
Hope, Anthony, 138
Hotten, John Camden, 20
Hougoumont (ship), 18
Hughes, Winifred, 38
Hugo, Victor, 21
Hurst & Blackett (publishing firm), 147,
150, 151


Gale, R. T. (publishing firm), 27

Garnett, Edward, 35
Garrison, Laurie, 39
Gaskell, Elizabeth
Sylvias Lovers, 10
gender roles and propriety, 11315, 117,
126, 141
and the novel, 2, 46, 34, 378, 701,
912, 109, 118, 136
see also authorship; cross-dressing;
woman reader; women
George V (Duke of York), 1, 28
genre, 34, 40, 63, 81, 83
see also adventure romance; genre fiction;
sensation fiction; sea story
genre fiction, 1, 106, 131
Gentlemans Magazine, 25, 31, 97
Gentlewoman, 179
Gettmann, Royal , 156
Gilbert, Pamela, 83
Gilbert, W. S., 120
Gissing, George

Idler, 3, 137
Illustrated London News, 132, 133, 144, 178
Ivers & Co. (publishing firm), 175, 176


William Clark Russell and the Victorian Nautical Novel

Jack Tar, 89, 84

Jerome, Jerome K., 132
Jewsbury, Geraldine, 50, 52, 712
John Bull, 43, 86
Kent County News, 26
Kestner, Joseph, 100
King, Andrew, 69
King, Henry S. (publishing firm), 25, 40, 59
King, R. E. & Co. (publishing firm), 151,
Kingsley, Charles
Westward Ho!, 10
Kingston, W. H. G., 10, 153, 163
Ben Burton, 153
Peter the Whaler, 10
The Three Admirals, 153
The Three Midshipmen, 153
La Hogue (ship), 17
Ladys Realm, 136
Lang, Andrew, 38, 54, 88, 91
Law, Graham, 133, 143, 145
Leader, 26
Leane, Elizabeth, 93
Leng & Co., W. C. (publishing firm), 140,
Lever Brothers, 181
Lever, Charles, 54
Lewes, George Henry, 4
libraries, library reader, 4, 56, 25, 59, 834,
92, 116, 155, 15861
Mudies Circulating Library, 56, 72, 86,
1556, 158, 161
W. H. Smith, 6, 161
Lippincott (publishing firm), 1378, 175
literary property and copyright, 33, 69, 137,
138, 14651, 156, 158, 1724, 179
Anglo-American copyright, 33, 144,
1724, 175
Literary World, 155
Little Folks, 135, 166
Locke, George, 923
London Journal, 69
London Review, 22, 379
Longmans Magazine, 31, 11011, 132
Lovecraft, H. P., 96
Low, Sampson, 173

see also Sampson Low & Marston (publishing firm)

MacDonald, George, 162
MacGregor, John
The Voyage Alone in the Yawl Rob Roy, 10
Macmillan (publishing firm), 32, 33, 1334,
1478, 151, 156, 170, 181
Macmillans Magazine, 114, 132, 133, 134
MacQuoid, Katherine, 173
madness and insanity, 18, 85, 92, 101,
female madness, 126, 136
see also memory loss
see serials and serialization
Manchester Weekly Times, 143, 146
Mansel, Henry, 40
Marcus, Sharon, 125
and sea story, 10910, 1234, 12730
and sensation fiction, 401, 449, 501,
see also bigamy; elopement
Marryat, Captain Frederick, 910, 11, 82, 84
Mr Midshipman Easy, 9, 166
Peter Simple, 9
Marston, Edward, 21, 22, 153, 174
Masson, David, 88
Maturin, Charles, 39
Mayfair, 27
McClure, S. S. (publishing firm), 142, 144,
McGrath, Harold
The Luck of the Irish, 177
Meade, L. T., 136
Melville, Herman, 1, 1112, 13, 170
John Marr and other Sailors, 13
Moby Dick, 11, 166
Omoo, 12
Typee, 12
Melville, Lewis, 14, 35
memory loss, 64, 104, 129
see also madness
merchant navy, 9, 1113, 1619, 23, 289,
74, 86, 136
Merchant Shipping Act (1854), 29
Meredith, George, 1, 5, 13


The Ordeal of Richard Feverel, 5
Methuen (publishing firm), 160, 166, 169,
178, 1812
Middleton, E. E.
The Cruise of the Kate, 10
Miskolcze, Robin, 120
Montgomery, Walter, 19
Moore, George, 5
morality and moral conduct
and adventure story, 88, 96, 99104, 113,
11415, 124
child morality, 11415
and practical conduct, 103, 115
and women, 413, 121
see also mutiny
Morning Leader, 179
Morning Post, 2930, 34
Mullan, John, 3, 5
Murray, John (publisher), 34, 174
mutiny, 74, 778, 856, 1024

see also adventure romance; romance; sea

OBrian, Patrick, 182

OConnor, T. P., 179
Ogilvie, J. S. (publishing firm), 177
Oliphant, Margaret, 105, 138, 144
Once a Week, 138
Once a Week Semi-Monthly Library, 175
Ouida, 178

Page, L. C. (publishing firm), 180

Pall Mall Gazette, 24, 33, 66, 67, 701, 84,
106, 110, 111, 141
Pall Mall Magazine, 33, 137
Payn, James, 144
Pearson, Charles (publishing firm), 179
Peck, John, 3, 7, 9, 30, 67, 778
People, 133, 179
physiognomy, 1001
see also race and racism
Poe, Edgar Allan, 53
nautical novel
The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar,
see sea story
New Amsterdam Book Company (pubPordzik, Ralph, 92
lisher), 33, 175
practical work and seamanship, 8, 12, 18,
New Monthly Magazine, 26
756, 87, 94, 99, 100, 109
New Woman novel, 128, 12930
privateering, 83
New York Ledger, 142
pseudonyms and pseudonymity, 25, 3940,
New York Star, 172, 173
424, 50, 512, 537, 69
New York Tribune, 175
Eliza Rhyl Davies (William Clark
Newcastle Chronicle, 278
Russell pseudonym), 2, 3, 4, 523,
Newcastle Courant, 145
54, 129
Newnes (publisher), 137, 169, 177, 179
and gender, 25, 40, 424, 4850, 51,
54, 85
see serials and serialization
Philip Sheldon (William Clark Russell
Norquay, Glenda, 89
pseudonym), 2, 4, 49, 52, 53, 567
North American Review, 11
A Seafarer (William Clark Russell
Northern Newspaper Syndicate, 151, 179,
pseudonym), 28
Sydney Mostyn (William Clark Russell
pseudonym), 2, 4, 24, 3944, 4952,
character and incident, 389, 63, 65, 70,
54, 55, 56, 69, 85, 130
734, 88, 94, 1045, 140
see also anonymity
as domestic and feminized form, 36,
378, 623, 65, 701, 912, 11011, Public Opinion, 43
Publishers Circular, 21, 155, 161
153, 157
and love story, 82, 84, 912, 10916, 118 Putnams (publishing firm), 178
Pykett, Lyn, 39
and romance, 81, 84, 88



William Clark Russell and the Victorian Nautical Novel

Quarterly Review, 40

on foreign sailors, 2930, 83, 92, 100,

101, 102, 155
Raban, Jonathan, 7
ill-health, 312, 34
race and racism, 30, 85, 101
journalism, 2630, 32
Radcliffe, Ann
marriage, 24
The Mysteries of Udolpho, 57
nautical polemical writing, 2830
Reade, Charles, 5, 144
naval career, 1619
It Is Never Too Late to Mend, 5
non-fictional nautical writing, 334
readers, readership, 34, 56, 3940, 41, 48,
payments and earnings, 201, 22, 27, 32,
62, 82, 8891, 96, 1046, 11012, 133,
35, 5962, 68, 70, 72, 133, 134, 137,
138, 141, 142, 144, 149, 154, 156,
135, 13842, 153, 1557, 163, 169
166, 175, 17781
see also woman reader
reviews of sea stories, 678, 78, 823, 84,
86, 11011, 11314, 118, 121, 129,
documentary realism, 67, 75, 83, 87
134, 140, 141, 161
and romance, 11, 65, 745, 889, 96
sales, 602, 72, 82, 1546, 158, 160, 169,
and sea story, 811, 667, 878
170, 172, 1801
see also novel; romance
sea descriptions, 67, 756, 94, 989
Reynolds, Paul, 180
on ship captains, 1819, 30, 724, 77,
83, 85, 100, 101, 1024, 107
as literary form, 22, 65, 67, 81, 87,
ship descriptions, 67, 98
8891, 96
on ship owners, 17, 19, 2930, 72, 74,
and love story, 6, 84
117, 122
and merchant navy, 878
food, 17, 28, 2930, 72, 73, 74,
romance revival, 38, 63, 8891
104, 136
and the sea, 301, 75, 878, 90, 969,
song-writing, 19
on undermanning of ships, 29, 67
see also adventure romance; novel; realwealth, 35
Russell, William Clark (titles)
Ronald, Landon, 15
Abandoned, 12930, 169
Royal Navy, 8, 11, 87
Alone on a Wide Wide Sea, 116, 129, 144,
Russell, Henry (father), 1516, 20
145, 164, 170, 175
Russell, Herbert Henry William (son), 24,
An Ocean Free-Lance, 26, 60, 61, 834,
112, 1537, 172
Russell, John (editor), 13942
An Ocean Tragedy, 112, 127, 13740,
Russell, William Clark
145, 148, 170
ambivalent attitude towards common
As Innocent as a Baby, 3, 26, 534, 61, 62
sailor, 12, 67, 767, 1013
Auld Lang Syne, 161
and America, 1, 1213, 33, 72, 1378,
Betwixt the Forelands, 31, 146
155, 1727, 178, 180, 182
The Book of Authors, 24, 39
birth and upbringing, 1516
The Book of Table-Talk, 24
and British merchant sailor, 2930, 67,
The British Seas, 334
76, 99104
Captain Fanny, 55, 60, 61, 62, 6971,
death, 35
79, 87
decline of vogue, 1068, 17982
Collingwood, 33
early writing about the sea, 223, 568
The Convict Ship, 18, 102, 1202, 133,
early writing career, 26, 1926, 323,
1412, 159, 160, 1689, 170, 175
A Dark Secret, 3, 53, 59, 61, 62, 129
3758, 5963, 1612


The Death Ship, 96, 144, 14651
The Deceased Wifes Sister, 3, 40, 4450,
55, 56, 60, 61
Destiny, 27
The Emigrant Ship, 98, 1227, 133, 144
Fra Angelo, 16, 1920
The Frozen Pirate, 30, 916, 104, 106,
109, 132, 133, 163, 1667, 177, 182
General Notes on Men and Manners,
The Golden Hope, 889, 91, 14551, 177,
180, 181
The Good Ship Mohock, 101, 151, 170
Heart of Oak, 100, 105, 112, 133, 1423,
160, 170, 175
His Island Princess, 151, 169, 181, 182
The Hunchbacks Charge, 202, 55, 88
In the Middle Watch, 9
Is He the Man? (The Copsford Mystery),
33, 62, 689, 170
Jacks Courtship, 11011, 116, 132, 133,
Jilted, 19, 53, 545, 62, 67, 70
John Holdsworth, Chief Mate, 2, 3, 24, 53,
54, 56, 58, 6370, 734, 100, 104,
129, 155, 162, 181
Kittys Rival, 49
The Lady Maud, 10910, 111, 132,
1367, 161, 172, 175, 182
The Last Entry, 11920, 133, 134, 158,
Lifes Masquerade, 2, 223, 56, 60, 88
List, Ye Landsmen!, 91, 1034, 133, 158,
The Little Loo, 40, 51, 56, 847, 88, 89,
101, 109, 169
Marooned, 8990, 1023, 105, 11215,
132, 133, 147, 151, 1756
A Marriage at Sea, 1278, 1378, 169,
Master Rockafellars Voyage, 1356, 166,
Memoirs of Mrs Laetitia Boothby, 246,
39, 59
The Middys Yarn, 9, 17
Mrs Dines Jewels, 1345
My Beautiful Neighbour, 4950, 61

My Danish Sweetheart, 104, 11819,
1323, 144, 175, 182
My First Book, 3, 6, 11, 37, 71, 82
My Shipmate Louise, 90, 91, 93, 1001,
106, 11216, 118, 141, 143, 158,
170, 181
My Watch Below, 28, 169
The Mystery of Ashleigh Manor, 3, 50,
523, 60, 61, 79
A Noble Haul, 146
Overdue, 130, 170, 17980
Perplexity, 39, 403, 44, 48, 59
The Phantom Death and Other Stories,
Pictures from the Life of Nelson, 178
The Pretty Polly, 135, 170, 175
Representative Actors, 16, 24
The Romance of Jenny Harlowe, 133, 134,
The Romance of a Midshipman, 1617,
146, 151, 169, 179
Rose Island, 101, 179
Sailors Language, 31
A Sailors Sweetheart, 27, 28, 56, 889,
110, 132, 1545, 161, 172, 177
A Sea Queen, 89, 28, 98, 99, 11618,
143, 144, 154, 169, 171, 172
The Ship: Her Story, 33
The Ships Adventure, 13, 16, 100, 113,
151, 179
The Shipping Commission Viewed from the
Forecastle, 28
A Strange Elopement, 127, 134, 135, 181
A Strange Voyage, 11, 28, 32, 97, 99, 111,
132, 133, 174, 177
The Surgeons Secret, 39, 40, 434, 59, 85
The Tale of the Ten, 30, 90, 100, 133, 146,
151, 170, 175
A Tale of Two Tunnels, 134, 170
The Tragedy of Ida Noble, 134, 136
The Two Captains, 99, 178
A Voyage at Anchor, 1068, 146, 151
A Voyage to the Cape, 32, 178
What Cheer!, 28, 105
When George III was King, 246, 54, 56
Which Sister?, 501, 61
William Dampier, 33
Womans a Riddle, 49, 55, 568, 59



William Clark Russell and the Victorian Nautical Novel

The Wreck of the Grosvenor, 34, 6, 10,

13, 19, 27, 556, 69, 718, 823, 84,
856, 96, 101, 102, 113, 118, 124,
132, 143, 147, 154, 161, 166, 172,
177, 181, 182
Wrong Side Out, 129, 170
The Yarn of Old Harbour Town, 34, 179
sail, sailing ships, 18, 301, 969, 100,
1078, 112
see also steamships
St Clair, William, 24, 182
Saintsbury, George, 49, 523, 65, 91, 106,
Sampson Low & Marston (publishing firm),
201, 24, 31, 72, 92, 132, 134, 143,
150, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 1612,
1636, 167, 169, 170, 1734, 177,
178, 181
Lows Standard Novels, 155, 161, 162
San Francisco Chronicle, 1213
Saturday Review, 212, 26, 412, 52, 55,
634, 70, 823, 129
Scotsman, 43
Scott, Michael
Tom Cringles Log, 8, 87, 157, 166
sea story
American writers of, 1112, 120
and domestic environment, 656, 734,
912, 107, 109, 11011, 117
and female readers, 34, 6, 1367
as genre, 8, 10, 12, 818, 131
and juvenile market, 10, 84, 114, 1356,
153, 1636
and love plot, 34, 34, 646, 73, 82, 84,
912, 10916, 118, 12730, 140
as masculine form, 34, 702, 87, 118,
and merchant service, 3, 9, 1112,
2830, 35, 71, 74, 77, 82, 867, 131,
135, 182
nineteenth-century tradition, 811,
823, 84, 86, 153, 157
romanticism and romantic tradition,
78, 23, 578, 76, 989
traditions and history of, 713, 828
and yachting, 1011, 6970, 87

sensation fiction, 2, 4, 16, 20, 24, 3853,

568, 623, 64, 689
and reviewers, 38, 414, 46, 47, 4850,
59, 69
and the sea, 568, 623, 823, 12830
see also bigamy; deceased wifes sister
debate; marriage; women
serials, serialization, 27, 44, 50, 69, 92,
11011, 11314, 124, 13151, 1567,
160, 17980
American serial market, 144, 175, 180
Australasian serial market, 144
boys magazines, 1356
and censorship, 13843
Christmas numbers, 1345, 136
circulations, 133
girls magazines, 136
length, 1334, 135
monthly magazines, 1323
penny newspapers, 132, 133
provincial newspapers, 124, 14351
religious journals, 132, 133
weekly magazines, 1323, 138
womens magazines, 1367
series publishing, 156, 1613, 166, 1701,
1745, 1757
sevenpenny editions, 1812
Sharp, William, 4, 96, 1045, 13940
Shaw, George Bernard, 99, 111
Shelley, Mary
Frankenstein, 93
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 7
Shelvocke, Captain George, 83
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
A School for Scandal, 25
short story, 137, 146
Sinclair, Upton
Prince Hagan, 180
sixpenny paperbacks, 166, 1689, 181
Skene, Felicia
The Inheritance of Evil, 44, 46, 478
Smart, Henry, 19
Smollett, Tobias, 8, 82, 87
Society of Authors, 147, 150, 178
Speaker, 121, 182
Spectator, 84, 107
Sprigge, S. Squire
The Methods of Publishing, 178


steamships, 301, 967, 1078
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1, 96, 103, 105,
115, 158, 170, 175
and adventure romance, 38, 8891, 96,
103, 105, 106, 115
Catriona, 158
A Gossip on Romance, 8890, 91, 106
A Humble Remonstrance, 105
Treasure Island, 88, 89, 96, 1034, 136
Strand, 131
sublime, 78, 57, 76, 99
supernatural, 916
Sutherland, John, 3
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 1, 1314, 30
Swinnerton, Frank, 2, 22, 53
Tauchnitz (publishing firm), 172
Taylor, John A. (publishing firm), 175
Temple Bar, 39, 44, 50, 148, 1567
Tennyson, Lord Alfred, 37
Enoch Arden, 64
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 256, 54,
63, 65
Vanity Fair, 25
The Virginians, 25
three-volume novel, 1, 6, 9, 34, 5962, 64,
65, 82, 834, 86, 88, 116, 131, 154,
155, 15861, 179, 180
see also libraries
Tillotson, William, 148, 149
Tillotsons Fiction Bureau, 129, 14451,
177, 179
Times, 2, 21, 34, 105
Tinsley Bros. (publishing firm), 59, 62
see also Tinsley, William
Tinsley, Samuel (publishing firm), 59, 845
Tinsley, William, 33, 689
See also Tinsley Bros.
Tit-Bits, 133, 177
To-Day, 1323, 179
translations, 1, 170
treasure, 85, 86, 92, 96, 1034, 166
Trollope, Anthony, 389, 82
An Autobiography, 389
The Eustace Diamonds, 38
Tuchman, Gaye, 5


Turner, J. M. W., 78, 99, 155

Universal Review, 114
Unwin, T. Fisher (publishing firm), 146,
169, 1789
Little Novels, 169
Verne, Jules, 92, 155
Vimeira (ship), 17
Walpole, Horace, 39
Watt, A. P. (literary agent), 32, 13742,
14851, 160, 175, 178, 17981
Wells, H. G., 105
When the Sleeper Wakes, 92
Wheeler, Michael, 88
Wilde, Oscar, 13
Wolff, Robert Lee, 22, 52, 53
woman reader, 2, 46, 378, 39, 41, 45, 48,
712, 912, 109, 112, 118, 1367, 153,
1556, 158
as characters at sea, 76, 113, 11522
and class, 122, 1246
as narrators, 11617, 1202
as sailors, 11619, 1202, 1267
sailors wives, 11617
as sea captains, 11920
and sensation fiction, 4, 3943
see also gender; sea story
Wood, Charles (publisher), 22, 5960
Wood, Ellen, 22, 38, 62, 63, 156
East Lynne, 48
Lady Adelaides Oath, 57
Wordsworth, William, 98
see practical work and seamanship
Worlds Best Library, 181
Wynne, Deborah, 39

Yeats, W. B.
Reveries over Childhood and Youth, 13
yellowbacks, 162, 163, 169
Yule-Tide, 1345
Zola, Emile, 667

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