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Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Version 6.0 November 2002

Part Number: 0318

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission from i2 Limited. i2 considers this software product information to be accurate, and reserves the right to modify it without notice. The software product described in this document is licensed for use under a software license agreement.

The i2 logo and Analysts Notebook are federally registered trademarks of i2 Limited. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other products and services may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies and appear in this document for reference, and such reference is not intended to affect the authenticity of any trademark or service mark.

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i2 provides this document "as is", without representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, including without limitation any warranty concerning the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of such information contained herein. i2 does not assume responsibility for the use or inability to use the software product as a result of providing this information. The data presented in this document is fictitious and for illustration purposes only with no connection to, without limitation, past or present persons, organizations, identifying numbers, or circumstances, except by coincidence.

Addresses: i2 Limited, The Visual Space, Capital Park, Fulbourn, Cambridge CB1 5XH, UK Tel: +44 (0)1223 728600 Fax: +44 (0)1223 728601 i2 Inc., 6551 Loisdale Court, Suite 600, Springfield, VA 22150, USA Tel: +1 703 921 0195 Fax: +1 703 921 0196

Quick Start

Welcome to Analysts Notebook 6. Analysts Notebook provides powerful solutions for accumulating, investigating, analyzing and displaying complex information and relationships. This guide aims to introduce you to the key concepts and basic operations of Analysts Notebook. We recommend that you read this guide to familiarize yourself with the software before you start to read the other product documentation to learn more about Analysts Notebook. If you need more information or help using a specific feature you can press the F1 key at any time to access the online help.

Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide




Analysts Notebook is a graphical software product designed to display and analyze the intelligence relating to an investigation. It provides a wide range of methods to support you in your analysis, helping to navigate through large networks of data, unravel complex relationships and discover underlying interconnections quickly. With Analysts Notebook, you can create charts, both manually and automatically, using information from a variety of sources, such as personal knowledge, written reports, photographs, video clips, spreadsheets, e-mail, word processing files and databases. Analysts Notebook allows you to display and analyze the information in a visual form. Charts can depict: associations between entities such as people, places, vehicles and organizations

Call made by FARMER

456 FGT Black Saab 900 02703 871 117 Station Lobby Caledonian Road

Ow ner Target in Operation Crest. A joint police and customs investigation into drug importation, money laundering and forgery. Arcacia Investments

Associate Mr STEELE

Subscriber Marc BAKER


07786 162 534 Called Called RP4 RP3

Registered Ow ner Diverts to Called RZ/6 RP2


Mailing Address

Called RP1

Subscriber 5 Silver Street Crow nsville


White UK Registered

Box 518 Finchley Road Crow nsville


07787 563 412

No subscriber details available

Believed to crew on vessel


Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide


the flow of data such as telephone calls and financial transactions

01954 954 346 11 Jun 2002 12:15

452 152 2154 11 Jun 2002 12:10 10/06/2002 15:03:00 506 744 9802 11/06/2002 13:03:00 11 Jun 2002 12:12

328 098 1622

869 721 3966

16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30

how related events unfold over time

Thursday 2nd January 2003 19:00 21:00 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 Thursday 2nd January 2003 15:00 16:00 16:30 Thursday 2nd January 2003 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 18:50 00:00 10:00 Friday 3rd January 2003 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:3 18:00 18:30

Wednesday 1st January 2003


Meeting in Coffee Shop Kevi n DUPLEASE and Kent CORNEY met i n the Cozee Coffee shop in Crownsvil le. C21 Witness WS 460/879

Meeti ng at country club Kent CORNEY was seen with an unknown male in a country cl ub bar, j ust outsi de Crownsvi lle. A15 Officer DS 678/09

02 Jan 2003 15:30

03 Jan 2003 10:15


Meeting in hotel bar Kevin DUPLEASE and Mel MELDREW were observed drinking together in the Ritz bar in Crownsvil le. A15 Officer CS 611/02

Meeti ng in harbor Kevi n DUPLEASE was seen with an unknown mal e at Pool e harbor. Beli eved to be the same make that Mel MELDREW was seen wi th on 2 January 2002. A15 Officer DS 456/98

01 Jan 2003 19:30 02 Jan 2003 19:00


Meeting in Crownsvill e Mall Mel MELDREW was seen meeting with an unknown male in the Crownsvil le shoppi ng mall. A15 Officer DS 828/09

02 Jan 2003 15:00

Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide


You can also create charts containing a mixture of these types of information.
16:00 16:30 Wednesday January 1st 2003 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 21:00 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 Thursday January 2nd 2003 12:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 Thursday January 2nd 2003 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 Th 20


Meeting i n hotel bar Kevi n DUPLEASE and Mel MELDREW were observed drinking together in the Ritz bar in Crownsville. A15 Offi cer CS 611/02

01 Jan 2003 19:30


Meeting in Crownsville Mal l Mel MELDREW was seen meeting with an unknown male in the Crownsvil le shopping mall. A15 Officer DS 828/09

02 Jan 2003 15:00


Subscriber Unknow n Male 452 145 1222

02 Jan 2003 18:00 02 Jan 2003 21:00

Subscriber 156 124 1477 David YOUNG

Address 2 Arcacia Avenue Crow nsville

You can view the data on your chart from different perspectives. For example, you may create a chart that shows associations between entities, such as telephones and telephone calls. You can easily change the focus of your chart by changing the representation of items on the chart. Chart Reader Chart Reader is a freely distributed application that enables users who do not have access to Analysts Notebook to view charts that are created with it. Chart Reader enables you to visualize and communicate the information from your investigation, and share your results with others. With Chart Reader other users can view an entire chart, zoom in on significant details, search for and read the information behind the chart. They can also print any charts that are important to them.

Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Analysts Notebook Basic Operations

Analysts Notebook Basic Operations

Starting Analysts Notebook Start Programs i2 Analysts Notebook 6 Analysts Notebook 6


Start Analysts Notebook from the Programs group on the Start menu, typically:

When you start Analysts Notebook, the window shown below appears with a blank standard chart open for you to begin work.

Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Analysts Notebook Basic Operations

Analysts Notebook follows standard Windows conventions. If you are familiar with other Windows based applications, you will be familiar with how to perform the Analysts Notebook actions below. Action Select Move Cut, Copy, Paste Sequence Click on the object with the left mouse button. Select the object, hold down the left mouse button and drag it to the required position. Select the required objects, then select Cut or Copy from the Edit menu. Position your cursor in another chart and select Paste from the Edit menu. The following keyboard shortcuts are available for Cut, Copy and Paste respectively: Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. Select the object and press the Delete key.


Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Analysts Notebook Basic Operations

The following are basic Analysts Notebook operations. Toolbar button

Action Create new chart

Procedure Select New Standard Chart from the File menu. Select Open from the File menu.

Open chart

Save chart

Select Save or Save As from the File menu.

Import textual data Set up pages for printing Print chart

Select Import from the File menu.

Select Page Setup from the File menu.

Select Print from the File menu.

Edit chart properties Display time bar Turn grid on or off

Select Chart Properties from the File menu.

Select Time Bar from the View menu. Select Snap to Grid from the View menu.

Display page boundaries Display help on commands.

Select Page Boundaries from the View menu. Select Whats This? from the Help menu.

Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Analysts Notebook Basic Operations

Using the online help

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Analysts Notebook online help and use it extensively in conjunction with these guides. Viewing the help You can view the Analysts Notebook online help in the following ways: click the Help Contents toolbar button select Contents from the Help menu press the F1 key

You can display a help topic about a specific item by: clicking the Whats This? Help toolbar button, then clicking a menu command or toolbar button hovering your mouse over a toolbar button or menu command and pressing the F1 key to display help information relevant to the item you highlighted

In dialogs, you can display a help topic about a specific item by: clicking the Help button on a dialog to display information about that dialog clicking the Help button in the top right of the dialog and clicking on a dialog option clicking with the left mouse button on a dialog option and pressing the F1 key

Tooltips and the status bar To see the name of a toolbar button, hover the mouse over it. A pop-up hint, referred to as a tooltip, appears. Note also that Analysts Notebook displays a short description of the feature in the Status bar, which is located along the bottom of the application. For further information on how to use the online help, refer to the online help topic Using Analysts Notebook Help.

Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Features of Analysts Notebook

Features of Analysts Notebook

This section describes aspects of Analysts Notebook. It describes: Components of the application window the components of the application window the terminology used in dialogs each type of graphical component of a chart


The diagram below illustrates the components of the application window: Application title bar Toolbar Drop-down Windows control buttons palette list

Main menu bar

Toolbar button drop-down arrow

Toolbar button Icon

Palette bar Attribute entry

Attribute bar

Status bar

Shortcut menu


Scroll bars

Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Features of Analysts Notebook

Dialog terminology

The terminology used in dialogs is illustrated below: Dialog title Display area Formatted option Help button

Clear All button Wrap Text check box Wrap Text box Page List

Entities and links on the chart

A chart item is either an entity or a link. An entity can represent, for example, individuals, locations, organizations or objects. When you start building your chart, you select an entity type (for example Male, Female) from a palette and drag it onto the chart. When you add it to the chart the entity type becomes an entity, for example: Drag and drop it on the chart. It becomes an entity

Entity (on chart)

10 Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Entity type (in palette)

Features of Analysts Notebook

A link represents an association between two entities on your chart. Relationships, meetings and commodity transfers are all examples of links.

Associates John
Graphical components A chart can contain the following components:


Time Bar Label OLE Object Link Theme Line Attribute

Event Frame Time bar


Text Block



Shows the date and time of the chart space. It is useful to display the time bar when you are charting events that have occurred over a period of time. Often used to represent an object, for example person, place or commodity. Used to represent a happening, typically something that took place at a moment in time, for example a meeting or an appointment.

Icon Event frame

Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide


Features of Analysts Notebook

Theme line

Used to represent a key element of your investigation, for example a victim, witness, suspect or location. Theme lines provide a common thread, typically to represent a sequence of events over a period of time. Typically used to enclose a related collection of items, for example a place, organization or group. Often used for annotation on a chart. An object from another Windows application, for example a picture, text file, audio file or video clip. Text used to annotate your chart. A line drawn between two entities. A link represents a relationship between two entities. Relationships, meetings, and commodity transfers, are all examples of links. Allows you to show specific characteristics of items on your chart. Attributes can be added to links and entities. An attribute is typically shown below a chart item as a symbol, which may have a value. Nationality, Previous Convictions, Date of Birth, and Transfer Amount are all examples of attributes.

Box Circle, Text block OLE object Label Link


About palettes A user palette contains a collection of similar types for entities, links and attributes. For example, the People palette contains types for Male, Female, Child entity types, and so on. User palettes assist you to find the type of interest. Analysts Notebook is supplied with several palettes, but you can also define your own palettes. To display a different user palette, select a name from the drop-down palette list. Click the drop-down arrow to display a list of available palettes


Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Features of Analysts Notebook

Palette contents

The Standard palette contains all of the types that are defined in a chart. When you define a type it will always appear in the Standard palette but you can create subsets of the Standard palette, called user palettes. In the example below, there are two user palettes that are subsets of the Standard palette: Individuals and Locations. Some of the types defined in the People palette are also members of the Locations palette. You can add the same type to any number of user palettes. Standard palette

People palette

Locations palette

Choosing palettes

You can also choose a user palette by clicking the drop-down arrow on a toolbar button. For example, if you click the drop-down arrow on the Insert Icon toolbar button, you can choose a user palette and then select a type from it. This is the same as choosing from a user palette from the palette bar drop-down list. Insert Icon button Palette Icon type

Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide


Working with Charts

Working with Charts

The table below describes how to add graphical components to a chart. The diagrams after the table illustrate these operations. Action Add an icon Toolbar button Procedure


Click the drop-down arrow on the Insert Icon toolbar button and select an icon type from a palette. Alternatively, position your cursor on an icon in the palette bar, hold down the left mouse button and drag the icon onto the chart. Release the mouse button to position the icon. Position your cursor on an attribute entry in the palette bar, hold down the left mouse button and drag the attribute onto the item on the chart. Release the mouse button to add the attribute. You could also use the Attribute Bar to add an attribute to a chart item. Click the drop-down arrow on the Insert Box toolbar button and select a box type from a palette. Position your cursor on the chart and with the left mouse button still held down, drag the cursor to the opposite corner. Release the mouse button. Click the drop-down arrow on the Insert Event Frame toolbar button and select a type from a palette. Click on the chart to position the event frame. Click the drop-down arrow on the Insert Theme Line toolbar button and select a type from a palette. Click on the chart to position the theme line. Click the drop-down arrow on the appropriate toolbar button and select a type from a palette. Click on the chart to position the text block or circle.

Add an attribute to an item Add a box

Add an event frame Add a theme line Add a circle, text block

Add a link

Click the drop-down arrow on the Insert Link toolbar button and select a type from a palette. Click on the first entity on the chart and then drag the link to the second entity. Release the mouse button to complete the link. Drag all or part of a document that is in an open Windows application onto your chart. Alternatively, click the drop-down arrow on the Insert OLE Object toolbar button, select a type from a palette and create a new object or browse for an existing one in the Insert Object dialog.

Add an OLE object


Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Working with Charts

Adding icons and attributes

Set an items label by selecting it and pressing the F2 key. Type the label and press the Enter key.

Drag to add Drag to add an icon. an icon.

Drag to add an attribute. Drag to add an attribute.

Adding boxes Step 1. Click the drop-down arrow on the Insert Box toolbar button, and select the type from a palette.

Step 2. Hold down the left mouse button and start dragging down and to the right. Step 3. Release the mouse button.

Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide


Working with Charts

Adding event frames Step 1. Click the drop-down arrow on the Insert Event Frame toolbar button and select the type from a palette.

Step 2. Click to position the event frame.

Adding theme lines Step 1. Click the drop-down arrow on the Insert Theme Line toolbar button and select the type from a palette.

Step 2. Click to position the theme line.


Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Working with Charts

Adding circles and text blocks Step 1. Click the drop-down arrow on the Insert Circle or Insert Text Block toolbar button, and select the type from a palette. To find the appropriate toolbar button, hover your mouse over a button. A tooltip containing the name of the button is displayed.

Step 2. Click to position the circle or text block.

Adding OLE objects Step 1. Click the drop-down arrow on the Insert OLE Object toolbar button, and select the type from a palette.

Step 2. Create a new OLE Object or browse for an existing file.

Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide


Working with Charts

Adding a link between entities Step 1. Click the drop-down arrow on the Insert Link toolbar button and select the type from a palette.

Step 2. Click on the first entity and drag to the second entity. Release the mouse button to complete the link.

Adding a link between theme lines Step 1. Click the drop-down arrow on the Insert Link toolbar button and select the type from a palette.

Step 2. Click on the first theme line and drag to the second theme line. Release the mouse button to complete the link.

18 Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Working with Charts

Entity and link information

When you add an entity or link to your chart you can add various pieces of information to it. The example below shows an event frame with all of this information added, but you can add this information to any entity representation or link. Double-click on an item to add further information to it. Pin

Label Type Icon Type Name Source Type Date & Time

Meeting in hotel bar SMITH and JONES met in a hotel bar in London. Event Record A 15 TR 150203
Description Grades Source Reference

15 Jan 2002 15:30

You can add the following types of information to a chart item: Pin If the pin is turned on it fixes the position of the item relative to other items on the chart. If the pin is turned off the item can be freely moved around the chart. A short description of the entity or link. Detailed description of the entity or link. The icon used to represent the entity. The name of the type used to represent the entity. The grading of the information represented by the entity or link. A description of the source of the information. Examples of source types are Officer, Witness, Record. A reference for the information. An example of a source reference is a document reference number. The date and time of the entity or link. This is particularly useful when adding an event frame to illustrate when a happening took place. The date and time can be the formatted date and time, for example 10 Jun 2002 18:25, or a description of the date and time, for example when a happening took place, such as in the afternoon. The date and time also contains the time zone of an item.
Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide 19

Label Description Type Icon Type Name Grades Source Type Source Reference Date & Time

Working with Charts

You can further adapt an entity or link by: Identities and labels choosing which parts of the information you want to display on your chart adding cards adding attributes

Each entity has a unique name called its identity, for example, a license plate, telephone number or account number. Usually this is displayed below the entity (as its label). To retain the identity of an entity but display a different label, double-click on the entity. On the Identity page, turn on the Label is Different from Identity check box and type the new label in the Label box.


Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Working with Charts


You can attach cards to an entity or link to include additional textual information with it. Double-click on an item and select Cards then Cards List to see the cards that are included with that item.


You can add a legend (or key) to your chart to indicate, for example, the meaning of different colors or icons. Select Legend from the Format menu. Double-click on a legend to edit it. In the Edit Legend dialog, double-click on a legend entry to edit it. Delete an entry by selecting it and clicking Delete.

Double-click on a legend to edit it.

Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide


Working with Charts


Before printing a chart, you need to assign page settings appropriate to the chart and printer. Choose the printer first by selecting Printer Setup from the File menu. Then select Page Setup from the File menu to assign page settings. Step 1. Select paper size and orientation.

Step 2. Set the margins.

Step 3. Click Adjust and select the page adjustment option for your chart.

Before you print a chart you can move any chart items that are close to the page boundaries by performing a Print layout. Click the Print chart layout toolbar button to do this. Select Print from the File menu and complete the Print dialog to print your chart. Alternatively click the Print toolbar button. Example charts Some example charts have been provided with Analysts Notebook. These charts are typically found in: Program Files Analysts Notebook 6 Examples


Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Working with Charts

Navigating charts

You can view an open chart in different ways using the toolbar buttons, keyboard keys, or your mouse wheel. For example, you can zoom out to see more of a chart and then zoom in on part of the chart. The zooming options are described in the table below. Toolbar button

Action Zoom In

Procedure Click the Zoom In toolbar button to zoom in on your chart. Alternatively, press the Page Up key. Click the Zoom Out toolbar button to zoom out of your chart. Alternatively, press the Page Down key. Click the Zoom to Area toolbar button to zoom to an area of your chart. Click and drag around the area of the chart that you want to zoom to. Then release the mouse button. Click the Actual Size toolbar button. The items on the chart are displayed at their actual size. Alternatively, press the Home key. Click the Fit Chart in Window toolbar button or press the End key to display the whole chart in the current window. Click the Fit Height in Window toolbar button to display the height of the chart in the current window. Click the Fit Selection in Window toolbar button to display the selected items in the current window.

Zoom Out

Zoom to Area

Actual Size

Fit Chart in Window

Fit Height in Window Fit Selection in Window

Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide


Working with Charts

You can use the arrow keys on the numeric keypad to navigate around a chart. Action Scroll right Scroll left Scroll up Scroll down Move a page to the right Move a page to the left Move up a page Move down a page Procedure Press the Right arrow key. Press the Left arrow key. Press the Up arrow key. Press the Down arrow key. Hold down the Shift key and press the Right arrow key. Hold down the Shift key and press the Left arrow key. Hold down the Shift key and press the Up arrow key. Hold down the Shift key and press the Down arrow key.

If your mouse has a wheel, you can use it to navigate around your chart. Action Scroll Up/Down Scroll Left/Right Zoom In/Out Automatically panning the chart Mouse wheel movement Rotate the wheel forwards and backwards. Hold down the Shift key, and rotate the wheel forwards and backwards. Hold down the Ctrl key, and rotate the wheel forwards and backwards. You can move to a different part of a chart (pan) by clicking the mouse wheel to place an origin mark on your chart. As you move your mouse over the origin mark the cursor changes to a pointer. The chart moves in the direction of the pointer. Click the mouse wheel to remove the origin mark. The further the pointer moves away from the origin mark, the faster the chart moves (pans).


Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Working with Charts


In Analysts Notebook you can turn on the grid to help you to align items on the chart. Aligning items on the chart can make your chart easier to read and therefore better for presentation purposes. You can choose whether or not the grid is on. If the grid is on you can choose to display grid marks. Grid marks are a series of rows and columns of small dots. You can specify the horizontal and vertical spacings of the grid. Grid marks are not printed. Click the Grid On or Off toolbar button to display the grid.

Grid marks, displayed as vertical and horizontal dots. When you add an entity it will be aligned with the grid

Drag the entity to align it to the grid.

Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide


Working with Charts

Background items

A background item, as the name suggests, is an item that is placed in the chart background. Any chart item can be made into a background item, including all entity representations and links. A background item is typically an OLE object and can be used to show: maps floor plans organizational crests watermarks

To make an item into a background item, select it and then select Make Background from the View menu.
Shot heard Murder Investigation DISCOUNT 11 Jul 2002 02:58 11 Jul 2002 03:00 Police receive call Officer arrives at scene of crime Body discovered Forensics arrive at scene of crime Evidence discovered Forensics leave scene of crime

11 Jul 2002 03:30

11 Jul 2002 03:35

11 Jul 2002 04:30

Between 04:30 and 06:30

11 Jul 2002 06:30

Observed leaving Discount Warehouse 11 Jul 2002 02:59

Body found in plant (appears to have been shot) Evidence Discovered

Unknown Male Forensic Evidence




Forensic Evidence sent to laboratory Medical Laboratory

Body removed for autopsy Mortuary Body


MD's Office


Plant Manager
Discount Warehouse

PA's Office

This floorplan is a background item. It cannot be edited or moved until Make Foreground is selected from the shortcut menu.


Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Working with Charts

Change You can change the representation of items on your chart as the focus of your representation investigation changes. For example, you may have created a chart that shows when happenings took place in time, but the focus of your investigation changes and you want to look at the relationships between the happenings instead. First of all, select the items on the chart that you want to change the representation of, then select Change Representation from the Tools menu.



Telephone Call 28 Nov 2002 10:06 Seen in a hotel in the US STEELE, SHARP and KENT w ere seen together in a hotel in the US. At one point they w ere all looking at a navigational map on w hich STEELE made some markings. SHARP Off icer A15 Attendee DS 407 Off icer Meeting in cof fee shop All three met in a cof fee shop in Londo. SHARP and STEELE arrived in STEELE's car, KENT arrived on foot. At one point during the meeting they w ere studying a map. A 15 DS 408 Attendee 26 Nov 2002 10:30 Attendee

Telephone Call 28 Nov 2002 12:10

20 Nov 2002 22:48

Meeting in bar A meeting took place involving SHARP and KENT in a coff ee shop in London. A 15 Off icer DS 409

Telephone Call 28 Nov 2002 10:13 Attendee Attendee

28 Nov 2002, about 11 o'clock Attendee KENT

Attendee STEELE


Telephone Call 28 Nov 2002 12:10

Telephone Call 28 Nov 2002 10:05

Attendee Meeting in coffee shop 26 Nov 2002 10:30 SHARP

Attendee Seen in a hotel in the US 20 Nov 2002 22:48 Attendee

Telephone Call 28 Nov 2002 10:13 Meeting in bar 28 Nov 2002, about 11 o'clock

Attendee Attendee KENT


Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide



Find Text


You can search for text in all of the information that has been added to entities, links and cards, such as description, grades, and so on. Select Find Text from the Edit menu.

Enter the text to be located.

Visual Search

You can also search graphically for entities and links according to their labels, types, attributes and interconnectivity. Select Visual Search from the Analysis menu.

As you set the search conditions they appear in this window.

Set the label search condition. Set the date & time search condition. Set the attribute search condition.

Choose the areas of the chart that you wish to search Decide how you want to handle the results of the search


Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide


Find Path

You can also search for a path between two items on your chart. First of all, select the two entities that you want to search for a path between, then select Find Path from the Analysis menu.

Choose the direction to search in.

Decide how you want to handle the results of the search.

Set the entity attribute search condition. Set the link attribute search condition.

List Items

The List Items dialog displays all of the entities and links on your chart. You can sort the list and find items that are of interest and highlight them on the chart. Select List Items from the Analysis menu.

Step 1. Sort the items by any of their properties by clicking the appropriate column heading. Step 2. Select the items that are of interest.

Step 3. Click OK to select the corresponding items on the chart.

Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide


Importing Data

Importing Data


You may already have the data you wish to chart in electronic form, for example in a spreadsheet, database or word processor file. You can import textual data using the Importer in Analysts Notebook. To import data, you must first export your data from its repository to a plain text file so that the Importer can read it. You also need an import specification to tell the Importer how to interpret your data. You can then use the Importer to read and interpret your data and add it to your chart.



Text File

01954 954 346 11 Jun 2002 12:15

Analysts Notebook Importer

452 152 2154 11 Jun 2002 12:10 10/06/2002 15:03:00 506 744 9802 11/06/2002 13:03:00 11 Jun 2002 12:12

328 098 1622

869 721 3966


Import Specification Analysts Notebook includes some example import specifications for you to try. Select Import from the File menu, select one of the import specifications and click Run. A chart is created from the data in the example text file specified in the import specification. You can create import specifications to interpret your own data files. There are a range of other i2 products to import information that is not in text files, for example, information that is held in databases.


Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Laying out a Chart

Laying out a Chart


In Analysts Notebook you can choose to organize the contents of charts using a variety of layouts. Your choice of layout will depend on the type of data in your chart.

Timeline chart layouts

For timeline charts you can choose one of the following layouts: Grouped by Time Grouped by Time layout Ordered layout Proportional layout

Positions items that happen within a specified time of each other into groups.
Telephone 1 01 Jan 2002 09:30 01 Jan 2002 09:32 01 Jan 2002 09:35 01 Jan 2002 10:00 01 Jan 2002 11:00 02 Jan 2002 12:10 02 Jan 2002 12:20 02 Jan 2002 13:10 02 Jan 2002 14:10 02 Jan 2002 15:30

Telephone 2


Evenly spaces out items across the chart, irrespective of how much time is between them.
Telephone 1 01 Jan 2002 09:30 01 Jan 2002 09:32 01 Jan 2002 09:35 01 Jan 2002 10:00 01 Jan 2002 11:00 02 Jan 2002 12:10 02 Jan 2002 12:20 02 Jan 2002 13:10 02 Jan 2002 14:10 02 Jan 2002 15:30

Telephone 2


Rearranges items so that the time difference between them is accurately reflected.
Telephone 1 01 Jan 2002 09:30 01 Jan 2002 09:32 01 Jan 2002 09:35 01 Jan 2002 10:00 01 Jan 2002 11:00 Telephone 2 02 Jan 2002 12:10 02 Jan 2002 12:20 02 Jan 2002 13:10 02 Jan 2002 14:10 02 Jan 2002 15:30

Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide


Laying out a Chart

Association chart layouts

For association charts you can choose one of the following layouts: Peacock layout Peacock layout Circular layout Grouped layout Hierarchy layout

Rearranges complex groups of linked entities to highlight the structure of associations.




Thomas HAROLD Christophe TOTTIER Robert JONES


Gabe IBBOTT Dimitri ZANIER Rupert WARD

Anne JONES Telephone Paul TURRIEZ Samantha JARVIS



Michael BOSTON Michelle BERRES Flynn DUKE



Circular layout Rearranges entities around the circumference of a circle.


Malcolm DOWN

Dimitri ZANIER


Christophe TOTTIER



Michael BOSTON





Samantha JARVIS

Robert JONES


Rupert WARD

Michelle BERRES



Telephone Thomas HAROLD Tim GAMBLES Anita NORRIS Anne JONES



Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

Laying out a Chart

Grouped layout

Rearranges entities according to the links between them.


Dimitri ZANIER






Malcolm DOWN Christophe TOTTIER




Michael BOSTON Telephone Sue DAVIS


Samantha JARVIS




Margaret CASTE


Hierarchy layout

Rearranges entities into a tree-like structure, based on a starting point that you select, to reveal possible hierarchies.


Telephone Christophe TOTTIER

Samantha JARVIS









Malcolm DOWN Michael BOSTON



Flynn DUKE





Other Layouts

In addition to the layouts described above there are other layouts that you can use: Print layout This layout can be used to move items off page boundaries before you print a chart. Theme Line layout This layout can be used to arrange theme lines vertically on a chart, such that they are evenly spaced.

Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide





Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide aims to give you a general idea of the terminology and concepts involved in using Analysts Notebook. Hopefully it has helped you learn how to create basic charts. However, this guide only describes the very basic concepts, so we advise you to attend a training course and read the other Analysts Notebook documentation to learn the basic and more advanced techniques which will enable you to get the most out of your software. Training Your supplier holds regular training courses to help you learn how to use Analysts Notebook. Comprehensive online help is available within Analysts Notebook. You can access the help at any time from the Help menu or by pressing the F1 key. For further information on using the online help, refer to Using the online help on page 8. The following guides accompany the Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide, each of which provide extensive worked examples and explanations of the features within the application. Upgrade Guide This guide covers the differences in functionality and usage between Analysts Notebook 5 and Analysts Notebook 6. This guide covers how to use Analysts Notebook to create charts. This guide covers how to import data from text files to automatically create charts. This guide covers how Analysts Notebook can be used to customize and create templates and analyze and present your charts.

Online Help

Analysts Notebook Guides

User Guide: Creating Charts User Guide: Importing

User Guide: Customizing and Analyzing

All of the initial charts are provided for you and are typically located in: Program Files Analysts Notebook 6 Documentation Example Material We have also provided you with a series of finished charts. These reflect how your charts should look once you have worked through and completed each example. You may want to refer to these while you are working through the examples or at the end of each chapter to compare them with the ones you have produced.
34 Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide


Release Notes

Release Notes provide any last minute information which was not available when the guides were published. Thank you for purchasing Analysts Notebook. We hope that you enjoy using it and that it becomes a powerful aid to your analysis work. If you have any problems, please contact your supplier who is always willing to help.


Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide




Analysts Notebook 6 Quick Start Guide

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