EMEA Online Gaming Market 2014

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Publication Date: March 2014





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EMEA Online Gaming Market 2014

General Information
Product Details
Language: English PDF & Power Point 86 UK, Germany, France, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Russia, Poland, Turkey, UAE, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Senegal Single User License: Site License: Global Site License: 1,950 (excl. VAT) 3,900 (excl. VAT) 5,850 (excl. VAT) Format: Number of Pages/Charts: Covered Country:


Key Findings
Online gaming increasing on mobile devices and social networks in emerging markets of Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
In Europe, the UK led spending rates on digital game content, while Germany was the leading country by average monthly revenue per paying user. Online gaming is a vast market in the UK as nearly 20% of the population of the UK use the Internet to play video games. The online game market there has further growth potential because of the mobile trend. Tablets were the first choice of over a third of mobile device owners to play games in 2013 in the UK, while half of all tablet owners played games. In Germany, consoles and PC are still popular for gaming, but mobile and social platforms are gaining importance. Downloads generated the highest revenue on the online gaming market in Germany in 2013. Mobile game sales also grow. The most popular types of games played in Germany are strategy, casual and action games. In France, digital games are expected to grow and take a large share of the total video games market, while physical games sales decline. The revenues of the digital gaming market in France grew by over 10% in 2013, while the share of digital gaming on the total gaming market increased. Computer was the device most frequently used for gaming in France last year, followed by smartphone. In Belgium, the largest group of gamers played social or casual games, with the mobile gaming audience also being significant. A similar pattern was observed in Spain, and in Italy the PC and consoles are still used more for games than smartphones and tablets. The emerging markets Turkey and Poland were ahead of Western European countries in terms of the share of online gamers on Internet users in 2013. Eastern European countries also had a higher share of users who play networked games than in Western Europe, with Croatia in the lead. In Poland, computer games remained a major segment of the gaming market in 2013, but social, mobile games and online MMOs are catching up. In Turkey, over 20 million people play games online regularly, with social games being the largest contributors to this number. In Russia, the online gaming market is booming, with still more growth expected from the mobile and social platforms. The online gaming market grew by over 20% in Russia, with MMO being the largest segment, followed by social. The number of mobile gamers in Russia is forecasted to increase annually to reach over 60 million in 2016, with around the same number playing online games other than on mobile devices. In the Middle East, a quarter of Internet users in the UAE play or download video games or computer games online, almost double the share in 2010. Moreover, over 10% of mobile users in the UAE download games on mobile. In Jordan and Saudi Arabia, the most visited gaming websites have a monthly audience reach of over 10% of Internet users in those countries. Online gaming revenues in South Africa are forecasted to grow by a small-double digit percentage between 2013 and 2017. Mobile gaming outperforms pure online gaming by far in South Africa, with the revenues differing by several times. In other African countries, such as Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya and Senegal, online and mobile gaming is also gaining popularity, with a small double-digit share of Internet users engaging in this activity on their mobile devices and PCs. - 2 -

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EMEA Online Gaming Market 2014

Table of Contents (1 of 3)
Top 3 Markets in Western Europe by Digital Game Content Sales, 2012 Share of Online Gamers on Total Internet Users, in %, by Selected Countries, 2013 Share of Internet Users Playing Networked Games with Other Persons, by Countries, in %, 2012 Share of Players Who Pay for Mobile Games, 2012 Average Monthly Revenue Per Paying User in Free-to-Play MMOs, by Selected Countries, 2012

3.2. GeRmaNy (TOp COuNTRy)(CONT.)

Number of Mobile Games Sold, in million, Sales, in EUR million, and Average Game Price, in EUR, by Games for Mobile Phones and Smartphones, Games for Mobile Consoles and Total, H1 2012 & H1 2013 In-Game Purchases of Virtual Goods, in EUR million, 2012, 2013e & 2017f Number of Online Gamers, by Game Type, in millions, 2013 Devices Used for Playing Games, in % of Gamers, 2013 Devices Used Most Frequently for Playing Games, by Used Daily and At Least Once a Week, in % of Gamers, March 2013 Share of Gamers Who Pay for Games, in %, 2013 and Breakdown of Game Spending, by Type, in %, 2013 Top 6 Categories of Most Visited Websites, Incl. Gaming, in % Internet Users, June 2013 Most Popular Types of Games, by Total, Male and Female Gamers, in %, 2013

3. WesTeRN euROpe 3.1. uK (TOp COuNTRy)

Online Gaming Market Trends, 2014 Online Game Spending, in GBP million, 2011 & 2012 Online Game Spending, in GBP million, 2011 & 2012 Mobile Game Spending, in GBP million, 2010 & 2013f Share of Individuals Who Play Video Games Online, in %, Q3 2013 Share of Individuals Aged 16 - 34 Who Play Games Online, in %, 2012 Average Time Spent Playing Online Games per Week, in % of Individuals Aged 16 - 34, 2012 Share of Tablet Owners Who Play Games on Tablet, in %, 2013 and Mobile Devices Used the Most for Playing Games, in % of Users, 2013 Breakdown of Total and Daily Mobile Gamers, by Gender and Age, in %, April 2013 Breakdown of Users Who Purchased Mobile Games and Who Download Mobile Games for Free, by Platform, in %, April 2013 Breakdown of In-Game Purchases for Mobile Games, by Type, April 2013

3.3. fRaNCe (TOp COuNTRy)

Online Gaming Trends, 2014 Digital Gaming Revenues, in EUR million, 2012 & 2013e Share of Digital Gaming on Total Gaming Revenues, 2012 & 2013e Breakdown of Frequency of Usage of Devices for Gaming, by Device, in % of Gamers, 2013 Share of Gamers Who Bought Digital Games at Least Once, by Age Group, in %, 2013 and Share of Gamers Who Prefer Buying Digital Games over Physical, in %, 2013

3.4. BeLGIum
Number of Gamers, by Platform, in millions, 2013 and Share of Gamers Who Pay for Games, in %, 2013

3.2 GeRmaNy (TOp COuNTRy)

Online Gaming Trends, 2014 Online Gaming Revenues, by Downloads, Subscriptions and Payments for Online and Browser Games, and In-Game Purchases, in EUR million, 2011, 2012 & H1 2013

3.5. DeNmaRK
Share of Online Shoppers Purchasing Video Games Software Online, in %, by Age Group, Gender and Total, 2010-2013

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EMEA Online Gaming Market 2014

Table of Contents (2 of 3)
3. WESTeRN euROpe (CONT.) 3.6. ITaLy
Number of Gamers, by Platform, in millions, 2013 and Share of Gamers Who Pay for Games, in %, 2013

4. EasTeRN euROpe (CONT.) 4.1. RussIa (CONT.)

Free-To-Play MMO Market Data, Including Monthly Users, in million, Average Revenue Per Paying User, in USD, Conversion Rate, in %, 2013 Breakdown of Payments in Online Gaming, by Method, in %, January 2012 and January 2013

3.7. NeTHeRLaNds
Breakdown of Video Gaming On Different Platforms, by Frequency, in % of Gamers, 2013 Share of Device Owners Who Purchased Games and Virtual Goods for Games, by Tablet and Smartphone, in %, July 2013

4.2. pOLaNd
Online Gaming Trends, 2014 Share of Online Gamers on Internet Users, in %, 2013

3.8. spaIN
Number of Gamers, by Platform, in millions, 2013 and Share of Gamers Who Pay for Games, in %, 2013

4.3. TuRKey
Online Gaming Trends, 2014 Share of Online Gamers on Internet Users, in %, 2013

3.9. sWedeN
Share of Individuals Purchasing Video or Computer Games Software Online, in %, by Age Group, Gender, Gender and Total, 12 Months to March 2013

5. mIddLe easT 5.1. uae (TOp COuNTRy)

Share of Internet Users Who Play or Download Video Games or Computer Games Online, in %, 2010 & 2012 Breakdown of the Most Purchased Product Categories in B2C E-Commerce, Incl. Downloadable Games, in % of Online Shoppers, 2012 Share of Mobile Users Who Download Games on Mobile, by Frequency, in %, 2010 & 2012 Top Gaming Websites, Ranked by Monthly Reach of Internet Users, in %, 2012

4. easTeRN euROpe 4.1. RUssIa (TOp COuNTRy)

Online Gaming Trends, 2014 Gaming Revenues, by Segment and Total, in USD million, 2010 2012 Share of Online on Total Gaming Market, in %, 2010 - 2012 and Breakdown of Online Gaming Market, by Segment, in % of Total Gaming Market, 2010 2012 Online Gaming Revenues, in USD million, 2011 & 2013e Number of Online Gamers, in million, 2012 & 2016f Number of Mobile Gamers, in million, 2012 & 2016f Breakdown of Gamers by Gender, Age Group and Income, by Browser Gamers and Social Gamers, in %, 2012

5.2. JORdaN
Top Gaming Websites, Ranked by Monthly Reach of Internet Users, in %, 2012

5.3. saudI aRaBIa

Top Gaming Websites, Ranked by Monthly Reach of Internet Users, in %, 2012

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EMEA Online Gaming Market 2014

Table of Contents (3 of 3)
6. afRICa 6.1. sOuTH afRICa (TOp COuNTRy)
Online Gaming Revenues, in ZAR million, 2012, 2013e & 2017f Mobile Gaming Revenues, in ZAR million, 2012, 2013e & 2017f Purposes of Internet Usage, Incl. Playing or Downloading Video Games or Computer Games, in % of Internet Users, by Urban and Rural, 2012 Product Categories Purchased Online, in % of Internet Users, November 2012

6.4. GHaNa
Frequent Online Activities, by Performed on a Computer and Mobile Phone, Incl. Gaming, in % of Urban Internet Users, 2012

6.5. NIGeRIa
Frequent Online Activities, by Performed on a Computer and Mobile Phone, Incl. Gaming, in % of Urban Internet Users, 2012

6.2. eGypT
Top Gaming Websites, Ranked by Monthly Reach of Internet Users, in %, 2012

6.6. KeNya
Frequent Online Activities, by Performed on a Computer and Mobile Phone, Incl. Gaming, in % of Urban Internet Users, 2012

6.3. eTHIOpIa
Frequent Online Activities, by Performed on a Computer and Mobile Phone, Incl. Gaming, in % of Urban Internet Users, 2012

6.7. seNeGaL
Frequent Online Activities, by Performed on a Computer and Mobile Phone, Incl. Gaming, in % of Urban Internet Users, 2012

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EMEA Online Gaming Market 2014



We deliver the facts you make the decisions

Gaming was a frequent online activity carried out on computers by XX% of urban Internet users in Kenya in 2012.
Kenya: Frequent Online Activities, by Performed on a Computer and Mobile Phone, Incl. Gaming", in % of Urban Internet Users, 2012
Social Networking Music/Video Information Searching Reading News Instant Messaging Gaming Online Shopping Travel Bookings Online Banking



40% 60% in % of Urban Internet Users Mobile Phone Computer



Source: revealed in the original report

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EMEA Online Gaming Market 2014

General Methodology of our Market Reports: The reports include the results of secondary market research: By using various sources we ensure maximum objectivity for all obtained data. As a result companies get a precise and unbiased impression of the market situation. Cross referencing of data was conducted in order to ensure validity and reliability. The reports contain a Management Summary, summarizing the main information provided in each chapter. Besides providing information on the specific topic, every chart contains an Action Title, which summarizes the main statement of the chart and a Sub Title, which gives information about the country, the topic, the unit or currency, and the time period the dataon the chart refers to. Furthermore, the source of information and its release date are provided on every chart. It is possible that the information included in one chart is derived from several sources. Then, all sources are mentioned on the chart. If available, additional information about the data collection, for example the time of survey and number of people asked, is provided in the form of a note. In some cases, the note (also) contains additional information needed to fully understand the contents of the respective data. When providing information about amounts of money, local currencies were mostly used. When referencing them in the Action Title, the EUR values are also provided in brackets. The conversions are always made using the average currency exchange ratefor the respective time period. Should the currency figure be in the future, the average exchange rate of the past 12 months is used. The reports include mainly data from the last 12 months. The exact publication dates are mentioned in every chart.

Methodology for our EMEA Online Gaming Market Reports: This report contains a Management Summary, summarizing the main information provided in each chapter. Chapter number two of this report covers the regional development in Europe, such in mobile gaming, and country comparisons in terms of online and social gaming. The remaining chapters are divided by sub-regions: Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa. In the each sub-regional chapter, top countries in the respective sub-region are covered first. Depending on data availability, market trends, revenues and information about gamers were included for the top countries. The top countries were identified based on the online gaming revenues: UK, Germany and France in Western Europe, Russia in Eastern Europe, the UAE in the Middle East and South Africa in Africa. The remaining countries covered in each region are listed alphabetically, with scope and types of data provided varying based on data availability.

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EMEA Online Gaming Market 2014

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EMEA Online Gaming Market 2014

Selected Reports
Report Publication Date Price (excl. VAT)*
Global Online Gaming Market 2014 Global Online Gaming Snapshot 2014 Europe Online Gaming Market 2014 Global Mobile Gaming Market 2014 Global Global Global Global Global Global B2C E-Commerce and Online Payment Report 2013 B2C E-Commerce Market Report 2013 B2C E-Commerce Sales & Shares Report 2013 Online Payment Methods Report 2013 - First Half 2013 Online Payment Methods Report 2013 - Second Half 2013 Clothing B2C E-Commerce Report 2013 February 2014 March 2014 March 2014 February 2014 May 2013 March 2013 July 2013 April 2013 November 2013 July 2013 September 2013 January 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 2,950 950 1,450 1,950 6,450 5,450 2,950 4,450 3,950 3,950 3,950 2,950 1,450 2,450 2,450

Europe B2C E-Commerce Report 2013 MENA B2C E-Commerce Report 2014 Turkey B2C E-Commerce Report 2014 Africa B2C E-Commerce 2013 Latin America B2C E-Commerce Report 2013
* Single User License

Selected References
Internet, Retail, Consulting, Finance and Other Companies
Internet Companies: Retail Companies: Finance Companies: Google Amazon Avira Skype First Data Citrix Online Wirecard 1 & 1 Consulting Companies: Other Companies: Skrill / Moneybookers Deutsche Telekom bwin Interactive Entertainment

OTTO Group

Credit Suisse Bank of America Merrill Lynch Goldman Sachs

Costco Morgan Stanley Diesel

eBay Tchibo direct

Citigroup Oppenheimer & Co.

Digital River

Deloitte Boston Consulting Group Bain & Company

BASF Red Bull Lego Beiersdorf Xerox

CyberSource Accenture Brightcove

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EMEA Online Gaming Market 2014

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EMEA Online Gaming Market 2014

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As regards property damage and financial loss, such liability is limited to typical and foreseeable damages; in no event will we be liable for any incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages, loss of profits or loss of data in such case. 8.3  Our liability for damages under warranties (Beschaffenheitsgarantien) is limited to instances in which the warranty expressly includes such liability. 8.4  Claims for the reimbursement of expenditures and other liability claims asserted by the Customer against us are subject to sections 8.1 through 8.3. 9. CONfIdeNTIaLITy 9.1  The Parties shall hold in strict confidence for an indefinite period of time all data and information materials of which they gain knowledge as part of a Contract, be it orally, in writing or otherwise, directly or indirectly, provided that such data or information materials are designated confidential or must be considered confidential based on their nature, and shall use them exclusively as part of the services covered by the relevant Order. This duty of confidentiality excludes data and information materials that: a) were already known or accessible to any third party at the time of disclosure; b)  one of the parties legitimately receives from a third party following disclosure, and such third party is not bound by a duty of confidentiality in relations with the other Party; c)  must be disclosed by order of and to a government agency or another competent third party; and d)  must be disclosed to legal or tax advisors of the contractual customer in question for consulting purposes.  In the cases of Sections c) and d), the parties shall (i) promptly inform each other about a given request and prior to disclosing confidential information, and (ii) limit the disclosure of confidential information to the minimum required. 9.2  We may use the Customer as a reference so long as no contractual details are divulged. 10. JuRIsdICTION, GOveRNING LaW, MIsCeLLaNeOus 10.1  Place of payment is Hamburg, Germany. 10.2  All disputes arising from or in connection with any Contract between the parties shall be resolved through the courts of Hamburg. Governing law is German law.

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