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In compliance with the guidelines furnished us by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, we hereby reproduce the resolution adopted by the Massillon Board of Education on No ember 1!, 1"!#$

WHE%E&' (he Department of Health, Education and Welfare has published an implementing %egulation for (itle I) of the Education &mendments of 1"!*, which prohibits se+ discrimination in ,ederally-assisted education programs, and WHE%E&' specifically, (itle I) states. /No person in the 0nited 'tates shall, on the basis of se+, be e+cluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be sub1ected to discrimination under any education program or acti ity recei ing ,ederal financial assistance23 and WHE%E&' the published regulation, effecti e 4uly *1, 1"!#, describes how (itle I) will be enforced and how it applies to educational institutions, and WHE%E&' the law underlying the %egulation is based on the sound premise that, in a 5nowledge-based society, e6ual opportunity in education is fundamental in e6uality in all other forms of endea or, and WHE%E&' the regulation re6uired that during the ne+t year those in education begin searching selfe+amination to identify any discriminatory policies or practices within their institutions and to ta5e whate er remedial action is needed. (herefore, be it %E'789ED, that the Board of Education of Massillon :ity 'chool District state, and it hereby does state, its intention to assure compliance with the %ules and %egulations as set forth in (itle I) implementing the Education &mendments of 1"!*, and as affected by (itle 9I of the :i il %ights &cts of 1";<, and be it ,0%(HE% %E'789ED, (he 'uperintendent of 'chools be appointed as director of the self-e aluation study and be responsible for recei ing and e aluating grie ances related to discrimination on the basis of se+. and be it ,0%(HE% %E'789ED, that for at least three years following our self-e aluation, records be maintained describing the modification of policies and practices made and remedial steps ta5en$

7ffice of the 'uperintendent, "=> 1!th 't$ NE, Massillon 7H <<;<; ?==>@ A=>-=">>

MI''I7N B 9I'I7N '(&(EMEN( '(&,, &''ICNMEN(' DBI' CENE%&8 IN,7%M&(I7N 8ENC(H 7, ':H778 D&E '(&,, MEE(INC' D%E'' :7DE 8E''7N D8&N' '0B'(I(0(E (E&:HE% ,7%M %ED7%(INC (E&:HE% &B'EN:E FEE' C%&DE' (E&:HE%'G M&I8B7)E' 8E&9INC B0I8DINC D%7,E''I7N&8 8E&9E B7&%D 7, ED$ &DD%79&8 I(EM' '78I:I(INC IN ':H778 9I'I(7%G' D&'' H70'EFEEDINC D&%FINC E&(INC IN ':H778 :&NDE &ND ,77D '&8E' %E:7%D FEEDINC &((END&N:E D78I:E &DDE&8' D%7:E'' '(&,, D&I8E &((END&N:E D%7:ED0%E &((END&N:E %EC08&(I7N' ,7% '(0DEN(' (&%DIE' (7 :8&'' (&%DIE' (7 ':H778 '(0DEN( N7-'H7W' E&%8E DI'MI''&8' NEW '(0DEN( EN(%IE' WI(HD%&W&8 D%7:ED0%E I''0INC &ND :788E:(INC B77F' ':HED08E :H&NCE D78I:E C%&DINC ':&8E ,IN&8 E)&M E)EMD(I7N' &9E%&CINC 'EME'(E% C%&DE' B7&%D D78I:E #<*1 ,&I80%E 7, = C%&DINC DE%I7D' 'E:7ND 'EME'(E% (W7 7, (H%EE ,&I80%E (7 :7MD8E(E ,IN&8 E)&M ,&I80%E (7 D7 %EH0I%ED W7%F IN:7MD8E(E C%&DE' IN(E%IM D%7C%E'' %ED7%(INC &''ICN (7 H7ME IN'(%0:(I7N :&8:08&(INC ,IN&8 &9E%&CE C%&DE DINN&:8E C%&DE %ED7%(INC DI':ID8INE DI':ID8INE C0IDE8INE' DI':ID8INE :8&''%77M M&N&CEMEN( # ; !

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Massillon City Schools Mission Statement (he Massillon :ity 'chool District community will educate for E+cellence by challenging all students to achie e their highest potential in academics, arts and athletics$

Washington High School ision Statement &t Washington High 'chool, our aim is to empower all students to become lifelong learners prepared for the *1st century by pro iding engaging curriculum, integrated technology, and opportunities for critical reasoning and effecti e communication$

Sta!! A"minist#ato# Assignments an" Res$onsi%ilities Washington High School &'() * &'(+
Each staff member is assigned to an administrator. The administrators will be responsible for evaluating teachers who are assigned to them and handling any problems or concerns the teachers may have. All lesson plans, reports, etc., will be routed through the administrator to the Principal. Each administrator will oversee departments assigned to them, work in conjunction with each Department, attend department meetings, check weekly lesson plans, and periodically check grades.

RYAN SPICER Nurse/Librarian Social Stu ies S$ec% E % #eacher Ai es

BRAD WARNER Counselors Monitors Music/Art Science

RENEE PARR English !oreign Language &ealth/PE Math

JAMEY PALMA Business Career " #ech Consu'er Science

Allison, reg !arnhart, Allison !arstow, &ancy !artuseck, %egan #hovan, (eannae #onaway, *ich #onaway, *ich #ouch, "risti Derr, Denise Dickerhoof, reg +rank, $u,anne )ackenbracht, Dan )art,ler, Aaron 'eisure, %att %angle, #arla %enches, Tim %iller, #ale %oretta, 'indsay %urphy, "aylee Pace, Amy Plakas, Alyssa
*iemenschneider, Diane

!rahler, Amy #itron, %att Durbin, 'uke (oiner, David 'ongshore, !onnie %arceric, (amie %yers, Eric &eel, (ason Palaski, Ann Pope, %argaret Preusser, #hris Pullins, "evin *idgley, %egan *otthoff, Dave *ussell, (ames $cott, "lifton $mithhisler, (en $udomir, (oseph $unkle, $herry .ells, "athy

$eikel, $haron $inger, &icole $linger, $tacy $nodgrass, .endy $picer, "athleen $tallworth, #livette .alters, Tom .illiams, (udy

Anderson, "im !arker, Ashley !erbari, (im !iehl, !eth !ushman, Alyssa #alhoun, Adam Erichsen, %onica Evans, Adam riffith, 'indsay roenke, Dianne )amit, !renda )atheway, $tephanie )uffman, Darcy )uffman, (eff "ilgore, (ack %cArthur, (erry %c"inney, "elsey %iller, Diane Partridge, Tyrone Petro, Amy $orensen, (onathan Toomey, *ebecca .at,man, Debbie .illiams, "im

#raft, $tephanie Deitrick, "aren Dewald, !ill rimes, %ichelle )erring, "eith "ircher, %ark "richbaum, %itch 'a+leur, %ary Palmer, !arb Pearce, 'aura Plybon, (D *adel, Ann *eiter, %att *ichards, #huck $cheet,, Dave $ifferlin, !rian $prankle, (anice -ensel, "atie .enger, %organ

Setting Expectation Be Responsible

Arrive to class on time Use assigned locker ock !p val!ables "eep combination to yo!rself Use #all pass

$as# #ands Clean !p after yo!rself Report vandalism Use t#e closest restroom eave w#en finis#ed .o smoking Use sc#ool/work appropriate lang!age (no c!ssing) !se positive * non+ offensive lang!age, $ait yo!r t!rn

%ake yo!r tray !p w#en finis#ed& C#eck yo!r table before leaving t#e caf'& Report to yo!r assigned l!nc#& Remain in caf' d!ring l!nc#& Use sc#ool/work appropriate lang!age (no c!ssing) !se positive * non+ offensive lang!age, $ait yo!r t!rn in line Be friendly and #elpf!l

Be Respectf!l

Be "ind and Co!rteo!s

"eep moving Use sc#ool/work appropriate lang!age (no c!ssing) !se positive * non+offensive lang!age, Use a calm and -!iet voice .o p!blic display of affection /ick !p tras# * recycle Say exc!se me) please) t#ank yo! Help ot#ers in need

isten and follow directions

Help ot#ers in need

Help ot#ers in need

Be Cooperative


((-'&& The length o! the school "ay !o# inst#.ction in the high school shall not e/cee" si/ 012 ho.#s an" t3enty 0&'2 min.tes- Secon"a#y teache#s a#e #e4.i#e" to %e in the"ing !i!teen 0(52 min.tes $#io# to the o$ening o! the school "ay an" !i!teen 0(52 min.tes a!te# the closing o! the school "ay- The total "ay !o# high school shall not e/cee" se6en 072 ho.#s an" thi#ty 0)'2 min.tes- A""itional time 3ithin the total "ay may %e .se" !o# c.##ic.l.m "e6elo$ment an" in8se#6ice t#aining as may %e necessa#ySTAFF MEET9N:S ((-'; Ba#gaining .nit mem%e#s a#e #e4.i#e" to atten" sta!! meetings .nless e/" %y the <#inci$al an"=o# the S.$e#inten"ent- No mo#e than !i6e h.n"#e" se6enty 057'2 min.tes %eyon" the %a#gaining .nit mem%e# 3o#> "ay $e# school yea# shall %e esta%lishe" !o# the a%o6e mentione" meetings- Any in"i6i".al meeting may not e/cee" si/ty 01'2 min.tes in length- No mo#e than t3o 0&2 meetings may %e hel" $e# month- Agen"as !o# sta!! meetings shall %e "ist#i%.te" at least t3o 0&2 "ays $#io# to meeting- Meeting "ates 3ill %e anno.nce" at least one 0(2 3ee> in a"6anceDRESS CODE Dersonal appearance I as a minimum, dress should be clean$ Dress or appearance that constitutes a threat to the studentJs health or safety, disrupts the educational process, damages school property or is blatant se+ual e+hibitionism shall be prohibited$ (he administration encourages all staff members to dress professionally$

LESSON <LANS 8esson plans for the following wee5 of school are to be completed and gi en to the assistant principal on Monday by !.<> &$M$ Feep a copy in the top right hand des5 drawer$ 8esson plans will be e aluated wee5ly by your assistant principal$ ('-'5 Seating Cha#ts? Time Sche".les? Lesson <lans an" :#a"e Boo>s Seating cha#ts? time sche".les an" lesson $lans shall al3ays %e a6aila%le in each class#oom9n a""ition? c.##ent lesson $lans shall %e gi6en to the"ing $#inci$al $#io# to the %eginning o! the !i#st "ay o! the school 3ee>- When a teache# is a%sent !o# mo#e than one 3ee>? a##angements %e ma"e to ma>e g#a"e %oo>s a6aila%le to the teache#s"ing $#inci$alS@BST9T@TE TEACHER FORM (eachers are re6uired to complete /Directions for 'ubstitute (eachers3 forms and return them to the DrincipalJs 7ffice$ (he following records must be a ailable for a substitute and other super isory personnel. class roll including student aides. seating charts for the class, auditorium and gymnasium. and any other records which are needed for daily procedure$ (eachers returning from an absence are re6uired to complete the substitute teacher e aluation report and return it to the DrincipalJs 7ffice$ 'ubstitute teachers are re6uired to complete the 'ubstitute (eacher

%eport and return it to the DrincipalJs 7ffice$ :opies of both forms are found in floor plans, forms, and calendar section of this handboo5$ A@TOMAT9C ANSWER9N: SER 9CE FOR RE<ORT9N: TEACHER ABSENCE & telephone message recording system is a ailable$ (his system is called &E'7D$ (his communication system is at your ser ice *< hours a day. howe er, secondary school faculty should report off from school no later than ;.>> &$M$ on the day they intend to be absent$ (his is the latest hour that a substitute may be contacted and e+pected to arri e at classes on time$ Eou may call this number I ?A>>@ "<*-=!;! at any time, day or night$ When calling &E'7D, please ha e ID and DIN number a ailable, then follow prompts$ If you are applying for Dersonal or Drofessional 8ea e, complete this re6uest on the H% Fios5$ E70 M0'( &8'7 :&88 7,, 7N &E'7D (7 'E:0%E & '0B'(I(0(E (E&:HE%$ KE,S Feys will be charged out to teachers, who will be held responsible for them$ In no case should teachers allow students to use their 5eys$ :RADES A :RAD9N: & copy of Dinnacle grades or your grade sheets are to be filed in the guidance office at the close of school$ Crades should include the grade for the 1st, *nd, =rd, and <th 6uarters, semester and final e+am grades, and a final grade$ (he same is true for semester courses$ If a student has a passing a erage but recei es a failing final grade, please ma5e a notation as to why ?attendance failure, re6uired pro1ect not completed, etc@$ (eachers who use the grades sheets can pic5 them up in the main office or assistant principalJs office$ :#a"es sho.l" %e .$"ate" 3ee>ly an" catego#iBe" %y assessment? home3o#>? an" class3o#>TEACHERS MA9LBOCES It is necessary for you to chec5 your mailbo+ when you arri e at school and before you lea e in the afternoon$ :hec5 your mailbo+es before *.## D$M$ 0Do not sen" a st."ent !o# yo.# mail * no st."ents a#e to ta>e anything !#om any teache#s mail%o/2

LEA 9N: B@9LD9N: (eachers should not lea e the building during school hours without permission$ (his ruling does not apply to lunch$ It is helpful to 5now where teachers spend their conference period in order to deli er telephone messages$ Dlease sign out in the main office if you are lea ing$


<ROFESS9ONAL LEA E &ll re6uests for professional lea e must be filled out completely, including monetary costs, and submitted on H% Fios5$ Dlease remember that all o ernight and out-of-state trips need to be Board of Education appro ed$ Eou must also re6uest your Drofessional 8ea e on &E'7D to secure a substitute teacher$ BOARD OF ED- A<<RO AL 9TEMS &ny items that need Massillon Board of Education appro al must be submitted to the"ing <#inci$al office by 1*.>> pm two wee5s prior to the scheduled Board of Education meeting$

SOL9C9T9N: 9N SCHOOL No salesman or solicitor is to inter iew teachers during school hours$ Dlease e+plain this to your business callers$ Materials and literature must be appro ed by the high school principal prior to distribution$

9S9TORS <ASS 9isitors to Washington High 'chool during school hours are not permitted unless it is for specific business andBor educational purposes or as a specific part of school acti ities$ 0nder certain rare circumstances, a isitor may be permitted to isit other than for the abo e stated reasons if in the discretion of the &dministrationK the isit would enhance the educational en ironment of Washington High 'chool$ &ll isitors should sign in at the chec5 in table to obtain a isitorJs pass$ During the school day no babies or young children are allowed at WH' without administrati e permission$

HO@SEKEE<9N: It is important that teachers 5eep rooms, des5, e6uipment in order and as attracti e as possible at all times$


Neatness and cleanliness of person and apparel has much effect upon the habits ac6uired by the students$ (he public is as much concerned with the effect that your teaching accomplishment has on the li es of our students as the amount of sub1ect material you teach$ 0nwarranted damage to e6uipment should be reported at once$ (he proper care of boo5s and e6uipment is a responsibility which teachers must assume$ Dlease chec5 your supplies and room at the beginning of the year and stri e to maintain good conditions through the coming year$ <ARK9N: ,aculty should par5 in designated faculty par5ing areas$ Dar5ing on the grass, unpa ed areas, or dri eways is not permitted- <e#mits an" s$eci!ic $a#>ing a#eas 3ill %e assigne" to all sta!!<OL9C, STATEMENT ON EAT9N: 9N SCHOOL (he administration belie es that eating in class has a direct negati e effect on the atmosphere of the classroom$ (herefore, the following rules will be obser ed. 1$ No be erages or food ?including candy@ will be allowed in school without prior appro al by the administration$ Only %ottle" 3ate# is $e#mitte"*$ &ppro al for special occasions that re6uire refreshments must be obtained through the use of the acti ity re6uest form by teacher$ (eachers must pro ide special trash bags$ ,ood and be erage containers should not be disposed of in classroom trash cans$ =$ 'pecial occasions that re6uire refreshments may only ta5e place in non-carpeted areas or by special permission from the building principal$ <$ 'tudents that ha e no lunch scheduled must obtain a special pass from a classroom teacher allowing them to eat lunch in the cafeteria during their class time$ #$ No chewing gum is allowed at any time$ ;$ No !oo" o# %e6e#age 3ill %e sol"=$.#chase" %et3een %#ea>!ast an" l.nch an" a!te# l.nch mo"s!$ St."ents a#e not $e#mitte" to cha#ge %#ea>!ast o# l.nch'tudents are not allowed to lea e school to pic5 up food or refreshments$ ,ood deli eries may not be made to WH' during the school day$ No sta!! mem%e# is $e#mitte" to ta>e WHS st."ents o!! cam$.s !o# l.nch-

CAND, AND FOOD SALES (here will be no candy or food sales before or during the school day$


Reco#" Kee$ing
ATTENDANCE <OL9C, Secondary Students (Grades 9-12) 1. Parents/Guardians must call the school (330-830-3901, Ext. 51105) the day of the student's absence to report the student as absent. From 3:00 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. a message can be left on voice mail (330-830-7425). 2. If no phone call is received by 1:00 p.m., parents will be notified by a phone call. 3. If phone contact has not been made by the parent/guardian, the parent/guardian must send a note with the student when the student returns to school. If there is no note or phone call, then the absence is unexcused. 4. Students missing classes because of a tardy to school must follow the same procedure. If a parent does not call or send a note explaining the tardy, the absence from class is unexcused. 5. Unexcused absences may result in discipline and possible referral to Court Mediation, which may lead to further action through the Stark County Juvenile Court. 6. If the student brings a note because of a tardy or brings a note the next day because of a previous day's absence, the note should be taken to the Attendance Office. 7. No student may participate in or attend an after school activity if the student was not in school at least one-half day. If you are arriving late, you must be here by 11:10 a.m. If you are going to leave, you must leave after 11:10 a.m. 8. Students are allowed five unexcused absences per quarter without failure. A students sixth unexcused absence will result in failure notification. Missing over half a class due to an unexcused tardy is counted as one absence. 9. The notification procedure is as follows: (a) Third unexcused absence; student is notified and signs a form given to them by their mentor teacher. (b) Sixth unexcused absence: student is given a Pinnacle Absence Report by their classroom teacher and is notified that he/she has failed the course and will need to appeal. (c) The student must pick up an Appeal Form from any office, fill out the form completely and submit it to his/her principal. 10. In school suspensions (ISC) and out of school suspensions (OSS) do not count as class unexcused absences. 11. College visits are considered excused and do not count as a class absence. These visits must be documented on a form and signed by the parent and an official from the college/university being visited. Return the form to the Attendance Office. 12. A student may appeal to the Assistant Principal only if he/she has had the parent/guardian sign the attendance letter and has returned it to the teacher

who will submit it to the Assistant Principal. 13. A student failing a course due to attendance will remain in the course and continue to participate with the goal of receiving as much knowledge as possible. FOLLOW THESE STE<S FOR TARD9ES TO CLASS When a student is tardy to your class, place hisBher name on the Blue 8ist$ &dministration will ta5e care of the conse6uences for students that ha e accumulated tardies to your indi idual class$ Dlease ma5e sure you are also 5eeping record of student tardies to your class$ TARD9ES TO SCHOOL When a student reports to school tardy, he/she must report directly to the attendance office. A student may not go to his/her locker or restroom before getting a tardy slip. The student will sign a register showing that he or she entered the building at a given time. The student then receives an admit slip that should be shown to each teacher the student has during this day. A student who is excessively tardy to school may be disciplined. Missing over half a class due to an unexcused tardy is counted as one absence. Excessive tardies to class may also result in additional disciplinary action. School policy will follow these steps: 1. Fifth unexcused tardy within a Marking Period Principal assigns a detention and parent contact is made. 2. Eighth unexcused tardy within a Marking Period Principal assigns one day of ISC and parent contact is made. 3. Tenth unexcused tardy within a Marking Period Administrative decision on consequences. 4. More than ten unexcused tardies within a Marking Period Administrative decision on consequences. ST@DENT NO8SHOWS &bsence Drocedure for students who are on your initial class list but do not show up in your class at the beginning of the school year. 1$ :ontinue to report the student as absent until notified to stop by an &ssistant Drincipal or Cuidance :ounselor$ *$ %efer the studentJs name to the &ssistant Drincipal$ EARL, D9SM9SSALS 1$ (he student must get written permission from the &ttendance 7ffice in order to lea e school early to go to a doctor, dentist, court, etc$ (he student must show the teacher this slip before heBshe lea es class$ 7r if the student misses more than one period, heBshe must use this slip as an admit slip when he returns to class$

*$ =$

& student must sign out before heBshe lea es and sign bac5 in when heBshe returns to school the same day$ &ny student lea ing the building for any reason ?early dismissal, home ill from the clinic, wor5 study, etc$@ must sign in at the &ttendance 7ffice if heBshe returns$ 'tudents who plan to be absent for the entire day may not return to school that day without permission from the &ttendance 7ffice$ NEW ST@DENT ENTR9ES

When a new student enters your class, you will ha e a slip from the Cuidance 7ffice stating which class the student will attend$ Crades from a pre ious school or class will be gi en to you by the Cuidance 7ffice$ W9THDRAWAL <ROCED@RE &ssistant Drincipals are responsible for beginning the formal withdrawal procedures for all students$ In cases where any school personnel, teachers, administrators, or counselors become aware of a studentJs non-attendance and rumor is that the student has 6uit attending WH', it becomes /their3 responsibility to inform an &ssistant Drincipal$ When it is learned that a student is 6uitting for some reason and the student is present, as much of the schoolJs property ?boo5s, etc$@ as possible should be collected and turned in to the appropriate &ssistant Drincipal$ Eou will be notified of a studentJs withdrawal by email$ 9SS@9N: AND COLLECT9N: BOOKS (eachers are responsible for issuing and collecting boo5s$ (he following procedures should be followed. 1$ *$ Feep record in duplicate of the names and boo5 numbers of all boo5s distributed$ 7ne copy of your record is due in the DrincipalJs 7ffice on or before the end of the third wee5 of school$ If a student transfers to another class, :788E:( &88 (E)(B77F'$ 7n the stic5er inside the co er of each boo5 the teacherJs name, studentJs name, condition of the boo5 ?new, good, fair, poor@, the room number and school initials ?WH'@ should be written in in5$ Dlease be sure that the abo e information is written opposite the proper year$ &n accurate chec5 of all boo5s must be made at the end of the school year$ Dlease return your duplicate list of the names of the students and boo5 numbers to the department chairperson$ (his list must show the boo5s which ha e been returned and not returned or lost$ WASH9N:TON H9:H SCHOOL SCHED@LE CHAN:E <OL9C, (he students at Washington High 'chool will ha e e ery opportunity to select the courses that will meet their needs and interests plus fulfill their graduation re6uirements$



E ery student should de elop an indi idual plan that will lead to a post high school goal ?be it continued education, 1ob mar5et, or armed ser ices@$ (his plan will be re iewed and re ised each year to meet the changing needs of the student and insure graduation re6uirements are met$ It is ery important that the student and the parent or guardian ma5e good decisions about what courses and programs the student should ta5e$ 'tudents ha e many opportunities to learn about the content and re6uirements of all courses and programs$ Drogram of studies boo5lets are printed and gi en to e ery student$ :ounselors meet with e ery student to help the student decide which courses to select for the ne+t school year$ (he student is responsible for discussing the selected courses with hisBher parents$ (he parentJs signature on the studentJs plan sheet indicates that the parent is in agreement with the course selection$ If there are any 6uestions about the plan sheet, the parent should contact the studentJs counselor at A=>-=">1, e+t$ #11>"$ Each student will recei e a computer printout listing all the courses that the student selected$ (his will be gi en to the student sometime in May$ (he student must re iew this course listing and erify that all the correct courses are listed$ &ny changes of this list must be made at this time$ (he parent must again erify the course selection and any changes by parent signature before the listing is returned to the counselor$ &fter this course listing has been erified by the student and parent, and returned to the counselor, there will be no additional changes made$ (he only e+ception may be minor ad1ustments during the summer because of schedule conflicts or course failures$ (here will be no schedule changes made after the wee5 before school begins$ (he following information indicates school policy concerning student withdrawal from courses$ 1$ *$ =$ If a student wishes to drop a course for a study hall during the first grading period, there will be no penalty$ If a student wishes to drop a course after the last day of the first grading period, the student will recei e an /,3 for the course$ &ll students must be scheduled for at least si+ ?;@ class periods per day each semester$

E+tenuating circumstances, such as health factors, may pro ide e+ceptions to the abo e$ (he principal andBor his designated representati e will ma5e the decision on these cases$

MASS9LLON WASH9N:TON H9:H SCHOOL :RAD9N: Crading scale &s presented in the Board appro ed &dministrati e Cuidelines #<*1&$ (he following percentage grading scales will be used in grades "-1*$

& L "> I 1>> B L A> I A" : L !> I !" D L ;> I ;" , L > - #"

& L =$; I <$> B L *$; I =$# : L 1$; I *$# D L $; I 1$# , L > - $#

N7(E. &ny deflation from this scale must be clearly spelled out in your classroom management and appro ed by the principal$ F9NAL ECAM ECEM<T9ONS 7utstanding &ttendance 'tudents with outstanding school attendance for the entire school year will be e+cused from three final e+ams of their choice at the end of the year for full year courses$ If a student has one absence, tardy or early dismissal, the student will be e+empt from two final e+ams$ If a student has a combination of two absences, tardies or early dismissals, they will be e+empt from one final$ &ll students must ta5e semester course final e+ams$ (here are no e+emptions from semester course e+ams$ & student with outstanding attendance may opt to ta5e the e+am$ & list of students with outstanding attendance will be produced by the &ttendance 7ffice$ & student must not ha e any tardies or absences to recei e credit for outstanding attendance$ &lso, two college isits will be permitted per year$ (hese isits must be documented on a form a ailable from the &ttendance 7ffice$ (his form must be signed by the parent and an official from the college being isited$ It should be returned to the &ttendance 7ffice$ Early dismissals o er two hours are recorded as a half-day absence$ & student who cuts a class will ha e to ta5e a final e+am in that class e en if that student has outstanding school attendance$ (he teacher must notify the student of the cut as soon as possible after the cut$ (he teacher should write /must ta5e final e+am3 ne+t to the cut mar5ed on the attendance sheet$ If a student does not ha e all &Js or outstanding attendance in a yearlong class, the student must ta5e a final e+am$ &ll &Js & student who has an & all four grading periods in a full-year course ?not a semester course@ at the end of the year may opt not to ta5e the final in that year course$ It is the opinion of the administration and staff at Washington High 'chool that final e+ams do ha e educational alue$ (a5ing final e+ams better prepares a student for higher le els of education$ E en though you may opt not to ta5e finals by ha ing outstanding attendance or achie ing &Js in all grading periods you may still want to ta5e them to enhance the 6uality and e+tent of education you recei e while at Washington High 'chool$



(o a erage semester grades, double the grade for each 6uarter and add the final e+am grade and then di ide by #$ ,ailure of both grading periods for a semester course will constitute a course failure regardless of final point a erage$

BOARD <OL9C, 5+&( #<*1 I Deliberate ,ailure to do %e6uired :lass-wor5 ?as detailed in &dministrati e Cuidelines #<*1&@ 1$ *$ =$ & pupil who deliberately refuses to do assigned re6uired wor5 may ha e credit forfeited for a course regardless of the pre ious mar5s that ha e been earned in the course$ & pupil with the attitude that heBshe has accumulated enough grade points to pass a course and refuses to do daily wor5 may also forfeit credit$ E9E%E :&'E M0'( BE DI':0''ED WI(H (HE D%IN:ID&8 &ND (HE D&%EN( BE,7%E (HE IN:7MD8E(E /,3 I' &''ICNED$ &de6uate time for ma5e-up wor5 must be gi en after the parents ha e been notified$ FA9L@RE OF ) :RAD9N: <ER9ODS &ny student who fails = of the < grading periods will fail the course regardless of the final point a erage recei ed for the course$ ,ailure of = grading periods would constitute deliberate refusal to complete re6uired wor5$ SECOND SEMESTER TWO OF THREE &ll students must pass two of the three grading opportunities for the second semester$ It can be any combination of =rd grading period, <th grading period or the final$ In the e ent a student does not pass two of three, pre ious grades earned do not matter$ FA9L@RE TO COM<LETE F9NAL ECAM &ny student who is not in attendance to ta5e hisBher final e+am constitutes a failure to do re6uired wor5$ &n incomplete grade will be gi en for the e+am and an , for the yearly ?semester@ a erage$ & copy of the final e+am with that studentJs name on it should be placed in their permanent record$ 0nder certain circumstances and with permission of the administration a student may be permitted to ta5e that e+am during the summer$ FA9L@RE TO DO RED@9RED WORK 'tudents who fail to comply with teacherJs directi e to participate in class should be disciplined as per classroom management procedure$

9NCOM<LETE :RADES (here should be N7 incomplete grades issued$ & letter grade must be issued$ In the e ent a student has a legitimate reason to ma5e wor5 up, the teacher should change the grade once the wor5 is completed$ 9NTER9M <RO:RESS RE<ORT9N: 1$ *$ =$ <$ #$ ;$ &ll grades are entered into pinnacle$ &ll grades need to be entered as a numerical grade$ Each student may be gi en 1, *, or = comments per teacher$ &ll students are to be gi en interim progress comments$ If you ha e any 6uestions, see your department head$ 'tudents are not permitted to enter grades in pinnacle

ASS9:NMENT TO HOME 9NSTR@CT9ON D%7:ED0%E. 1$ & student who is placed on Home Instruction will ha e hisBher name listed on the absent sheet e ery day that the student is on Home Instruction$ *$ (eachers will be sent the name of the tutor and gi en the opportunity to decide who awards the grade$ =$ When you recei e notification that a student is being assigned to Home Instruction, you should start a file for that student$ <$ Dlace in that file all written study guides, tests and other handouts that you gi e the rest of the class$ #$ Ma5e a copy of your lesson plans, write the name of the student on the top right-hand corner of same and include it in the file$ ;$ Dlace the file in the Home Instruction mailbo+ in the DrincipalJs 7ffice$ !$ %e iew returned, completed wor5 and assign a grade for the student$ CALC@LAT9N: F9NAL A ERA:E :RADE 1$ ,or a full year course, add * times each 6uarter grade plus * e+am grades and di ide by 1>$ E+ample 1st B ; *nd E+am =rd <th E+am ,inal & B & B & B M A M = M A M ; M < L =# N1> L =$# ?B@

,or a semester course, add * times each 6uarter grade plus the e+am grade and di ide by #$ E+ample =rd <th E+am ,inal : & B B < M A M = L 1# N # L =$> ?B@


If a student is e+empt from ta5ing an e+am in a full year course, add * times each 6uarter grade plus first semester e+am and di ide by nine$ ,ull year courses 1st B ; *nd E+am =rd B & & M ; M < M A <th E+am ,inal & B M A L =* N " L =$## ?B@

=$ 1$ *$ =$ <$ #$ ;$ !$ A$

If a student is e+empt from your e+am, lea e the e+am column blan5$ <9NNACLE :RADE RE<ORT9N: When entering current grades always enter as a numerical grade$ New students will appear at the bottom of your class list$ If a student is e+empt from the final e+am, lea e the e+am column blan5$ If a student does not ta5e a final e+am and is re6uired to do so, you must o erwrite and mar5 an /,3 in the e+am column and o erwrite and mar5 an /,3 in the final grade column$ If a student does not ha e * out of = passing grades in the *nd semester, you must o erwrite and mar5 an /,3 in the final grade column$ If you ha e any 6uestions, see your department head$ 'tudents are not permitted to enter grades in pinnacle$ Dlease ha e grades updated each Monday morning by !.<>$

D9SC9<L9NE :@9DEL9NES FOR TEACHERS (he Board appro ed &dministrati e Cuidelines #;>>& states that teacher effecti eness and purposeful, well-planned acti ities are prere6uisites to good discipline$ Most students will e+hibit /good3 beha ior when they percei e the teacher is competent, consistent, fair, and supporti e of school policies$ (he following guidelines should contribute to effecti e discipline. &$ B :$ D$ E$ ,$ Establish fair, wor5able, consistent, and educationally-producti e procedures by which the classroom and other areas of learning will operate, based on an analysis of the program, the maturity le el of the students, and their needs, abilities, and interests$ Dlan and conduct learning acti ities that contribute to accomplishing specified ob1ecti es and goals, stimulate and encourage application of thought, and re6uire the acti e participation of the students$ Help set the tone for good discipline by modeling the beha iors e+pected of students$ Inform students of the high e+pectations regarding discipline and insist in their fulfillment$ Initiate parental contact where appropriate and necessary$ 'upport district and building administrators in disciplinary matters and a oid undermining the super isory guideline$


D9SC9<L9NE 7ne of our ob1ecti es as educators must be to pro ide an en ironment where students and adults can study and wor5 with efficiency$ (he following guidelines are to be followed by the staff of Washington High 'chool$ ,ollow the Beha ioral Matri+ that list the < Intensity 8e els of offenses$

:ommunicate with students If a studentJs beha ior interferes with the educational en ironment of your classroom ?including class cuts@, tal5 to the student pri ately before the situation gets out of hand$ Feep records Feep a record of your conference using date, nature of incident and solution$ &ssign detention (eachers may assign detentions in their own room$ :ommunicate with parentsBguardians :all the studentJs parentBguardian and as5 for assistance$ ,or e+ampleK /I ha e tal5ed to ?name@ on ?dates@ concerning ?name@ beha ior in my class, in the hallway, etc$ and felt that we had satisfactorily resol ed the problem$ Howe er, ?name@ has been interrupting instruction$ We must ha e cooperation on the part of our students in order to do our 1ob$ :an you help me or suggest some ways to help ?name@ perform appropriately in my classO3 8et it be 5nown that we will not accept inappropriate conduct or class interruptions on the part of any student$ Document times and dates of attempted phone calls$ If unable to reach anyone, chec5 with your &ssistant Drincipal for an alternate phone number$ If there is no phone, send an appropriate letter home and 5eep a copy for your records$ :ommunicate with the appropriate &ssistant Drincipal $ :omplete conduct referral$ (he assistant principal will re iew the case and act accordingly$ 7n the conduct referral show times and dates of phone calls andBor attach copy of letter sent to parents who had no phone$

WE WI88 BE IN :7N(%78 7, 70% :8&''E' &ND (HE B0I8DINC &( &88 (IME'$ WE :&NN7( BE '&(I',IED WI(H 8E''P CLASSROOM MANA:EMENT <RO:RAM &ll teachersBmonitors are e+pected to e+ercise sound, professional 1udgment in employing pre entati e, therapeutic and puniti e measures to promote acceptable student beha ior$ (his is go erned by each teacherJs /:lassroom Management3 program$ (he administration is re6uiring all staff to use the < :ore E+pectations and :lassroom %ules$ Each teacherBmonitor will re iew their management program with their students at the beginning of the school year and after semester brea5 to insure that all students ha e an opportunity to become familiar with his classroom$ No classroom rules may supersede building regulations$

DETENT9ONS Detentions may be assigned by the teacher$ (eacher assigned detentions will be ser ed with that teacher on a day and time that is wor5able and fair$ :ontact will be made to notify the parentBguardian of the detention and the reason for the detention$ If a student fails to ser e the teacher assigned detention, after parentBguardian contact has been made, then a referral may be submitted to the appropriate principal$ HALL S@<ER 9S9ON 'tudents should be instructed to 5eep mo ing in the corridors during the change of classes$ (eachers must assume the responsibility of 5eeping the traffic mo ing outside their rooms during class changes$ 'tudents who slow up the normal flow of traffic must be instructed to 5eep mo ing$ (eachers are re6uired to be outside their classroom in the hallway between classes, before school, and after school$ 'uper ision duties begin at!.## &$M$ and end at *.=> D$M$ CLASSROOM S@<ER 9S9ON (eachers are responsible for super ising their students in the classroom at all times$ (eachers may be held liable if a problem occurs in hisBher unsuper ised classroom$ HALL <ASS Each teacher should ha e a hall pass which may be gi en to a student who wishes to go to the office, restroom or some other part of the building$ (he student must accurately enter his name, destination, date and the time inBtime out on the hall pass report when the hall pass is issued to the student$ (his pass does not gi e the student permission to lea e the building or to wander throughout the building$ When your hall pass report is full, return it to the &ssistant DrincipalJs office for a new one$ &ny student found in the hall without a hall pass will be sent to instant I':$ S<EC9AL <ERM9TS & 'pecial Dermit is used to send a student to the clinic, to use in place of a Hall Dass in case of emergency, and to re6uest release of a student to another teacher$ 'pecial Dermits must be presented by the student to hisBher teacher at the beginning of the class periodK that teacher may or may not honor the 'pecial Dermit$ (eachers must fill out each 'pecial Dermit completely for one student only$ When issuing a 'pecial Dermit to a student, please fill out the hall pass report$ 'pecial Dermits may be obtained from the Main 7ffice$ (he 'pecial Dermit should be returned to the originating teacherJs mailbo+$ TOBACCO

'(0DEN('. It is recommended that the teachers and administrators enforce the e+isting policy concerning smo5ing$ 'tudents are not permitted to use tobacco in any form on or around the WH' campus ?including par5ing lots@ or carry cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, snuff, etc$ on or around the WH' campus$ (his rule also applies to field trips and any e+tra-curricular acti ities$ If a student is found carrying any of the abo e forms of tobacco in or around the campus, it is urged that the teachers remo e such from the student and place them in the hands of their assistant principal for further disciplinary action$ 'tudents using tobacco are to be reported to the assistant principal$ (E&:HE%' &ND N7N-:E%(I,IED DE%'7NNE8. &s per negotiated agreements, teachers, administrators and non-certified personnel are prohibited from using tobacco in the school building$ It is strongly recommended that there be no smo5ing anywhere on school grounds$ No teacher, administrator or non-certified personnel should use tobacco in the company of students while acting in the capacity of their occupations$ ?(his includes such things as speech tournaments, choir and band trips, coaching sports, chaperoning school sponsored busses, and dances, etc$@ C0E'('. (he use of tobacco is prohibited by all persons entering the school building for such acti ities as school plays, sports e ents, e ening school, etc$ TEACHERS RES<ONS9B9L9TES FOR 9-S-C1$ *$ =$ <$ #$ ;$ !$ Each teacher will recei e an email from the I': Director listing the students assigned to I$'$:$ for the day$ If a student is present in I$'$:$, mar5 their attendance appropriately and D7 N7( :70N( &' & :8&'' &B'EN:E$ If a student is absent from I$'$:, mar5 it as a class absence$ If a student is on the I$'$:$ absence list, do not allow that student to attend your class without a note from the assistant principal or I$'$:$ teacher$ If a student is in your class that should be in I$'$:$, send that student to I$'$:$ immediately and contact the I$'$:$ Director through email or phone$ If a student is absent any part of the time heBshe is assigned to I$'$:$, heBshe must ma5e up that time before heBshe is permitted to attend regular classes$ (eachers are responsible for gi ing assignments to students prior to their assigned I': time$ If the assignments are not gi en to the students, send then to I$'$:$ as soon as possible$ CLASSROOM EMER:ENC, REMO AL <ROCED@RE ?%efer to Board Dolicy, page *-=!@ If a student beha ior is such that the educational process is totally disrupted on an ongoing basis during that class period, the student may be emergency remo ed$ (he following process should ta5e place. 1$ &s5 student to lea e the room and go to hisBher &ssistant Drincipal$ 'pecify that the student remain in the office until gi en permission to lea e$ 9mme"iately call the o!!ice an" noti!y the Assistant <#inci$al*$ In rare and e+treme cases the only safe manner to remo e a seriously disrupti e student is

for the staff member to escort the student to the assistant principalJs office$ &nother teacher should be as5ed to watch your class while you are gone$ =$ In the e ent that immediate assistance is necessary and the appropriate assistant principal is not a ailable, another assistant principal should be summoned$ <$ & conduct referral should follow as soon as possible$ Dlease be as specific as possible including such things as actions and language$ 5- St."ents a#e not to %e $lace" in the hall3ay !o# "isci$lina#y #easonsECTRA8C@RR9C@LAR R@LES AND RE:@LAT9ONS ON CHEM9CALS (hese rules and regulations are in addition to the regular administrati e procedures for chemicals$ Advisor Responsibility It is the responsibility of the ad isor or coach. 1$ (o set up and inform each participant of the e+pected conduct$ *$ (o submit to the Building Drincipal a copy of the rules and regulations prior to the first meeting$ =$ (o report all cases concerning chemicals to the assistant principal$ Minimum Consequences 1$ 'ale or distribution of alcohol or drugs at an acti ity will result in remo al from the acti ity for the remainder of the year$ *$ (he possession or use of alcohol or drugs before or during an acti ity will lead to the denied participation from the acti ity for the minimum of one wee5 or the ne+t scheduled e ent on the first offense and for the remainder of the acti ity on the second offense$

EMER:ENC, REMO AL FROM ECTRA8C@RR9C@LAR ACT9 9T9ES Emergency Removal &n ad isor may remo e a student from participating in an e ent if that personJs continuing presence is reasonably certain to disrupt the acti ity$ & parent must be notified to pic5 up the student$ If parent contact is not made, the student cannot be emergency remo ed but may be denied participation at that time$ &ny student so remo ed shall be gi en a hearing by the ad isor and Bor coach$ Darents should be notified of the hearing and gi en the opportunity to attend$

Eme#gency <#oce".#es


9M<ORTANTE Ne er pass through fire doors that are closed$ ,ire doors are acti ated by smo5e detectors$ When smo5e is detected the fire doors in that area will close as a result of signaled magnetic releases$ (his means if the doors are closed, there is fire in that area$ 1$ (he first room to their assigned doors should ha e students ?assigned by a teacher@ hold the doors open until the last class e+its those doors$ *$ :lose all doors, turn the lights off, and loc5 doors$ =$ (eachers should file out with their students and chec5 attendance when they reach their designated areas$ &ny students who do not co-operate or are disrupti e should be reported to the appropriate principal$ <$ 'tudents should remain with their class and teacher as a group$ It is the responsibility of the teacher to instruct their class and see that those rules are followed$ #$ Dlease return to class when the proper signal is gi en in a 6uiet and safe manner$ ;$ &fter e+iting the building, ma5e sure you mo e your class #> to 1>> yards away from the building$ !$ 'tay on pa ed or concrete surfaces$ A$ 'tay well away from building entrances so not to bloc5 access by fire department$ "$ In case of a fire drill during class changes, students should e+it at the nearest door$ 'taff members should follow their normal assignments and super ise the students$ 1>$ %ooms that e+it on to Daul Brown Dri e are to go directly across Daul Brown Dri e to the opposite curb side ?not into the par5ing lot@$ Wal5 along the curb toward the stadium$ (he first class in line should stop when they reach %ussell Dri e ?street in front of stadium@$ TORNADO DR9LL 9NSTR@CT9ONS &ctions to be ta5en when tornado warning is heard. 1$ 'tudents in /safe3 rooms ?those indicated with /Q3@ should remain in the rooms$ (hey may remain seated at des5s away from the door and any glass$ *$ 'tudents in /unsafe3 areas should proceed to the rooms as instructed by the teacher$ (hey may fill in the empty des5s or line up against a support wall$ =$ Dersonal articles, other than purses, should not be carried$ <$ 'tudents should mo e 6uic5ly, single file, without running, and 6uietly, without tal5ing$ #$ &ll classroom doors should be closed by the last person to enter$ ;$ &ll hallway ?fire@ doors should be closed by the last teacher to pass through$ !$ Feep calm, regardless of the situation$ 8isten for instructions$ A$ If there is insufficient time to reach a safe area, students should. a$ Co to inside wall of room away from windows, s6uat on floor ne+t to wall, 5eep head on 5nees or get under the des5s or furniture either by s6uatting or lying prone on floor, face down$ b$ Hold a boo5 o er the head if it can be pic5ed up easily$ c$ Notify teacher immediately of in1uries$ d$ Feep calm$ "$ &ctual placement of students within the /safe3 rooms will depend on the number of students in attendance$ 1>$ In the e ent of an actual tornado, all students should get as close as possible to a support wall, away from doors and any glass, and s6uat down with heads co ered$ E AC@AT9ON <ROCED@RES FOR :,MNAS9@M AND A@D9TOR9@M (he Drincipal will direct the students to the nearest safe rooms and hallways with the D$&$ 'taff must 5eep e+its clear$

Room F (st Floo# &-1>> &-1>1 &-1>* &-1>= &-1>< &-1># &-1>; &-1>! &-1>A &-1>" &-11> :-1>> :-1>1 Main 7ffice Cuid$ 7ffice &ttend$ 7ffice D-1>> D-1>1 D-1>* D-1>= D-1>< D-1># D-1>; D-1>! D-1>A D-1>" D-11> D-111 D-11* D-11= D-11< D-11# D-11; D-11! D-11" D-11A E-1>> E-1>1

Teache# Wenger Dlato 4$ Huffman D8&(7 Deitric5 Burch Frichbaum 'ifferlin :omputer 8ab I': - Walters Dalmer 'tudy Hall 'tudy Hall

Fi#e E+it east door by room &-1>1 E+it east door by room &-1>1 E+it east door by room &-1>1 E+it east door by room &-1>1 E+it east door by room &-1>1 E+it east door by room &-1>; E+it east door by room &-1>; E+it east door by room &-1>; E+it east door by room &-1>; E+it east door by room &-1>; E+it east door by room &-1>; E+it north door by main office E+it north door by main office E+it north door by main office E+it north door by main office E+it north door by &ttendance office

To#na"o Q &-1>* Q Q &-1>= Q Q Q Q &-1>A &-1>! Q Q :opy Machine %oom Wor5 room :opy Machine %oom Q D-1>> D-1>> D-11" Q Q D-1>! Q Q Q Q D-1>" D-11> Q D-11= Q D-11A Q Q Q Q E-1>>, 'torage area

Dachis 47C' 'chool 'tore %ichards DanRy (esting HH ,oods 8ab 9ensel 7pen Home Ec office 7pen Dearce Myers F$ 'picer 'cott 7pen 'cott E'8 %ichards Moore

E+it north door by &ttendance office E+it north door by &ttendance office E+it north door by &ttendance office E+it north door by &ttendance office E+it south door by %oom D-1>; E+it south door by %oom D-1>; E+it south door by %oom D-1>; E+it south door by %oom D-1>; E+it south door by %oom D-1>; E+it south door by %oom D-1>; E+it south door by %oom D-1>; E+it 'outhwest door by Instructional music room E+it 'outhwest door by Instructional music room E+it 'outhwest door by Instructional music room E+it 'outhwest door by Instructional music room E+it 'outhwest door by Instructional music room E+it 'outhwest door by Instructional music room E+it 'outhwest door by Instructional music room E+it 'outhwest door by Instructional music room E+it north doors by cafeteria E+it outside door E+it outside door %oom E-1>> *#



Meinhart Dewald

E+it outside door

S practice rooms (heory room S practice rooms

&uditorium Cymnasium &u+iliary Cym Weight room Wrestling room :afeteria S &thletic 7ffice

E+it :afeteria doors E+it north door by &thletic office E+it north door by &thletic office E+it south door by Wrestling room E+it south door by Wrestling room E+it :afeteria doors E+it north door by &thletic office

8oc5er rooms 8oc5er rooms 8oc5er rooms 8oc5er rooms Halls connecting D1>! to D-11A S along E1>1 S E-1>* S along loc5er room hall

&n" Floo# &-*>= &-*>< &-*># &-*>; &-*>! &-*>A &-*>" &-*1> &-*11 &-*1* &-*1= &-*1< &-*1# &-*1; &-*1! &-*1A &-*1" &-**> &-**1 &-*** &-**= B-*>* S 8ibrary :-*>> :-*>1 :-*>* :-*>= :-*>< :-*># :-*>; :-*>! :-*>A

(oomey E ans D$ Miller (oomey Berbari Biehl Hamit Dalas5i Dullins :itron :itron 9i arium 'ei5el %ussell Filgore 'udomir Mc&rthur 'un5le Erichsen Durbin %idgley

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WatRman 7ffice Bar5er ,or$ 8ang$ lab Croen5e Bartuse5 :ust$ 7ffice :ust$ 7ffice Detro

E+it 'outh door by rooms &-*1>, :-**> E+it 'outh door by rooms &-*1>, :-**> E+it 'outh door by rooms &-*1>, :-**> E+it 'outh door by rooms &-*1>, :-**> E+it 'outh door by rooms &-*1>, :-**> E+it 'outh door by rooms &-*1>, :-**> E+it 'outh door by rooms &-*1>, :-**> E+it 'outh door by rooms &-*1>, :-**> Downstairs e+it door by main office


:-*>" :-*1> :-*11 :-*1* :-*1= :-*1< :-*1# :-*1; :-*1! :-*1A :-*1" :-**> :-**1 D-*>= D-*>< D-*># D-*>; D-*>! D-*>A D-*>" D-*1> D-*11 D-*1* D-*1= D-*1< D-*1# D-*1; D-*1! D-*1A D-*1" D-**> D-**1 H-*>> H-*>1 H-*>* H-*>= H-*>< H-*># H-*>; H-*>! H-*>A H-*>" H-*1> H-*11 H-*1* H-*1= H-*1< H-*1# H-*1; H-*1! H-*1A

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Downstairs e+it door by main office Downstairs e+it door by main office Downstairs e+it door by main office Downstairs e+it door by main office Downstairs e+it door by main office Downstairs e+it door by main office Downstairs e+it door by main office Downstairs e+it door by main office Downstairs e+it door by main office Downstairs e+it door by main office Downstairs e+it door by main office Downstairs e+it door by main office Downstairs e+it door by main office

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ANNO@NCED CODES FOR EMER:ENC, LOCKDOWN DR9LL It is mandated that all 7hio schools perform loc5down drills at least once a year$ & loc5down occurs when there is an acti e intruder that may pose a threat to staff and students$ In the e ent of a loc5down, the administration will come o er the D$&$ with the announcement. /&t this time, we are as5ing all teachers to secure your rooms3$ Dlease follow these procedures. 1$ :hec5 to ma5e sure there are no students in the hallways$ If a student is in the hallway, ha e them enter your room$ Immediately call the office to let them 5now that student is in your room$ &lso contact that studentJs teacher$ If a student is out on a hall pass, call the office$ *$ 8oc5 your door$ =$ (a5e attendance$ <$ 'tay away from windows$ #$ No hall pass, students may not lea e the classroom$ Ignore bells if they ring$ ;$ St."ents M@ST #emain 4.iet the enti#e loc>"o3n "#ill!$ Dlease follow steps 1-# until announced by D& that the situation is o er$ EMER:ENC, E AC@AT9ON F9RST FLOOR AREA=ROOM
&-1>> 1>1 1>* 1>= 1>< 1># 1>; 1>! 1>A 1>" 11> B-1>> 1>1 1>*

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:ene#al 9n!o#mation
ASSEMBL, 9NSTR@CT9ONS (eachers will report to the assembly with their students$ (he teacher is to arrange a permanent seating chart and ma5e sure it is a ailable for use by a substitute teacher$ &bsences in assembly should be reported to the &ttendance 7ffice in the same manner as regular class attendance$ (E&:HE%' &%E %EH0E'(ED &ND E)DE:(ED (7 %EM&IN WI(H (HEI% '(0DEN(' &ND M&IN(&IN DI':ID8INE$

FAC9L9T, RED@ESTS ,acility re6uests ?auditorium, classrooms, and cafeteria@ must be made through the &cti ity :oordinator, Eric Myers$ %e6uest for the Indoor ,acility must be made through the Head &thletic Director, 4ason Hall$ ,ill out an &cti ity %e6uest ,orm and turn it into the appropriate person$

RALL, 9NSTR@CT9ONS 1$ &ll students are re6uired to report immediately to the rally or rally study hall$ *$ &ny student who does not go to either the rally or rally study hall will be disciplined accordingly$ =$ East side. 'eniors sit in 'ection =$ 'ophomores sit in 'ection * ?1 also if needed@ West side. 4uniors sit in 'ection A ,reshmen sit in 'ection " ?1> also if needed@ <$ 9isitors may sit in 'ection 1 and 1> or < and !$ #$ 'taff members will be assigned rally duties$ ;$ 'taff members need to report to the rally as soon as your class has emptied$

L@NCH SCHED@LE 1. When the lunch bell rings all students will report to the cafeteria within 4 minutes and remain there until dismissed by the persons in charge. 2. All students are to eat their lunches in the cafeteria. This includes all students who bring their lunches from home. 3. The cafeteria should be kept clean at all times. Each student is responsible to return their tray and place any garbage in the waste can before leaving the cafeteria. 4. Food or beverage is not to be taken from the cafeteria and eaten as students return to their classrooms. 5. Students are required to remain in Washington High School building during their entire lunch mod. 6. Students are permitted in the cafeteria during only one assigned lunch mod. 7. Those in charge will dismiss the cafeteria according to the bell schedule. 8. Students are not permitted to bring in food from area restaurants at lunch time. HEALTH SER 9CES Dolicy of sending students to the Health 'er ice %oom ?:linic@, ?%oom &*>>@. 'taff members must use good, sound 1udgment$ 1$ Do not send a student to the Health 'er ices between mods$ *$ &ll students coming to the :linic must ha e a special permit$ Do not send a student with your Hall Dass$ When the student lea es the clinic, the nurse will write the time and sign the permit$ (he student will gi e it to the teacher when he returns to class$ =$ 'tudents are not permitted to rest in the clinic for more than one mod$ <$ In case of a real emergency, we rely upon you to use your own good 1udgment and disregard the abo e procedure if it is necessary$ #$ 'ome ill students, for their safety and well-being, may need to be escorted to the clinic by a staff member or another student$ ;$ &ll serious accidents are to be reported to the nurse$ 'pecial forms are pro ided for this$ (hese accident reports are located in the clinic$ (he completed form may be placed in the nurseJs mailbo+$ (he Drincipal should also be notified$ & student re6uiring medication during school hours must be registered with the 'chool Nurse$ &ny staff member who is concerned about the health and physical well-being of a student should communicate with the 'chool Nurse$


RE<LAC9N: A L9BRAR, <ASS 'tudents who lose their library pass may re6uest a new pass from the librarian$ (here will be a minimum one-wee5 waiting period before the new pass is issued$ & fee will be charged for replacement$ L9BRAR, <ROCED@RES Fac.lty 1$ Members of the WH' faculty ha e access to a professional library$ %ecommendations from the faculty or additions to the collection are welcome$ *$ &ll WH' faculty members are encouraged to bring classes into the library$ (he procedure to follow is described below$ ?a@ &ll teachers must schedule their classes with the librarian$ ?b@ &t the time of scheduling, librarians should be informed of topics and how much assistance is needed$ ?c@ (he classroom teacher must accompany the class to the library$ If the teacher is absent on a day the library classroom is scheduled, the students will remain in the teacherJs classroom with the substitute and the teacher may schedule upon hisBher return$ SCHOOL COMM@N9CAT9ONS * ACCENT * TELE 9S9ON 'chool communications are made daily o er the public address system under the direction of the principal$ (he same rules apply to tele ision$ 1$ *$ =$ <$ #$ &ll announcements for the D& system must be printed or typed on the announcement forms and gi en to %enee Darr or emailed to %enee Darr$ &ll announcements for &::EN( need to be emailed to Mr$ 'cheetR I dscheetRVmassillon$sparcc$org, or Mr$ Dewald - wdewaldVmassillon$sparcc$org$ Dlease email announcement by 1>.>> a$m$ two days before the announcement is to be made$ &ll announcements re6uire the appro al of the sponsoring ad isor$ 'tudents, faculty or others are not permitted to ma5e announcements for any organiRation other than Massillon WH'K all other re6uests must ha e appro al of the Drincipal$ 0se of the public address system or the cable tele ision programs at any other time than the time indicated on the schedule must ha e the appro al of the building Drincipal$ S@<ER 9S9ON OF SCHOOL ACT9 9T9ES 'tudents in the building for curricular and e+tra-curricular acti ities must be under the super ision of a teacher$ CLASS AD 9SORS 1$ &n annual report is re6uired from the two ad isors of each class$ (his report should include the following. ?a@ Name of class officers

?b@ ?c@ ?e@ ?d@ ?f@ ?g@ treasurerJs ?h@ ?i@ *$ =$

&cti ities sponsored by the class &ttendance Dlace of each acti ity ?appro+imate@ Income and e+penses of each acti ity 'uccess of each acti ity ?rate I e+cellent, good, fair, or poor@ ,inancial report which states the source and amount of all income, the e+penses, and balance$ (he sponsors should chec5 the secretariesJ boo5 and the accounts$ &fter the sponsors ha e chec5ed the boo5s, recommendations for future impro ements should be included in the report$ Each sponsor should sign the report$

&ll class ad isors are re6uired to assist with Craduation$ &ll class acti ities must be appro ed and placed on the master calendar in the DrincipalJs 7ffice$ SCHED@L9N: COM<@TER LABS

1$ *$ =$

We ha e the use of :omputer 8abs in the building$ (here are four 8abs in the 8ibrary$ Dlease see 'tacy 'linger to sign up for the use of the 8abs in the 8ibrary$ (he :omputer 8ab located in D*>; is assigned for use by the 'pecial Education Department$ Dlease contact &llison Barnhart is the use of this 8ab is needed$ ST@DENT ACT9 9T, MONE,

,inancial reports ?sources and amount of income, e+penditures and amount of money collected@ will be re6uired of all club sponsors and class ad isors$ DO NOT LEA E AN, MONE, 9N ,O@R ROOM AT AN, T9ME- &ll monies collected must be turned in by the acti ity ad isors to the DrincipalJs office daily$ :onsult the DrincipalJs office on the use of the Day In and Day 7ut ouchers$ (he sponsor of classes or clubs must super ise the collecting, accounting, depositing, and spending of all funds$ 'pecial attention should be gi en to the method of accounting of all funds$ If any group is planning to sell items, it must be pre-appro ed with an acti ity re6uest form$ In order to ha e an acti e student acti ity account ?*>>@, a purpose and budget statement needs to be submitted to the Building Drincipal for appro al$

RED@9S9T9ONS 1$ (he person re6uesting material or ser ices shall fill out a purchase re6uisition$ 0se a separate re6uisition for each endor$ :omplete re6uisition e+cept for section, /Durchase 7rder No$3 Ma5e a copy of the re6uisition for your files$ ,orward re6uisition to principal or appropriate super isor$

*$ (he re6uisition then goes to the Drincipal, appropriate Director and 'uperintendent and is re iewed by each person and forwarded, if appro ed$ (he (reasurerJs office assigns a purchase order number and dates the purchase order$ =$ (he (reasurerJs office mails original copy to the endor and distributes copies$ &ny items ordered prior to the purchase order being signed by the (reasurer are not the responsibility of the school district$ (his procedure pertains to all purchases$ 1$ *$ RECE9<T9N: &ll monies should be deposited in the principalJs office on a daily basis$ Droper source documentation should be 5ept on each deposit for audit purposes$ ?'ource documentation would be receipt boo5s, pay-ins, chec5-off sheets, etc$@ TEACHERS MA9L * O@T:O9N: * 9NTERSCHOOL 7utgoing mail is pic5ed up at noon each day$ Eou may use this ser ice by placing your mail in the bo+ designated /7utgoing Mail3$ Inter-school mail is pic5ed up at 1>.>> &$M$ each day$ FORMS RED@9RED FOR AN, TR9< 1$ *$ =$ &n emergency medical form must be ta5en on the trip for each student in attendance$ (he Darent :onsent for Dartially 0nsuper ised (rip form must be used as re6uired in board policy *=<>$ (eacher release form for students to participate in out of school acti ity is re6uired$ TRANS<ORTAT9ON (ransportation for 'tudy (rips ?,ield (rips@ 1$ *$ 'tudy trips are an integral part of classroom curriculum and should contribute to the general purpose of the current classroom programs$ 'chool buses or other Board owned pupil transportation ehicles will be pro ided for study trips under the following regulations. ?a@ ?b@ ?c@ ?d@ ?e@ =$ & bus re6uest form must be furnished indicating number of buses, date, destination, time of departureBreturn, and purpose$ Drincipal must appro e and arrange for the buses$ Dlease submit with &cti ity %e6uest$ 7ut of state trips on Board owned buses are permitted pro ided the entire round trip does not e+ceed hundred twenty miles from the sending school$ ?7hio regulations 'ec$ III I 9II-F$@ (here must be ade6uate teacher super ision on all buses$ Darent permission slips must be completed and signed by the parent or guardian for all study trips outside the Massillon :ity 'chool District$

7n school days, buses are not a ailable until after regular morning runs and must be returned prior to the afternoon runs$ Dlease call the Bus Carage at e+t$ #>*1" for the list of times$

<$ #$ ;$

7ut of state trips on Board owned buses are permitted under 'tate 8aw pro ided the entire trip does not e+ceed one hundred twenty miles from the sending school$ ?7hio %egulations 'ection III I 9II-F@ 'chool sponsored study trips on commercial buses must be cleared through the principal$ (he school board will not assume costs for trips on commercial buses unless appro ed by the superintendent$ (ransportation for E+tra-:urricular &cti ities E+tra-curricular acti ities are considered important to the o erall educational program of the Massillon Dublic 'chools$ 'chool buses or other Board owned pupil transportation ehicles will be made a ailable when possible to transport participants to school sponsored acti ities under the following regulations. ?a@ & school ad isor of the acti ity must complete a Bus %e6uest form co ering number of buses, destination, time of departureBreturn and purpose$ ?b@ (he Bus %e6uest form must be appro ed and signed by the school Drincipal$ ?c@ (here should not be more than two adult chaperones per bus appro ed by the administrator for acti ity trips$ ?d@ 'chool buses are not to be used for recreational or spectator trips$ ?e@ (here must be ade6uate teacher super ision on each bus$ ?f@ (rips must comply with regulations set by the North :entral &ssociation regarding e+tra-curricular acti ities$ ?h@ 7perational e+penses for the trip must be paid by the acti ity$ ?i@ %unning routes to pic5 up or distribute participants in e+tra-curricular acti ities are not permissible$ 7n a school day, buses are not a ailable until after regular morning runs and must be returned prior to afternoon runs$ Dlease call the Bus Carage at e+t$ #>*1"$ 7ut of state trips on Board owned buses are permitted under 'tate 8aw pro ided the entire round trip does not e+ceed one hundred twenty miles from the sending school$ ?7hio %egulations 'ection III I 9II-F@$ 'chool sponsored trips on commercial buses must be cleared through the Drincipal$ (he Board of Education will not assume any costs for trips on commercial buses unless appro ed by the 'uperintendent$

1$ *$

=$ <$ #$ ;$

DANCE <OL9C, (he administration recogniRes the alue of dances$ In order to insure a safe and successful dance, please follow these guidelines. 1$ &cti ity re6uest. Dlease submit an acti ity re6uest well in ad ance ?at least one ?1@ month@ to a oid conflict with other e ents on the school calendar$ *$ &ttendance. Each student may bring one guest$ &ny student that lea es the building may not re-enter$ =$ %efreshments. If refreshments are ser ed, they must be set up in the cafeteria$ <$ 8ighting. (here should be enough light to insure the safety and security of the acti ity$ #$ %esponsibility. It is the responsibility of the ad isor?s@ to remain until all students ha e safely departed$


ST@DENT A9DE <OL9C, Any class#oom teache# #e4.esting an ai"e o%tain $e#mission !#om the"ing $#inci$al$

ST@DENT F@ND8RA9S9N: (hese guidelines are to be followed for any acti ity that in ol es fund-raising by students. 1$ *$ No instructional time is to be used to plan, conduct, assess, or manage a fund-raising acti ity unless such an acti ity is part of an appro ed course of study$ ,und-raising acti ities conducted in a school or on District premises are not to interfere with the conduct of any co-curricular or e+tra-curricular acti ity$ 'tudents in ol ed in the fund-raiser are not to interfere with students participating in other acti ities in order to solicit funds$ 'tudent participation in fund-raising acti ities conducted by school-related groups of which they are not members must be oluntary$ It must be appro ed by the studentJs teacher or counselor to ensure that participation will not ad ersely affect hisBher school wor5 and other school responsibilities$ In accordance with Board policy, each fund-raising acti ity must be appro ed by the principal if occurring on District premises and by the 'uperintendent if occurring off District property$ In order to be appro ed, the group leader or ad isor is to submit a proposal in ad ance of the e ent so that all fund-raising efforts may be coordinated$ :ontracts with outside suppliers for merchandise to be sold in a fund-raising acti ity are to be re iewed by the principal and signed by the staff member in charge who shall be personally responsible for the merchandise and monies collected$ (he contract must specify that any merchandise which is unsold can be returned for full credit$ (he District will not be responsible for any unsold merchandise$ (he staff member in charge should establish procedures to ensure that all merchandise is properly stored, distributed, and accounted for$ &ny fund-raisers that re6uire students to e+ert themsel es physically, beyond their normal pattern of acti ity, must be monitored by a staff member who can ac5nowledge if students are o er-e+tending themsel es to the point of potential harm$ :andy or food items may not be sold before school or during the school day$ ST@DENT FEES AND F9NES 1$ *$ =$ &t the start of a course that re6uires a feeK written notification should be gi en to the students and parents$ Notification of unpaid fees should be gi en to students and parents on a continuing basis$ :ode number =A should be used on Interim reports to reflect unpaid fees$ Boo5s should be e aluated for repair or replacement fines early enough so that students ha e an opportunity to pay before the end of the year$ It is recommended that this be done at least * wee5s before the end of the year$




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ST@DENT TEACHER S@<ER 9S9ON (o ma+imiRe the alue that a student teacher recei es from his or her teaching e+perience and to ensure that an appropriate educational en ironment is maintained in the classroom, the administration feels that these guidelines should be followed. 1$ It is the responsibility of the classroom teacher to set up a conference with the appropriate assistant principal and the student teacher prior to the student teaching e+perience$ *$ (he classroom teacher should monitor and maintain control in the areas of attendance, discipline and grades$ =$ (he classroom teacher should spend the ma1ority of time in the classroom e aluating the student teacher$ <$ When it is necessary to be out of the classroom, the student teacher should be informed as to your whereabouts$ It is recommended that you stay in the department area$ Ne er lea e the building without the permission of the administration$ If permission is granted to lea e the building, another certified teacher should be as5ed to be on call to super ise your student teacher while you are gone$ :@9DEL9NES FOR @SE OF TELE 9S9ON (ele isions ha e been pro ided for educational use at Washington High 'chool$ Misuse of the tele isions encourages bad public relations with the community$ Dlease obser e the following rules. 1$ (he sub1ect matter of the (9 programs you are iewing should pertain to your lesson plans and graded course of study$ *$ &t no time should programs such as M(9, soap operas, tal5 shows, etc, be permitted$ =$ 'pecial permission from the administration is needed for programs that do not fall within these guidelines$ <$ (9 iewing during study halls is not permitted without the permission of the administration$ RESO@RCE :@EST S<EAKERS (eachers are encouraged to in ite guest lecturers to discuss a particular sub1ect with their students under the following conditions. 1$ *$ =$ <$ #$ (he sub1ect is of educational rele ance and alue to the students in that class$ (he sub1ect is presented in an unbiased or unpre1udiced manner$ ?'pea5ers representing se eral sides of an issue may be used$@ (he spea5er?s@ will not disrupt the educational program$ (he information to be discussed is appropriate for the age and maturity of the students$ (he teacher is to remain in the classroom throughout the presentation in order to ensure appropriate follow-up$


WASH9N:TON H9:H SCHOOL ECTRA8C@RR9C@LAR ACT9 9T9ES FAC@LT, <H9LOSO<H, STATEMENT (he faculty of Washington High 'chool firmly belie es in the alue of student in ol ement in co-curricular and e+tra-curricular acti ities as a place for the well-rounded student to learn about group dynamics, cooperation, and the search for e+cellence$ 7ur school offers a wide range of acti ities in which students might e+ercise any special talent which they possess, and the faculty encourages all WH' students to participate in a careful selection of these acti ities$ In order to facilitate a studentJs ability to balance a number of acti ities appropriate to hisBher responsibility le el, talents, and time a ailable, a partnership must e+ist between students, parents, ad isorsBcoaches, and administration$ Each group must ha e strong commitments to fairness, sharing, time usage, and scheduling$ 8ines of communication must be open, dialogue must occur, and decisions must be both reached and followed$ (he ad isorsBcoaches of the organiRations, clubs, and sports which are represented as WH'sponsored acti ities must be unified in their approach to helping students coordinate their schedules$ We are crucially aware of the impossibility to schedule all school acti ity practicesBrehearsalsBe ents without some conflicts arising between acti ities$ We are prepared to assist students in alle iating pressure presented by conflicts$ No single acti ity needs to lose students due to inter-program pressure. no student needs to feel /in the middle3 between faculty members$ (he Washington High 'chool faculty stands together in support of &88 programs, &88 students, and &88 e ents$ In addition, students and parents must ta5e a responsible approach to student in ol ement in multiple acti ities$ (hey must ta5e careful note of scheduled e entsK they must report conflicts at the earliest possible awarenessK they must allow faculty ad isorsBcoaches to arrange shared time for themK and they must trust that no program at WH' will /punish3 them for sharing time with another acti ity$ :@9DEL9NES FOR ECTRA8C@RR9C@LAR AND CO8C@RR9C@LAR AD 9SORS AND COACHES 1$ *$ =$ <$ #$ ;$ &ll o ernight tra el and 'unday acti ities must be appro ed by the Massillon Board of Education$ 7n inclement weather days, Washington High 'chool is closed$ Dermission may be gained from the principal or athletic director for afternoon rehearsals and practices only after determination that tra eling conditions for staff and students are safe$ Washington High 'chool will close at 1>.>> D$M$ for all practices and rehearsals$ &ll performances andBor competitions ta5e precedence o er rehearsalsBpractices$ &ll performances, meetings, and practices must be on the &cti ities :alendar$ &cti ity re6uests must be submitted a minimum of # school days prior to an e ent$ When rehearsals and practices come into conflict, conflict resolution will be as follows.

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(he student is responsible to notify both ad isorsBcoaches of the conflict$ :oachesBad isors are responsible to resol e the conflict$ (he acti ity coordinator should be in ol ed ?if needed@$ ?c@ 'hared time should be considered whene er possible if conflict cannot be resol ed$ ?d@ If the conflict cannot be resol ed, the principal will ma5e the final decision$ $ &cademics is the priority for students, coaches, and ad isors at Washington High 'chool$ It is the responsibility of the coachBad isor to monitor and inter ene in academic problems with students participating under their direction$ ?i$e$ 7H'&& adopted eligibility standard$@ Dhilosophy of academics should be reflected in all %ights and %esponsibilities handboo5s for acti ities$ ?a@ (he eligibility sheets must be submitted on time and adhered to by all$ ?b@ 'tudy tables will be used by all sportsBrehearsal groups from *.*>-=.>>$ &ny coach or ad isor who has access to their students formally or informally during the school day should consider limiting after school practices or rehearsals as much as possible$ 'hared time is a possibility to conflict resolution$ :oaches and ad isors should be aware of and understand that practices and rehearsals of three hours per day per indi idual ad isor or coach is the ma+imum$ E+tenuating circumstances may e+ist ?i$e$ day prior to competition and dress rehearsals@$ &n ad isor may di ide the time as needed, but no student is to be with the same ad isorBcoach or in the same program more than the three hour ma+imum$ 7n school days from *.*>-=.>> priority will be gi en to the smaller clubs and ad isory groups for meeting time$ &ll rehearsals and practices will begin after =.>>$ 'ports and ma1or rehearsal acti ities will ha e a study table during the *.*> - =.>> time frame$ No food or drin5 may be sold from any classroom or during the school day by any group or indi idual$ No candy or gum may be sold in WH'$ DracticesBrehearsals on legal holidays should be curtailed entirely$ &d isorsBcoaches should ma5e e ery effort to ha e their members in school$ 7ut of school acti ities should be closely e+amined and limited$ It is strongly suggested that a /pledge3 concept ?no alcohol, drugs, tobacco by any member@ be in place for each group$ (he &cti ity :oordinator is the bridge between ad isorBcoach and administration$ Droblems, conflicts, and suggestions should be directed to this indi idual$ RELEASE OF ST@DENT 9NFORMAT9ON ,amily Educational %ights and Dri acy &ct of 1"!<

1$ *$


No information may be released to any person or agency until the parentBlegal guardian completes the appropriate release form$ (his form must then be in the studentJs cumulati e record folder and becomes part of the studentJs record$ & person or agency desiring access to the studentJs records must sign a written form indicating the educational or other interest in see5ing the information$ (he form must be maintained as part of the studentJs record, but may only be a ailable for inspection by parentsBlegal guardians, or other school personnel with legitimate interest$ (he person desiring access to the records must agree not to transfer the information to another person without the written consent of the parentsBlegal guardian$ 'tudent records must be released in compliance to 1udicial order or subpoena$

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No parental consent or notice is re6uired in connection with studentJs application for, or receipt of, financial aid$ No parental consent or notice is re6uired to an authoriRed representati e of the :omptroller Ceneral of the 0$'$, 'ecretary of H$E$W$, an administrati e head of an educational agency or state educational authorities as long as the information pro ided does not permit personal identification of the students or their parents$

D&%EN(' 'H&88 H&9E (HE 7DD7%(0NI(E (7 :H&88ENCE (HE :7N(EN(' 7, (HEI% :HI8D%ENJ' ':H778 %E:7%D' &( & HE&%INC I, (HEE BE8IE9E &NE 7, (HE M&(E%I&8' &%E IN&::0%&(E, MI'8E&DINC 7% IN&DD%7D%I&(E$ &NE M&(E%I&8' DE(E%MINED (7 BE IN&::0%&(E, MI'8E&DINC 7% IN&DD%7D%I&(E 'H708D BE DE8E(ED$ If a parentBlegal guardian re6uests a hearing regarding e+punging of their childJs record, a conference should be held with the building principal$ If the matter cannot be resol ed, it should be referred to the Director of Dupil 'er ices for final disposition$ WHEN '(0DEN(' BE:7ME 1A EE&%' 7, &CE, (HEE M&E H&9E &::E'' (7 &88 (HEI% %E:7%D' &ND M&E 'ICN &88 %E8E&'E ,7%M' IN 8IE0 7, D&%EN('B8EC&8 C0&%DI&N'$ I, D&%EN(BC0&%DI&N D7E' %E9IEW (HE %E:7%D', & N7(&(I7N 'H708D BE D8&:ED IN (HE :HI8DJ' ,78DE% I INDI:&(I7N 7, D&(E, %E&'7N', WHE(HE% D&%EN('BC0&%DI&N' %E:EI9ED :7DIE', 7% &NE 7(HE% DE%(INEN( IN,7%M&(I7N$ ,amily Educational %ights and Dri acy &ct of 1"!< M9SS9N: CH9LD ACT :@9DEL9NES 1$ *$ DarentBguardian must notify the school the day a student is absent unless pre ious notification has been gi en in accordance with school procedure$ When the school has not been notified about a studentJs absence, the principal or hisBher designee must telephone the absent studentJs parentBguardian on the day absent$ 0se home telephone number as well as emergency or wor5 numbers$ If parentBguardian cannot be reached by telephone, mail a written notice home on the same day$ DarentBguardian must pro ide school with current home, wor5 and emergency telephone numbers as well as current home address$ Informational programs for students, parents and community will be de eloped in accordance with the 'tate Department of Education$ 7n initial entry of a student to school, a copy of the original birth certificate and the most recent school records must be presented$ & reasonable length of time should be gi en to the parentBguardian to obtain these documents$ 'chool personnel are to pro ide access to student records to law enforcement officials$ 'chools are re6uired to re6uest a free wallet siRe photo for inclusion in student files for identification purposes from the school photographer$ (he records should be updated with a current photo$

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NON8D9SCR9M9NAT9ON 9N EM<LO,MENT STATEMENT OF NON8D9SCR9M9NAT9ON It is policy of this District that no candidate for a position in this District shall be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or citiRenship status, creed or ancestry, age, gender, marital status, non-dis6ualifying disability, height or other protected categories$ NEED TO ESTABL9SH R9:HT TO WORK In accordance with ,ederal law, any person employed by this District must pro ide e idence that sheBhe is eligible to wor5 in the 0nited 'tates$


9ocational :hoice 1$ 8ocate interest areas *$ 8ocate 1ob choices =$ Dro ide ade6uate preparation for occupations <$ ,urnish 1ob placement information Dersonality ,ulfillment 1$ 'ocial relationship *$ 'elf-understanding =$ ,amily relationships <$ ,inance #$ Dersonal appearance ;$ Deer relationships



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