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The Mathematics Department of Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Daru aman had or!anised a "isit ca ed Merdeka Visit in con#unction $ith the month of independence on %&th 'u ( %)**+ Three interestin! p aces $ere chosen as the destination of the "isit $hich are Kedah Petroscience, Merdeka -ouse and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.s -ouse+ The "isit in"o "ed the mathematics students of PPISMP semester three and PISMP semester t$o+ The ecturers $ho !uided the "isit $ere Madam -#h Roha(a /t Md 0usoff, Tuan -a#i A1mi /in Mat Safar, Madam -#h Saru"ari /t /adru Du#a Khan and Madam -#h Ton Pah 2ah /t Sareh Mohd Isa+ There $ere fi"e o3#ecti"es of the "isit+ The first o3#ecti"e is to insti patriotism amon! the students in con#unction $ith the month of independence+ The "isit a so or!anised to stren!then the friendship 3et$een IPDA.s Mathematics students and to stren!then the ties 3et$een Mathematics. ecturers and the Mathematics. students+ The students. kno$ ed!e on the ife of t$o of our former Prime Minister, Tunku A3du Rahman and Tun Dr+ Mahathir Mohamad are a so hope to 3e increase throu!h the "isit+ The ast o3#ecti"e is to increase the kno$ ed!e on Science and Mathematics+ At 4+)) a+m, a the students that in"o "ed !athered in front of the !ir s. hoste , P% to $ait for the 3us+ E"er(one $as so e5cited as it $as their first "isit to!ether under the department+ Mohd Suffian 3in -amdan as the cameraman $as "er( 3us( takin! pictures of the students as the( $ere "er( happ( and kept on askin! for their pictures to 3e taken+ 6nfortunate (, three students did not mana!ed to #oin the "isit for some reasons+ The three students $ere Goh Kok Min!, /a amuru!an A78 Se "ara#a and Sharr(fe"(ana Anak Se an+ The 3us came to pick up the students at 4+&) a+m and one of the senior from PISMP semester t$o, A3du 9attah !a"e a 3riefin! to the students a3out the f o$ of the "isit in the 3us+ Around :+&) a+m, the students arri"ed at Kedah Petroscience+ The senior inchar!ed immediate ( di"ided the students into t$o !roup+ The first !roup $hich $as the PPISMP semester & entered the Petroscience first and then, fo o$ed 3( the second

!roup that $as the PISMP semester t$o+ As soon as the students entered the e5hi3ition in the Petroscience, the( $ere ama1ed and e5cited+ 2uriosit( a so came to them as the( sa$ man( !ames and pu11 es re ated to Mathematics and Science+ The( tried e"er( !ames and pu11 es in the e5hi3ition+ At *)+&) a+m, e"er(one entered the Ice A!e+ Inside the Ice A!e, students earnt a3out the pre;historic anima s such as the dinosaurs+ after spendin! a3out one hours in the Petroscience, e"er(one $ent out and !athered at a ha outside the Petroscience to ha"e unch+ A photo!raph( session $as 3ein! he d after the unch+ At *%+)) noon, the 3us came to pick up the students a!ain and mo"in! to$ard the second destination of the "isit, The Merdeka -ouse+ The Merdeka -ouse is the house of our first prime minister, Tunku A3du Rahman+ The students arri"ed at the house at *+*< p+m+ a thou!h e"er(one $as a read( ooked tired, the( sti ha"e the e5citement in them+ =hen the( !ot do$n from the 3us, the first thin! the( did $as takin! pictures at the !ate of the house+ =hen e"er(one entered the house, the( e5cited ( e5p ored the house+ The $ent to the 3edroom, the 3athroom, the stud( room and other rooms+ The most attracti"e room to the students $as the i"in! room as there $as a te e"ision pro"ided that sho$ the documentar( a3out Tunku A3du Rahman+ The( sat do$n on the sofa pro"ided and $atched the documentar( repeated (+ At %+*< p+m, a photo!raph( session took p ace in front of the Merdeka -ouse 3efore the( $ent to the fina destination+ At &+)) p+m, the students arri"ed at Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.s -ouse+ 6pon arri"in! at the house, e"er(one $as e"en more e5cited 3ecause e"er(one kne$ that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is one of the most respectfu and po$erfu prime minister our count( has e"er had+The( are three !a eries+ The( $ent to the first !a er( $hich is the Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.s house itse f+ There the( cou d sa$ the en"ironment and the desi!ns of the interior and e5terior of the house of the prime minister+ Then after a3out *< minutes, the( $ent to the second !a er( $hich is the !a er( that contain the medica apparatus and the pictures of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad $hen he $as a doctor+ E"er(one seemed "er( attracted to e"er( sin! e pictures on the $a as it sho$n different "ie$ of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.s ife as a doctor+ The !a er( of Tun Dr

Mahathir Mohamad.s c othes $as the ast !a er( that the students entered+ Some of the students $as surprised to see that e"en the Prime Minister himse f ha"e a co ection of #eans+ After a fina photo!raph( session, the 3us came at <+)) p+m and sent the students 3ack to their hoste + The "isit $as a success as the students said that the( ha"e earnt man( ne$ thin!s on the histor( of our Prime Ministers and ha"e man( unfor!eta3 e memories a on! the "isit+ The "isit a so mana!ed to 3e finished on time accordin! to the tentati"e and there $as no pro3 em occurred a on! the "isit+ Most of the students su!!ested that the "isit shou d 3e an annua e"ent as the( can p an to !o to other interestin! p aces and spend a "er( meanin!fu moments amon! themse "es+

Reported 3(, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >MI2-E88E ANAK TEREN2E 'ANTING?

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