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Datastore Python API Overview

The Google App Engine datastore provides robust scalable data storage for your web
application. The datastore is designed with web applications in mind, with an emphasis on
read and query performance. It stores data entities with properties, organized by
application-defined kinds. It can perform queries over entities of the same kind, with filters
and sort orders on property values and keys. All queries are pre-indexed for fast results
over very large data sets. The datastore supports transactional updates, using entity
groupings defined by the application as the unit of transactionality in the distributed data

• Introducing the Datastore

• Data Modeling With Python
• Entities and Properties
• Queries and Indexes
• Transactions and Entity Groups
• Datastore Statistics
• Quotas and Limits

Introducing the Datastore

The App Engine datastore stores and performs queries over data objects, known as
entities. An entity has one or more properties, named values of one of several supported
data types. A property can be a reference to another entity.

The datastore can execute multiple operations in a single transaction, and roll back the
entire transaction if any of the operations fail. This is especially useful for distributed web
applications, where multiple users may be accessing or manipulating the same data object
at the same time.

Unlike traditional databases, the datastore uses a distributed architecture to manage

scaling to very large data sets. An App Engine application can optimize how data is
distributed by describing relationships between data objects, and by defining indexes for

The App Engine datastore is strongly consistent, but it's not a relational database. While
the datastore interface has many of the same features of traditional databases, the
datastore's unique characteristics imply a different way of designing and managing data to
take advantage of the ability to scale automatically.

Data Modeling With Python

Datastore entities are schemaless: Two entities of the same kind are not obligated to have
the same properties, or use the same value types for the same properties. The application
is responsible for ensuring that entities conform to a schema when needed. For this
purpose, the Python SDK includes a rich library of data modeling features that make
enforcing a schema easy.
In the Python API, a model describes a kind of entity, including the types and
configuration for its properties. An application defines a model using Python classes, with
class attributes describing the properties. Entities of a kind are represented by instances of
the corresponding model class, with instance attributes representing the property values.
An entity can be created by calling the constructor of the class, then stored by calling the
put() method.

import datetime
from google.appengine.ext import db
from google.appengine.api import users

class Employee(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty(required=True)
role = db.StringProperty(required=True, choices=set(["executive", "manager", "producer"]))
hire_date = db.DateProperty()
new_hire_training_completed = db.BooleanProperty()
account = db.UserProperty()

e = Employee(name="",
e.hire_date =

The datastore API provides two interfaces for queries: a query object interface, and a
SQL-like query language called GQL. A query returns entities in the form of instances of
the model classes that can be modified and put back into the datastore.

training_registration_list = [users.User(""),
employees_trained = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE account IN :1",
for e in employees_trained:
e.new_hire_training_completed = True

Entities and Properties

A data object in the App Engine datastore is known as an entity. An entity has one or
more properties, named values of one of several data types, including integers, floating
point values, strings, dates, binary data, and more.

Each entity also has a key that uniquely identifies the entity. The simplest key has a kind
and a unique numeric ID provided by the datastore. The ID can also be a string provided
by the application.

An application can fetch an entity from the datastore by using its key, or by performing a
query that matches the entity's properties. A query can return zero or more entities, and
can return the results sorted by property values. A query can also limit the number of
results returned by the datastore to conserve memory and run time.
Unlike relational databases, the App Engine datastore does not require that all entities of a
given kind have the same properties. The application can specify and enforce its data
model using libraries included with the SDK, or its own code.

A property can have one or more values. A property with multiple values can have values
of mixed types. A query on a property with multiple values tests whether any of the values
meets the query criteria. This makes such properties useful for testing for membership.

Queries and Indexes

An App Engine datastore query operates on every entity of a given kind (a data class). It
specifies zero or more filters on entity property values and keys, and zero or more sort
orders. An entity is returned as a result for a query if the entity has at least one value
(possibly null) for every property mentioned in the query's filters and sort orders, and all
of the filter criteria are met by the property values.

Every datastore query uses an index, a table that contains the results for the query in the
desired order. An App Engine application defines its indexes in a configuration file. The
development web server automatically adds suggestions to this file as it encounters
queries that do not yet have indexes configured. You can tune indexes manually by editing
the file before uploading the application. As the application makes changes to datastore
entities, the datastore updates the indexes with the correct results. When the application
executes a query, the datastore fetches the results directly from the corresponding index.

This mechanism supports a wide range of queries and is suitable for most applications.
However, it does not support some kinds of queries you may be used to from other
database technologies.

Transactions and Entity Groups

With the App Engine datastore, every attempt to create, update or delete an entity
happens in a transaction. A transaction ensures that every change made to the entity is
saved to the datastore, or, in the case of failure, none of the changes are made. This
ensures consistency of data within an entity.

You can perform multiple actions on an entity within a single transaction using the
transaction API. For example, say you want to increment a counter field in an object. To
do so, you need to read the value of the counter, calculate the new value, then store it.
Without a transaction, it is possible for another process to increment the counter between
the time you read the value and the time you update the value, causing your app to
overwrite the updated value. Doing the read, calculation and write in a single transaction
ensures that no other process interferes with the increment.

You can make changes to multiple entities within a single transaction. To support this, App
Engine needs to know in advance which entities will be updated together, so it knows to
store them in a way that supports transactions. You must declare that an entity belongs to
the same entity group as another entity when you create the entity. All entities fetched,
created, updated or deleted in a transaction must be in the same entity group.
Entity groups are defined by a hierarchy of relationships between entities. To create an
entity in a group, you declare that the entity is a child of another entity already in the
group. The other entity is the parent. An entity created without a parent is a root entity. A
root entity without any children exists in an entity group by itself. Each entity has a path
of parent-child relationships from a root entity to itself (the shortest path being no
parent). This path is an essential part of the entity's complete key. A complete key can be
represented by the kind and ID or key name of each entity in the path.

The datastore uses optimistic concurrency to manage transactions. While one app instance
is applying changes to entities in an entity group, all other attempts to update any entity
in the group fail instantly. The app can try the transaction again to apply it to the updated

Datastore Statistics
The datastore maintains statistics about the data stored for an application, such as how
many entities there are of a given kind, or how much space is used by property values of
a given type. You can view these statistics in the Administration Console, under Datastore
> Statistics.

You can also access these values programmatically within the application by querying for
specially named entites using the datastore API. For more information, see Datastore

Quotas and Limits

Each call to the datastore API counts toward the Datastore API Calls quota. Note that
some library calls result in multiple calls to the underlying datastore API.

Data sent to the datastore by the app counts toward the Data Sent to (Datastore) API
quota. Data received by the app from the datastore counts toward the Data Received
from (Datastore) API quota.

The total amount of data currently stored in the datastore for the app cannot exceed the
Stored Data (billable) quota. This includes entity properties and keys, but does not
include indexes.

The amount of CPU time consumed by datastore operations applies to the following

• CPU Time (billable)

• Datastore CPU Time

For more information on quotas, see Quotas, and the "Quota Details" section of the Admin

In addition to quotas, the following limits apply to the use of the datastore:

Limit Amount
maximum entity size 1 megabyte
maximum number of values in an index for an entity (1) 1,000 values
maximum number of entities in a batch put or batch delete (2) 500 entities
maximum number of entities in a batch get (2) 1,000 entities
maximum results offset for a query 1,000
1. An entity uses one value in an index for every column × every row that refers to
the entity, in all indexes. The number of indexes values for an entity can grow large
if an indexed property has multiple values, requiring multiple rows with repeated
values in the table.
2. The total size of a datastore call must not exceed 1 megabyte. Also, the total size
of the response to a datastore call must not exceed 1 megabyte.
2. Entities and Models
A datastore entity has a key and a set of properties. An application uses the datastore API
to define data models, and create instances of those models to be stored as entities.
Models provide a common structure to the entities created by the API, and can define
rules for validating property values.

• The Model Interface

• Expando Models
• Polymorphic Models
• Properties and Types
o Strings and Blobs
o Lists
o References
• Property_Names

The Model Interface

An application describes the kinds of data it uses with models. A model is a Python class
that inherits from the Model class. The model class defines a new kind of datastore entity
and the properties the kind is expected to take.

Model properties are defined using class attributes on the model class. Each class attribute
is an instance of a subclass of the Property class, usually one of the provided property
classes. A property instance holds configuration for the property, such as whether or not
the property is required for the instance to be valid, or a default value to use for the
instance if none is provided.

from google.appengine.ext import db

class Pet(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty(required=True)
type = db.StringProperty(required=True, choices=set(["cat", "dog", "bird"]))
birthdate = db.DateProperty()
weight_in_pounds = db.IntegerProperty()
spayed_or_neutered = db.BooleanProperty()
owner = db.UserProperty(required=True)

An entity of one of the defined entity kinds is represented in the API by an instance of the
corresponding model class. The application can create a new entity by calling the
constructor of the class. The application accesses and manipulates properties of the entity
using attributes of the instance. The model instance constructor accepts initial values for
properties as keyword arguments.

from google.appengine.api import users

pet = Pet(name="Fluffy",
pet.weight_in_pounds = 24
Note: The attributes of the model class are configuration for the model properties, whose
values are Property instances. The attributes of the model instance are the actual property
values, whose values are of the type accepted by the Property class.

The Model class uses the Property instances to validate values assigned to the model
instance attributes. Property value validation occurs when a model instance is first
constructed, and when an instance attribute is assigned a new value. This ensures that a
property can never have an invalid value.

Because validation occurs when the instance is constructed, any property that is
configured to be required must be initialized in the constructor. In this example, name, type
and owner are all required values, so their initial values are specified in the constructor.
weight_in_pounds is not required by the model, so it starts out unassigned, then is assigned
a value later.

An instance of a model created using the constructor does not exist in the datastore until
it is "put" for the first time. See Creating, Getting and Deleting Data.

Note: As with all Python class attributes, model property configuration is initialized when
the script or module is first imported. Because App Engine caches imported modules
between requests, module configuration may be initialized during a request for one user,
and re-used during a request for another. Do not initialize model property configuration,
such as default values, with data specific to the request or the current user. See App
Caching for more information.

Expando Models
A model defined using the Model class establishes a fixed set of properties that every
instance of the class must have (perhaps with default values). This is a useful way to
model data objects, but the datastore does not require that every entity of a given kind
have the same set of properties.

Sometimes it is useful for an entity to have properties that aren't necessarily like the
properties of other entities of the same kind. Such an entity is represented in the
datastore API by an "expando" model. An expando model class subclasses the Expando
superclass. Any value assigned to an attribute of an instance of an expando model
becomes a property of the datastore entity, using the name of the attribute. These
properties are known as dynamic properties. Properties defined using Property class
instances in class attributes are fixed properties.

An expando model can have both fixed and dynamic properties. The model class simply
sets class attributes with Property configuration objects for the fixed properties. The
application creates dynamic properties when it assigns them values.

class Person(db.Expando):
first_name = db.StringProperty()
last_name = db.StringProperty()
hobbies = db.StringListProperty()

p = Person(first_name="Albert", last_name="Johnson")
p.hobbies = ["chess", "travel"]
p.chess_elo_rating = 1350

p.travel_countries_visited = ["Spain", "Italy", "USA", "Brazil"]

p.travel_trip_count = 13

Because dynamic properties do not have model property definitions, dynamic properties
are not validated. Any dynamic property can have a value of any of the datastore base
types, including None. Two entities of the same kind can have different types of values for
the same dynamic property, and one can leave a property unset that the other sets.

Unlike fixed properties, dynamic properties need not exist. A dynamic property with a
value of None is different from a non-existent dynamic property. If an expando model
instance does not have an attribute for a property, the corresponding data entity does not
have that property. You can delete a dynamic property by deleting the attribute.

del p.chess_elo_rating

A query that uses a dynamic property in a filter will only return entities whose value for
the property is of the same type as the value used in the query. Similarly, the query will
only return entities with that property set.

p1 = Person()
p1.favorite = 42

p2 = Person()
p2.favorite = "blue"

p3 = Person()

people = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE favorite < :1", 50)

# people has p1, but not p2 or p3

people = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE favorite > :1", 50)

# people has no results

The Expando class is a subclass of the Model class, and inherits all of its methods.

Polymorphic Models
The Python API includes a another class for data modeling that allows you to define
hierarchies of classes, and perform queries that can return entities of a given class or any
of its subclasses. Such models and queries are called "polymorphic," because they allow
instances of one class to be results for a query of a parent class.

The following example defines an Contact class, and Person and Company classes that are
subclasses of Contact:

from google.appengine.ext import db

from google.appengine.ext.db import polymodel
class Contact(polymodel.PolyModel):
phone_number = db.PhoneNumberProperty()
address = db.PostalAddressProperty()

class Person(Contact):
first_name = db.StringProperty()
last_name = db.StringProperty()
mobile_number = db.PhoneNumberProperty()

class Company(Contact):
name = db.StringProperty()
fax_number = db.PhoneNumberProperty()

This model ensures that all Person entities and all Company entities have phone_number and
address properties, and queries for Contact entities can return either Person or Company
entities. Only Person entities have mobile_number properties.

The subclasses can be instantiated just like any other model class:

p = Person(phone_number='1-206-555-9234',
address='123 First Ave., Seattle, WA, 98101',

c = Company(phone_number='1-503-555-9123',
address='P.O. Box 98765, Salem, OR, 97301',
name='Data Solutions, LLC',

A query for Contact entities can return instances of either Contact, Person or Company. The
following code prints information for both entities created above:

for contact in Contact.all():

print 'Phone: %s\nAddress: %s\n\n'
% (,

A query for Company entities returns only instances of Company:

for company in Company.all()

# ...

For now, polymorphic models should not passed to the Query class constructor directly.
Instead use the all() method, as in the example above.

For more information on how to use polymorphic models, and how they are implemented,
see The PolyModel Class.

Properties and Types

The datastore supports a fixed set of value types for entity properties, including Unicode
strings, integers, floating point numbers, dates, entity keys, byte strings (blobs), and
various GData types. Each of the datastore value types has a corresponding Property class
provided by the google.appengine.ext.db module.

Types and Property Classes describes all of the supported value types and their
corresponding Property classes. Several special value types are described below.

Strings and Blobs

The datastore supports two value types for storing text: short text strings up to 500 bytes
in length, and long text strings up to 1 megabyte in length. Short strings are indexed and
can be used in query filter conditions and sort orders. Long strings are not indexed and
cannot be used in filter conditions or sort orders.

A short string value can be either a unicode value or a str value. If the value is a str, an
encoding of 'ascii' is assumed. To specify a different encoding for a str value, you can
convert it to a unicode value with the unicode() type constructor, which takes the str and the
name of the encoding as arguments. Short strings can be modeled using the
StringProperty class.

class MyModel(db.Model):
string = db.StringProperty()

obj = MyModel()

# Python Unicode literal syntax fully describes characters in a text string.

obj.string = u"kittens"

# unicode() converts a byte string to a Unicode value using the named codec.
obj.string = unicode("kittens", "latin-1")

# A byte string is assumed to be text encoded as ASCII (the 'ascii' codec).

obj.string = "kittens"

# Short string properties can be used in query filters.

results = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM MyModel WHERE string = :1", u"kittens")

A long string value is represented by a db.Text instance. Its constructor takes either a
unicode value, or a str value and optionally the name of the encoding used in the str. Long
strings can be modeled using the TextProperty class.

class MyModel(db.Model):
text = db.TextProperty()

obj = MyModel()

# Text() can take a Unicode value.

obj.text = db.Text(u"lots of kittens")

# Text() can take a byte string and the name of an encoding.

obj.text = db.Text("lots of kittens", "latin-1")

# If no encoding is specified, a byte string is assumed to be ASCII text.

obj.text = db.Text("lots of kittens")
# Text properties can store large values.
obj.text = db.Text(open("a_tale_of_two_cities.txt").read(), "utf-8")

The datastore also supports two similar types for non-text byte strings: db.ByteString and
db.Blob. These values are strings of raw bytes, and are not treated as encoded text (such
as UTF-8).

Like str or unicode values, db.ByteString values are indexed, and limited to 500 characters. A
ByteString instance represents a short string of bytes, and takes a str value as an argument
to its constructor. Byte strings are modeled using the ByteStringProperty class.

Like db.Text, a db.Blob value can be as large as 1 megabyte, but is not indexed, and cannot
be used in query filters or sort orders. The db.Blob class takes a str value as an argument to
its constructor. Blobs are modeled using the BlobProperty class.

class MyModel(db.Model):
blob = db.BlobProperty()

obj = MyModel()

obj.blob = db.Blob(open("image.png").read())


A property can have multiple values, represented in the datastore API as a Python list. The
list can contain values of any of the value types supported by the datastore. A single list
property may even have values of different types. Order is preserved, so when entities are
returned by queries and get(), list properties will have values in the same order as when
they were stored.

The ListProperty class models a list, and enforces that all values in the list are of a given
type. For convenience, the library also provides StringListProperty, similar to

class MyModel(db.Model):
numbers = db.ListProperty(long)

obj = MyModel()
obj.numbers = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

obj.numbers = ["hello"] # ERROR: MyModel.numbers must be a list of longs.

A query filter on a list property tests the given value against members of the list. The
condition is true if at least one member of the list meets the condition.

# Get all entities where numbers contains a 6.

results = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM MyModel WHERE numbers = 6")

# Get all entities where numbers contains at least one element less than 10.
results = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM MyModel WHERE numbers < 10")

Query filters only operate on the list members. There is no way to test two lists for
similarity in a query filter.
Internally, the datastore represents a list property value as multiple values for the
property. If a list property value is the empty list, then the property has no representation
in the datastore. The datastore API treats this situation differently for static properties
(with ListProperty) and dynamic properties:

• A static ListProperty can be assigned the empty list as a value. The property does not exist
in the datastore, but the model instance behaves as if the value is the empty list. A static
ListProperty cannot have a value of None.
• A dynamic property with a list value cannot be assigned an empty list value. However, it can
have a value of None, and can be deleted (using del).

The ListProperty model tests that a value added to the list is of the correct type, and
throws a BadValueError if it isn't. This test occurs (and potentially fails) even when a
previously stored entity is retrieved and loaded into the model. Because str values are
converted to unicode values (as ASCII text) prior to storage, ListProperty(str) is treated as
ListProperty(basestring), the Python data type which accepts both str and unicode values. You
can also use StringListProperty() for this purpose.

For storing non-text byte strings, use db.Blob values. The bytes of a blob string are
preserved when they are stored and retrieved. You can declare a property that is a list of
blobs as ListProperty(db.Blob).

List properties interact in unusual ways with sort orders. See Queries and Indexes: Sort
Orders and Properties With Multiple Values for details.


A property value can contain the key of another entity. The value is a Key instance.

The ReferenceProperty class models a key value, and enforces that all values refer to
entities of a given kind. For convenience, the library also provides SelfReferenceProperty,
equivalent to a ReferenceProperty that refers to the same kind as the entity with the

Assigning a model instance to a ReferenceProperty property automatically uses its key as

the value.

class FirstModel(db.Model):
prop = db.IntegerProperty()

class SecondModel(db.Model):
reference = db.ReferenceProperty(FirstModel)

obj1 = FirstModel()
obj1.prop = 42

obj2 = SecondModel()

# A reference value is the key of another entity.

obj2.reference = obj1.key()

# Assigning a model instance to a property uses the entity's key as the value.
obj2.reference = obj1

A ReferenceProperty property value can be used as if it were the model instance of the
referenced entity. If the referenced entity is not in memory, using the property as an
instance automatically fetches the entity from the datastore.

obj2.reference.prop = 999

results = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM SecondModel")

another_obj = results.fetch(1)[0]
v = another_obj.reference.prop

When an entity whose key is the value of a reference property is deleted, the reference
property does not change. A reference property value can be a key that is no longer valid.
If an application expects that a reference could be invalid, it can test for the existence of
the object using an if statement:

obj1 = obj2.reference

if not obj1:
# Referenced entity was deleted.

ReferenceProperty has another handy feature: back-references. When a model has a

ReferenceProperty to another model, each referenced entity gets a property whose value
is a Query that returns all of the entities of the first model that refer to it.

# To fetch and iterate over every SecondModel entity that refers to the
# FirstModel instance obj1:
for obj in obj1.secondmodel_set:
# ...

The name of the back-reference property defaults to modelname_set (with the name of the
model class in lowercase letters, and "_set" added to the end), and can be adjusted using
the collection_name argument to the ReferenceProperty constructor.

If you have multiple ReferenceProperty values that refer to the same model class, the
default construction of the back-reference property will raise an error:

class FirstModel(db.Model):
prop = db.IntegerProperty()

# This class raises a DuplicatePropertyError with the message

# "Class Firstmodel already has property secondmodel_set"
class SecondModel(db.Model):
reference_one = db.ReferenceProperty(FirstModel)
reference_two = db.ReferenceProperty(FirstModel)

To avoid this error, you must explicitly set the collection_name argument:

class FirstModel(db.Model):
prop = db.IntegerProperty()

# This class runs fine

class SecondModel(db.Model):
reference_one = db.ReferenceProperty(FirstModel,
reference_two = db.ReferenceProperty(FirstModel,

Automatic referencing and dereferencing of model instances, type checking and back-
references are only available using the ReferenceProperty model property class. Keys
stored as values of Expando dynamic properties or ListProperty values do not have these

Property Names
The datastore reserves all property names begining and ending with two underscore
characters (__*__). An application cannot create a property with such a name.

In the Python API, attributes of model instances whose names begin with an underscore
(_) are ignored, and are not saved to the datastore entity. This allows you to store values
on the model instance for temporary internal use without affecting the data saved with the

Because the Python API uses attributes of model instances as property names by default,
none of the attributes already in use by instance methods can be used directly as property
attribute names. Similarly, none of the names used by the keyword arguments of model
constructors can be used as property attribute names. See the list of reserved property

The datastore itself allows these names. If an application needs a datastore entity to have
a property with a name similar to a word reserved in the Python API, the application can
use a fixed property and pass the name argument to the Property class constructor. See
the Property class constructor.

class MyModel(db.Model):
obj_key = db.StringProperty(name="key")
3. Creating, Getting and Deleting Data
The datastore API represents entities as instances of model classes. Methods of a model
instance create, update and delete the entity. Entities can be fetched from the datastore
as model instances using queries or keys.

• Creating and Updating an Entity

• Getting Entities Using a Query
• Getting an Entity Using a Key
• Deleting an Entity

Creating and Updating an Entity

Instances of Model (and Expando) classes represent datastore entities. An application
creates a new entity of a given kind by calling the constructor of the model class that
corresponds with the kind.

pet = Pet(name="Fluffy",

The new entity is not created in the datastore until the instance is "put" for the first time,
either by calling the put() method on the instance, or by passing the instance to the
db.put() function.



If an instance has been stored before, the put() method updates the existing entity.

Queries return results as model instances. These instances can be modified and put back
into the datastore.

if users.get_current_user():
user_pets = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Pet WHERE owner = :1",
for pet in user_pets:
pet.spayed_or_neutered = True


Getting Entities Using a Query

The datastore can execute queries across entities of a given kind. A query can filter results
using conditions that entity property values must meet, and can return the results sorted
by property values. A query can also limit the scope to entities with a given ancestor; see
Keys and Entity Groups.

For a complete description of how queries work, including several things queries cannot
do, see Queries and Indexes.
The datastore API provides two interfaces for performing queries on entity properties:
Query, an interface that prepares queries using methods on a query object, and GqlQuery,
an interface that uses a SQL-like query language called GQL.

The Query Interface

The all() method on a Model (or Expando) class returns a Query object that represents a
query for all entities of the corresponding kind. The application prepares the query by
calling the filter(), order(), and ancestor() methods on the object.

class Story(db.Model):
title = db.StringProperty()
date = db.DateTimeProperty()

query = Story.all()

query.filter('title =', 'Foo')


# These methods can be chained together on one line.

query.filter('title =', 'Foo').order('-date').ancestor(key)

The GqlQuery Interface

The GqlQuery class constructor takes a GQL query string and optional parameter bindings.
The query string specifies the kind, and the filters, sort orders and ancestor conditions.
The query string can also include a result limit and offset.

# Parameters can be bound with positional arguments.

query = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Story WHERE title = :1 "
'Foo', key)

# Or, parameters can be bound with keyword arguments.

query = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Story WHERE title = :title "
"AND ANCESTOR IS :parent "
title='Foo', parent=key)

# String, number and Boolean values can be literal values in the string.
query = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Story WHERE title = 'Foo' "
"AND ANCESTOR IS :parent "

The gql() class method of a Model class also prepares a GqlQuery object from a string.
The string is the GQL query string with the SELECT ... FROM Model omitted, because this part
is implied.

query = Story.gql("WHERE title = :title "

"AND ANCESTOR IS :parent "
title='Foo', parent=key)
Parameter bindings can be re-bound to new values using the bind() method. An
application can re-use a GqlQuery object by re-binding parameters and re-executing the

Executing the Query and Accessing Results

Query and GqlQuery objects do not execute the query until the application tries to access
the results. When the application accesses results, the query is executed, and results are
loaded into memory as instances of the model class for the query. Both query classes
provide two ways to execute the query and access results: the fetch() method, and the
iterator interface.

The fetch() method takes a maximum number of results to fetch (the limit), and an
optional number of results to skip (the offset). The method executes the query, then
fetches results until it has fetched the limit or there are no more results. Once the results
are loaded into memory, it skips to the offset if one was specified, then returns the
requested results as a list of model instances. The full query is executed for each call to

Note: The offset does not affect the number of results fetched from the datastore. All
results up to the limit are fetched and stored in memory. The offset only affects what is
returned by the fetch() method.

results = query.fetch(10)
for result in results:
print "Title: " + result.title

The limit and offset given to the fetch() method override any limit and offset specified in a
GQL query string.

If the query object is used as an iterator, the query is executed with no limit or offset, the
results are loaded into memory, and the value returned is an iterator over the results. The
iterator yields instances of the model class.

for result in query:

print "Title: " + result.title

Note: The datastore returns a maximum of 1000 results in response to a query,

regardless of the limit and offset used to fetch the results. The 1000 results includes any
that are skipped using an offset, so a query with more than 1000 results using an offset of
100 will return 900 results.

Getting an Entity Using a Key

After an entity is stored in the datastore, the entity has a unique key. Key values are
represented in the API represents as instances of the Key class. The put() method of a
model instance and db.put() function return the Key of the stored entity. After a model
instance has been stored for the first time, the key() method of the model instance returns
the Key for the instance.
key = entity.key()

# ...

entity = db.get(key)

A common use of a Key value is to store it as the value of a property on another entity.
The ReferenceProperty model property class provides automatic referencing and
dereferencing of model instances as keys: A model instance can be assigned to a
ReferenceProperty directly, and its key will be used as the value.

class PetOwner(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty()

class Pet(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty()
owner = db.ReferenceProperty(PetOwner)

owner = PetOwner(name="Albert")
pet = Pet(name="Fluffy", owner=owner)

# This is equivalent:
pet = Pet(name="Fluffy", owner=owner.key())

Similarly, a ReferenceProperty value accessed via a property acts like its instance. The
data entity is fetched automatically, and is not fetched until it is used.

pets = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Pet WHERE name = :1", "Fluffy")

pet = pets.get()

owner_name =

Key values stored without the ReferenceProperty model, such as with an Expando dynamic
property or a ListProperty element, do not have the automatic dereferencing behavior.

The db.get() function fetches an entity from the datastore for a Key (or list of Keys).

Keys can be encoded as strings for passing around outside of the application. To convert a
string-encoded key back to a Key object, the application passes the string to the Key

obj = MyModel(name="Foo")
self.response.write('<a href="/view?key=%s">%s</a>' % (str(obj.key()),

# ...

key_name = self.request.get('key')
obj = db.get(db.Key(key_name))

Note: The string encoding of a Key is opaque, but not encrypted. If your application
needs keys to not be guessable, you should further encrypt the string-encoded Key before
sending it to the user.
Deleting an Entity
An application can delete an entity from the datastore using a model instance or a Key.
The model instance's delete() method deletes the corresponding entity from the datastore.
The delete() function takes a Key or list of Keys and deletes the entity (or entities) from
the datastore.

q = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Message WHERE create_date < :1", earliest_date)

results = q.fetch(10)
for result in results:

# or...

q = db.GqlQuery("SELECT __key__ FROM Message WHERE create_date < :1", earliest_date)

results = q.fetch(10)

Deleting an entity does not change any Key values in the datastore that may have referred
to the entity. If your application may attempt to de-reference a Key value for a deleted
entity, the application should do so using db.get(), then test the return value before
accessing properties.

Deleting an entity that is an ancestor for other entities does not affect the other entities.
As long as the application does not depend on the existence of the ancestor to build keys
for the descendant entities, the application can still access the descendants.
4. Keys and Entity Groups
Every entity in the datastore has a key, an identifier unique to the entity across all entities
for an application. A key has several components: a path describing a parent-child
relationship between the entity and another entity, the kind of the entity, and either a
name assigned to the entity by the application or a numeric ID assigned by the datastore.

• Kinds, Names and IDs

• Entity Groups, Ancestors and Paths
• Paths and Key Uniqueness

Kinds, Names and IDs

Every entity is of a particular kind, a group of entities that can be returned by a query.
Unlike rows in a table, two entities of the same kind need not have the same properties,
though an application can establish such a restriction in a data model. The datastore API
uses the name of the Model (or Expando) subclass as the name of the kind.

For example, this class defines a model for a kind named "Story":

class Story(db.Model):
title = db.StringProperty()
author = db.StringProperty()

Every entity has an identifier. An application can assign its own identifier for use in the key
by giving the instance constructor a key_name argument (a str value):

s = Story(key_name="xzy123")

A key_name is stored as a Unicode string (with str values converted as ASCII text).

Key names of the form __*__ (start and end with two underscores) are reserved, and
should not be used by the application.

If a key_name is not specified, the entity is assigned a numeric ID when it is first stored in
the datastore.

s2 = Story() # s2 does not have a name or an ID.

s2.put() # s2 is given an ID by the datastore.

Once the entity has been created, its ID or name cannot be changed.

Tip: Key names and IDs are not property values. However, you can perform a limited set
of queries on keys by referring to the special property name __key__. If all entities have
the same kind and parent, filters and sort orders can be applied to the key names or IDs.
See Queries on Keys.

Entity Groups, Ancestors and Paths

Every entity belongs to an entity group, a set of one or more entities that can be
manipulated in a single transaction. Entity group relationships tell App Engine to store
several entities in the same part of the distributed network. A transaction sets up
datastore operations for an entity group, and all of the operations are applied as a group,
or not at all if the transaction fails.

When the application creates an entity, it can assign another entity as the parent of the
new entity, using the parent argument in the Model constructor. Assigning a parent to a new
entity puts the new entity in the same entity group as the parent entity.

An entity without a parent is a root entity. An entity that is a parent for another entity can
also have a parent. A chain of parent entities from an entity up to the root is the path for
the entity, and members of the path are the entity's ancestors. The parent of an entity is
defined when the entity is created, and cannot be changed later.

Every entity with a given root entity as an ancestor is in the same entity group. All entities
in a group are stored in the same datastore node. A single transaction can modify multiple
entities in a single group, or add new entities to the group by making the new entity's
parent an existing entity in the group.

For more information about transactions, see Transactions.

If an entity that is an ancestor of another entity is deleted, the descendant entity is not
deleted. The descendant entity is still accessible using its complete Key or path.

You can create an entity with an ancestor path without first creating the parent entity. To
do so, you create a Key for the ancestor using a kind and key name, then use it as the
parent of the new entity. All entities with the same root ancestor belong to the same
entity group, whether or not the root of the path represents an actual entity.

Tips for using entity groups:

• Only use entity groups when they are needed for transactions. For other
relationships between entities, use ReferenceProperty properties and Key values,
which can be used in queries.
• The more entity groups your application has—that is, the more root entities there
are—the more efficiently the datastore can distribute the entity groups across
datastore nodes. Better distribution improves the performance of creating and
updating data. Also, multiple users attempting to update entities in the same entity
group at the same time will cause some users to retry their transactions, possibly
causing some to fail to commit changes. Do not put all of the application's entities
under one root.
• A good rule of thumb for entity groups is that they should be about the size of a
single user's worth of data or smaller.
• Entity groups do not have a significant impact on the speed of queries.

Paths and Key Uniqueness

The complete key of an entity, including the path, the kind and the name or numeric ID, is
unique and specific to that entity. The complete key is assigned when the entity is created
in the datastore, and none of its parts can change.

The keys of two different entities can have similar parts as long as at least one part is
different. For instance, two entities can have the same kind and name if they have
different parents. Similarly, two entities can have the same parent (or no parent) and
name if they are of different kinds.

An application should not rely on numeric IDs being assigned in increasing order with the
order of entity creation. This is generally the case, but not guaranteed.
5. Queries and Indexes
Every datastore query uses an index, a table that contains the results for the query in the
desired order. An App Engine application defines its indexes in a configuration file named
index.yaml. The development web server automatically adds suggestions to this file as it
encounters queries that do not yet have indexes configured. You can tune indexes
manually by editing the file before uploading the application.

The index-based query mechanism supports most common kinds of queries, but it does
not support some queries you may be used to from other database technologies.
Restrictions on queries, and their explanations, are described below.

• Introducing Queries
• Introducing Indexes
• Defining Indexes With Configuration
• Queries on Keys
• Kindless Ancestor Queries
• Restrictions on Queries
• Big Entities and Exploding Indexes

Introducing Queries
A query retrieves entities from the datastore that meet a set of conditions. The query
specifies an entity kind, zero or more conditions based on entity property values
(sometimes called "filters"), and zero or more sort order descriptions. When the query is
executed, it fetches all entities of the given kind that meet all of the given conditions,
sorted in the order described.

A query can also return just the keys of the result entities instead of the entities

The datastore Python API provides two interfaces for preparing and executing queries: the
Query interface, which uses methods to prepare the query, and the GqlQuery interface,
which uses a SQL-like query language called GQL to prepare the query from a query
string. These interfaces are described in more detail in Creating, Getting and Deleting
Data: Getting Entities Using a Query and the corresponding reference pages.

class Person(db.Model):
first_name = db.StringProperty()
last_name = db.StringProperty()
city = db.StringProperty()
birth_year = db.IntegerProperty()
height = db.IntegerProperty()

# The Query interface prepares a query using instance methods.

q = Person.all()
q.filter("last_name =", "Smith")
q.filter("height <", 72)

# The GqlQuery interface prepares a query using a GQL query string.

q = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Person " +
"WHERE last_name = :1 AND height < :2 " +
"ORDER BY height DESC",
"Smith", 72)

# The query is not executed until results are accessed.

results = q.fetch(5)
for p in results:
print "%s %s, %d inches tall" % (p.first_name, p.last_name, p.height)

A filter includes a property name, a comparison operator, and a value. An entity passes
the filter if it has a property of the given name and its value compares to the given value
as described by the operator. The entity is a result for the query if it passes all of its

The filter operator can be any of the following:

• < less than

• <= less than or equal to
• = equal to
• > greater than
• >= greater than or equal to
• != not equal to
• IN equal to any of the values in the provided list

The != operator actually performs 2 queries: one where all other filters are the same and
the not-equal filter is replaced with a less-than filter, and one where the not-equal filter is
replaces with a greater-than filter. The results are merged, in order. As described below in
the discussion of inequality filters, a query can only have one not-equal filter, and such a
query cannot have other inequality filters.

The IN operator also performs multiple queries, one for each item in the provided list value
where all other filters are the same and the IN filter is replaces with an equal-to filter. The
results are merged, in the order of the items in the list. If a query has more than IN filter,
the query is performed as multiple queries, one for each combination of values in the IN

A single query containing != or IN operators is limited to 30 sub-queries.

Introducing Indexes
The App Engine datastore maintains an index for every query an application intends to
make. As the application makes changes to datastore entities, the datastore updates the
indexes with the correct results. When the application executes a query, the datastore
fetches the results directly from the corresponding index.

An application has an index for each combination of kind, filter property and operator, and
sort order used in a query. Consider the example query, stated in GQL:

SELECT * FROM Person WHERE last_name = "Smith"

AND height < 72
The index for this query is a table of keys for entities of the kind Person, with columns for
the values of the height and last_name properties. The index is sorted by height in
descending order.

Two queries of the same form but with different filter values use the same index. For
example, the following query uses the same index as the query above:

SELECT * FROM Person WHERE last_name = "Jones"

AND height < 63

The datastore executes a query using the following steps:

1. The datastore identifies the index that corresponds with the query's kind, filter properties,
filter operators, and sort orders.
2. The datastore starts scanning the index at the first entity that meets all of the filter conditions
using the query's filter values.
3. The datastore continues to scan the index, returning each entity, until it finds the next entity
that does not meet the filter conditions, until it reaches the end of the index, or until it has
collected the maximum number of results requested by the query.

An index table contains columns for every property used in a filter or sort order. The rows
are sorted by the following aspects, in order:

• ancestors
• property values used in equality filters
• property values used in inequality filters
• property values used in sort orders

Note: For the purposes of indexes, IN filters are handled like = filters, and != filters are
handled like the other inequality filters.

This puts all results for every possible query that uses this index in consecutive rows in the

Tip: Query filters do not have an explicit way to match just part of a string value, but you
can fake a prefix match using inequality filters:

db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM MyModel WHERE prop >= :1 AND prop < :2", "abc", u"abc" + u"\ufffd")

This matches every MyModel entity with a string property prop that begins with the
characters abc. The unicode string u"\ufffd" represents the largest possible Unicode
character. When the property values are sorted in an index, the values that fall in this
range are all of the values that begin with the given prefix.

This mechanism supports a wide range of queries and is suitable for most applications.
However, it does not support some kinds of queries you may be used to from other
database technologies.
Entities Without a Filtered Property Are Never Returned by a Query

An index only contains entities that have every property referred to by the index. If an
entity does not have a property referred to by an index, the entity will not appear in the
index, and will never be a result for the query that uses the index.

Note that the App Engine datastore makes a distinction between an entity that does not
possess a property and an entity that possesses the property with a null value (None). If
you want every entity of a kind to be a potential result for a query, you can use a data
model that assigns a default value (such as None) to properties used by query filters.

Properties that Aren't Indexed

Property values that aren't indexed are not findable by queries. This includes properties
that are marked as not indexed, as well as properties with values of the long text value
type (Text) or the long binary value type (Blob).

To declare that a property be stored as non-indexed using the Model class, provide the
indexed argument to the property model constructor with the value False, as follows:

class MyModel(db.Model):
unindexed_string = db.StringProperty(indexed=False)

A query with a filter or sort order on a property will never match an entity whose value for
the property is a Text or Blob, or which was written with that property marked as not
indexed. Properties with such values behave as if the property is not set with regard to
query filters and sort orders.

Property Values of Mixed Types are Ordered By Type

When two entities have properties of the same name but of different value types, an index
of the property sorts the entities first by value type, then by an order appropriate to the
type. For example, if two entities each have a property named "age," one with an integer
value and one with a string value, the entity with the integer value will always appear
before the entity with the string value when sorted by the "Age" property, regardless of
the values themselves.

This is especially worth noting in the case of integers and floating point numbers, which
are treated as separate types by the datastore. A property with the integer value 38 is
sorted before a property with the floating point value 37.5, because all integers are sorted
before floats.

Defining Indexes With Configuration

App Engine builds indexes for several simple queries by default. For other queries, the
application must specify the indexes it needs in a configuration file named index.yaml. If the
application running under App Engine tries to perform a query for which there is no
corresponding index (either provided by default or described in index.yaml), the query will
App Engine provides automatic indexes for the following forms of queries:

• queries using only equality and ancestor filters

• queries using only inequality filters (which can only be of a single property)
• queries with no filters and only one sort order on a property, either ascending or descending
• queries using equality filters on properties and inequality or range filters on keys

Other forms of queries require their indexes to be specified in index.yaml, including:

• queries with multiple sort orders

• queries with a sort order on keys in descending order
• queries with one or more inequality filters on a property and one or more equality filters
over other properties
• queries with inequality filters and ancestor filters

The development web server makes managing index configuration easy: Instead of failing
to execute a query that does not have an index and requires it, the development web
server can generate configuration for an index that would allow the query to succeed. If
your local testing of your application calls every possible query the application will make
(every combination of kind, ancestor, filter and sort order), the generated entries will
represent a complete set of indexes. If your testing might not exercise every possible
query form, you can review and adjust the index configuration before uploading the

App Engine builds indexes for several simple queries by default. For other queries, the
application must specify the indexes it needs in a configuration file named index.yaml. If the
application running under App Engine tries to perform a query for which there is no
corresponding index (either provided by default or described in index.yaml), the query will

index.yaml describes each index table, including the kind, the properties needed for the
query filters and sort orders, and whether or not the query uses an ancestor clause (either
Query.ancestor() or a GQL ANCESTOR IS clause). The properties are listed in the order
they are to be sorted: properties used in equality or IN filters first, followed by the
property used in inequality filters, then the query results sort orders and their directions.

Consider once again the following example query:

SELECT * FROM Person WHERE last_name = "Smith"

AND height < 72

If the application executed only this query (and possibly other queries similar to this one
but with different values for "Smith" and 72), the index.yaml file would look like this:

- kind: Person
- name: last_name
- name: height
direction: desc
When an entity is created or updated, every appropriate index is updated as well. The
number of indexes that apply to an entity affects the time it takes to create or update the

For more information on the syntax of index.yaml, see Configuring Indexes.

Queries on Keys
Entity keys can be the subject of a query filter or sort order, using the special name
__key__ in place of the property name. The datastore considers the complete key value for
such queries, including the entity's parent path, the kind, and the app-assigned key name
string or system-assigned numeric ID.

A query can return entity keys instead of full entities. You can trigger this behavior by
passing keys_only=True to Query, or by using SELECT __key__ in GQL.

Note: Queries that return keys are faster and cost less CPU than queries that return
entities, since the keys themselves are already in the index, so the query doesn't need to
fetch the actual entities. If you only need the keys from your query results — for example,
if you're just going to delete the results — consider using a keys only query.

Because an entity key is unique across all entities in the system, __key__ queries make it
easy to retrieve entities of a given kind in batches, such as for a batch dump of the
contents of the datastore. Unlike offset, this works efficiently for any number of entities.
For example:

class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
query = Entity.gql('ORDER BY __key__')

# Use a query parameter to keep track of the last key of the last
# batch, to know where to start the next batch.
last_key_str = self.request.get('last')
if last_key_str:
last_key = db.Key(last_key_str)
query = Entity.gql('WHERE __key__ > :1 ORDER BY __key__', last_key)

# For batches of 20, fetch 21, then use result #20 as the "last"
# if there is a 21st.
entities = query.fetch(21)
new_last_key_str = None
if len(entities) == 21:
new_last_key_str = str(entities[19].key())

# Return the data and new_last_key_str. Client would use

# http://...?last=new_last_key_str to fetch the next batch.
# ...

Keys are ordered first by parent path, then by kind, then by key name or ID. Kinds and
key names are strings and are ordered by byte value. IDs are integers and are ordered
numerically. If entities of the same parent and kind use a mix of key name strings and
numeric IDs, entities with numeric IDs are considered to be less than entities with key
name strings. Elements of the parent path are compared similarly: by kind (string), then
by key name (string) or ID (number).

Queries involving keys use indexes just like queries involving properties. Queries on keys
require custom indexes in the same cases as with properties, with a couple of exceptions:
inequality filters or an ascending sort order on __key__ do not require a custom index, but
a descending sort order on __key__ does. As with all queries, the development web server
creates appropriate configuration entries in this file when a query that needs a custom
index is tested.

Kindless Ancestor Queries

Using GQL or the Python query interface, you can perform queries for entities with a given
ancestor regardless of kind. Such queries can also include filters, equality or inequality, on
__key__. Kindless queries cannot include sort orders (other than key, ascending, which is
the default) or filters on properties.

To perform a kindless ancestor query using the Query class, call the constructor without a
kind class:

q = db.Query()

q.filter('__key__ >', last_seen_key)

To perform a kindless ancestor query using GQL (either in the Administrator Console or
using the GqlQuery class), omit the FROM Kind clause:

q = db.GqlQuery('SELECT * WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1 AND __key__ > :2', ancestor_key, last_seen_key)

Kindless ancestor queries do not require custom indexes.

Restrictions on Queries
The nature of the index query mechanism imposes a few restrictions on what a query can

Filtering Or Sorting On a Property Requires That the Property Exists

A query filter condition or sort order for a property also implies a condition that the entity
have a value for the property.

A datastore entity is not required to have a value for a property that other entities of the
same kind have. A filter on a property can only match an entity with a value for the
property. Entities without a value for a property used in a filter or sort order are omitted
from the index built for the query.
No Filter That Matches Entities That Do Not Have a Property

It is not possible to perform a query for entities that are missing a given property. One
alternative is to create a fixed (modeled) property with a default value of None, then create
a filter for entities with None as the property value.

Inequality Filters Are Allowed On One Property Only

A query may only use inequality filters (<, <=, >=, >, !=) on one property across all of its

For example, this query is allowed:

SELECT * FROM Person WHERE birth_year >= :min

AND birth_year <= :max

However, this query is not allowed, because it uses inequality filters on two different
properties in the same query:

SELECT * FROM Person WHERE birth_year >= :min_year

AND height >= :min_height # ERROR

Filters can combine equal (=) comparisons for different properties in the same query,
including queries with one or more inequality conditions on a property. This is allowed:

SELECT * FROM Person WHERE last_name = :last_name

AND city = :city
AND birth_year >= :min_year

The query mechanism relies on all results for a query to be adjacent to one another in the
index table, to avoid having to scan the entire table for results. A single index table cannot
represent multiple inequality filters on multiple properties while maintaining that all results
are consecutive in the table.

Properties In Inequality Filters Must Be Sorted Before Other Sort Orders

If a query has both a filter with an inequality comparison and one or more sort orders, the
query must include a sort order for the property used in the inequality, and the sort order
must appear before sort orders on other properties.

This query is not valid, because it uses an inequality filter and does not order by the
filtered property:

SELECT * FROM Person WHERE birth_year >= :min_year

ORDER BY last_name # ERROR

Similarly, this query is not valid because it does not order by the filtered property before
ordering by other properties:

SELECT * FROM Person WHERE birth_year >= :min_year

ORDER BY last_name, birth_year # ERROR
This query is valid:

SELECT * FROM Person WHERE birth_year >= :min_year

ORDER BY birth_year, last_name

To get all results that match an inequality filter, a query scans the index table for the first
matching row, then returns all consecutive results until it finds a row that doesn't match.
For the consecutive rows to represent the complete result set, the rows must be ordered
by the inequality filter before other sort orders.

Sort Orders and Properties With Multiple Values

Due to the way properties with multiple values are indexed, the sort order for these
properties is unusual:

• If the entities are sorted by a multi-valued property in ascending order, the value used for
ordering is the smallest value.
• If the entities are sorted by a multi-valued property in descending order, the value used for
ordering is the greatest value.
• Other values do not affect the sort order, nor does the number of values.
• In the case of a tie, the key of the entity is used as the tie-breaker.

This sort order has the unusual consequence that [1, 9] comes before [4, 5, 6, 7] in both
ascending and descending order.

Sort Orders Are Ignored on Properties With Equals Filters

One important caveat is queries with both an equality filter and a sort order on a multi-
valued property. In those queries, the sort order is disregarded. For single-valued
properties, this is a simple optimization. Every result would have the same value for the
property, so the results do not need to be sorted further.

However, multi-valued properties may have additional values. Since the sort order is
disregarded, the query results may be returned in a different order than if the sort order
were applied. (Restoring the dropped sort order would be expensive and require extra
indices, and this use case is rare, so the query planner leaves it off.)

Only Ancestor Queries in Transactions

Queries are only supported inside transactions if they include an ancestor filter. The
query's ancestor must be in the same entity group as the other operations in the
transaction. This preserves the restriction that a transaction can only operate on entities in
a single entity group.

Big Entities and Exploding Indexes

As described above, every property (that doesn't have a Text or Blob value) of every
entity is added to at least one index table, including a simple index provided by default,
and any indexes described in the application's index.yaml file that refer to the property. For
an entity that has one value for each property, App Engine stores a property value once in
its simple index, and once for each time the property is referred to in a custom index.
Each of these index entries must be updated every time the value of the property
changes, so the more indexes that refer to the property, the more time it will take to
update the property.

To prevent the update of an entity from taking too long, the datastore limits the number
of index entries that a single entity can have. The limit is large, and most applications will
not notice. However, there are some circumstances where you might encounter the limit.
For example, an entity with very many single-value properties can exceed the index entry

Properties with multiple values store each value as a separate entry in an index. An entity
with a single property with very many values can exceed the index entry limit.

Custom indexes that refer to multiple properties with multiple values can get very large
with only a few values. To completely record such properties, the index table must include
a row for every permutation of the values of every property for the index.

For example, the following index (described in index.yaml syntax) includes the x and y
properties for entities of the kind MyModel:

- kind: MyModel
- name: x
- name: y

The following code creates an entity with 2 values for the property x and 2 values for the
property y:

class MyModel(db.Expando):

e2 = MyModel()
e2.x = ['red', 'blue']
e2.y = [1, 2]

To accurately represent these values, the index must store 12 property values: 2 each for
the built-in indexes on x and y, and 2 for each of the 4 permutations of x and y in the
custom index. With many values of multi-valued properties, this can mean an index must
store very many index entries for a single entity. You could call an index that refers to
multiple properties with multiple values an "exploding index," because it can get very large
with just a few values.

If a put() would result in a number of index entries that exceeds the limit, the call will fail
with an exception. If you create a new index that would contain a number of index entries
that exceeds the limit for any entity when built, queries against the index will fail, and the
index will appear in the "Error" state in the Admin Console.

To handle "Error" indexes, first remove them from your index.yaml file and run
vacuum_indexes. Then, either reformulate the index definition and corresponding queries or
remove the entities that are causing the index to "explode." Finally, add the index back to
index.yaml and run update_indexes.

You can avoid exploding indexes by avoiding queries that would require a custom index
using a list property. As described above, this includes queries with multiple
6. Transactions
The App Engine datastore supports transactions. A transaction is an operation or set of
operations that either succeeds completely, or fails completely. An application can perform
multiple operations and calculations in a single transaction.

• Using Transactions
• What Can Be Done In a Transaction
• Isolation and Consistency
• Uses For Transactions

Using Transactions
A transaction is a datastore operation or a set of datastore operations that either succeed
completely, or fail completely. If the transaction succeeds, then all of its intended effects
are applied to the datastore. If the transaction fails, then none of the effects are applied.

Every datastore write operation is atomic. An attempt to create, update or delete an entity
either happens, or it doesn't. An operation may fail due to a high rate of contention, with
too many users trying to modify an entity at the same time. Or an operation may fail due
to the application reaching a quota limit. Or there may be an internal error with the
datastore. In all cases, the operation's effects are not applied, and the datastore API
raises an exception.

An application can execute a set of statements and datastore operations in a single

transaction, such that if any statement or operation raises an exception, none of the
datastore operations in the set are applied. The application defines the actions to perform
in the transaction using a Python function, then calls db.run_in_transaction() with the
function as an argument:

from google.appengine.ext import db

class Accumulator(db.Model):
counter = db.IntegerProperty()

def increment_counter(key, amount):

obj = db.get(key)
obj.counter += amount

q = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Accumulator")

acc = q.get()

db.run_in_transaction(increment_counter, acc.key(), 5)

db.run_in_transaction() takes the function object, and positional and keyword arguments
to pass to the function. If the function returns a value, db.run_in_transaction() will return
the value.
If the function returns, the transaction is committed, and all effects of datastore
operations are applied. If the function raises an exception, the transaction is "rolled back,"
and the effects are not applied.

If the function raises the Rollback exception, db.run_in_transaction() returns None. For any
other exception, db.run_in_transaction() re-raises the exception.

What Can Be Done In a Transaction

The datastore imposes several restrictions on what can be done inside a single

All datastore operations in a transaction must operate on entities in the same entity group.
This includes querying for entities by ancestor, retrieving entities by key, updating entities,
and deleting entities. Notice that each root entity belongs to a separate entity group, so a
single transaction cannot create or operate on more than one root entity. For an
explanation of entity groups, see Keys and Entity Groups.

An app can perform a query during a transaction, but only if it includes an ancestor filter.
An app can also get datastore entities by key during a transaction. You can prepare keys
prior to the transaction, or you can build keys inside the transaction with key names or

All other Python code is allowed inside a transaction function. The transaction function
should not have side effects other than the datastore operations. The transaction function
may be called multiple times if a datastore operation fails due to another user updating
entities in the entity group at the same time. When this happens, the datastore API retries
the transaction a fixed number of times. If they all fail, db.run_in_transaction() raises a
TransactionFailedError. You can adjust the number of times the transaction is retried using
db.run_in_transaction_custom_retries() instead of db.run_in_transaction().

Similarly, the transaction function should not have side effects that depend on the success
of the transaction, unless the code that calls the transaction function knows to undo those
effects. For example, if the transaction stores a new datastore entity, saves the created
entity's ID for later use, then the transaction fails, the saved ID does not refer to the
intended entity because the entity's creation was rolled back. The calling code would have
to be careful not to use the saved ID in this case.

Isolation and Consistency

The datastore's isolation level outside of transactions is closest to READ_COMMITTED.
Inside transactions, on the other hand, the isolation level is SERIALIZABLE, specifically a
form of snapshot isolation. See the Transaction Isolation article for more information on
isolation levels.

Queries and gets inside a transaction are guaranteed to see a single, consistent snapshot
of the datastore as of the beginning of the transaction. In particular, entities and index
rows in the transaction's entity group are fully updated so that queries will return the
complete, correct set of result entities, without the false positives or false negatives
described in Transaction Isolation that can occur in queries outside transactions.

This consistent snapshot view also extends to reads after writes inside transactions. Unlike
with most databases, queries and gets inside a datastore transaction do not see the
results of previous writes inside that transaction. Specifically, if an entity is modified or
deleted within a transaction, a query or get will return the original version of the entity as
of the beginning of the transaction, or nothing if the entity did not exist then.

Uses For Transactions

This example demonstrates one use of transactions: updating an entity with a new
property value relative to its current value.

def increment_counter(key, amount):

obj = db.get(key)
obj.counter += amount

This requires a transaction because the value may be updated by another user after this
code fetches the object, but before it saves the modified object. Without a transaction, the
user's request will use the value of counter prior to the other user's update, and the save
will overwrite the new value. With a transaction, the application is told about the other
user's update. If the entity is updated during the transaction, then the transaction is
retried until all steps are completed without interruption.

Another common use for transactions is to update an entity with a named key, or create it
if it doesn't yet exist:

class SalesAccount(db.Model):
address = db.PostalAddressProperty()
phone_number = db.PhoneNumberProperty()

def create_or_update(parent_obj, account_id, address, phone_number):

obj = db.get(Key.from_path("SalesAccount", account_id, parent=parent_obj))
if not obj:
obj = SalesAccount(key_name=account_id,
obj.address = address
obj.phone_number = phone_number


As before, a transaction is necessary to handle the case where another user is attempting
to create or update an entity with the same string ID. Without a transaction, if the entity
does not exist and two users attempt to create it, the second will overwrite the first
without knowing that it happened. With a transaction, the second attempt will retry, notice
that the entity now exists, and update the entity instead.
Create-or-update is so useful that there is a built-in method for it: Model.get_or_insert()
takes a key name, an optional parent, and arguments to pass to the model constructor if
an entity of that name and path does not exist. The get attempt and the create happen in
one transaction, so (if the transaction is successful) the method always returns a model
instance that represents an actual entity.

Tip: A transaction should happen as quickly as possible to reduce the likelihood that the
entities used by the transaction will change, requiring the transaction be retried. As much
as possible, prepare data outside of the transaction, then execute the transaction to
perform datastore operations that depend on a consistent state. The application should
prepare keys for objects used inside the transaction, then fetch the entities inside the

Finally, a transaction can be used to read a consistent snapshot of the datastore. This can
be useful when multiple reads gets are needed to render a page or export data that must
be consistent. These kinds of transactions are often called read-only transactions, since
they perform no writes. Committing and rolling back a read-only transaction are both no-

class Customer(db.Model):
user = db.UserProperty()

class Account(db.Model):
"""An Account has a Customer as its parent."""
address = db.PostalAddressProperty()
balance = db.FloatProperty()

def get_all_accounts():
"""Returns a consistent view of the current user's accounts."""
accounts = []
for customer in Customer.all().filter('user =', users.get_current_user()):
return accounts
7.Types and Property Classes
The App Engine datastore supports a fixed set of value types for properties on data
entities. Property classes can define new types that are converted to and from the
underlying value types, and the value types can be used directly with Expando dynamic
properties and ListProperty aggregate property models.

The following table describes the Property classes whose values correspond directly with
the underlying data types. Any of these value types can be used in an Expando dynamic
property or ListProperty aggregate type.

Property class Value type Sort order

StringProperty Unicode (str is treated as ASCII)
ByteStringProperty ByteString byte order
BooleanProperty bool False < True
IntegerProperty Numeric
long (64 bits)
FloatProperty float Numeric
DateProperty datetime.datetime Chronological
ListProperty list of a supported If ascending, by least element; if descending,
StringListProperty type by greatest element
ReferenceProperty By path elements (kind, ID or name, kind, ID
SelfReferenceProperty or name...)
UserProperty users.User By email address (Unicode)
BlobProperty db.Blob (not orderable)
TextProperty db.Text (not orderable)
CategoryProperty db.Category Unicode
LinkProperty db.Link Unicode
EmailProperty db.Email Unicode
GeoPtProperty db.GeoPt By latitude, then longitude
IMProperty db.IM Unicode
PhoneNumberProperty db.PhoneNumber Unicode
PostalAddressProperty db.PostalAddress Unicode
RatingProperty db.Rating Numeric

Datastore Value Types

Datastore entity property values can be of one of the following types. See above for a list
of corresponding Property classes to use with Model definitions.
Other than the Python standard types and users.User, all classes described in this section
are provided by the google.appengine.ext.db module.

str or unicode

A short string value, less than 500 bytes in length.

A str value is assumed to be text encoded with the ascii codec, and is converted to a
unicode value before being stored. The value is returned by the datastore as a
unicode value. For short strings using other codecs, use a unicode value.

Short strings are indexed by the datastore, and can be used in filters and sort
orders. For text strings longer than 500 bytes (which are not indexed), use a Text
instance. For unencoded byte strings longer than 500 bytes (also not indexed), use
a Blob instance.

Model property: StringProperty


A Boolean value, True or False.

Model property: BooleanProperty

int or long

An integer value, up to 64 bits.

Python int values are converted to Python long values prior to storage. A value
stored as an int will be returned as a long.

If a long larger than 64 bits is assigned, only the least significant 64 bits are stored.

Model property: IntegerProperty


A floating point value.

Model property: FloatProperty


A date and time. See the datetime module documentation.

If the datetime value has a tzinfo attribute, it will be converted to the UTC time zone
for storage. Values come back from the datastore as UTC, with a tzinfo of None. An
application that needs date and time values to be in a particular time zone must set
tzinfo correctly when updating the value, and convert values to the timezone when
accessing the value.
Some libraries use the TZ environment variable to control the time zone applied to
date-time values. App Engine sets this environment variable to "UTC". Note that
changing this variable in an application will not change the behavior of some
datetime functions, because changes to environment variables are not visible
outside of the Python code.

If you only convert values to and from a particular time zone, you can implement a
custom datetime.tzinfo to convert values from the datastore:

class Pacific_tzinfo(datetime_module.tzinfo):
"""Implementation of the Pacific timezone."""
def utcoffset(self, dt):
return datetime_module.timedelta(hours=-8) + self.dst(dt)

def _FirstSunday(self, dt):

"""First Sunday on or after dt."""
return dt + datetime_module.timedelta(days=(6-dt.weekday()))

def dst(self, dt):

# 2 am on the second Sunday in March
dst_start = self._FirstSunday(datetime_module.datetime(dt.year, 3, 8, 2))
# 1 am on the first Sunday in November
dst_end = self._FirstSunday(datetime_module.datetime(dt.year, 11, 1, 1))

if dst_start <= dt.replace(tzinfo=None) < dst_end:

return datetime_module.timedelta(hours=1)
return datetime_module.timedelta(hours=0)

def tzname(self, dt):

if self.dst(dt) == datetime_module.timedelta(hours=0):
return "PST"
return "PDT"

pacific_time = utc_time.astimezone(Pacific_tzinfo())

See the datetime module documentation (including datetime.tzinfo). See also the
third-party module pytz, though note that the pytz distribution has many files.

The DateTimeProperty model property class includes features such as the ability to
automatically use the date and time a model instance is stored. These are features
of the model, and are not available on the raw datastore value (such as in an
Expando dynamic property).

Model properties: DateTimeProperty, DateProperty, TimeProperty


A list of values, each of which is of one of the supported data types. See Entities
and Models: Lists.

When a list is used as the value of an Expando dynamic property, it cannot be an

empty list. This is due to how list values are stored: When a list property has no
items, it has no representation in the datastore. You can use a static property and
the ListProperty class to represent an empty list value for a property.

Model property: ListProperty


The key for another datastore entity.

m = Employee(name="Susan", key_name="susan5")
e = Employee(name="Bob", manager=m.key())

m_key = db.Key.from_path("Employee", "susan5")

e = Employee(name="Jennifer", manager=m_key)

Model properties: ReferenceProperty, SelfReferenceProperty


A user with a Google account.

A User value in the datastore does not get updated if the user changes her email
address. This may be remedied in a future release. Until then, you can use the User
value's user_id() as the user's stable unique identifier.

Model property: UserProperty

class Blob(arg=None)

Binary data, as a byte string. This is a subclass of the built-in str type.

Blob properties are not indexed, and cannot be used in filters or sort orders.

Blob is for binary data, such as images. It takes a str value, but this value is stored
as a byte string and is not encoded as text. Use a Text instance for large text data.

Model property: BlobProperty

class MyModel(db.Model):
blob = db.BlobProperty()

m = MyModel()
m.blob = db.Blob(open("image.png").read())

In XML, blobs are base-64 encoded whether or not they contain binary data.

class ByteString(arg)

A short blob value (a "byte string"), less than 500 bytes in length. ByteString is a
subclass of str, and takes an unencoded str value as an argument to its constructor.
ByteStrings are indexed by the datastore, and can be used in filters and sort orders.
For byte strings longer than 500 bytes (which are not indexed), use a Blob
instance. For encoded text data, use str (short, indexed) or Text (long, not

Model property: ByteStringProperty

class Text(arg=None, encoding=None)

A long string. This is a subclass of the built-in unicode type.

arg a unicode or str value. If arg is a str, then it is parsed with the encoding specified
by encoding, or ascii if no encoding is specified. See the list of standard encodings
for possible values for encoding.

Unlike an entity property whose value is a simple str or unicode, a Text property can
be more than 500 bytes long. However, Text properties are not indexed, and
cannot be used in filters or sort orders.

Model property: TextProperty

class MyModel(db.Model):
text = db.TextProperty()

m = MyModel()
m.text = db.Text(u"kittens")

m.text = db.Text("kittens", encoding="latin-1")

class Category(tag)

A category or "tag". This is a subclass of the built-in unicode type.

Model property: CategoryProperty

class MyModel(db.Model):
category = db.CategoryProperty()

m = MyModel()
m.category = db.Category("kittens")

In XML, this is an Atom category element. See the Atom specification.

class Email(email)

An email address. This is a subclass of the built-in unicode type.

Neither the property class nor the value class perform validation of email addresses,
they just store the value.

Model property: EmailProperty

class MyModel(db.Model):
email_address = db.EmailProperty()
m = MyModel()
m.email_address = db.Email("")

In XML, this is a gd:email element. See the GData API reference.

class GeoPt(lat, lon=None)

A geographical point represented by floating-point latitude and longitude


Model property: GeoPtProperty

In XML, this is a georss:point element. See

class IM(protocol, address=None)

An instant messaging handle.

protocol is the canonical URL of the instant messaging service. Some possible

Protocol Description
xmpp XMPP/Jabber AIM ICQ Google Talk MSN Messenger Yahoo Messenger Lotus Sametime Gadu-Gadu
unknown Unknown or unspecified

address is the handle's address.

Model property: IMProperty

class MyModel(db.Model):
im = db.IMProperty()

m = MyModel() = db.IM("", "Larry97")

In XML, this is a gd:im element. See the GData API reference.

class Link(link)

A fully qualified URL. This is a subclass of the built-in unicode type.

Model property: LinkProperty

class MyModel(db.Model):
link = db.LinkProperty()

m = MyModel() = db.Link("")

In XML, this is an Atom link element. See the Atom specification.

class PhoneNumber(phone)

A human-readable telephone number. This is a subclass of the built-in unicode type.

Model property: PhoneNumberProperty

class MyModel(db.Model):
phone = db.PhoneNumberProperty()

m = MyModel() = db.PhoneNumber("1 (206) 555-1212")

In XML, this is a gd.phoneNumber element. See the GData API reference.

class PostalAddress(address)

A postal address. This is a subclass of the built-in unicode type.

Model property: PostalAddressProperty

class MyModel(db.Model):
address = db.PostalAddressProperty()

m = MyModel()
m.address = db.PostalAddress("1600 Ampitheater Pkwy., Mountain View, CA")

In XML, this is a gd:postalAddress element. See the GData API reference.

class Rating(rating)

A user-provided rating for a piece of content, as an integer between 0 and 100.

This is a subclass of the built-in long type. The class validates that the value is an
integer between 0 and 100, and raises a BadValueError if the value is invalid.

Model property: RatingProperty

class MyModel(db.Model):
rating = db.RatingProperty()

m = MyModel()
m.rating = db.Rating(97)

In XML, this is a gd:rating element. See the GData API reference.

Property Classes
All model property classes provided by google.appengine.ext.db are subclasses of the Property
base class, and support all of the base constructor's arguments. See the base class
documentation for information about those arguments.

The google.appengine.ext.db package provides the following model property classes:

class BlobProperty(...)

A binary data property.

Blob data is a byte string. For text data, which may involve encoding, use

Value type: Blob

class BooleanProperty(...)

A Boolean property.

Value type: bool

class ByteStringProperty(verbose_name=None, ...)

A short blob property (a "byte string"). Takes a ByteString value of 500 bytes or

ByteStringProperty property values are indexed, and can be used in filters and sort

Like StringProperty, except the value is not encoded in any way. The bytes are
stored literally.

If the ByteStringProperty is required, the value cannot be an empty string.

Value type: ByteString

class CategoryProperty(...)

A category or "tag," a descriptive word or phrase.

Value type: Category

class DateProperty(verbose_name=None, auto_now=False, auto_now_add=False, ...)

A date property, without a time of day. See DateTimeProperty for more


Value type: This is converted to a datetime.datetime internally.

class DateTimeProperty(verbose_name=None, auto_now=False, auto_now_add=False,

A date and time property.

If auto_now is True, the property value is set to the current time whenever the
model instance is stored in the datastore, overwriting the property's previous value.
This is useful for tracking a "last modified" date and time for a model instance.

If auto_now_add is True, the property value is set to the current time the first time
the model instance is stored in the datastore, unless the property has already been
assigned a value. This is useful for storing a "created" date and time for a model

Date-time values are stored as and returned using the UTC time zone. See
datetime.datetime for a discussion of how to manage time zones.

Value type: datetime.datetime

class EmailProperty(...)

An email address.

Neither the property class nor the value class perform validation of email addresses,
they just store the value.

Value type: Email

class FloatProperty(...)

A floating point number property.

Value type: float

class GeoPtProperty(...)

A geographical point represented by floating-point latitude and longitude


Value type: GeoPt

class IMProperty(...)

An instant messaging handle.

Value type: IM

class IntegerProperty(...)

An integer property, up to 64 bits.

Python int values are converted to Python long values prior to storage. A value
stored as an int will be returned as a long.

If a long larger than 64 bits is assigned, only the least significant 64 bits are stored.

Value type: int or long

class LinkProperty(...)

A fully qualified URL.

Value type: Link

class ListProperty(item_type, verbose_name=None, default=None, ...)

A list of values of the type given as item_type.

In a query, comparing a list property to a value performs the test against the list
members: list_property = value tests if the value appears anywhere in the list,
list_property < value tests if any of the members of the list are less than the given
value, and so forth.

A query cannot compare two list values. There is no way to test two lists for
equality without testing each element for membership separately.

item_type is the type of the items in the list, as a Python type or class. All items in
the list value must be of the given type. item_type must be one of the datastore
value types, and cannot be list. See Datastore Value Types, above.

The value of a ListProperty cannot be None. It can, however, be an empty list.

When None is specified for the default argument (or when the default argument is
not specified), the default value of the property is the empty list.

Tip: Because ListProperty aggregate types do not use the Property classes,
Property class features such as automatic values and validation are not applied
automatically to members of the list value. If you want to validate a member value
using a Property class, you can instantiate the class and call its validate() method
on the value.

default is the default value for the list property. If None, the default is an empty list.
A list property can define a custom validator to disallow the empty list.

See Entities and Models for more information on ListProperty and list values.

Value type: a Python list of zero or more values, where each value is of the
configured type

class PhoneNumberProperty(...)

A human-readable telephone number.

Value type: PhoneNumber

class PostalAddressProperty(...)

A postal address.

Value type: PostalAddress

class RatingProperty()

A user-provided rating for a piece of content, as an integer between 0 and 100.

Value type: Rating

class ReferenceProperty(reference_class=None, verbose_name=None,

collection_name=None, ...)

A reference to another model instance. For example, a reference may indicate a

many-to-one relationship between the model with the property and the model
referenced by the property.

reference_class is the model class of the model instance being referenced. If

specified, only model instances of the class can be assigned to this property. If
None, any model instance can be the value of this property.

collection_name is the name of the property to give to the referenced model class
whose value is a Query for all entities that reference the entity. If no
collection_name is set, then modelname_set (with the name of the model in
lowercase letters and "_set" added) is used.

Note: collection_name must be set if there are multiple properties within the same
model referencing the same model class. Otherwise, a DuplicatePropertyError will be
raised when the default names are generated.

ReferenceProperty automatically references and dereferences model instances as

property values: A model instance can be assigned to a ReferenceProperty directly,
and its key will be used. The ReferenceProperty value can be used as if it were a
model instance, and the datastore entity will be fetched and the model instance
created when it is first used in this way. Untouched reference properties do not
query for unneeded data.

class Author(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty()

class Story(db.Model):
author = db.ReferenceProperty(Author)

story = db.get(story_key)
author_name =

As with a Key value, it is possible for a reference property value to refer to a data
entity that does not exist. If a referenced entity is deleted from the datastore,
references to the entity are not updated. An application can explicitly db.get() the
value of a ReferenceProperty (which is a Key) to test whether the referenced entity

Deleting an entity does not delete entities referred to by a ReferenceProperty.

See also this introduction to reference properties.

Value type: db.Key (see above)

class SelfReferenceProperty(verbose_name=None, collection_name=None, ...)

A reference to another model instance of the same class. See ReferenceProperty.

Value type: db.Key (see above)

class StringListProperty(verbose_name=None, default=None, ...)

Similar to a ListProperty of Python str or unicode (basestring) values. See ListProperty.

Value type: a Python list of str or unicode values

class StringProperty(verbose_name=None, multiline=False, ...)

A short string property. Takes a Python str or unicode (basestring) value of 500 bytes
or less.

StringProperty property values are indexed, and can be used in filters and sort

If multiline is False, then the value cannot include linefeed characters. The
djangoforms library uses this to enforce a difference between text fields and textarea
fields in the data model, and others can use it for a similar purpose.

If the StringProperty is required, the value cannot be an empty string.

Value type: str or unicode

class TextProperty()

A long string.

Unlike StringProperty, a TextProperty value can be more than 500 bytes long.
However, TextProperty values are not indexed, and cannot be used in filters or sort

TextProperty values store text with a text encoding. For binary data, use

If the TextProperty is required, the value cannot be an empty string.

Value type: Text

class TimeProperty(verbose_name=None, auto_now=False, auto_now_add=False, ...)

A time property, without a date. Takes a Python standard library datetime.time

value. See DateTimeProperty for more information.

Value type: datetime.time. This is converted to a datetime.datetime internally.

class UserProperty(verbose_name=None, auto_current_user=False,

auto_current_user_add=False, ...)

A user with a Google account.

If auto_current_user is True, the property value is set to the currently signed-in user
whenever the model instance is stored in the datastore, overwriting the property's
previous value. This is useful for tracking which user modifies a model instance.

If auto_current_user_add is True, the property value is set to the currently signed-in

user the first time the model instance is stored in the datastore, unless the property
has already been assigned a value. This is useful for tracking which user creates a
model instance, which may not be the same user that modifies it later.

UserProperty does not accept a default value. Default values are set when the
model class is first imported, and with import caching may not be the currently
signed-in user.

Value type: users.User (see above)

8. GQL Reference
GQL is a SQL-like language for retrieving entities or keys from the App Engine scalable
datastore. While GQL's features are different from those of a query language for a
traditional relational database, the GQL syntax is similar to that of SQL.

The GQL syntax can be summarized as follows:

SELECT [* | __key__] FROM <kind>

[WHERE <condition> [AND <condition> ...]]
[ORDER BY <property> [ASC | DESC] [, <property> [ASC | DESC] ...]]
[LIMIT [<offset>,]<count>]
[OFFSET <offset>]

<condition> := <property> {< | <= | > | >= | = | != } <value>

<condition> := <property> IN <list>
<condition> := ANCESTOR IS <entity or key>

As with SQL, GQL keywords are case insensitive. Kind and property names are case

A GQL query returns zero or more entities or Keys of the requested kind. Every GQL query
always begins with either SELECT * FROM or SELECT __key__ FROM, followed by the name of
the kind. (A GQL query cannot perform a SQL-like "join" query.)

Tip: SELECT __key__ queries are faster and cost less CPU than SELECT * queries.

The optional WHERE clause filters the result set to those entities that meet one or more
conditions. Each condition compares a property of the entity with a value using a
comparison operator. If multiple conditions are given with the AND keyword, then an entity
must meet all of the conditions to be returned by the query. GQL does not have an OR
operator. However, it does have an IN operator, which provides a limited form of OR.

The IN operator compares value of a property to each item in a list. The IN operator is
equivalent to many = queries, one for each value, that are ORed together. An entity
whose value for the given property equals any of the values in the list can be returned for
the query.

Note: The IN and != operators use multiple queries behind the scenes. For example, the
IN operator executes a separate underlying datastore query for every item in the list. The
entities returned are a result of the cross-product of all the underlying datastore queries
and are de-duplicated. A maximum of 30 datastore queries are allowed for any single GQL

A condition can also test whether an entity has a given entity as an ancestor, using the
ANCESTOR IS operator. The value is a model instance or Key for the ancestor entity. For
more information on ancestors, see Keys and Entity Groups.

The left-hand side of a comparison is always a property name. The right-hand side can be
one of the following (as appropriate for the property's data type):
• a str literal, as a single-quoted string. Single-quote characters in the string must be
escaped as ''. For example: 'Joe''s Diner'
• an integer or floating point number literal. For example: 42.7
• a Boolean literal, as TRUE or FALSE.
• the NULL literal, which represents the null value (None in Python).
• a datetime, date, or time literal, with either numeric values or a string
representation, in the following forms:
o DATETIME(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
o DATE(year, month, day)
o TIME(hour, minute, second)
• an entity key literal, with either a string-encoded key or a complete path of kinds
and key names/IDs:
o KEY('encoded key')
o KEY('kind', 'name'/ID [, 'kind', 'name'/ID...])
• a User object literal, with the user's email address:
• a GeoPt literal, with the latitude and longitude as floating point values:
GEOPT(lat, long)
• a bound parameter value. In the query string, positional parameters are referenced
by number: title = :1 Keyword parameters are referenced by name: title = :mytitle

Note: conditions of the form property = NULL (which are equivalent) check to see whether a
null value is explicitly stored in the datastore for that property. This is not the same as
checking to see if the entity lacks any value for the property! Datastore queries which
refer to a property never return entities which don't have some value for that property.

Bound parameters can be bound as positional arguments or keyword arguments passed to

the GqlQuery constructor or a Model class's gql() method. Property data types that do not
have corresponding value literal syntax must be specified using parameter binding,
including the list data type. Parameter bindings can be re-bound with new values during
the lifetime of the GqlQuery instance (such as to efficiently reuse a query) using the bind()

The optional ORDER BY clause indicates that results should be returned sorted by the given
properties, in either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. If the direction is not
specified, it defaults to ASC. The ORDER BY clause can specify multiple sort orders as a
comma-delimited list, evaluated from left to right.

An optional LIMIT clause causes the query to stop returning results after the first count
entities. The LIMIT can also include an offset to skip that many results to find the first result
to return. An optional OFFSET clause can specify an offset if no LIMIT clause is present.

Note: A LIMIT clause has a maximum of 1000. If a limit larger than the maximum is
specified, the maximum is used. This same maximum applies to the fetch() method of the
GqlQuery class.

Note: Like the offset parameter for the fetch() method, an OFFSET in a GQL query string
does not reduce the number of entities fetched from the datastore. It only affects which
results are returned by the fetch() method. A query with an offset has performance
characteristics that correspond linearly with the offset size.

For information on executing GQL queries, binding parameters, and accessing results, see
the GqlQuery class, and the Model.gql() class method.
9. Datastore Statistics in Python
The datastore maintains statistics about the data stored for an application, such as how
many entities there are of a given kind, or how much space is used by property values of
a given type. You can view these statistics in the Administration Console, under Datastore
> Statistics.

You can also access these values programmatically within the application by querying for
specially named entites using the datastore API. Each statistic is accessible as an entity
whose kind name begins and ends with two underscores. For example, each app has
exactly one entity of the kind __Stat_Total__ that represents statistics about all of the
entities in the datastore in total. Each statistic entity has the following properties:

• count, the number of items considered by the statistic (a long integer)

• bytes, the total size of the items for this statistic (a long integer)
• timestamp, the time of the most recent update to the statistic (a date-time value)

Some statistic kinds also have additional properties, listed below.

A Python application can use model classes provided by the package

google.appengine.ext.db.stats to access statistic entities.

from google.appengine.ext.db import stats

global_stat = stats.GlobalStat.all().get()
print 'Total bytes stored: %d' % global_stat.bytes
print 'Total entities stored: %d' % global_stat.count

When the statistics system creates new statistic entities, it does not delete the old ones
right away. The best way to get a consistent view of the statistics is to query for the
GlobalStat entity with the most recent timestamp, then use that timestamp value as a filter
when fetching other statistic entities.

The statistic entities are included in the calculated statistic values. Statistic entities take up
space relative to the number of unique kinds and property names used by the application.

The complete list of available statistics is as follows:

Statistic Stat Entity Kind Description

all entities All entities.
Python class: GlobalStat
Entities of a kind; one stat entity
for each kind of entity stored.
Additional properties:
entities of a kind Python class: KindStat
• kind_name, the name of the
kind represented (a string)

root entities of a __Stat_Kind_IsRootEntity__ Entities of a kind that are entity

kind Python class: KindRootEntityStat group root entities (have no
ancestor parent); one stat entity
for each kind of entity stored.
Additional properties:

• kind_name, the name of the

kind represented (a string)

Entities of a kind that are not entity

group root entities (have an
ancestor parent); one stat entity
for each kind of entity stored.
non-root entities __Stat_Kind_NotRootEntity__
Python class: KindNotRootEntityStat Additional properties:
of a kind
• kind_name, the name of the
kind represented (a string)

Properties of a value type across all

entities; one stat entity per value
type. Additional properties:
properties of a __Stat_PropertyType__
type Python class: PropertyTypeStat
• property_type, the name of
the value type (a string)

Properties of a value type across

entities of a given kind; one stat
entity per combination of property
type and kind. Additional
properties of a __Stat_PropertyType_Kind__
type per kind Python class: KindPropertyTypeStat
• property_type, the name of
the value type (a string)
• kind_name, the name of the
kind represented (a string)

Properties with a given name

across entities of a given kind; one
stat entity per combination of
unique property name and kind.
Additional properties:
properties with __Stat_PropertyName_Kind__
a name Python class: KindPropertyNameStat
• property_name, the name of
the property (a string)
• kind_name, the name of the
kind represented (a string)

properties of a __Stat_PropertyType_PropertyName_Kind__ Properties with a given name and

type and with a Python class: of a given value type across entities
name KindPropertyNamePropertyTypeStat of a given kind; one stat entity per
combination of property name,
value type and kind that exists in
the datastore. Additional

• property_type, the name of

the value type (a string)
• property_name, the name of
the property (a string)
• kind_name, the name of the
kind represented (a string)

Some statistics refer to datastore property value types by name, as strings. These names
are as follows:

• "Blob"
• "Boolean"
• "ByteString"
• "Category"
• "Date/Time"
• "Email"
• "Float"
• "GeoPt"
• "Integer"
• "Key"
• "Link"
• "NULL"
• "PhoneNumber"
• "PostalAddress"
• "Rating"
• "String"
• "Text"
• "User"

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