Analysis of VOltage and Power Interactions in Multi-Infeed HVDC Systems

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Analysis of Voltage and Power Interactions in Multi-Infeed HVDC Systems

Denis Lee Hau Aik, Member, IEEE, and Gran Andersson, Fellow, IEEE
AbstractIn recent CIGR literature, an index was proposed to assess the degree of voltage interaction among HVDC converters in a multi-infeed conguration. However, the index is derived from empirical information, its usage is somewhat arbitrary or rule-ofthumb basis. In this paper, a power-ow model is used as the mathematical framework to derive an analytic equivalent of the empirical index, to facilitate rigorous analysis of voltage/power interactions in multi-infeed HVDC systems. Moreover, with other allied new indices proposed here and in past works, it is shown that a taxanomy of indices can be established with their interrelationships derived analytically. Furthermore, it is shown that these analytic indices can give theoretical insight into the parametric dependence of the power/voltage interactions. Index TermsMulti-infeed HVDC systems, nodal indices, power/voltage interactions, quasistatic analytic models.


ECENT concerns on multi-infeed HVDC systems have mostly focused on the power/voltage stability aspects [1][4]. These have been carried over from similar historical concerns on single-infeed HVDC systems. However, in recent works by CIGR [5], the issue of voltage interaction among HVDC converters in a multi-infeed conguration was addressed. This had been recognized to affect system performance even though the multi-infeed HVDC system might be operating in a stable regime, for example, concurrent commutation failure of multiple HVDC converters in close electrical proximity might occur which consequently impaired voltage quality or caused high overvoltage at the converter ac buses, etc. [5][8]. An index known as the multi-Infeed interaction factor (MIIF) was therefore proposed and studied in [5] and [9], to give a quantitative assessment of the degree of voltage interaction. However, use of the index has been somewhat on a rule-of-thumb basis since it is derived from empirical information which does not lend exhaustiveness from a theoretical perspective. In this paper, a power-ow model is used as the mathematical framework to derive an analytic equivalent of the empirical index, to facilitate rigorous treatment of voltage/power interactions in multi-infeed HVDC systems. Moreover, with other allied new indices proposed here and in past works [1][3], it is

shown that a taxanomy of stability and interaction indices for the analysis of multi-infeed HVDC systems can be established with their interrelationships derived analytically. Furthermore, it is shown that these analytic indices can give a fundamental insight of the parametric dependence of the power/voltage interactions, which offer a useful tool to aide planning and operation of practical multi-infeed HVDC systems. It is recognized that the analyses in these works have focused on line-commutated or current-source converters (CSC), but forced-commutated or voltage-source converters (VSC) have also become a viable HVDC transmission alternative as evidenced by much research and applications using this technology recently. Of course, the HVDC converters of higher rating applications and existing multi-infeed systems are still mostly CSC, but the situation may change in the future with rapidly advancing VSC technology. In principle, the same analyses in these papers are valid for multi-infeed systems with hybrid VSC and CSC. In such cases, the matrix elements of the Jacobians will be changed depending on the control mode of the VSC. This will be further considered in our future work. II. ANALYTIC FRAMEWORK FOR MULTI-INFEED HVDC SYSTEMS A. Taxanomy of Interaction and Stability Indices In past works, a number of indices were proposed to assess the voltage/power stability of multi-infeed HVDC systems [1][3]. Two such indices were the modal voltage sensitivity factor (MVSF) and modal power sensitivity factor (MPSF), which are, respectively, the modal ac voltage and dc power sensitivity to incremental variation of modal control variables in each eigenmode dimension of the power ow Jacobian. On the contrary, when variation of the control variables occurs at a single converter ac bus, nodal indices may be pertinent. In this respect, it is possible to derive nodal indices, such as the nodal voltage sensitivity factor (NVSF) and nodal dc power/current sensitivity factor (NPSF/NCSF), which can be analytically interrelated with their modal counterparts, as would be shown. The modal and nodal indices described before pertained to stability or proximity concerns on the multi-infeed HVDC system. When the system is operating within a stable regime but voltage interaction among HVDC converters that affect system performance is a more dominant issue, then interaction indices may be more pertinent. As mentioned earlier, recent CIGR works [5] had recognized this which motivated the multi-infeed interaction factor (MIIF) to be proposed. In this respect, it is also possible to derive nodal indices such as the nodal voltage interaction factor (NVIF), which is an analytic equivalent of

Manuscript received March 27, 2012; revised September 17, 2012; accepted October 30, 2012. Date of publication January 03, 2013; date of current version March 21, 2013.Paper no. TPWRD-00321-2012. D. H. A. Lee is with the Sarawak Energy, Berhad, Kuching 93050, Malaysia (e-mail: G. Andersson is with the ETH Zurich, Zurich 8092, Switzerland (e-mail: Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TPWRD.2012.2227510

0885-8977/$31.00 2013 IEEE



C. Mathematical Model In ac/dc power ow, the Jacobian matrix is given by two forms according to the choice of state variables as (1) and (2) , , , and are partial derivatives of the where converter ac bus power-ow equations with respect to the state variables. , , , , , , , , and are partial derivatives of the converter ac/dc bus power-ow equations with respect to the state variables. In (1), the converter ac bus voltage magnitude and angle are chosen as state variables, while these and additional dc current are chosen in (2). If there is no active power change at all with the converter ac buses, then it may be assumed that 0 and (1) reduces to (3) where (4) is the reduced ac Jacobian matrix. Similarly, if there is no ac active and reactive power change at all of the converter ac buses, then it may be assumed that and (2) reduce to (5) where
Fig. 2. N-converter multi-infeed HVDC system.

Fig. 1. Taxanomy of indices for the analysis of multi-infeed HVDC systems.

(6) and are is the reduced ac/dc Jacobian matrix. Note that square matrices, corresponding to the converter ac/dc buses and other ac buses eliminated. Equations (3)(6) constitute the mathematical framework to derive the nodal indices in these works. III. DEFINITIONS OF NODAL INDICES A. Empirical Denition In [5], an index known as the MIIF was dened as (7) where and are the incremental changes in voltage at the converter ac bus and , respectively, due to an incremental change in the ac reactive power at bus . As recommended in [5], is the incremental ac reactive power required to cause an incremental change in voltage of 1% nominal value (i.e., 0.01 p.u.).

the empirical MIIF, and the nodal dc power/current interaction factor (NPIF/NCIF). It would also be shown that these nodal interaction indices can be analytically interrelated with the modal and nodal indices. The foregoing considerations of stability and interaction indices, and their analytic interrelationships, indicate that they are not unrelated entities but are compatible with one another. This enables a taxanomy of indices, classied into two domains shown in Fig. 1, to be proposed in these works. It is in the context of this taxanomy that the new nodal indices are derived in these works and they are suitable for a comprehensive analysis of multi-infeed HVDC systems. B. System Model In these works, the taxanomy of indices as described earlier will be applied to the analysis of an -converter multi-infeed HVDC system model shown in Fig. 2. For this model, the converters are all assumed to be of the conventional line-commutated type.



B. Analytic Denition 1) Nodal AC Voltage Indices: It is seen that the MIIF is a practical denition based on empirical information. To develop a theoretical perspective of ac voltage interaction analysis of multi-infeed HVDC systems, the mathematical framework of (3)(4) is rst applied to the dual converter and then the -converter system model of Fig. 2. a) Dual-converter case For a dual-converter multi-infeed HVDC system, in (4) is a 2 2 matrix, whose elements , , , and are given in the Appendix. If it is further assumed that there is only an incremental change in the ac reactive power at the converter ac bus , then 0 and (3) reduces to (8) where (9) matrix. From (8), two denotes the determinant of the indices to be known as the nodal voltage sensitivity factor (NVSF) and nodal voltage interaction factor (NVIF) can be derived as

Thus, for , (12) yields


, ,

. . . . . .

. . . (13) . . .

where is the reduced ac Jacobian inverse matrix. Dividing the th by the th row of (13), the nodal voltage interaction factor of the th converter ac bus with respect to an incremental change in the ac reactive power at the th bus can hence be derived analytically as

(14) and from the th row of (13), the nodal voltage sensitivity factor of the th converter ac bus can be derived analytically as (15) where is the th row, th column, and is the th row diagonal element of the reduced ac Jacobian inverse matrix. We note that . . . . . . (16)

(10) Comparing (7) and (10), it is seen that the MIIF and NVIF have similar denitions but the latter can be derived analytically from the matrix elements. Thus, the NVIF is an analytic equivalent of the empirical MIIF. Note also that the NVIF and NVSF are nodal indices since they are derived from the incremental change of control variables in a single degree of freedom (i.e., the ac reactive power is incrementally changed at the converter ac buses one at a time). Similarly, where there is only an incremental change in the ac reactive power at the converter ac bus , then it can be assumed that . Thus, (3) reduces to

where is the cofactor and is the minor of the th row, th column element of . (The in (16) denotes the matrix transpose.) Thus, using the corresponding elements of (16) in (14), (15) also yields

(17) (18)

(11) b) N-converter case For the -converter system, we may similarly consider an incremental change in the ac reactive power at the -th converter ac bus only. Rewriting (3), we obtain (12) can also be written as the cofactor exIn (18), det pansion about the th row of . Note also in (17) and (18), . It is seen from (17) and (18) that the nodal voltage interaction and sensitivity factors for the -converter multi-infeed HVDC system can be derived analytically from the matrix elements.



2) Nodal DC Power/Current Indices: It is conceivable that the interaction among HVDC converters in a multi-infeed conguration is also manifested in the electrical coupling between dc parameters. Hence, it is pertinent to dene nodal interaction and stability indices of dc parameters, analogous to those of the converter ac bus voltages. To derive the nodal indices of dc parameters for the -converter system model in Fig. 2, the mathematical framework of (5)(6) is used. If all of the HVDC links operate in constant dc power-constant control mode and only the dc power order of the th HVDC link is incrementally changed, then it may be assumed that for all . Thus, from (5), we obtain . . . . . . . . . . . . (19)

On the other hand, if all of the HVDC links operate in constant dc current-constant control mode and only the dc current order of the th HVDC link is incrementally changed, then it may be assumed that 0 for all . Thus, (5) becomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (24)

where is the th row, th column element of . Thus, dividing the th by th row in (24), the nodal dc power interaction factor of the th HVDC link with respect to an incremental change in the th HVDC link current order for constant dc current control mode is derived analytically as (25)

where is the reduced ac/dc Jacobian inverse matrix. Similar to the approach used in (13) to derive (14) and (15), dividing the th by the th row of (19), the nodal dc current interaction factor of the th HVDC link with respect to an incremental change in the th HVDC link power order for constant dc power control mode can hence be derived analytically as

Further, from the th row in (24), the nodal dc power sensitivity factor of the th HVDC link for constant DC current control mode is derived analytically as (26) Note that if the system model in Fig. 2 reduces to a single ), then (26) is, in fact, the gradient of the converter (i.e., maximum power curve of the single-infeed HVDC system.

(20) IV. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INDICES and from the th row of (19), the nodal dc current sensitivity factor of the th HVDC link for constant dc power control mode can be derived analytically as (21) is the th row, th column, and is the where th row diagonal element of the reduced ac/dc Jacobian inverse matrix. Expressing in terms of the cofactors and minors of , similar to in (16), and using the corresponding elements in (20) and (21) yields The underlying relationships of the taxanomy of indices in Fig. 1 are derived analytically in this section. A. Nodal and Modal AC Voltage Sensitivity Factor It is seen from (18) that with , given by has an inverse relationship

(27) Since the MVSF, which is the minimum eigenvalue of , becomes identically zero with det as shown in [1], [2], this means that tends to innity when the MVSF becomes zero as seen from (27). B. Nodal DC Current and Modal Power Sensitivity Factor

(22) (23)

Similarly, as seen from (23), ship with det , given by

has an inverse relation-

(28) is the cofactor and where is the minor of the th row, th column element of . Since the MPSF, which is the minimum eigenvalue of , becomes identically zero with det as shown in [1] and [2],



this means that tends to innity when the MPSF becomes zero as seen from (28). C. Nodal AC Voltage Sensitivity and Interaction Factor The relationship between from (13) by rewriting it as . . . . . . Dividing each side of (29) by of (14) and (15) yields . . . . . . and can be derived

D. Nodal DC Current Sensitivity and Interaction Factor Since (19) is of the same form as (13), similar results as in (29)(32) can be derived to interrelate and . Thus (33) (34)

. . . . . . (29)

where .. . .. .

and using the denitions . . . . . . . . . (30) . . .

It is seen that (30) is the product of the th column vector of the NVIF matrix with , and that it is orthogonal to all of the th row of for , that is, . 0. Thus, writing (30) for all of the th column of the NVIF matrix, , yields its matrix form (31) where .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . . Note that is the from (31) identity matrix, and . Thus, . .

Thus, is interrelated with the indirectly through . Note that (33) also implies that can be constructed from simulated or measured values of NCSF and NCIF. E. Nodal DC Power Sensitivity and Interaction Factor From (25) and (26), the as (35) F. Nodal DC Power and AC Voltage Interaction Factor The denition of in (25) can be rewritten as (36) Thus, if the incremental change in current order becomes innitesimal in the limit, then (37) where , , and for constant dc current control is given in [1] as . Note that if , , , then . , where . Since it is possible for to be greater than unity, then the dc interaction for constant dc current control mode may be greater than the ac interaction in a multi-infeed HVDC system. G. Summary of Relationships Between Indices The analytic interrelationships among the indices as derived in Sections IV-AF may be summarized by the diagram shown in Fig. 3. In Fig. 3, the solid and dashed arrow lines, respectively, denote a direct and an indirect interrelationship between two indices. For each interrelationship arrow line, the corresponding equation governing the interrelationship, as derived analytically in the preceding sections, is also indicated. and are interrelated

(32) Thus, is interrelated with the indirectly through . Note that (31) also implies that can be constructed from NVSF and NVIF. Thus, if it is impractical to form the elements of analytically, then simulated or measured values of the nodal indices may be used instead.



Fig. 3. Relationship between interaction and stability indices.

Fig. 5. Nodal voltage indices versus ESCR1.

Fig. 4. Nodal voltage indices versus tie-line.



increases implies a progressively lesser incremental voltage change at this bus due to the same incremental reactive power change at the converter ac bus . On the other hand, the consistent implies a consistent incremental voltage change at the converter ac bus due to this change . As a result, the ratio of and , which is , decreases as increases. It is also seen that is greater than for all . This is because ac/dc system 1 remained electrically stronger than system 2 , such that an incremental reactive power change in the stronger system 1 causes greater voltage interaction of the weaker system 2 than that of the stronger system 1 caused by the same change in the weaker system 2 . B. ESCR The ESCR of ac/dc system 1 (ESCR1) is varied, while that of ac/dc system 2 (ESCR2) is maintained constant. AC/DC system 1 is electrically stronger than system 2 as seen from the NVSFs in Fig. 5 , resulting in greater than as explained earlier. However, and converge as the electrical strength of ac/dc system 1 decreases. Before this occurs, the system becomes unstable as determined by the det or NVSF becoming zero or innite, respectively, at . It is also noted that the magnitude of NVIF can be greater than unity, as seen from Fig. 5 for at . Thus, this can be the case for a multi-infeed conguration with constituent ac/dc systems that are electrically weak. C. Power Base Ratio is varied while that The power rating of HVDC link 2 of HVDC link 1 is maintained constant. Thus, the PBR is varied. As seen from Fig. 6, the NVIF of converter ac bus 2 increases with PBR, which is expected since the electrical strength of ac/dc system 2 decreases correspondingly. This is also seen from the becoming increasingly greater than . For example, as PBR increased from 0.5 to 2, ESCR2 decreased

The parametric dependence of power/voltage interactions of the dual-converter multi-infeed HVDC system in Fig. 2 is analyzed in this section using the foregoing analytic derivations. Here also, the effective short-circuit ratio link of the th ac/dc system is dened in the same way as that of the single-infeed conguration. Thus (38) where PBR is the power base ratio of the dc power rating of the th HVDC link and that of the referenced th HVDC link. The parameter symbols and values used to derive the plots in Figs. 48 are described in the Appendix. These parameter symbols used also correspond to those indicated in Fig. 2. Where different parameter values are used, they are indicated on the associated gures. A. Tie-Line Power Flow The tie-line power ow is varied between 0 and 1 p.u., while the power injected into the ac/dc system 1 is maintained constant (i.e., 1 p.u.). As seen from Fig. 4, the NVIFs and VSFs of the converter ac buses decrease slightly as increases, with a greater decrease for the converter ac bus 1. The diminishing as



Fig. 6. Nodal voltage indices power base ratio.

Fig. 8. Nodal voltage indices versus ESCR for different control mode.

It is also seen that the NVSFs of both converter ac buses decrease as increases, when both constituent ac/dc systems are electrically weak (solid line NVSF plots). This implies that the weak constituent ac/dc systems in close electrical proximity adversely affect instead of lending voltage support to each other mutually. On the other hand, when one of the constituent ac/dc systems is electrically stronger, increasing increases the NVSFs of the converter ac bus in the weaker ac/dc system 2 (dashed line NVSF2 plot). This implies that the stronger ac/dc system is lending positive voltage support to the weaker ac/dc system, which is progressively diminished as increases. E. HVDC Link Control Mode
Fig. 7. Nodal voltage indices versus .

from 6.17 to 1.54 as computed using (37) with 0.3, 0.24, 0.54, 1.08. It is noted that is equal to at , meaning that both converter ac buses have the same voltage interaction propensity. This is due to the equal electrical strength of both ac/dc systems at this PBR value as also indicated by the equal and (i.e., ESCR1 and ESCR2 equal to 2.8), as computed using (37) with and other parameters as before. D. Tie-Line Impedance The tie-line impedance is varied while the electrical strength of both ac/dc systems (ESCR1, ESCR2) are maintained constant. As seen from Fig. 7, the NVIFs of both converter ac buses tend to unity and zero, as tends to zero and a large value, respectively, which correspondingly relates to the electrical amalgamation and decoupling of the ac/dc systems. Furthermore, the NVIFs are less than unity for all , which is the case when at least one of the constituent ac/dc systems is electrically strong (dashed line plots, , ). However, the NVIFs can be greater than unity when all constituent ac/dc systems are electrically weak and in close electrical proximity (solid line plot, 0.4 p.u. and , ), as observed earlier.

The control mode of HVDC link 2 is changed to constant current control. In the previous sections, HVDC links 1 and 2 operate in constant power control. Similar to Section V-B, the ESCR of the ac/dc system 1 (ESCR1) is varied, while that of ac/dc system 2 (ESCR2) is maintained constant. As seen from Fig. 8, the NVIFs and NVSFs of converter ac bus 2 are less than those of converter ac bus 1, even though the electrical strength of ac/dc system 2 is relatively lower . This is opposite of the voltage interaction and sensitivity characteristics in Fig. 5, when both HVDC links operate in constant power control and the electrical strength of ac/dc system 2 is relatively higher ( 1.54, ). This implies the inherent higher electrical strength of ac/dc system 2 when HVDC link 2 operates in constant current compared to constant power control. The electrical strength of ac/dc system 1 overtakes that of ac/dc system 2 only when the ESCR1 becomes exceedingly higher . VI. NUMERICAL VERIFICATION The interrelationships between the various indices, derived analytically in Section IV, are numerically veried here. For this purpose, power ows using PSS/E are simulated on the dualconverter multi-infeed HVDC system in Fig. 2, with the system parameters and conditions as given in the Appendix. For the simulations to derive the ac voltage indices, a 2-MVar capacitor bank is separately switched off at each converter ac bus, and the required variables are computed. For



Fig. 9. Power-ow simulation instants to compute indices.


(1.54) and, therefore, a weak ac/dc system 2, in the case study. This caused high-voltage sensitivity at the converter ac bus 2 which consequently made it practically difcult to estimate the voltage magnitudes consistently from the power-ow simulations. For higher values of ESCR2 , smaller differences were obtained. Another factor possibly contributing to the differences is the reduced Jacobian matrix versus a full representation in the analytic and PSS/E power-ow model, respectively. Despite these small differences, it is seen that the analytically and empirically computed indices are sufciently closely matched. Thus, the theoretical assertions as presented in these works are deemed to be validated. Hence, the analytic indices can alternatively be computed with those empirically computed from power-ow simulations. VII. CONCLUSIONS In these works, ac and ac/dc power-ow models were used as the mathematical framework to derive various voltage/power indices for multi-infeed HVDC systems. The main motivation of this was to derive an analytic equivalent of the empirical index proposed in [5], but also other allied new indices, in order to facilitate a comprehensive and rigorous analysis of voltage/ power interactions in multi-infeed HVDC systems. Moreover, it was shown that the indices proposed in this and in past works can be organized into a taxanomy through establishing their underlying interrelationships analytically. Furthermore, it was shown that these indices can be used for parametric studies to gain a fundamental insight of voltage/power interactions, which would otherwise not be so apparent from empirical calculations. The theoretical assertions of these indices were also veried numerically using power-ow simulations on a dual-converter multi-infeed HVDC system, and it was shown that the indices and their interrelationships, computed from the analytic equations and empirical power-ow simulations, closely matched. APPENDIX



the simulations to derive the dc power and current indices, the power/current order of each HVDC link is separately increased approximately 0.5 1%, and the required variables are computed. The incremental change of these variables is the difference between their values at and , where is the time instant of change (i.e., switching the capacitor bank or raising the power/current order). A diagram depicting the power-ow simulation instants is shown in Fig. 9, and the simulated incremental changes of the required variables are given in Table I. From these, the various indices as dened in Section III are empirically and analytically computed as given in Table II. These empirical indices are then substituted into the equations governing their relationships in Section IV, and compared with their analytic counterparts as shown in Table III. It is seen from Tables II and III that the indices and their interrelationships, as computed analytically and empirically, are similar. The small but noticeable differences between them as indicated in the tables are contributed by the low ESCR2 value

Expressions for the elements of the reduced ac and ac/dc Jacobian matrices ( and ) for the dual-converter multi-infeed HVDC system (i.e., in Fig. 2) are given as follows. Reduced AC Jacobian Matrix Elements:




Power base ratio: . ESCR: 2.8, 1.54. Power ow into the ac/dc system 1: 0.5 p.u. Converter ac bus voltage 1 p.u. System Parameters and Conditions For Numerical Verication in Section VI: 0.04, 130 MVar, 317 MVar, , , 0.3, 0.15, 0.25, 300, 300 MW, 600 MW, 400 kV, 275 kV, 1.035, 1.045, 80 MW, REFERENCES

Reduced AC/DC Jacobian Matrix Elements:


[1] L. Denis, Voltage and power stability of HVDC systems, Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elect. Power Syst., Royal Inst. Technol., TRITA-EES9801, Stockholm, Sweden, 1998. [2] L. Denis and G. Andersson, Voltage stability analysis of multi-infeed HVDC systems, IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 547557, Jan. 1997. [3] L. Denis and G. Andersson, Power stability analysis of multi-infeed HVDC systems, IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 923931, Jan. 1998. [4] CIGRE, On voltage and power stability in ac/dc systems, CIGR Brochure 222, WG14.05. Paris, France, 2002. [5] CIGRE, System with multiple dc infeed, CIGR WG B441 Guide, 2008. [6] E. Rahimi, Voltage interactions and commutation failure phenomema in multi-infeed hvdc systems, Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elect. Comput. Eng., Univ. Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, 2011. [7] E. Rahimi, A. M. Gole, J. B. Davies, I. T. Fernando, and K. L. Kent, Commutation failure analysis in multi-infeed HVDC systems, IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 378384, Jan. 2011. [8] E. Rahimi, A. M. Gole, J. B. Davies, I. T. Fernando, and K. L. Kent, Commutation failure in single- and multi-infeed HVDC systems, in Proc. 8th Inst. Elect. Eng. Int. Conf. ACDC Power Transm., London, U.K., p. 182. [9] I. T. Fernando, K. L. Kent, J. B. Davies, E. Rahimi, and A. M. Gole, Parameters for planning and evaluation of multi-infeed HVDC schemes, presented at the CIGR Symp. Syst. Develop. Asset Manage. under Restructuring, Osaka, Japan, Nov. 2007. Denis Lee Hau Aik (M88) was born in Kuching, Sarawak, East Malaysia. He received the B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from the National University of Singapore in 1984 and the Ph.D. degree in power systems from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, in 1998. Since 1984, he has been with the Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation, Malaysia, which is wholly owned by its parent company Sarawak Energy Berhad. His work experiences include power system planning, power system design, and project engineering. His professional and research interests include power system dynamics, control, stability, and interactions between ac and HVDC systems.

is the converter and the subscript denotes rated values. transformer short-circuit impedance. Parameter Values For Parametric Analysis in Section V: . Converter extinction angle: Converter transformer short-circuit impedance: 0.04 p.u. 0.54 p.u., Converter ac bus shunt compensation: 1.08 p.u. Coupling impedance: 0.5 p.u. DC-link rated power: 1 p.u., 2 p.u.

Gran Andersson (M86SM91F97) was born in Malm, Sweden. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in engineering physics from the University of Lund, Lund, Sweden, in 1975 and 1980, respectively. In 1980, he joined ASESAs HVDC division and in 1986, he was appointed Professor in Electric Power Systems, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. In 2000, he was appointed to Professor in the Power Systems Group, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH, Zrich, Switzerland. His research interests are in power system analysis and control, particularly issues involving HVDC and other power-electronics-based equipment. Dr. Andersson is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

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