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Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant April 7, 2011

Environmer.tal cleanup

Weapons complex D&D


LLW disposal

Waste man


i. 'Pl,



Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1716 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant

SUM M ARY ............................................................................................................................... S. 4



PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................. ASSUM PTIONS ........................................................................................................................


OPTIONS FOR RETRIEVAL .......................................................................................

4.1. 1. Pumps .......................................................................................................................... 4.1.2. Transfer .......................................................................................................................

4.2. OPTIONS FOR STORAGE ........................................................................................ 4.2.1. Bladdertanks: ........................................................................................................

4.2.2 B Basins .......................................................................................................................... 4.3. OPTIONS FOR TREATM ENT ..................................................................................... 4.3.1. Ion exchange ........................................................................................................ 4.3.2. Evaporation ................................................................................................................ 4.3.3. Reverse Osmosis ..................................................................................................... 4.4. OPTIONS FOR DISPOSAL W ASTEFORM ............................................................... 4.4.1. Grout/Cement ............................................................................................................. 4.4.2. Glass .......................................................................................................................... 4.4.3. Dryand drum ............................................................................................................. 4.4.4. Gel formation ............................................................................................................. Appendix A - Retrieval ............................................................................................................. A.I. PROBLEM STATEM ENT .......................................................................................... A.2. DOE EXPERIENCE ................................................................................................... A.3. PROCESS DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................... A.3.1 Flowsheet ................................................................................................................... A.3.2 Equipment and Capabilities ..................................................................................... A.4. ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS Appendix B - Storage ................................................................................................................ B.l. PROBLEM STATEM ENT .......................................................................................... B.3. PROCESS DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................... Appendix C - Treatment ............................................................................................................ C.1. PROBLEM STATEMENT .......................................................................................... C.2. DOE EXPERIENCE ................................................................................................... Appendix D - Disposition ..................................................................................................... D. I. PROBLEM STATEM ENT .......................................................................................... D.2. DOE EXPERIENCE ................................................................................................... D.3. PROCESS DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................... Appendix E - DOE Expertise to support Fukushima water clean-up effort ................................

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Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a

recommendation for action

DK 1717 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant






Page 4 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1718 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant

Why is this redacted?


Page 5 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1719 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 6 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1720 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 7 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1721 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 8 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1722 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 9 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1723 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Material Compatibility


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DK 1724 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 11 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1725 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 12 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1726 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 13 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1727 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 14 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1728 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 15 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1729 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 16 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1730 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 17 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1731 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 18 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1732 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant __MML_


Page 19 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1733 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 20 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1734 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 21 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1735 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 22 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1736 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 23 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1737 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 24 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1738 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 25 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1739 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 26 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1740 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 27 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1741 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 28 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1742 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 29 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1743 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 30 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1744 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 31 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1745 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 32 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1746 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 33 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1747 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 34 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1748 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 35 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1749 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 36 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1750 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Page 37 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1751 of 1892

Potential Near-Term Options to Mitigate Contaminated Water in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant

Page 38 of 38 Information contained in this document is preliminary, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action

DK 1752 of 1892

U.S. Department of Energy Answers to Water Treatment Questions

April 21, 2011


Inf'ormation contained in this documnent Aerveas describes options and DOE experience, and is not mcant to serve as a
JUL recommeniLL1L~i onrUIL onUA.I

DK 1753 of 1892


lnfbrmation contained in this document describes options and DOE experience, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action.

DK 1754 of 1892


Inlormation contained in this document dcscribes options and DOE experience, and is not meant to servc as a recommendation for action.

DK 1755 of 1892


Inlfbrmation contained in this document describes options and DOE experience, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action.

DK 1756 of 1892


Inlbrmation contained in this document describes options and DOE experience., and is not meant to serve as a

recommendation for action.

DK 1757 of 1892


Infiormation contained in this document describes options and DOE experience, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action.

I 6

DK 1758 of 1892


Ilnfbrmation contained in this document describes options and DOE experience, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action.

DK 1759 of 1892



Information contained in this document describes options and DOE experience, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action.

DK 1760 of 1892





Inlormation contained in this document describes options and DOE experience, and is not meant to serve as a

recommendation for action.

DK 1761 of 1892





Infiormation contained in this document describes options and DOE experience, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action.


DK 1762 of 1892



lnfbrmation contained in this document describes options and DOE experience, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action.

DK 1763 of 1892


Infonration contained inthis document describes options and DOE experience, and isnot meant to serve as a recommendation for action.


DK 1764 of 1892


Information contained inthis document describes options and DOE experience, and isnot meant to serve as a recommendation for action.


DK 1765 of 1892

Figure A2: EPICOR-I Flowsheet


not meant to serve as a this document describes options and DOE experience, and is Infbnnation contained in recommendation for action.


DK 1766 of 1892


Infbmniation containcd inthis document describes options and DOE experience, and isnot rncant to serve as a recommendation for action.


DK 1767 of 1892


Infobniaiion contained inthis document describes options and DOE experience, and isnot meant to serve as a recommcndation for action.


DK 1768 of 1892


Infbrmation contained inthis document describes options and DOE experience, and isnot meant to serve as a recommendation for action.


DK 1769 of 1892


Infonnation contained in this document describes options and DOE experience, and isnot meant to serve as a recommendation for action.


DK 1770 of 1892


Inlormation contained in this document describes options and DOE experience, and is not meant to serve as a 19 I recommendation For action. I

DK 1771 of 1892


lnfiormation contained in this document describes options and DOE experience, and is not meant to serve as a recommendation for action.


DK 1772 of 1892

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