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Acta Mech 195, 141155 (2008) DOI 10.

1007/s00707-007-0541-x Printed in The Netherlands

Acta Mechanica

Dedicated to Professor Franz Ziegler on the occasion of his 70th birthday

Cable vibration mitigation by added SMA wires

F. Casciati, L. Faravelli, C. Fuggini
Department of Structural Mechanics, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy Received 28 September 2007; Accepted 21 November 2007; Published online 15 January 2008 Springer-Verlag 2008

Summary. Limiting the oscillations of suspension or cable-stayed bridges requires a suitable strategy for the cable vibration mitigation. This paper approaches the problem by a campaign of laboratory tests conducted for a suspended steel cable specimen of diameter 2 mm. First the dynamic behaviour of the cable in free vibrations is studied. The main mechanical parameters, such as natural frequencies and damping coefcients, are evaluated by an elaboration of the time histories recorded by two tri-axial accelerometers. A wire of diameter 1 mm, made by shape memory alloy (SMA), is then added to the cable. Several congurations for the system steel cableSMA wire are conceived. The goal is to nd how the dynamic behaviour of the steel cable changes, and to assess which conguration could give the best results in terms of cable vibration mitigation and damping increase.

1 Introduction
This paper investigates the feasibility of mitigating structural cable vibration [1][4] by adding a shape memory alloy (SMA) [5][9] wire wrapped along the cable. Passive, semi-active and active control solutions have been implemented to reduce undesired levels of cable in-plane vibrations. Their localisation, close to the cable support, generally limits the maximum achievable damping and this is especially true for long cables. The results of a campaign of experimental tests are reported. They were carried out toward the identication of a strategy able to reduce in-plane and out-of-plane vibrations of cables and to increase their modal damping. The idea is to create a composite system by coupling a steel taut cable and a thin SMA wire. The SMA (copper-based) pre-stressed wire is wrapped once, twice, etc. around the steel cable until the conguration offering the best increase in the modal damping value is found. Adding a pre-stressed shape memory alloy wire to a steel taut cable provides a mitigation solution distributed along the cable and, hence, is not affected by the device localisation.

2 Experiment mockup
The experimental setup is sketched in Fig. 1. Figure 2 shows a photo of the cable while Fig. 3 collects the photos of the involved sensor devices.
Correspondence: F. Casciati, Department of Structural Mechanics, University of Pavia, via Ferrata 1, Pavia, Italy e-mail:

y z x f w2

F. Casciati et al.




v1 w1

Fig. 1. Experimental setup

Fig. 2. Initial cable conguration

Fig. 3. From right to left: load cell, laser sensor, tri-axial accelerometer

The cable is supported at its ends by two identical devices, each one having a spherical joint, of the Tescubal type [10], xed to rigid supports placed at the same height. The anchorages are realized by inserting the end threaded parts of the cable in the spherical joints. A load cell, type Futek L 2760 [11], is placed at one of the two ends. It provides the dynamic measure of the horizontal component H of the reaction at the anchor point. Two laser sensors, type Wenglor [12], allow to measure the vertical movement in-plane v0 (parallel to axis y) and outof-plane w0 (parallel to axis z) of a point placed in the middle of the cable span L. Two tri-axial accelerometers, Crossbow LF type [13], are xed to the cable approximately to the three quarters of the span and to the one fth of the span, respectively. The accelerometers record 2 ; and in the 1 ; v the acceleration time history signals in free vibrations both in the vertical in-plane, v 2 ; of the two application points. 1; w transversal out-of-plane, w The cable, made by a stainless steel wire of diameter 2 mm, model Cronimo 1, is produced by Teci Redaelli [14]. The cable mounts six equally-spaced spherical masses. The geometrical and mechanical properties of the cable in the experimental setup are summarized in Table 1. One of the two anchorages is died, while the other end allows to vary the tension in the cable by a screw, connected to the cable through a bearing ball. The unit mass of the cable is 0.02 kg/m, which corresponds to a span length of 2.30 m to a weight of 0.46 N. Each one of the spherical masses adds

Cable vibration mitigation by added SMA wires


Table 1. Steel cable proprieties Length L (m)


Sag f (m)

Diameter / (mm)

500 Stress [MPa] 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 Strain 0.05 0.06

Fig. 4. Stressstrain diagrams for untreated Cu-based SMA

a weight of 1.42 N. The total static weight for the length unit is q 3.805 N/m. The initial conguration chosen for the cable has a sag f 2.5 cm, which corresponds to one taut rope with a static shooting to the supports H qL2 =8f 105:96 N: A wire in shape memory alloy (austenite phase) of diameter 1 mm is also available. It is anchored to the same vertical point of the steel cable, and is xed at each end by a device that allows to assign a pre-tension force to the wire. Its value is selected to give a 2% strain in the cable. The stressstrain diagram of Fig. 4 shows how this value belongs to the plateau, i.e., hysteresis is added by adding the SMA wire, but not stiffness [15]. A previous work [16] has shown that, in the identication of the dynamic cable behaviour, the laser sensors could only reach few fundamental frequencies in-plane and out-of-plane. For this reason their use in this experimental campaign is only to measure the displacement of the middle point of the cable, and not to extract the modal frequencies. Their role is to give a measure of the in-plane and out-of-plane middle point cable displacements under different congurations (without the SMA wire, with the SMA wire wrapped once, twice, etc.) and to detect how these displacements vary as the horizontal component H of the reaction to the anchor point, which is measured by the load cell, increases. Drawing the forcetime diagram would permit one to show the dissipative behaviour of the SMA component, and to estimate how this dissipation can change with the different SMA wiresteel cable congurations. On the contrary the fundamental frequencies in free vibrations are obtained using the signals recorded by the two accelerometers placed at three quarter (A) and at one fth (B) of the cable span length, respectively. The accelerometers record time history signals of the in-plane and out-of-plane cable motions. The stored data are subsequently elaborated to obtain the spectral density function. Having the two accelerometers located in opposite sides on the cable span mainly aims to minimize the torsion effects caused by small movements of the accelerometers during the cable oscillations.

3 System identication
The modal identication of the cable (spectral components and damping) was carried out in free oscillations and small displacements, using the two accelerometers to estimate the dynamic behaviour. The disturbance effects on the cable due to the presence of the accelerometers cause a


F. Casciati et al.

small modication of the fundamental frequencies of the cable, if compared with those of the implemented numerical model. Experimentally one detects errors, in such frequencies, due to the presence of the accelerometers, in the range from 2 to 5%. So the results obtained have to be regarded as assessed for the whole system cable accelerometers. Only for the conguration without the SMA wire, the data obtained during the experimental tests were also elaborated in order to build a nite element numerical model, within the ANSYS-CIVILFEM software [17].

3.1 Experimental tests

For each conguration system, two tests were carried out: The rst test consists in free in-plane oscillations. In this case, particular care was devoted to have that the initial deformed conguration had a non-symmetrical shape in the middle point of the cable so as to excite also the anti-symmetric modes. The second test consists in free out-of-plane oscillations. The cable is arranged in an out-of-plane (non-symmetrical) conguration. From this position the cable is suddenly left free to move in the transversal direction.

Each acquisition has duration from 10 to 20 s and the sampling frequency, for all the measured data, is 250 points per second. For both in-plane and out-of-plane free vibrations, and for each of the system congurations, four 1 sets of data were recorded for each accelerometer: two for the in-plane vibration, accelerations v 2 ; and two for the out-of-plane oscillations, accelerations w 1 and w 2: and v In addition, for each in-plane and out-of-plane test, the measurements of the two laser sensors were also acquired: the vertical in-plane displacements v0, and the transverse out-of-plane displacement w0. The load cell provides for each test the measure of the horizontal component of the reaction at the anchor point. In general for each conguration system, therefore, eight measures of acceleration, two of displacement and one force were collected. 3.2 Data processing
The time histories of signals recorded by the two accelerometers were elaborated to obtain the power spectral density function (PSD) toward the estimation of the fundamental frequencies. The modal damping was calculated by the Wavelet transform approach illustrated in [18] that allows one to evaluate the damping coefcient for any given vibration frequency. The Wavelet transform is a linear transform, which decomposes a signal x(t) via basis functions that are simply dilatations and translations of the parent Wavelet h(t) through the convolution of the signal and the scaled parent Wavelet: 1  p ; b Wh a  a



  tb dt;  a

 denes the function where h represents the complex part of the Wavelet function h, the parameter a  localizes the function in the time domain. The parent Wavelet used in this paper is dilatation and b the continuous Morlet Wavelet: ht eix0 t et


j is ; b where x0 is a parameter depending on the system frequencies. The transform modulus jWh a n a real function whose maximum values are associated with the discrete values of the parameter a

Cable vibration mitigation by added SMA wires


 n be the dilatation of the nth that correspond to the fundamental frequencies of the system. Let a mode, the corresponding modal damping coefcient can be calculated by the expression: nn 1 d 1 d j; n ; b kn t logjWh a xn dt xn dt 3 q 1 n2 n u0 is the phase

where xn represents the circular frequency of the motion and ut xn : n ; b of the transform Wh a

4 Experimental results
Five different system congurations were realized and tested: (i) (ii) free vibration of a suspended steel cable (of diameter 2 mm); free vibration of a suspended steel cable, with a parallel pre-stressed SMA wire (of diameter 1 mm); (iii) free vibration of a suspended steel cable, with a pre-stressed SMA wire once wrapped around the cable; (iv) free vibration of a suspended steel cable, with a pre-stressed SMA wire three times wrapped around the cable; (v) free vibration of a suspended steel cable, with a pre-stressed SMA wire ve times wrapped around the cable;

For each conguration system, six natural frequencies, the rst three in-plane frequencies and the rst three out-of-plane frequencies of the cable motion, were estimated, as well as the main damping features.

4.1 Conguration I
The rst system conguration consists of the specimen of a suspended steel cable as described in the experimental setup. The modal identication is made by the two accelerometers A and B. Figures 5 and 6 show the time history signals in free vibrations. In particular Fig. 5 collects the acquisitions of accelerometer A, while Fig. 6 those of accelerometer B. The recorded data were elaborated to obtain the PSD. From Figs. 7 and 8, the natural frequencies, both in-plane and out-of-plane, are estimated as the peaks in the spectral density diagram. The reliability of the accelerometers in estimating the frequencies for in-plane and out-of plane motion is validated by a nite element model built within the ANSYS-CIVILFEM software. The steel modulus of elasticity (E 130,000 MPa) was calibrated until an agreement between the measured and the calculated frequencies was reached [14]. Table 2 reports the values of the rst three natural frequencies for in-plane and out-of-plane cable free vibrations as estimated from the experimental data and as computed numerically. The modal damping was estimated by the continuous Morlet Wavelet transform. The method provides, for a chosen in-plane and out-of-plane mode, the modal damping values associated with the fundamental frequency of the mode. Figure 9 gives the diagrams relative to the h(t) function trend calculated as described in Eq. (2), for the rst in-plane mode and for the rst out-of-plane mode. The damping coefcient depends on the slope of h(t) function in a semi-logarithmic plan. The values are given in Table 3.

10 4

F. Casciati et al.

w1 (cm/s2)

0 5 10 0 2 4 t (s) 15 6 8 10

v1 (cm/s2)

2 0 2 4 0 2 4 t (s) 10 6 8 10

w1 (cm/s2)

v1 (cm/s2)
0 2 4 t (s) 6 8 10

7.5 0 7.5 15

5 0 5 10 0 2 4 t (s) 6 8 10

Fig. 5. Time histories from accelerometer A: a out-of-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; b in-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; c out-of-plane component for in-plane cable vibration; d in-plane component for in-plane cable vibration


w2 (cm/s2)

0 10 20 0 2 4 t (s) 10 6 8 10

v2 (cm/s2)


2 0 2 4 0 2 4 t (s) 10 6 8 10

w2 (cm/s2)

v2 (cm/s2)
0 2 4 t (s) 6 8 10

5 0 5 10

5 0 5 10 0 2 4 t (s) 6 8 10

Fig. 6. Time histories from accelerometer B: a out-of-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; b in-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; c out-of-plane component for in-plane cable vibration; d in-plane component for in-plane cable vibration

4.2 Congurations IIIIIIV

The congurations from II to IV represent intermediate phases from the situation with only the steel cable to the nal one with the SMA wire wrapped several times around the cable. In particular the second conguration is realized when the SMA wire is put in parallel to the steel cable, while in the third conguration the SMA wire is wrapped once around the cable, and the fourth conguration consists in the SMA wire wrapped three times around the cable. The results in terms of modal frequencies and damping coefcients for these three congurations have been compared with those elaborated for congurations I and V.

Cable vibration mitigation by added SMA wires

100 100




5 f (Hz)



5 f (Hz)







5 f (Hz)



5 f (Hz)



Fig. 7. Spectral density functions from accelerometer A: a out-of-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; b in-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; c out-of-plane component for in-plane cable vibration; d in-plane component for in-plane cable vibration





5 f (Hz)



5 f (Hz)







5 f (Hz)




1 f (Hz)



Fig. 8. Spectral density functions from accelerometer B: a out-of-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; b in-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; c out-of-plane component for in-plane cable vibration; d in-plane component for in-plane cable vibration

In particular Table 4 shows the identied modal frequencies, their values and their variation across the ve congurations. Table 5 summarizes the results of the damping evaluation for such three congurations as well as of the rst and the fth conguration.

Table 2. Experimental frequencies and estimation by the nite element model Vibration modes

F. Casciati et al.

Frequencies (Hz)
f1 f2 f3 f1 f2 f3

5.494 6.157 9.687 3.752 6.412 9.885

5.454 7.012 10.372 3.765 7.004 10.307

Variation (%)
0.7 13.9 7.1 0.4 9.2 4.3


102 101 100 101 3

101 100 101 102


102 101 100 101 5

4.5 t (s)



101 100 101 102 10

12 t (s)





6.5 t (s)



14 t (s)




Fig. 9. Plot of the h(t) function. Accelerometer A: a out of plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; b in-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; c out-of-plane component for in-plane cable vibration; d in-plane component for in-plane cable vibration

Table 3. Damping coefcient values in system conguration I Excitation direction

In-plane Out-of-plane

Damping coefcient
f f f f (in-plane) (out-of-plane) (in-plane) (out-of-plane)

Steel cable
1.34 2.39 1.87 3.93

4.3 Conguration V
The time history signals in free vibrations, as recorded by the accelerometers A and B when the SMA wire is wrapped ve times around the cable, are shown in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively. Figures 12 and 13 show the overlap of the PSD functions for the system congurations I and V, both for the in-plane and the out-of-plane component. Tables 4 and 5 show, respectively, the identied modal frequencies values and the results of the damping coefcient evaluation and compare them with the other system congurations.

Cable vibration mitigation by added SMA wires


Table 4. Natural frequencies values (Hz) and variations (%) in the different system congurations Vibration modes Frequencies Steel cable Steel cable parallel SMA wire
6.321 (+15.0) 9.481 (+54.0) 12.68 (+31.0) 5.323 (+41.9) 9.598 (+49.7) 12.56 (+27.1)

Steel cable SMA wire wrapped once

6.324 (+15.0) 10.55 (+71.3) 16.64 (+71.8) 5.578 (+48.7) 9.809 (+53.0) 16.62 (+68.1)

Steel cable SMA wire wrapped three times

6.355 (+15.7) 10.88 (+76.7) 17.30 (+78.6) 5.894 (+57.1) 10.11 (+57.7) 16.76 (+69.5)

Steel cable SMA wire wrapped ve times

6.656 (+21.1) 10.95 (+77.8) 17.77 (+83.4) 6.034 (+60.8) 9.93 (+54.9) 16.04 (+62.3)



f 1 (Hz) Var. (%) f 2 (Hz) Var. (%) f 3 (Hz) Var. (%) f 1 (Hz) Var. (%) f 2 (Hz) Var. (%) f 3 (Hz) Var. (%)

5.494 6.157 9.687 3.752 6.412 9.885

Table 5. Damping coefcient values (%) and variation (%) in the different system congurations Excitation Damping coefcient Steel cable Steel cable parallel SMA wire
1.87 (+39.6) 2.44 (+2.1) 2.21 (+18.2) 4.35 (+10.7)

Steel cable SMA wire wrapped once

1.90 (+41.8) 3.53 (+47.7) 2.76 (+47.6) 5.24 (+33.3)

Steel cable SMA wire wrapped three times

2.59 (+93.2) 3.63 (+51.9) 3.65 (+95.2) 5.75 (+46.3)

Steel cable SMA wire wrapped ve times

2.86 (+113.4) 4.31 (+80.3) 4.20 (+124.5) 6.01 (+52.9)



f (in-plane) Var. (%) f (out-of-plane) Var. (%) f (in-plane) Var. (%) f (out-of-plane) Var. (%)

1.34 2.39 1.87 3.93

5 Discussion of the results

Comparing the results presented in the previous Section, one outlines how the application of the SMA wire has a signicant effect on the dynamic behaviour of the steel cable. In addition, while in the case without SMA wire the signals appear quite complex, as soon as the SMA wire is added, the signals seem to clear-up in all the cases. The results presented in Table 4 show an increase in the fundamental frequencies for in-plane and out-of plane cable motions. This increase is quite signicant for the out-of-plane frequencies, while, for in-plane frequencies, the rst fundamental frequency shows a value not much different from the value obtained with only the steel cable. In general the frequencies values relative to the system congurations from II to V seem to be enough similar for the rst in-plane and out-plane frequency, while a signicant variation is shown in particular for the second and the third in-plane and outof-plane frequency. The major difference for the frequency values is obtained in comparing the situation without a SMA wire with those with a SMA wire. This indicates a stiffening of the structural system due to the application of a pre-stressing force to the SMA wire wrapped around the steel cable. Analyzing the data, one can recognize that the larger increase is associated with the rst fundamental frequency for

20 10

F. Casciati et al.

w1 (cm/s2)

0 10 20 0 2 4 t (s) 15 6 8 10

v1 (cm/s2)


5 0 5 10 0 2 4 t (s) 15 6 8 10

w1 (cm/s2)

v1 (cm/s2)

7.5 0 7.5 15 0 2 4 6 t (s) 8 10

7.5 0 7.5 15 0 2 4 t (s) 6 8 10

Fig. 10. Time histories from accelerometer A: a out-of-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; b in-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; c out-of-plane component for in-plane cable vibration; d in-plane component for in-plane cable vibration


w2 (cm/s2)

0 10 20 0 2 4 t (s) 15 6 8 10

v2 (cm/s2)


3 0 3 6 0 2 4 t (s) 15 6 8 10

w2 (cm/s2)

v2 (cm/s2)
0 2 4 t (s) 6 8 10

7.5 0 7.5 15

7.5 0 7.5 15 0 2 4 t (s) 6 8 10

Fig. 11. Time histories from accelerometer B: a out-of-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; b in-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; c out-of-plane component for in-plane cable vibration; d in-plane component for in-plane cable vibration

out-of-plane excitation. The results reported in Table 4 and discussed above are plotted in Fig. 14, where the trend of the measured frequencies for the various system congurations is shown. Table 5 summarizes the different values of the damping coefcients calculated, for all the congurations, for the rst in-plane and out-of-plane frequencies. In particular it is evident that the damping values increase from the rst conguration to the fth one. This change denotes the dissipative behaviour of the pre-stressed SMA wire applied to the steel cable. The results presented in Table 5 and discussed above are plotted in Fig. 15, where is shown the trend of the damping coefcient values for the various congurations.

Cable vibration mitigation by added SMA wires

100 100 105 105 1 5 f (Hz) 10 20 1010 1 f (Hz) 5 10 20




105 1 5 f (Hz) 10 20

105 1 5 f (Hz) 10 20

Fig. 12. Spectral density functions for congurations I (dashed lines) and V (solid lines) from accelerometer A: a out-of-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; b in-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; c out-of-plane component for in-plane cable vibration; d in-plane component for in-plane cable vibration



105 1 5 f (Hz) 10 20


5 f (Hz)







1 f (Hz)



1010 0

1 f (Hz)



Fig. 13. Spectral density functions for congurations I (dashed lines) and V (solid lines) from accelerometer B: a out-of-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; b in-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; c out-of-plane component for in-plane cable vibration; d in-plane component for in-plane cable vibration

As shown in Fig. 15, a signicant increase in the damping values can be reached by the application of a pre-stressed SMA wire to a structural cable. The change in the dissipative capacity of SMA wire seems to depend on the number of the wrappings around the steel cable. In particular

20 18 16 Frequency (Hz) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 Configuration number 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

F. Casciati et al.

Fig. 14. Variation of the measured frequencies with the different congurations. The curves from 1 to 3 represent the rst three in-plane modes, those from 4 to 6 the rst three out-of-plane modes

6.5 6 5.5 5 Damping coefficient (%) 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 Configuration number 5 6 1 2 3 4

Fig. 15. Variation of the damping coefcient with the different congurations. The curves 1 and 2 represent, for in-plane excitation, the in-plane and the out-of-plane damping, respectively; the curves 3 and 4, for out-of-plane excitation, the in-plane and the out-of-plane damping, respectively

higher is the number of links between the steel cable and the SMA wire, and larger are the values of the damping coefcient, thus allowing a reduction of the steel cable vibrations. This is also shown in terms of system displacements in free vibrations. As Figs. 16 and 17 present, the effects caused by an SMA wire added to a structural element (steel cable) is a decrease of the oscillation amplitude in time. Figures 18 and 19 show the same increase of damping in terms of time variation of the horizontal component H of the reaction recorded by the load cell. For both displacements and force time histories the mitigation of the steel cable dynamic behaviour by adding an SMA wire is mainly evident for the in-plane cable vibration.

Cable vibration mitigation by added SMA wires



10 w0 (mm) 0 10


3 t (s)

Fig. 16. Time history recorded by the laser sensor: out-of-plane component for out-of-plane cable vibration; without SMA wire (dashed lines), with SMA wire wrapped ve times around steel cable (solid lines)


10 v0 (mm) 0 10


3 t (s)

Fig. 17. Time history recorded by the laser sensor in-plane component for in-plane cable vibration; without SMA wire (dashed lines), with SMA wire wrapped ve times around steel cable (solid lines)

6 Conclusions
The rst conguration considered in this paper is a simple suspended steel cable. The values of the natural frequencies obtained from the recorded signals allow one to build a nite element model (FEM) of the steel cable, to calibrate the Youngs modulus when the horizontal reaction at the anchorage point is put at the value recorded by a load cell. Congurations from II to V represent a model of the steel cable with an SMA wire differently wrapped around it. The experimental tests show the trends in the frequencies values and in the modal damping coefcient values. In particular one can notice an increase in the fundamental frequencies in-plane but, above all, out-of-plane. This is tied to an increase in the stiffness of the structure, which can be thought as a modication of the modulus of elasticity due to the pre-stressing force applied to the SMA wire. The damping coefcient values show a trend that is quite similar to that of the corresponding frequencies, with the difference that the damping shows an increase also from the third to the forth conguration, while the frequency values for the two last congurations are about the same. A signicant increase in these values is recorded above all for the out-of-plane cable motion in free vibrations. In conclusion the application of an SMA wire on a scaled model of a suspended steel cable has shown a signicant change in the dynamic characteristics of the structural system. The SMA wire in

3 1.5 H (N) 0 1.5 3

F. Casciati et al.

4 t (s)


Fig. 18. Time history recorded by the load cell: horizontal component of the reaction for out-of-plane cable excitation; without SMA wire (dashed lines), with SMA wire wrapped ve times around steel cable (solid lines)

3 1.5 H (N) 0 1.5 3

4 t (s)


Fig. 19. Time history recorded by the load cell: horizontal component of the reaction for in-plane cable excitation; without SMA wire (dashed lines), with SMA wire wrapped ve times around steel cable (solid lines)

fact provides a decrease of amplitude when compared with the steel cable free vibrations, an increase in the fundamental frequencies and an increase in the damping coefcient, thus working as a passive device which increases the energy dissipation of the system. The issue of SMA fatigue [19] must now be investigated in order to study the durability of the solution suggested and implemented in this paper.

Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge grants from the University of Pavia (FAR 2007) and from the National Research Council (CNR 02 00558 ST 97).

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Cable vibration mitigation by added SMA wires


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