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A from Note the editor

Fairview Heights Campus
Sunday - 8:30am, 10:30am, 6:00pm Saturday - 5:00pm

For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord gives grace and glory; no good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11 (NASB)
I find profound comfort in the hymn writers words, Grace, grace, Gods grace, grace that is greater than all our sins. Although I know I deserve judgment as a fallen human in this fallen world, I am so grateful that my precious God bestows grace upon me through Jesus sacrifice. With Easter fast approaching, I am once again reminded of Gods perfect grace displayed on that cross, a grace given to me freely, but at a great cost to Gods beloved Son. I praise God for the empty tomb; proof that I have a risen Savior who lives to provide grace, love and mercy to our fallen race and reclamation of the world. He has risen indeed! He lives; hallelujahHe lives for me!

Collinsville / Maryville Campus

Sunday - 10:00am Sunday - 10:00am

Millstadt Campus


Donna Harrison

3 - Be The One 4 - Justice, Mercy, Grace or... 5 - Why Did Christ Have To Die? 6 - The Real Easter 7 - The Greatness Of The Gospel 8 - Dont Miss Your Appointment 9 - Getting To Know You 10 - The Gateway To The West... 12 - One Day 13 - Resurrection Rainbows 15 - God At Work

Senior Pastor: Rev. Shane Bishop Editor: Donna Harrison Design: Justin Aymer

Associate Pastor: Rev. Troy Benton Proof Reader: Barbara Germany Cover Photo: Mike Creagh
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The Flame Magazine is a bi-monthly magazine published by Christ Church. 2013, Christ Church. All rights reserved.

Be the One
By Rev. Shane Bishop, Senior Pastor
hen I was growing up, the Rand McNally world maps hanging in my school classrooms did not change from the time I was in kindergarten until I graduated from high school. The world was frozen by the Cold War and the threat to everything good and holy was represented in four letters--USSR. The rhetorical speeches of Soviet leaders, the arms race, Marxist atheism, military parades at the Kremlin and red-clad Olympic athletes clearly defined our enemies. The communists were out to destroy baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, Chevrolet and Bible studies. Life was unambiguous. When Soviet communism collapsed, the cartographers were suddenly re-commissioned as political floes broke loose from the polar map cap that had held them into place since World War II. Baby boomers were thrust into a world we no longer understood, because we were raised in a world where you dont know who you are unless you know who your enemies are. Then came the events of 9/11/2001. If the enemies of my childhood were red seas of gun-toting soldiers tied together by communist ideology and bent on world domination, our new enemies were individuals tied together by hatred, employing terrorist tactics and bent on destruction of everything we once thought was good and holy. If the danger in the Cold War was represented by the many, then the danger in the War on Terrorism is represented by the one.

I view this new world as having much in common with the firstcentury Roman Empire. It was into this fluid and technologically advancing culture that one carpenter/teacher named Jesus of Nazareth introduced a virus into Judaism called Christianity that would later mutate and reshape the world. After the resurrection, ascension and Pentecost, one street preacher named Paul fueled the fire by planting churches across the Mediterranean. His letters to these churches comprise much of the New Testament. These days only natural and architectural landmarks (like the Grand Canyon, Smoky Mountains, St. Louis Arch or the Alamo) identify this as the same world in which I was raised; nothing else seems familiar. We are global, multicultural, multilingual, economically interdependent, well traveled, well informed and tied together by electronic currency and the internet. My point is a simple one. If we live in a time in human history when one terrorist can wreak great destruction, is it not equally logical to deduce that we also live in a time when the one human on fire for Jesus Christ can do even greater good? It was the resurrection of one man and the witness of one evangelist that changed the world forever. One has never been a larger number. Be the one.

Rev. Shane Bishop, Senior Pastor @RevShaneBishop

Justice, Mercy, Grace, or Faith?

Pick the Road to Travel
By Dave Merrill

hat? Pick One? I thought I got it all Before we explore a direction to travel, a few definitions are in order

Justice: (getting something you deserve)

Justice is a judgment, opinion, or decision given concerning right (righteous and just - good) and/or wrong (unrighteous and unjust - evil) behavior. The prophet Isaiah declared the relationship between justice and salvation in Isaiah 56:1-2. This is what the LORD says: Maintain justice and do what is right, for My salvation is close at hand and My righteousness will soon be revealed. Blessed is the man who does this, the man who holds it fast, who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it, and keeps his hand from doing any evil.

in God is a trust and passionate fervor with respect to His holy divinity; a belief that God actually exists and, for Christians, a belief that Jesus is LORD and Messiah through whom we obtain eternal salvation. Hebrews 11:1 spells faith out plainly: Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. All of Hebrews 11 (known as the faith chapter) speaks to the champions of faith throughout the history of Scripture. So what is it? Do I get what I deserve (justice) as a Christian? Do I not get what I deserve (mercy) as a follower of Christ? Do I get something I dont deserve (grace) from a loving, Holy, and benevolent God? Maybe I get a gift of faith from God I do not see. Maybe I dont get (understand) anything I am reading in The Flame right now. As lyricist and songwriter Elvina M. Hall put it in 1865, Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain. He washed it white as snow. Isaiah 1:18Come now, let us settle the matter, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. 1 Peter 1:18-19 For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. Revelation 1:5-6 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve His God and Fatherto Him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen. Somehow, in ways that defy my understanding, we get it all (justice, mercy, grace, and faith) from Him who died to free us from our sin. Then He rose to eternal life to show us the Way. Id say thats good news! Happy Easter.

Mercy: (not getting something you deserve)

Mercy is pity, kindness, charity, or goodwill towards the poor, miserable, or afflicted. Peter encourages us with regard to the importance of mercy in 1 Peter 2:9:10. But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

Grace: (getting something you do not deserve)

Grace is goodwill, loving-kindness, and undeserved favor without merit. Grace is a pardon or forgiveness for the good pleasure of the recipient. Paul gives us a great example in 1 Corinthians 15:9-10. For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of themyet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.

Faith: (getting something you do not see)

Faith is confidence and conviction of the truth of anything. Faith

Dave Merrill

Why Did Christ Have to Die?

By Matt Rygelski
aised as a Christian since birth, I had my share of moments of doubt throughout the years where my faith was put into question. Challenged by others who would ask me the simplest, most sincere question I suddenly found myself without the answer. Blind faith is belief without question, but I was not that kind of mind. If I could not explain my beliefs to myself, how could I possibly explain them to others? The Easter season reminds us of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We read the gospels and their descriptions of the betrayal and torture that Christ endured for us for all of humanity. And yet, I wonder why was it all necessary. I felt it was time to seek a deeper understanding. An all-powerful God could have saved humanity in many different ways, but chose to send His Son to teach through His words and actions. His final action was the greatest of sacrificesHis life. Christ was sent here to teach all of us, not just a select few. John Wesley spoke of the types of grace extended to us by God. One called prevenient grace is defined as the divine love that surrounds all humanity and precedes any and all of our conscious impulses. It prompts our first wish to please God but it also instantly helps us realize that we have sinned too. It is that first moment when we realize God has always been with us; even in times we thought we were most alone. It led me to realize He was watching over me, even as I made foolish decision after foolish decision, while still softly guiding me away from the most dangerous of harm. So why did God sit back and watch me suffer the consequences of those foolish decisions? I dont know. What I believe is, like a rock smoothed by years of water washing over it, I needed those rough edges polished away. A quick hit to a rock by a hammer and chisel would cause the rock to be split into pieces and would only add more sharp edges. No, I needed to wait patiently in the slow moving stream. God delivered Christ to us. Not everyone at the time accepted His plan. I have seen stubbornness in my years of working in the business world, but I would hope I would be a little more open minded in listening to someone with a message from God. Then again, perhaps I would be just as suspicious as many were then. Ever since Adam and Eve turned away from God in the Garden of Eden, I wonder if the same could be said for humanity

today. But heres where it gets interesting: Christ was a sacrifice, a substitute, to represent all of usthose with doubt and those with devotion. All we have to do is have faith. As a recent new father, my perspective on what I consider the important things in life has changed. I used to think status, money, a big houseI used to think those things were important. Then along comes this gift from God, my wife and Is first born son. Now his life is more important than my own. I want to tell him of the good experiences life has to offer, but I also want to share with him my mistakes so he can avoid the rough edged consequences. I know I may not be able to teach him everything, but it is my job to teach him somethingby words or at least by example. I would die for him. My commitment to God grows stronger every day. And although my courage is small in comparison to others with many more years of committed study, I would now stand as a proud soldier in Gods army willing to defend Him and what Hes taught me. And as I could die for my sins, no man could sacrifice his life for all of humanitys sin--except Jesus. Jesus, as both fully human and fully divine, had no other choice but to stand strong in defense to those political and religious powers who saw Him as a threat to the false idols they had created. We are all corrupted by sin, yet God offers us forgiveness if we only ask. Jesus last words, as He took His last breath, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. Those that hammered the nails through His wrists, those that spit on Him as He passed in the street, those who stood there and watched and said nothing. All of them. All of us. God offers forgiveness. He offers a new life and new opportunity to understand an unconditional love, knowing how weve fallen. God has a plan. Every time we reject Him and His plan, He comes back and offers it again. No matter how many times we reject God, He will never reject us. All that God asks of us is to look deep into our hearts and see that Jesus has been with us all along. His sacrifice taught us that no man can keep us from having a direct relationship to the Father. He asks us to trust that we can find peace in Gods love when we ask Him to help us with our rough edges.

Matt Rygelski

The Real Easter

By Bernie Kneale

esus was dead! Three years of devotion was down the drain. Three years of a relationship with a man who captivated their attention. Three years of walking with a man who was driven and focused. They had seen Him on the cross. The once erect head with penetrating eyes was now bent over a bloodied, broken, and beaten body. All hopes and dreams were gone. It was finished. I was lost--nothing seemed to fit together. Aspirations and dreams were slowly going down the drain. I knew of no way to escape my grief. I could not even escape well. Darkness had settled over my land. At the gravesite a grieving Mary stood outside an empty tomb. Not only was His life gone but now His body was gone, too. With eyes filled with inconsolable tears she hears a single word, Mary! Her heart leaps with joy as she recognizes the Teacher. Suddenly she wants to run, and skip, and leap as she hastens to tell the disciples, I saw the Master! I can imagine the response: Yeah, right! You saw Him alive? Well, we saw Him dead, D-E-A-D---DEAD! Just when all was lost the story has a new beginning. John 20:19-22 puts it this way: Later on that day, the disciples had gathered together, but, fearful of the Jews, had locked all the doors in the house. Jesus entered, stood among them, and said, Peace to you. Just as the Father sent me, I send you. Then He

took a breath and breathed into them. Receive the Holy Spirit, He said. Later, we learn of the explosion of wind and flames as the Spirit of Power engulfs them. By the end of the day, Peter has preached and 3,000 plus accept the Way. Darkness has turned to light. Sorrow has turned to joy. Despair has turned to hope. Then one day when I was desperate, knowing there had to be something better than my grief, I found myself at a mens retreat. I had listened to teachings all day, but nothing lifted the veil. The retreat ended with worship and communion. As I tasted the bread and juice, I became an Easter disciple. He breathed into me and said, Receive the Holy Spirit. I wept with relief, with joy, a burden gone. A light came on and the Hope of the World released me. Easter is not the Sunday after Good Friday. Easter is the day when Christ, who was dead in your life, walks through the door of your dark heart, takes a deep breath and breathes His Spirit into you. Oh, the joy! The peace! The love! The hope! It is well with my soul! Happy Easter!

Rev. Bernie Kneale Email:

The Greatness of the Gospel

By Rev. Troy Benton, Associate Pastor


= The God who gets over the grief we cause Him. (Lamentations 3) = Always remembers how much He loves us. (Romans 5) = Excels in expressing His love for us. (John 3) = Attends to us like a Good Shepherd. (John 10) = Tenaciously tackles our trials. (Galatians 6) = Never quits providing for our needs. (Isaiah 55) = Exceeds all our expectations. (Ephesians 2) = Sacrificed all for His sons and daughters. (Isaiah 55) = Succeeded in securing our salvation. (Revelation 19)

few weeks ago I returned from the Holy Land. I walked through the places where our God and Savior Jesus Christ was born. I saw where Jesus lived and where He was crucified. Jesus showed the world the greatness of His gospel. Jesus was given birth in human form, raised, developed, became our Messiah, led, bled, died and rose. I will spend the rest of my life recalling the impact from my time in the Holy Land. I look forward to returning. On the way to the airport to return to the states, I shared one thought with Emma and Rev. Shane: I return more convinced than ever that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world! All the way home, I kept replaying the song, How Great is our God. Words pale in comparison to the experience! Here is why I believe there is reason to believe in the greatness of the gospel:

If anyone ever inquires of me why I believe in the greatness of the gospel, this will be my answer. Thank God for Jesus Christ! The greatness of the gospel of Jesus Christ is not dependent on your acceptance of its truth. The greatness of the gospel of Jesus Christ has been determined already by the work of Christ.

Rev. Troy Benton, Associate Pastor @revtroy

Dont Miss Your Appointment!

By Robin T. Smith
onday, car appointment. Tuesday, training brief due to the boss. Wednesday, dental follow-up. Friday, doctors visit. College research paper due tonight. Upcoming parent-teacher conferences. Kids soccer game Saturday afternoon and birthday party to follow. Im looking at my schedule for next week and having just received word that my career is in jeopardy for reasons beyond my control and tax season is approachingI find myself saying, Lord, give me the grace. Can you relate? Our calendar of life events can be overwhelming with daily blessings or not-so-good news from the spiritual battlefield, but I encourage you, do not quit! Believe that God is in control and nothing takes Him on by surprise. As a matter of fact, Jesus knows all too well about keeping appointments. We are grateful for the grand appointment of Christ being obedient unto the cross for 33 years. Jesus had rain, drought, and spiritual warfare appointed on His calendar too. We all have some good and uncomfortable appointments like He had and mixed in with emotions of anxiety and exhaustion, we feel suffering. Jesus felt the same; by selfknowledge of His divine appointment to become sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21) by being crucified, buried and resurrected, we may have eternal life--a great event. Just as God chose His only Son, God chose you before you were birthed in the womb and purposed you for something great! Im telling you, it was predestined on Heavens calendar for you to do a work of such magnitude that it brings God glory and honor. Thats exciting! Yes, as Christians we will suffer, but dont miss your spiritual appointments whether it be in the spiritual track team or being a blessing by loving your neighbor. Paul speaks in 1 Peter 5: 10 (NKJV, Amplified) And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace [Who imparts all blessing and favor], Who has

called you to His [own] eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself complete and make you what you ought to be, establish and ground you securely, and strengthen, and settle you. Recognize your season of appointment, arrive on time and discover His glory and blessings in it. It could be the answer to someones prayer or for His exaltation. We dont know all the answers to why we go through some things, but all of the suffering in pain, hurt, the waiting, and the in between, God said in His word, it is all working for your good (Romans 8:28). As the author and finisher of your faith, God knows and understands your story. He wrote it! He knows what is on the agenda. Jesus believes in you to overcome. Take another look at your spiritual calendar: Doctor visit: See the Physician and believe that by His stripes you are healed. You are overcome by the word of your testimony. Dental check-up: Be a blessing. Remove gossip from your lips. Speak right things. Edify. Haircut/hairstyle: Endure the race set before you and receive the crown of life. Car appointment: Be a ready vessel that God can use for His glory like Christ. Research paper due: Read your Word. Study to show yourself approved. Nail appointment: Stir up the gift God has given you. We rejoice today, because Jesus kept His appointment. He didnt reschedule, cancel or was a no-show. For that, we give Him all the praise, honor and glory, for His divine appointment saved us from death and gave us eternal life. Dont miss your appointment!
Robin T. Smith

Getting To Know YOU

developing health and wholeness in their mind, body, soul and spirit. Assist Associate Pastor in management of Congregational Care Ministry.

Name: Debby Creagh Job Title: Faith Community Nursing Coordinator Job Description: Connect people with Jesus Christ in

Does your faith show while driving?

Yes and no. No road rage or cutting people off, but tend to have a 5-9 mph heavy foot on the expressway.

Do you have a nickname?

My family calls me DJ, short for Deborah Jeanne, sometimes shortened to Deej.

How do you handle stress?

Prayer, exercise, and talking with my mentors.

Have you ever met a famous person?

If you knew you could try anything and not fail, what dream would you attempt?

John Waynehe was buying groceries for his yacht with his granddaughter in a grocery store on San Juan Is., WA.

What is your goal in life?

Go to seminary and travel to all the countries in the world, explore, and get to know and encourage Gods people there.

To love and serve God with my whole being.

What is your weirdest quirk?

What are you best at?

Encouraging people: no matter what is needed, its wonderful to see the light in their eyes when they hear of Gods love and grace for them, that His word is TRUTH for their lives.

I tend to sit any direction except straight in chairstrying to find the most comfortable position, I guess.

What are your hobbies?

Who do you respect the most?

Hiking, reading, needlework/quilting, word and picture puzzles.

My husband, Mike. He is honest, loyal, intelligent, loving, trustworthy, consistent, creative, funny, giving, enjoys the outdoors, likes adventures, cares for others before himself, manages people and their problems. I could go on, but you get the ideaI love the man!

What word describes you best?

CheerleaderGo, team, go! Do your best! Try again!

If you could change something about yourself, what would it be and why?

How did you come to know God?

My future mother-in-law and my husband-to-be helped me come to know Christ and His love for me by taking me with them to church and Bible studies. The pastor gave a message one Sunday that Christ had to be the foundation of your life and I knew that I needed Jesus.

I would not procrastinate. Putting off what needs to be done just leads to more pressure.

What dream have you yet to fulfill?

To be a grandmother.

Where are you from?

What advice would you offer to a newlywed couple?

Always give your best to the relationshipit requires 100% from both of you. Communicate at all times! Never let the sun go down on your anger. Keep dating and learning about each other. Grow together in your faith.

Born in Oregon and lived in Oklahoma, Kansas, North Dakota, Arkansas and Illinois while growing up. Have lived in Illinois, a couple places in Ohio, then Pennsylvania, and Indiana since Ive been married.

The Gateway to the West

and the Empty Tomb
By Matt Denny
t. Louis is a tremendous city. I was born at BarnesJewish hospital and have spent the majority of my life within 30 miles of the Mississippi. There are so many things about the city I appreciate and enjoy. I love Americas best free zoo in the fall, when the animals are out and active. The homegrown foods are unmatched! What other city can boast inventing the waffle cone, toasted ravioli, and gooey butter cake? And nothing can top an evening spent with 45,000 of your closest friends at Baseball Heaven during a long postseason run. St. Louis is not the biggest or busiest city, but I am proud to call it home. We had some good friends come up from Georgia this past summer for their first visit to St. Louis. Like us, they have young children, and we were eager to help them plan out their trip. They had 3 days to see it all, and we wanted to make sure they did just that. When I read through the final itinerary, I was shocked to see what they had put at the top of the list. My wife and I hadnt suggested it. To be honest, we had completely forgotten about it. Before our friends did anything we recommended, they wanted to see the Arch. As I-64 descends from Fairview Heights and gently turns west, there it is . . . 630 feet of steel, concrete, and awe. I do not know how old I was the first time I rode those egg-shaped coffins to the top, but I know I have made the trip close to a dozen times.

When I looked at my friends list my initial thought was, Why would they want to go up the Arch? Thats not fun. Thats when it hit methey had never experienced it before. Im sure they had seen pictures or a shot on television, but they had never felt the wonderment that comes with walking up to the Arch for the first time. That amazement takes a hit when you live in St. Louis and see it every month, every week, or every day. It has become so common that I forget what a wonder it truly is. There is a danger in familiarity. It can rob our lives of wonder if were not careful. This can happen to us spiritually as well. The more we read or hear a passage from the Bible, the more likely we allow it to become too familiar. What may have once inspired or encouraged us becomes something we yeah, yeah . . . I know. For example, God saved Daniel from the lions den. Does that give us encouragement when we are persecuted, or have we placed it in the same mental folder as the fairy tales we heard as children? Jesus of Nazareth died on a Roman cross. He was buried in a tomb and stayed there for 3 days. Then something truly unbelievable happened: God raised Him from the dead. Christians refer to this event as the Resurrection. Of all the events in the Bible, it is primary. It is the climax, the center . . . nothing is the same after it occurs. The death and resurrection of Christ is our story; it is the story. But do we feel that way,


or has it become common? As we approach Easter, I want to reconsider the significance of the resurrection and ask: Why is it important to believe God raised Jesus from the dead? Jesus death never surprised Him. In fact, He predicted it . . . several times. Examples of this can be found in Matthew 16:2122, Mark 8:31-32, Luke 9:21-22, and John 16:16-24. In each of these passages, Jesus clearly taught He would be rejected by the Jewish leaders and killed. He then made the amazing claim that He would rise again three days after His death. When someone tells you they will do something and then doesnt, it gives you reason to doubt everything else they say. That is just good logic. The converse is also true though. It gives you a reason to believe other things they have said when someone makes a claim and then delivers on it. Jesus claimed several prerogatives a mere man could not: the ability to forgive sins, the right to judge the world, that He was going away to prepare a place for us in heaven. Each one of these is a fantastic, almost absurd, claim. But by predicting and then delivering on the audacious claim of the resurrection, Jesus gives us reason to believe He is One who does what He says He will do. I teach high school. When I was completing my undergraduate work, I heard a statistic that astounded me. The average American teenager needs to hear something at least 20 times before they remember it. Because of this fact, I tend to repeat important concepts in my class as often as I can work them in. When I was taking seminary classes, I heard a similar thought echoed about the Bible. If a story is repeated, it is important. If it is repeated a lot, it is very important. The Book of Acts tells the story of the church immediately after the resurrection. One of the chief activities the apostles engaged in was preaching. As you read Acts, a pattern begins to emergethe apostles perform a miracle, a crowd gathers, they preach the gospel, and large numbers of people are saved. The apostles were personal witnesses of Christ, so it is safe to assume their sermons included the most important details of His ministry. There are 6 major sermons given by Peter and Paul that are recorded in Acts 2 17. Every one of them contains the fact that God raised Jesus from the dead. The apostles ensured that if someone was going to put their faith in Jesus Christ, they would know He had risen from the dead. The resurrection was of vital importance to the men who wrote the New Testament. That means it must be important for us. Christ was not the first person the Bible records as coming back from the dead. Three people were raised in the Old Testament in the Books of 1 and 2 Kings. Jesus Himself raised 3 people to life before He was resurrected. There is, however, a serious categorical difference in these resurrections. Elijah raised a widows son, who eventually died. Jesus raised Lazarus from

the dead in front of a crowd, but Lazarus later died as well. Do not get me wrong; these resurrections were miracles and demonstrate Gods power in action. But they were temporary; they only delayed the inevitable. Both Genesis 3 and Romans 5 tell us that because of sin, no man lives forever. With the Fall and the Curse came death just as Hebrews 9:27 reads, And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment . . . What makes Christs resurrection unique is that He died, He rose, and He still lives. Romans 8:34 tells us Jesus is not dead, but at the right hand of God interceding for us. Whatever happened to the widows son and Lazarus was not the same as what God did in Jesus. He rose from the dead, never to die again. In 1 Corinthians 15:20 Paul calls Jesus the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. He implies that Christ is the first of a new kind of humanity. Paul goes on in the same chapter when he tells us there are heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies. With the resurrection of Christ, God has undone the effects of the Fall with the eternal life of Christ evincing this. Finally, the resurrection is important because it is our future. 1 Thessalonians 4 tells us that those who died in Christ will rise again and be with Him. 1 John 3 tells us that we do not know what we will be when He appears, but we will be like Him. 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 tells us that, We will not all fall asleep, but we will all be changed . . . this corruptible must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal must be clothed with immortality. We will be like Him! As I ponder this promise from Gods Word, I start to feel the wonder of the resurrection again. My destiny is not a grave somewhere near the Mississippi River, but instead it is in the presence of God, in a new body that lives forever! I have not seen the schedule for our Easter services yet, but I feel there is a strong possibility we will sing Chris Tomlins I Will Rise. I love that song! The lyrics flow, the music is powerful, and the arrangement drives towards an emotional peak. I think I will sing it a little bit differently this year though. You see, I Will Rise is not a worn out phrase that has lost its wonder like one too many trips past the Arch. I Will Rise is a promise from God. A destiny-altering promise that I will be new, like Christ, and with Him forever!

Matt Denny


One Day
By Carrie Gaxiola

pring, warmth, new life and joy! These words all remind me of this blessed time of year when we celebrate the core of our Christian faith: the crucifixion, death and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ! Without this divine, complex plan, we have no Christian faith, and we have no hope or deliverance. There would be no longing for heaven. Recently Christ Church began a new Wednesday night service, Going Deeper. The book of Psalms is our kick-off study. The first service was a fabulous display of the Holy Spirits power and love for Gods people. The worship time was like a gentle washing; the teaching was a reminder of Gods care for us and our responsibility to Him. The discussion groups were a precious time with the saints, admonishing and encouraging one another to be strong in the Lord. One of the questions posed in the small group time was this: if you could write your own Psalm, what three elements would you include? I thought for a moment and answered: Brokenness, Redemption and Worship. In an attempt to write as the psalmists of old, I realized that those three elements are the story of the Christian life. Indulge me while I give you a glimpse O Lord, out of my depths you brought Your light. You took your shed blood, Your broken body and took this clay vessel called my shattered life and gently took me, piece by piece, and fashioned me again. You breathed Your last breath for me so I could breathe my first breath for You! This broken Savior, bruised and battered, said, Shes mine, Father. Take me and save her. Your brokenness, O Lord, is my redemption. Redeemed from hell, redeemed from fear, redeemed from the tormentors, redeeming my tears. You used those tears, mixed with Yours, to strengthen this clay vessel and remind me that the

tears of this life are not in vain. You use them to strengthen this flawed being called Yours, for compassion for those broken as I. You took my chains and in the face of my enemies, broke them and said, No more! Bought with a price, free in Christ. She is Mine. Your redemption, O Lord, is my worship. I quietly sing, lift my hands and remember. Who was I to You but a broken vessel? How could I possibly be anything but waste to You, O Creator and God? Yet You said, She is mine! O God, my heart sings because I am free. The enemy of my soul no longer has hold on me. I have been purchased for eternity. My alabaster box is full of everything precious to me, costly, as if my life depended on it. And now I break it for You. And I worship because of Your brokenness, because of my redemption, because You loved my soul. You are my Savior, and I worship. I cannot begin to express the depth of love and humility I feel at this time of year for my Savior. It was at this time He saved me and made me His own. Easter is a continual reminder of a perfect love that I could never have produced on my own, and a freedom that only came from submitting to the Holy Spirit drawing me out of darkness. Yet, as the scripture says, all of us only see through a glass dimly, but one day face-to-face. One day all the brokenness of these mortal bodies will be washed away. One day our redemption will be fully realized. One day we will stand in worship of the Lamb who was slain in all His glory. No more sorrow, no more pain, no more longing for heaven! What a day, glorious day, that will be! No longer will there be a curse upon anything. For the throne of God and the Lamb will be there, and His servants will worship Him. And they will see His face, and His name will be written on their foreheads. And there will be no night thereno need for lamps or sunfor the Lord God will shine on them. And they will reign forever and ever. Revelation 22:3-5 NLT
Carrie Gaxiola


Resurrection Rainbows
raveling, seeing new places, going on adventures, and getting a new perspective are all things I love to do. This is at least partially due to my familys vacations as I was growing up. We would pack up our gear and head west for a month most summers. One of the most beautiful and unusual things I have ever seen was on a trip to the Snowy Mountain Range in Wyoming. My mom and I decided to hike up one of the smaller peaks and arrived at the top just as the regular afternoon thunderstorm was arriving. We scampered down to a sheltered ledge so as not to become lightning rods. As we peaked out after the storm passed, we watched a full circle rainbow form over the lake below. It was SPECTACULAR! I have never seen anything like it again. If we had not gone on our adventure, taken shelter in the rock, and waited out the storm, we would have missed the miracle of the rainbow. Though not a Christian at the time, I was in awe of God in that moment. It was hard to miss that creation was glorifying Him. Now, as a believer, I see God was drawing me ever closer to the time when I would commit my life to Him. That would be several years away with many mistakes and much searching, but isnt God faithful to keep showing Himself to us in ways that we can understand? These days, I love being on the Great Adventure with Him. Each day is a miracle of relationship with God and in serving Him. Without Christs life, death, and resurrection, we would have no opportunity to see the miracles that God holds in store for each one of us. Does it sound like I look at life through rose-colored glasses? I know by experience that life, even with Christ, is not always

By Debby Creagh

easy. In fact, we each have our own challenges to face. There are storms in life, and sometimes all we can do is hide ourselves in the cleft of the rock (Ex 33:22, Ps 61:2) until it passes. Easier said than done! I find that waiting for the timing of God in the storm is the hardest thing for me. God continues to teach me not to depend on my own strength or will in those times, but on His. Im still learning. What gives me hope is the miracles I see around me every day of Gods glory in the lives of people. People coming to know Christ, experiencing a truth in Gods Word, being healed, getting a long-awaited job, supporting a loved one, fighting cancer, going through trouble and hanging on to God--they are the rainbows that encourage me in my own journey with God. Christ died and was resurrected by the power of God so He could send the Holy Spirit to give us power to live the life He has called us to--a life of adventure with Him. He is the Rock, our foundation, in which we place our faith and trust. We are never alone, even in the midst of a storm. He is with us. The rainbows after the storm may not be what we expected, but they are His miracles in our lives. Thank you, God for the full circle rainbow, for showing Yourself to us in your Son, Jesus Christ, that we might have life everlasting with You. Amen May the glory and beauty of the resurrected Christ be with you this Easter.
Debby Creagh, Parish Nurse


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Victorious News!
By Michael Gary Harrison // Heart Spring 2014

Victory Victory Victory is mine! My charge and death Nailed to the cross! Take me Take me Make me shine! O sweet salvation In Christ my God!

Use me Use me Blessed be Thine Shout this good news To the lost Victory Victory O victory mine!

God At Work
New Members
December 2013 February 2014
Alyscia Bigham James Bigham Becky Olroyd Jennifer Janning Tonya Kunde Wayne Kunde Terry Krueger Jeanne Kueper-Krueger





Charles Lester Mott, Jr. and Dawn Elanie Untch January 17

-------------------------------Dec Worship Avg = 1,994 Dec Connect Group Avg = 459 2013 Avg Worship = 1,802

Member Passings
-------------------------------William T. Pridmore February 1

(as of 12/31/13)


Tithes & Offerings = $2,900,710.52 Expenses & Mortgage = $2,943,110.10 Remaining Debt = $5,382,056.63


-------------------------------November 2013 December 2013

Alonzo Potts Shawn Hampton Diana Ackman Matthew Staszewski

100,000 Hours


The people of Christ Church have committed to serve our community with 100,000 hours of service.

We have served: 44,025.55 hrs

(as of 03/01/14)

February 2014

Brody Craig Mueth Cheyenne Lauren Knigge Austin Michael Bass

Log your hours at


Easter Schedule
Fairview Heights Campus
Good Friday, April 18
Good Friday Service 6:30pm - Chapel - Rev. Troy, preaching Movie - The Passion of the Christ - 7:45pm - Chapel

Saturday, April 19

Traditional Easter Service - 5:00pm - Chapel - Rev. Shane, preaching

Easter Sunday, April 20

8:30am and 10:30am - Easter Service with Choir and Orchestra in the Sanctuary and Rev. Shane preaching. At the same time, the Chapel will host a Family/Casual/Brunch service with live video feed of full service from Sanctuary. 6:00pm - No evening services or programs at FH.

Collinsvile / Maryville Campus and Millstadt Campus

10:00am - Easter worship service with live band and video sermon by Rev. Shane.

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