Case Study

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The story of stealing time was written by Robert Carter, a teacher with experience teaching for 7 years. As a teacher of year 4, Robert have set a standard at the beginning of the year to ensure that all students know the limitations and restrictions of an acceptable behavior in the classroom (row 1-3, para 1). Robert believe in firmness but must be enforced with laws that are fair, and he found his students be able to comply with the standards he set (rows 4-5, para 1). Robert also believe, if he is to be fair to the students, they will also do justice to it (line 5-6, para 1). As a result, the classroom is like a small community in which each of its members know what to be expected and how to behave well at all times. Robert also found students who present a problem in the classroom also changed as he expected (lines 6-10, para 1).

Autumn Semester lasts as Robert expected. He was very happy when Andy and Matin, who had awful background and behavioral problems and weak in study, have shown an increase to their abilities. Kara, a pupil who is also problematic behavior also shows the progress on special education teacher help. So is David, a student from learning disabilities class certified normal for subject short daily non-academic. David will come to class Robert in the morning for a roll-call, proceeds lunch, pledge of allegiance, etc. David also attended art classes, music and PJ with students in class Robert. Soon after, Christmas holidays, David was eligible to be placed in regular classes at least 51 per cent per day. Now, Robert became a mathematics teacher David (lines 4-7, para 3).

Soon after, Robert is able to smell beginning to end what felt years of schooling. For the subject of mathematics, David not to submit their assignment and did not complete the work that Robert gave. While Robert is teaching, David will make a strange noise and interfere with other student and Robert. (David will drop the book aloud on the floor, banged pencil on the table, and make noise at his table). David ignored comment Robert. Robert considers the behavior of David as a nuisance attacks that cruel and indecent (para 4). David's behavior became worse. He was always screaming that he wants to return to the class ' real ' with real ' teachers '. He never gives Robert the chance to become his teacher. David's relationship with other students to be escalated (para 5). Robert performs mathematics teaching using teaching methods corporative. The refusal of David to complete the assignment result marks his decline. When there is a friend

who wants to help her, she will refuse to rough their efforts. It resulted in the deaths of his friends started complaining about panned (para 6).

On the day David takes the assignment given by Robert, he thrust it fiercely aside on a table. This led to angry to it until the time of Robert rest arrived (para 7). After the break, David's behavior became worse. Robert has imposed ' time-out ' to David. However, upon arriving at the place that David had to sit, he has dropped his things aloud caused Robert to be angry at them. Robert then brought David to the student's desk in the Office of the principal (para 8). David wishes like to talk something to Robert. But having met Robert, he just said, "forget it". But after a long silence, finally, David apologizes for all his actions but he doesn't want all students in the class, staring at him. Robert explained to David why her friends stair at him. However, David believes she will do better work if they are not staring at him and he do not like Kevin been busy about him. During the consultation, David promised to turn out to be better. David's behavior improved for a few days afterwards (para 10).

However, once again David shows behavior such as being angry at everyone. Robert does not allow David out of rest because he did not complete the assignment and he more spent in the principal. Robert has been explained to the principal about David (line 3-11, para 11). One day when David there in class, Robert had talked to other students about the behavior of David. Robert felt he had occurred honestly against the students. Students feel David like a play and they do not like he is in the class (para 12). A noon, Robert does not allow David out of rest because he did not complete the tasks given. David is left alone in the classroom. After the break, the students return to the classroom, Bob finds his watch have been lost (para 13). The next day, David ran to the table and told that his father Robert had given him the watch. Robert asks David to remove the watch. Once examined, Robert feels so angry and frustrated. He was so confident the watch belongs to Bob (para 14).

2.0 CASE ANALYSIS 2.1 Identify the Issue or Case Problem

The findings that the major issue became the principal issue of the story this is stealing time thoughts born of common sense David itself where the negative impact of himself as well as others. It is thus influence attitudes and values at David. What was to be the main problem is the patterns of thought Davids class itself. Because of his attitude that's cause his emotion to the new classroom environment. David is unable to receive the new surroundings, friends and teachers. This is shown by his unpleasant manner in the classroom especially during the learning session of a mathematics teacher alum Robert in class David. The behavior of David became more and more severe. He was always screaming that he wants to return to the class ' real ' with real ' teachers '. He never gives Robert the chance to become his teacher. This is evident in the fifth paragraph. This is clearly reflects that one's still remained in the class. David may feel that friends in class now is better than time in class many years ago. David also thought that he was not going to get special attention in the class as he gets attention during in the remedial class

2.2 Result from the case.

Based on my understanding of reading as well as in this study, I have identified several problems that arise as a result of the behavior shown by David. Because David thought that her lack of attention while in class, he often rebelled during the teaching and learning activities. Attitudes and behaviors displayed by David is getting increasingly aggravated that all class mates David felt David like a play and they do not like he is in the class and they are always staring at him. It adds a sense of discomfort David to continue lessons. One day, Robert conducted a co-operative learning using teaching methods in which all students will work together in a group. However, what is shown by David is improper because he did not give good cooperation within its group result marks his decline. This is because David does not want to befriend and cooperate with his friend.

Behavior that is often shown by David is the behavior of disruptive, which is the annoying behavior. David often make weird noises, drop powerful book on the floor, banged the pencil on the table and make noise on his table. This will interfere with the Robert and other students in

the class. The possibility of this behavior happens is caused by desire David to get attention from the teacher.

In addition, David also does not create and send tasks given by the teacher. Even David never disregards comment Robert. David had tossed her assignments by Robert on his table. This causes teachers Robert has imposed ' time-out ' to David. However, upon arriving at the supposed occupied David, he has dropped his belongings aloud resulting Robert became angry at them. Robert then brought David to the student's desk in the headmaster's Office. As a result, the behavior of David will be well after a few days.

In addition, David who steeled watches that belong to his friend, Bob. Then, Robert asked David to remove the watch because sure that the watch belongs to Bob, who has told Robert which will lose his watch earlier.

2.3 The Cause of Problem

I thought I was the cause of that caused David to act so is because looking for the attention of his teacher. As we know, children learning disabilities need particular attention from the teacher. Assuming the learning problems as problems of neurology. It is not related to a person's IQ as often, such individuals are at IQ levels normal. Children who suffer from learning problems are often construed as lazy, not paying attention or not interested. They may indicate an attitude that is not mature, hard focused and easy to forget. Because they show the same characteristics as other defects, their problems are hard to identify and often misinterpret (Haliza Hamzah,, 2009).

Likely, factors influencing the problem as well as the behavior of David are environmental factors. This is because, when David was in the special stream class, David will be given more attention in class now. This cause David seems to feel isolated and not afforded as before. Perhaps also, David is one of the best students in class, but when he entered the class of the flow of Prime, he won't feel his best again because many of his friend in the class better. This led to David act in unwanted behavior.

3.0 THE SUGGESTION STRATEGIES OF PROBLEM SOLVING 3.1 Recommendations Based On Reference

Next, I will associate this with case studies of classroom management model, the Model of Logical Consequences or better known as a Model of social Discipline. The reason that because I link this model with case studies is that David tried to get the attention of his teacher with disrupting the process of teaching and learning, dropping the book on the floor and knocking pencils on the table. The main focus is the Dreikurs creates an atmosphere of classrooms which democratic nature in which pupils feel owned. Therefore, teachers who want to good classroom control should not be using sentence. According to him, the problem behaviors in the classroom tempted by motifs of students that want attention, using power, revenge, and display a lack of (Choong Lean Keow, 2009)

The attitude of David was most significant in the first motif that is looking for attention. Among proposals recommended for reducing this motive is to distract the students. Robert should change strategy or learning activities such as singing, answer questions from more of interest to David and leave such behavior. In addition, changing the position of the pupils concerned. Robert asks David to sit somewhere else or go to "the reading corner". Teachers should also give encouragement to students troubled by the strengthening of their efforts even if only a little. In fact, to avoid the behavior of David continues, do something unexpected in nature such as turn on the lights, or play a musical instrument.

Based on the review, I consider that this study relate to the theory of Skinner Operant Conditioning. Skinner conducted using animals such as rats and pigeons. Through this study, Skinner found response can be amplified (repeated) or deleted (not repeatable) the strengthening, if given as soon as the response is shown. Strengthening given to satisfying the individual, reduce stress and stimulate the brain (Amir Awang, 1986). Here, the behavior modification techniques that plans to change the problematic behavior to a goal that has been set with the technique or method. Teachers need to make monitoring, as well as keep a record of misconduct. Between behavioral modification techniques used is "timeout", where students will be sent to a location designated by the teacher for not showing the desired behaviors of teachers as a corner of the classroom (pupils facing the wall) or a small room outside the classroom. The time allotted is between 1 to 10 minutes depending on the seriousness of the behavior problems. After the time ' time-out ', teachers should explain to students why he had given such sentences. The original instruction given to the pupils. If the students are still in default, so the time ' time-out ' added. Research evidence is when Robert

instructed David to go to the back of the classroom so that he does not interfere with other partners.

In addition, cooperative learning has been carried out in this study. Cooperative learning Model not only helps students in mastering the content of learning, but helps them acquire skills in the field of social and human relations (Noriati a. Rashid, et al., 2009).

Cooperative learning more encourages students to interact and collaborate in the learning activities. Students will teach and consult each other to reach a similar level. In fact, every individual in charge of their respective groups. Universally, students will be actively involved and cooperative learning group. In this case, Robert has used cooperative learning methods when teaching Math classes.

3.2 The Suggested Solution for the case

I would like to suggest some strategies for solutions based on the case according to my understanding of this case. First, strengthening the positive can be given to David if he is able to complete assignments in a timely manner. Strengthening positive functions as rewards motivate individuals repeat the action you want. The behavior makes the effect of stimulation or strengthening. The type of rewards can be given the material form or such praises. However, Robert should avoid continued strengthening as it will reduce the quality of its effectiveness.

Second, teachers Robert can use motivation in guidance counseling to increase availability of David to learn. Motivation are divided into two, namely, intrinsic motivation and motivation extrinsic properties. Motivation extrinsic properties can be applied to David. The form of stimulation for example giving support, strengthening positive such as compliments, gifts, grade and form a conducive climate for learning. First of all, Robert must motivate and change the style of thought David's class and her friends.

Third, to hold the discussion. This method is a method of teaching techniques and activities that involve conversation and learning activities in exchange of thoughts or ideas and share information about an item through the conversation. The discussion is divided into two forms, namely, small group discussions and discussion a whole class. Robert should hold a discussion session involving all members of the class include David to resolve problems encountered.

Robert should not have discussions with students in class while David out class. This will give rise to dissatisfaction David against teachers Robert and his friends. In fact, Robert must call parents David to discuss their children's problems and how to overcome it.

Fourth, management of emotions should be given attention with democratic practice. Robert will need to use a lot of deprivation to get direct response and as a result, pupils will engage actively in class. Speech also should use appropriate tone so as not to offend any parties. This is clear when David said he did not like other students looked at or staring at him. So the solution is to provide counselling sessions between teachers and students. Teachers should also encourage students Robert normal others receive David very well.

My suggestion that on once I thought appropriate to be applied in this case is to create warmth. The friendly relationship between the teacher and his students in the process of generating the handling of emotions among students. Facial expression and teacher reactions become paramount to show friendliness a teacher because the State faces, cheerful found more encourage the involvement of the students. Teachers also need to show an attitude of care and pay attention to all students. Elements of humor and joking can be infused by the teacher during the discussions to make the situation more enjoyable (Abdul Ghani Abdullah, Ph.D., 2009).

Not only that, teachers also need to create warmth between students with students. In this case, teachers should instill in His students that the importance of relationship intimacy with friends to the interaction. This is also probably one of the reasons where David feels there does not exist an atmosphere of friendliness in the class now compared to previous remedial class.

I think the method and approach used by Robert is appropriate because he is not too much using sentence in his lesson. National education philosophy (FPK) is a combination of goals, policies and practices education for human development, which is to produce individuals in a holistic, integrated, balanced and intellectually, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Then, as a teacher, we need to be aware of our responsibility to the people regardless of race, religion or lack of experienced as children in this case study, David. Although David was one of the students who have trouble learning in class, but as a teacher, we first need to understand the background of the students. This is to avoid misunderstandings between teachers with students as well as students with students.

Teaching and learning strategies also need to be updated as well as varied from time to time so that learning is not focused on one method only. Co-operative learning style is good teaching strategies and effective in the classroom. This is because students can exchange ideas and experiences among them. As a teacher, we have to wisely play our role as a facilitator in discussions.

In conclusion, learning theory is able to change the concept of learned learning and teaching someone especially among students in acquiring knowledge. By the case, therefore, as a prospective teacher who will educate the nation should be wise in using the approach that suits the needs of the student. The results of teaching and learning will take effect if the theories applied to the student in accordance with the level of their thoughts. A comprehensive study of the theory, one can make suggestions how to address or solve the problems encountered.




Abdul Ghani Abdullah, Ph.D., Abd. Rahman Abd. Aziz. (2009). Mengurus Tingkah Laku Pelajar. Kuala Lumpur: PTS Profesional.

Amir Awang. (1986). Teori-teori dan Pembelajaran. Selangor: Penerbit Fajar Bakti Sdn. Bhd.

Choong Lean Keow. (2009). Pengurusan Bilik Darjah dan Tingkah Laku untuk Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan. Kuala Lumpur: Kumpulan Budiman Sdn.Bhd

Halizah Hamzah, Joy N. Samuel. (2009). Perkembangan Kanak-kanak untuk Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan. Kuala Lumpur: Kumpulan Budiman Sdn. Bhd.

Mok Soon Sang. (2009). Pengurusan Bilik Darjah dan Tingkah Laku. Perak: Multimedia Sdn. Bhd.

Noriati A. Rashid, Boon Pong Ying, Sharifah Fakhriah Syed Ahmad. (2009). Murid dan Alam Belajar. Selangor: Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd.

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