Epiphany 7 A

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The following are the readings for the Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany (Second Sunday before

Lent), Feb. 2 , according to the !evised "o##on (!"L), Episcopal (E"$S%), !o#an "atholic, "anadian &%S, and the "hurch of England ("o##on 'orship) lectionaries. %ll readings are ta(en fro# the )ew !evised Standard *ersion ()!S*) of the &ible. $nless otherwise noted, the E"$S% and "anadian readings are identical to the !"L this Sunday.

+L, TEST%-E)T. Leviticus /0./12, 01/2 (!"L) Leviticus /0./12, /31/2 (!o#an "atholic) 19:1 (NRSV) The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 2 Speak to all the congregation o the people o !srael and say to the": #o$ shall %e holy, or ! the Lord yo$r &od a" holy' 9 (hen yo$ reap the har)est o yo$r land, yo$ shall not reap to the )ery edges o yo$r ield, or gather the gleanings o yo$r har)est' 1*#o$ shall not strip yo$r )ineyard %are, or gather the allen grapes o yo$r )ineyard+ yo$ shall lea)e the" or the poor and the alien: ! a" the Lord yo$r &od' 11 #o$ shall not steal+ yo$ shall not deal alsely+ and yo$ shall not lie to one another' 12,nd yo$ shall not s-ear alsely %y "y na"e, pro aning the na"e o yo$r &od: ! a" the Lord' 1. #o$ shall not de ra$d yo$r neigh%o$r+ yo$ shall not steal+ and yo$ shall not keep or yo$rsel the -ages o a la%o$rer $ntil "orning' 1/#o$ shall not re)ile the dea or p$t a st$"%ling0%lock %e ore the %lind+ yo$ shall ear yo$r &od: ! a" the Lord' 11 #o$ shall not render an $n2$st 2$dge"ent+ yo$ shall not %e partial to the poor or de er to the great: -ith 2$stice yo$ shall 2$dge yo$r neigh%o$r' 13#o$ shall not go aro$nd as a slanderer a"ong yo$r people, and yo$ shall not pro it %y the %lood o yo$r neigh%o$r: ! a" the Lord' 14 #o$ shall not hate in yo$r heart anyone o yo$r kin+ yo$ shall repro)e yo$r neigh%o$r, or yo$ -ill inc$r g$ilt yo$rsel ' 15#o$ shall not take )engeance or %ear a gr$dge against any o yo$r people, %$t yo$ shall lo)e yo$r neigh%o$r as yo$rsel : ! a" the Lord' 4enesis /./ 1 2. (" of E)

1:1 !n the %eginning -hen &od created the hea)ens and the earth, 2the earth -as a or"less )oid and darkness co)ered the ace o the deep, -hile a -ind ro" &od s-ept o)er the ace o the -aters' .Then &od said, 6Let there %e light7+ and there -as light' /,nd &od sa- that the light -as good+ and &od separated the light ro" the darkness' 1&od called the light 8ay, and the darkness he called Night' ,nd there -as e)ening and there -as "orning, the irst day' 3 ,nd &od said, 6Let there %e a do"e in the "idst o the -aters, and let it separate the -aters ro" the -aters'7 4So &od "ade the do"e and separated the -aters that -ere

$nder the do"e ro" the -aters that -ere a%o)e the do"e' ,nd it -as so' 5&od called the do"e Sky' ,nd there -as e)ening and there -as "orning, the second day' 9 ,nd &od said, 6Let the -aters $nder the sky %e gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear'7 ,nd it -as so' 1*&od called the dry land 9arth, and the -aters that -ere gathered together he called Seas' ,nd &od sa- that it -as good' 11Then &od said, 6Let the earth p$t orth )egetation: plants yielding seed, and r$it trees o e)ery kind on earth that %ear r$it -ith the seed in it'7 ,nd it -as so' 12The earth %ro$ght orth )egetation: plants yielding seed o e)ery kind, and trees o e)ery kind %earing r$it -ith the seed in it' ,nd &od sa- that it -as good' 1.,nd there -as e)ening and there -as "orning, the third day' 1/ ,nd &od said, 6Let there %e lights in the do"e o the sky to separate the day ro" the night+ and let the" %e or signs and or seasons and or days and years, 11and let the" %e lights in the do"e o the sky to gi)e light $pon the earth'7 ,nd it -as so' 13&od "ade the t-o great lights:the greater light to r$le the day and the lesser light to r$le the night: and the stars' 14&od set the" in the do"e o the sky to gi)e light $pon the earth, 15to r$le o)er the day and o)er the night, and to separate the light ro" the darkness' ,nd &od sa- that it -as good' 19,nd there -as e)ening and there -as "orning, the o$rth day' 2* ,nd &od said, 6Let the -aters %ring orth s-ar"s o li)ing creat$res, and let %irds ly a%o)e the earth across the do"e o the sky'7 21So &od created the great sea "onsters and e)ery li)ing creat$re that "o)es, o e)ery kind, -ith -hich the -aters s-ar", and e)ery -inged %ird o e)ery kind' ,nd &od sa- that it -as good' 22&od %lessed the", saying, 6;e r$it $l and "$ltiply and ill the -aters in the seas, and let %irds "$ltiply on the earth'7 2.,nd there -as e)ening and there -as "orning, the i th day' 2/ ,nd &od said, 6Let the earth %ring orth li)ing creat$res o e)ery kind: cattle and creeping things and -ild ani"als o the earth o e)ery kind'7 ,nd it -as so' 21&od "ade the -ild ani"als o the earth o e)ery kind, and the cattle o e)ery kind, and e)erything that creeps $pon the gro$nd o e)ery kind' ,nd &od sa- that it -as good' 23 Then &od said, 6Let $s "ake h$"ankind in o$r i"age, according to o$r likeness+ and let the" ha)e do"inion o)er the ish o the sea, and o)er the %irds o the air, and o)er the cattle, and o)er all the -ild ani"als o the earth, and o)er e)ery creeping thing that creeps $pon the earth'7 24 So &od created h$"ankind in his i"age, in the i"age o &od he created the"+ "ale and e"ale he created the"' 25&od %lessed the", and &od said to the", 6;e r$it $l and "$ltiply, and ill the earth and s$%d$e it+ and ha)e do"inion o)er the ish o the sea and o)er the %irds o the air and o)er e)ery li)ing thing that "o)es $pon the earth'7 29&od said, 6See, ! ha)e gi)en yo$ e)ery plant yielding seed that is $pon the ace o all the earth, and e)ery tree -ith seed in its r$it+ yo$ shall ha)e the" or ood' .*,nd to e)ery %east o the earth, and to e)ery %ird o the air, and to e)erything that creeps on the earth, e)erything that has the %reath o li e, ! ha)e gi)en e)ery green plant or ood'7 ,nd it -as so' .1&od sa- e)erything that

he had "ade, and indeed, it -as )ery good' ,nd there -as e)ening and there -as "orning, the si<th day' 2:1 Th$s the hea)ens and the earth -ere inished, and all their "$ltit$de' 2,nd on the se)enth day &od inished the -ork that he had done, and he rested on the se)enth day ro" all the -ork that he had done' .So &od %lessed the se)enth day and hallo-ed it, %eca$se on it &od rested ro" all the -ork that he had done in creation' 5S%L- //0. 167 (!"L)

119:.. (NRSV) Teach "e, = L=R8, the -ay o yo$r stat$tes, and ! -ill o%ser)e it to the end' ./ &i)e "e $nderstanding, that ! "ay keep yo$r la- and o%ser)e it -ith "y -hole heart' .1 Lead "e in the path o yo$r co""and"ents, or ! delight in it' .3 T$rn "y heart to yo$r decrees, and not to sel ish gain' .4 T$rn "y eyes ro" looking at )anities+ gi)e "e li e in yo$r -ays' .5 >on ir" to yo$r ser)ant yo$r pro"ise, -hich is or those -ho ear yo$' .9 T$rn a-ay the disgrace that ! dread, or yo$r ordinances are good' /* See, ! ha)e longed or yo$r precepts+ in yo$r righteo$sness gi)e "e li e' 5sal# //0 (E"$S% &"5) .. ./ .1 .3 .4 .5 .9 /* Teach "e, = L=R8, the -ay o yo$r stat$tes, ? and ! shall keep it to the end' &i)e "e $nderstanding, and ! shall keep yo$r la-+ ? ! shall keep it -ith all "y heart' Make "e go in the path o yo$r co""and"ents, ? or that is "y desire' !ncline "y heart to yo$r decrees ? and not to $n2$st gain' T$rn "y eyes ro" -atching -hat is -orthless+ ? gi)e "e li e in yo$r -ays' @$l ill yo$r pro"ise to yo$r ser)ant, ? -hich yo$ "ake to those -ho ear yo$' T$rn a-ay the reproach -hich ! dread, ? %eca$se yo$r 2$dg"ents are good' ;ehold, ! long or yo$r co""and"ents+ ? in yo$r righteo$sness preser)e "y li e'

5sal# / 8. /10 (/7122) 2 128

(" of E)

1 = gi)e thanks to the Lord, or he is good, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er' 2 = gi)e thanks to the &od o gods, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er' . = gi)e thanks to the Lord o lords, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ / -ho alone does great -onders, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 1 -ho %y $nderstanding "ade the hea)ens, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 3 -ho spread o$t the earth on the -aters, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 4 -ho "ade the great lights, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 5 the s$n to r$le o)er the day, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 9 the "oon and stars to r$le o)er the night, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 1* -ho str$ck 9gypt thro$gh their irst%orn, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 11 and %ro$ght !srael o$t ro" a"ong the", or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 12 -ith a strong hand and an o$tstretched ar", or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 1. -ho di)ided the Red Sea in t-o, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 1/ and "ade !srael pass thro$gh the "idst o it, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 11 %$t o)erthre- Aharaoh and his ar"y in the Red Sea, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 13 -ho led his people thro$gh the -ilderness, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 14 -ho str$ck do-n great kings, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 15 and killed a"o$s kings, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 19 Sihon, king o the ,"orites, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 2* and =g, king o ;ashan, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 21 and ga)e their land as a heritage, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 22 a heritage to his ser)ant !srael,

or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er' 2. !t is he -ho re"e"%ered $s in o$r lo- estate, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 2/ and resc$ed $s ro" o$r oes, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er+ 21 -ho gi)es ood to all lesh, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er' 23 = gi)e thanks to the &od o hea)en, or his stead ast lo)e end$res or e)er' 5sal# /7 ./12, 16, 2, /7, /21/ (!o#an "atholic)

1*.:1 (NRSV) ;less the Lord, = "y so$l, and all that is -ithin "e, %less his holy na"e' 2 ;less the Lord, = "y so$l, and do not orget all his %ene its: . -ho orgi)es all yo$r iniB$ity, -ho heals all yo$r diseases, / -ho redee"s yo$r li e ro" the Ait, -ho cro-ns yo$ -ith stead ast lo)e and "ercy, 5 The Lord is "erci $l and gracio$s, slo- to anger and a%o$nding in stead ast lo)e' 1* Ce does not deal -ith $s according to o$r sins, nor repay $s according to o$r iniB$ities' 12 as ar as the east is ro" the -est, so ar he re"o)es o$r transgressions ro" $s' 1. ,s a ather has co"passion or his children, so the Lord has co"passion or those -ho ear hi"' )E' TEST%-E)T. / "orinthians ./71//, /812 (!"L) / "orinthians ./812 (!o#an "atholic) .:1* (NRSV) ,ccording to the grace o &od gi)en to "e, like a skilled "aster %$ilder ! laid a o$ndation, and so"eone else is %$ilding on it' 9ach %$ilder "$st choose -ith care ho- to %$ild on it' 11@or no one can lay any o$ndation other than the one that has %een laid+ that o$ndation is Des$s >hrist' 13 8o yo$ not kno- that yo$ are &od7s te"ple and that &od7s Spirit d-ells in yo$E? 14! anyone destroys &od7s te"ple, &od -ill destroy that person' @or &od7s te"ple is holy, and yo$ are that te"ple'

15 8o not decei)e yo$rsel)es' ! yo$ think that yo$ are -ise in this age, yo$ sho$ld %eco"e ools so that yo$ "ay %eco"e -ise' 19@or the -isdo" o this -orld is oolishness -ith &od' @or it is -ritten, 6Ce catches the -ise in their cra tiness7, 2*and again, 6The Lord kno-s the tho$ghts o the -ise, that they are $tile'7 21So let no one %oast a%o$t h$"an leaders' @or all things are yo$rs, 22-hether Aa$l or ,pollos or >ephas or the -orld or li e or death or the present or the $t$re:all %elong to yo$, 2.and yo$ %elong to >hrist, and >hrist %elongs to &od' !o#ans 2. /2129 (" of E)

5:15 ! consider that the s$ erings o this present ti"e are not -orth co"paring -ith the glory a%o$t to %e re)ealed to $s' 19@or the creation -aits -ith eager longing or the re)ealing o the children o &od+ 2* or the creation -as s$%2ected to $tility, not o its o-n -ill %$t %y the -ill o the one -ho s$%2ected it, in hope 21that the creation itsel -ill %e set ree ro" its %ondage to decay and -ill o%tain the reedo" o the glory o the children o &od' 22(e kno- that the -hole creation has %een groaning in la%o$r pains $ntil no-+ 2.and not only the creation, %$t -e o$rsel)es, -ho ha)e the irst r$its o the Spirit, groan in-ardly -hile -e -ait or adoption, the rede"ption o o$r %odies' 2/@or in hope -e -ere sa)ed' No- hope that is seen is not hope' @or -ho hopes or -hat is seenE 21;$t i -e hope or -hat -e do not see, -e -ait or it -ith patience' 4+S5EL. -atthew 9. 2162 (all but " of E) 1:.5 (NRSV) 6#o$ ha)e heard that it -as said, F,n eye or an eye and a tooth or a tooth'G .9;$t ! say to yo$, 8o not resist an e)ildoer' ;$t i anyone strikes yo$ on the right cheek, t$rn the other also+ /*and i anyone -ants to s$e yo$ and take yo$r coat, gi)e yo$r cloak as -ell+ /1and i anyone orces yo$ to go one "ile, go also the second "ile' /2&i)e to e)eryone -ho %egs ro" yo$, and do not re $se anyone -ho -ants to %orroro" yo$' /. 6#o$ ha)e heard that it -as said, F#o$ shall lo)e yo$r neigh%o$r and hate yo$r ene"y'G //;$t ! say to yo$, Lo)e yo$r ene"ies and pray or those -ho persec$te yo$, /1so that yo$ "ay %e children o yo$r @ather in hea)en+ or he "akes his s$n rise on the e)il and on the good, and sends rain on the righteo$s and on the $nrighteo$s' /3@or i yo$ lo)e those -ho lo)e yo$, -hat re-ard do yo$ ha)eE 8o not e)en the ta<0collectors do the sa"eE /4,nd i yo$ greet only yo$r %rothers and sisters, -hat "ore are yo$ doing than othersE 8o not e)en the &entiles do the sa"eE /5;e per ect, there ore, as yo$r hea)enly @ather is per ect' -atthew 8.291 6 (" of E)

3:21 6There ore ! tell yo$, do not -orry a%o$t yo$r li e, -hat yo$ -ill eat or -hat yo$ -ill drink, or a%o$t yo$r %ody, -hat yo$ -ill -ear' !s not li e "ore than ood, and the %ody "ore than clothingE 23Look at the %irds o the air+ they neither so- nor reap nor gather into %arns, and yet yo$r hea)enly @ather eeds the"' ,re yo$ not o "ore )al$e than theyE 24,nd can any o yo$ %y -orrying add a single ho$r to yo$r span o li eE 25,nd -hy do yo$ -orry a%o$t clothingE >onsider the lilies o the ield, ho- they gro-+ they neither toil nor spin, 29yet ! tell yo$, e)en Solo"on in all his glory -as not clothed like one o these' .*;$t i &od so clothes the grass o the ield, -hich is ali)e today and to"orro- is thro-n into the o)en, -ill he not "$ch "ore clothe yo$:yo$ o little aithE .1There ore do not -orry, saying, F(hat -ill -e eatEG or F(hat -ill -e drinkEG or F(hat -ill -e -earEG .2@or it is the &entiles -ho stri)e or all these things+ and indeed yo$r hea)enly @ather kno-s that yo$ need all these things' ..;$t stri)e irst or the kingdo" o &od and his righteo$sness, and all these things -ill %e gi)en to yo$ as -ell' ./ 6So do not -orry a%o$t to"orro-, or to"orro- -ill %ring -orries o its o-n' Today7s tro$%le is eno$gh or today'

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