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SOUTHBRIDGES LEARNING CENTER 1st Quarterly Examination HELE Name! Gra$e an$ Se"tion! % &a'a'ali'asan Date! S"ore!

I. Write the correct answer in the blank to complete the following sentences.

1. Washing your face is good but for a clean and active body, you have to take a _______. 2. Sometimes, brushing your teeth is not enough to remove food that is stuck between the teeth.

In cases like this, you need to use dental _______________.

3. Powdered alum is popularly known as _______________. 4. Clothes to be used again should be hung in an _____________ place. 5.

ewelries and accessories can be arranged using an __________________.

6. Prompt care means ______________ at once. 7. !ou can clean leather shoes by using a shoe _______________. 8. It is said that one"s hair is his or her crowning _______________. 9. #eep the edges of your nail smooth by using a nail ____________. 10. Change your toothbrush at least every ____________ months.

II. $ecide if the statement is a %ole, %esponsibility or %ight of a family member. Write the complete

word in the blank.

11. Privacy during sleep, leisure time and in communication 12. Create a decent and secure home atmosphere 13. Preserve family"s good name and social standing 14. &reat provider 15. 'ree education for all 16. (anager of the house 17. %un errands cheerfully and willingly 18. Clean, safe and sufficient food and water 19. )fficient and honest government 20. *elp in household tasks

III. 'ill in each blank with the correct answer. Write the complete word in the blank.



Slow Supplementary 'ood 'i,ed -abies

21. .ewly born children until age one are called ________________. 22. ______________________ may be given to babies / 0 1 months old. 23. -asic needs of babies should always be ____________. 24. Sickly babies have _________________ stages of development. 25. -abies at age 2 0 3 months have no ________________ sense of hearing and sight.


%ead each item carefully. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

26. -abies communicate their needs through a. sleeping b. crying

c. eating d. playing

27. 4he part where you start when giving a bath to a baby a. face b. body

c. head d. legs

28. *omemade diapers are usually made of a. cotton b. plastic

c. used cloth d. muslin

29. 4he first milk that comes out of a lactating mother a. colostrum b. breastmilk

c. colusturm d. anmum

30. 4hese foods can be supplementary at si, months, e,cept a. porridge b. mashed potato

c. meat d. egg yolk

31. $o not kiss a baby on his or her a. arms b. legs

c. forehead d. lips

32. 4hese are characteristics of a good babysitter, e,cept a. understanding b. loving

c. creative d. inattentive

33. $uring 5 0 63 months, a baby a. imitates movements b. sits, stands and walks

c. crawls on knees d. sleeps most of the time c. smiling d. clapping hands

34. 4hese are games a baby can play, e,cept a. pu77les b. waving

35. + duyan made of this is more preferable because it is durable and stable a. bed sheets b. cloth

c. bamboo d. nipa


Identify the factor of effective home management described in each number.

36. 8ur family makes sure that our home is always clean. 37. !ou have to choose which to buy first, clothes or 9ewelries: 38. 8ur parents" dream is for their children to graduate. 39. 4his includes abilities, skills and properties a family has. 40. We are five in the family, two boys and three girls.


Write 4%;) if the statement is correct and '+<S) if it is incorrect.

41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

+ work schedule ensures cooperation of each family member. We should accept tasks with a cheerful and positive attitude. Combining tasks can be done to reduce labor. ;sing labor=saving devices lessens the >uality of work. Store laundry supplies with cooking supplies. .ever leave sharp ob9ects unattended. Work on heavy tasks at the same time. <eave spills of greasy materials unattended. %ead labels of supplies before using them. ;se a table when fi,ing curtains or when reaching for ob9ects in high places.



&ive 1 health habits of a well=


<ist the 1 steps in

groomed person. 16.

effective home management in correct order.



1@. 1A.


1B. 52.



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