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'~ ,'I. , ,,'< S'01': 2 h'~ : A~203/ AD 303 (1403)
. ,
Tirhc : TJjt~c hours

Maximum In.-irks: 1(}O

Answer FIVE questions, uu,:Jl1g A.'-'YTWO [rom Group A,

( Al''YTWO[rom Group B and ALL {rom Group C.

All jJlirts otu questio/J (H, b, 'ctc) should be

IllJslVcrcd at ollC'ZJlacc,

Answer should be br~e[and to-thc-point and be suppJe-

men~cd with neat s~ctches, Unncccssa~ ~ong answers
may result in las!>:of'mllrks,

Any missing or wrong dat8 llWY he assumed 5'uitably

givingpro]Jcr justiJjcatiwl: -

rigures on the right -hand side margJil indicate lull mads,


1. (a) With reference to object oriented 'programming

(OOP), explain the terms (J) ,:ncapsu~ation, and
( if) abstraction, " 2+2
" " ,

( b) Differentiate between (I) fu nction (,>,verloading,

and ( Ii) function overriding, ' 2 +2

(c) Write a C" program which will determine whether

an input number is prime or not? (i

( Tum Over)
= ,-",. ~

(d) 1\ phonc number, such as (212) 767-8900, can tJc

thought or as having three parts: the area code (20.1.2),
-. ,
the exchange (767), and thc number (3900). W':"ite.. . ;

a C' . program that uses strueture to store these threc' .

parts of a phone number separately. Callthe structure
phone. Create two structure variables of type phone. J

Initialize one, alld have the user input a number for

the other one. Theil display both numbers. The
interchallge might look lik~ this:
Enter your aleu cod~, exchallge alld number:
My number is (212) 769-H900
Your numbcr is (415) 555-1212. 6

2. (,1) Write a swap () function which exchanges two Iloaling

point vallies of x and y., Test this function for
a:=22 . 2 and b = 44 .4 as input and write down the
corresponding outpul. _6
( b) Write a program that reads 5 numbers in an array
and then print them in reverse order. The numbers
are l10ating point values. 6

(c) What is meant by the term 'system'? W,hat are the

characteristics and categories of infonnation
system? Brieny discuss them. . 8
3. (a) With reference to ISO/QSI model, explain
following terms: 2x4

(i) Entity
(Ii) Protocol

(ifi) IS£>

( iv) Message.

AN 203/AD 303 (1403) ( 2 ) ( COli/ill uccl)


(7~ A LAI\ network using CSMA/CD has a bandwidth

"of lO Mbps, If the maximu m propagation time
{including the delays) is 25. 6 ~lsec, what is the
minimum size of the frame: 4

(c) What is LAN? What is IEEE standards for LA1\i?

, Describethem briefly with a neat diagram, 8

4. (a) What is email ? Definy and brietly e,xplain the

terms: (i) Mailbox, (iI) User agent, and (,in)Message
transfer agents, in relatio~ to email services. 2x 4

(b) What meant by process-to~processdeliveryin
transport layer.? How can this be achieved thrc?ugh
client-servertechnology? 6

(c) What is TCPlIP protocol suite? How many layers

are there in TCPlIP? Draw a neat diagram and
brieflydescribe them. . 6
Group B

5. (a) Convert the following from one number system to

another: 2x 5 ,

(j) (1357)10=( )2

(ij)' (1463)10= ( )8

(iii) (010010110)2 = ( ) 16

(jv) (573)8 = ( ) 16

(I') (1100100110)2 =( )8

~ 203/ AD 303 (] 403) ( 3 ) ( Turn Q"cr)

( b) Explz.ii1bricny the following:' '2x
( j) Object program

(jj) Use of BIOS

(jji) Interp.reter.

(c) What are the functions of an operating system?

Briefly explain them. Also, give name ot any two
OS known to you. 4

6. (a) What is DBMS? What is' the prhnary go"al of

DBMS? Describe brieflywith applications. . 8

( b) How an EX-NOR gate works nVhatis its truth table? 6


( c) What is aJK Hip-nop? Write the truth table and

show how it can be converted into a T-tlip-flop. 6

7. (a) What is meant by iJiformation systems? How is

strategic information system useful. for" decision-.
making? Briefly discuss. 8

( b) What is a file? What are the features of file

management? 8
. .

--:= (c) How does a floppy diskwork? Givea schematiCdetail

of its working with the capacities availabfe today: - "4

8. (al What is the structure of a typical UNIX tife system? (-

Differentiate between (I) ordinary file, (il) directory
tile, and (iil) device tile, in reference to tJNIXOS. 10

( b) Draw a schematic diagram of a full-adder and

show the truth-table. 5

AN 203/AD 303 (1403) ( 4 ) ( C9ntjnued.')

, ~
'. i c) What is a Cache memory? How does it improve ti ;
..,' !,
the performance of the -.:omputersystem'! 5 r

Group C I
I t
9. 'Only one choice is correct. Select the most appropriate f f;
one for the following: 2 x 10 i

(j) Which of the following is the base class for stream

classes in C". ":

(a) iostream
(b) streambuf r
(c) ios

(d) streambutTer ~
, t;-

(ii) A static automatic variable is used to ; ~

f I
, "f
(a) make a variablevisibleJo several1un~tions
i .1
(b) make a variab~e ~is~ble to only °!l~ fu.nction
(c) conserve ~emory when a fun<.:tion is not , f
i ~

(d) initialize a pointer - - -:-', L



(iii) A memb~r furictIon can 'always-access tne'data'in I, .'.

(a) the object of which:';t is-Hnember. /-~, :-:". , I ~:

_?, ;,. ! --". I t.
(b) the class of which it is a membe~.<;.. -
!: ~.
I ,;
(c) any object of the class ofwhidi it is-a member t
(d) the pubiic part of its class

AN 203/.-\D 303 (I.1()3) ( 5 ) - { Tum Ovcr} ;

( h') Which of the following is cheapest memof) ?
. ,
(a) RAI\1

(b) Floppy

(c) Magnetic tape

(d) Cache

\ (I') In DBMS, the field, which uniquely identifies the

value in the table, is known as

. (.a) - foreign key

(b) secondary key

(c) primary key -

(d) column

\ I'j) The strategic information system is used for'

(a) taking structured decision.

(bj taking semi-structured decision.

(c) making life-cycle easier. -

(d) taking unstructured decision.

(uj) A program segment defmes :

int x = 5 ; int y = 6 ; int z;
the expression z = (x> y)? x: y; t.

will give the value of z as

(a) 5

A1'\ 203/AD 303 (1403) ( 6 ) ( Q;minued)

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