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To, The Public Information Officer, _________________________ _________________________ _________________________, A.


Sub: Seeking information regarding _____________________________________________________, __________________________________________ A.P., under the RTI Act, 2 ! Re"#ected Sir, I $arender Redd% &, I 'ould like get the information regarding the college #lea"e "end me the follo'ing information( )( *hether it i" "ubmitted affida+it to the Su#reme ,ourt of India, a""uring the #a%ment of "alarie" to their facult% according to the -th Pa% ,ommi""ion during the #eriod .anuar%, 2 )) to Augu"t, 2 )/0 2( *hether it "ubmitted affida+it" to the 1igh ,ourt of A(P , a""uring the #a%ment of "alarie" to their facult% according to the -th Pa% or !th Pa% ,ommi""ion during the #eriod .anuar%,2 )) to Augu"t, 2 )/0 /( The follo'ing detail" of the facult% member" i( $ame of the facult% member ,De"ignation, De#artment, 1o' long he i" 'orking in that #articular college, ii( Salar% #aid to the facult% member( The follo'ing detail"
$umber 3ualified and *orking 'ith 6!th/-th AI,T2 Pa% Scale"7 $umber 4n5 3ualified

Sl( $o



$umber A##ointed

*orking 'ith ,on"olidated Pa%


4(8( P(8( 4(8( P(8( 4(8( P(8(

Associate Professors Assistant Professors TOTAL

I am de#o"iting the a##lication fee 6R"() /57 through IPO number 9999(( "e#aratel% If %ou feel that abo+e re:ue"ted information doe" not #ertain to %our de#artment then #lea"e follo' the #ro+i"ion" of Section -6/7 of the RTI Act, 2 !/Al"o a" #er the #ro+i"ion" of the RTI Act, 2 ! #lea"e #ro+ide the detail" 6$ame and De"ignation7 of the fir"t a##ellate authorit% '(r(t to %our de#artment 'ith the re#l% to the abo+e re:ue"t(, 'here I ma% if re:uired file m% fir"t a##eal( Thank %ou, ;our" "incerel%, Address for communication: 6$arender Redd% &7 K.Narender Reddy, C o !.No.12"1#"$2#, %ani&es'ar Na(ar,tarna&a,!ydera)ad P*N"#++++, -mai.:&nr.rti/(

To, The Public Information Officer, The Admi""ion and =ee Regulator% ,ommittee, 8agan >ihar, $am#all%,1%derabad(
!ydera)ad 6 #+++7+ under the RTI Act, 2

Date: /5 252 )<

Sub: Seeking information regarding 0NR 0i(nan 1yot2i *nstitute of -n(ineerin( 3 Tec2no.o(y,4ac2u5a..y !

Re"#ected Sir, I $arender Redd% &, I 'ould like get the information regarding abo+e mentioned college #lea"e "end me the follo'ing information( )(*hether it i" "ubmitted affida+it to the Su#reme ,ourt of India, a""uring the #a%ment of "alarie" to their facult% according to the -th Pa% ,ommi""ion during the #eriod .anuar%, 2 )) to Augu"t, 2 )/0( 2(*hether it "ubmitted affida+it" to the 1igh ,ourt of A(P , a""uring the #a%ment of "alarie" to their facult% according to the -th Pa% or !th Pa% ,ommi""ion during the #eriod .anuar%,2 )) to Augu"t, 2 )/0 / The follo'ing detail" of the facult% member" iii( $ame of the facult% member ,De"ignation, De#artment, 1o' long he i" 'orking in that #articular college, i+( Salar% #aid to the facult% member and the follo'ing detail"
$umber 3ualified and Sl( $o $umber A##ointed *orking 'ith 6!th/-th AI,T2 Pa% Scale"7 *orking 'ith ,on"olidated Pa% $umber 4n53ualified




4(8( P(8(

Associate Professors Assistant Professors TOTAL

4(8( P(8( 4(8( P(8(

I am de#o"iting the a##lication fee 6R"() /57 "e#aratel% If %ou feel that abo+e re:ue"ted information doe" not #ertain to %our de#artment then #lea"e follo' the #ro+i"ion" of Section -6/7 of the RTI Act, 2 !/Al"o a" #er the #ro+i"ion" of the RTI Act, 2 ! #lea"e #ro+ide the detail" 6$ame and De"ignation7 of the fir"t a##ellate authorit% '(r(t to %our de#artment 'ith the re#l% to the abo+e re:ue"t(, 'here I ma% if re:uired file m% fir"t a##eal( Thank %ou, ;our" "incerel%, Address for communication: 6$arender Redd% &am#elli7 K.Narender Reddy, C o !.No.12"1#"$2#, %ani&es'ar Na(ar,tarna&a,!ydera)ad P*N"#++++, -mai.:&nr.rti/(

To, The Public Information Officer, The Admi""ion and =ee Regulator% ,ommittee, 8agan >ihar, $am#all%,1%derabad(

Date:)!5 252 )<

8u): 8ee&in( information re(ardin( T--9ALA KR*8!NA R-::; -N9*N--R*N9 COLL-9-: ?edbo'li, ?eer#et,Saroornagar, 1%derabad5! @A,Andhra Prade"h under the RTI Act, 2 ! Re"#ected Sir, I $arender Redd% &, I 'ould like get the information regarding abo+e mentioned college #lea"e "end me the follo'ing information( <( *hether it i" "ubmitted affida+it to the Su#reme ,ourt of India, a""uring the #a%ment of "alarie" to their facult% according to the -th Pa% ,ommi""ion during the #eriod .anuar%, 2 )) to Augu"t, 2 )/0 !( *hether it "ubmitted affida+it" to the 1igh ,ourt of A(P , a""uring the #a%ment of "alarie" to their facult% according to the -th Pa% or !th Pa% ,ommi""ion during the #eriod .anuar%,2 )) to Augu"t, 2 )/0 -( The follo'ing detail" of the facult% member" +( $ame of the facult% member ,De"ignation, De#artment, 1o' long he i" 'orking in that #articular college, +i( Salar% #aid to the facult% member( The follo'ing detail"
$umber 3ualified and Sl( $o $umber A##ointed *orking 'ith 6!th/-th AI,T2 Pa% Scale"7 *orking 'ith ,on"olidated Pa% $umber 4n53ualified




4(8( P(8(

Associate Professors Assistant Professors TOTAL

4(8( P(8( 4(8( P(8(

I am de#o"iting the a##lication fee 6R"() /57 "e#aratel% If %ou feel that abo+e re:ue"ted information doe" not #ertain to %our de#artment then #lea"e follo' the #ro+i"ion" of Section -6/7 of the RTI Act, 2 !/Al"o a" #er the #ro+i"ion" of the RTI Act, 2 ! #lea"e #ro+ide the detail" 6$ame and De"ignation7 of the fir"t a##ellate authorit% '(r(t to %our de#artment 'ith the re#l% to the abo+e re:ue"t(, 'here I ma% if re:uired file m% fir"t a##eal( Thank %ou, ;our" "incerel%, Address for communication: 6$arender Redd% &am#elli7 K.Narender Reddy, C o !.No.12"1#"$2#, %ani&es'ar Na(ar,tarna&a,!ydera)ad P*N"#++++, -mai.:&nr.rti/( To, Date:)!5 252 )<

The Public Information Officer, The Admi""ion and =ee Regulator% ,ommittee, 8agan >ihar, $am#all%,1%derabad( Sub: Seeking information regarding C2aitanya 42arat2i *nstitute of Tec2no.o(y, ,haitan%a Bharathi 6P(O7, 8andi#et, 1%derabad C ! A under the RTI Act, 2 ! Re"#ected Sir, I $arender Redd% &am#elli, I 'ould like get the information regarding abo+e mentioned college #lea"e "end me the follo'ing information( A( *hether it i" "ubmitted affida+it to the Su#reme ,ourt of India, a""uring the #a%ment of "alarie" to their facult% according to the -th Pa% ,ommi""ion during the #eriod .anuar%, 2 )) to Augu"t, 2 )/0 D( *hether it "ubmitted affida+it" to the 1igh ,ourt of A(P , a""uring the #a%ment of "alarie" to their facult% according to the -th Pa% or !th Pa% ,ommi""ion during the #eriod .anuar%,2 )) to Augu"t, 2 )/0 @( The follo'ing detail" of the facult% member" +ii( $ame of the facult% member ,De"ignation, De#artment, 1o' long he i" 'orking in that #articular college, +iii( Salar% #aid to the facult% member( The follo'ing detail"
$umber 3ualified and Sl( $o $umber A##ointed *orking 'ith 6!th/-th AI,T2 Pa% Scale"7 *orking 'ith ,on"olidated Pa% $umber 4n53ualified




4(8( P(8( 4(8( P(8( 4(8( P(8(

Associate Professors Assistant Professors TOTAL

I am de#o"iting the a##lication fee 6R"() /57 "e#aratel% If %ou feel that abo+e re:ue"ted information doe" not #ertain to %our de#artment then #lea"e follo' the #ro+i"ion" of Section -6/7 of the RTI Act, 2 !/Al"o a" #er the #ro+i"ion" of the RTI Act, 2 ! #lea"e #ro+ide the detail" 6$ame and De"ignation7 of the fir"t a##ellate authorit% '(r(t to %our de#artment 'ith the re#l% to the abo+e re:ue"t(, 'here I ma% if re:uired file m% fir"t a##eal( Thank %ou, ;our" "incerel%, Address for communication: 6$arender Redd% &am#elli7 K.Narender Reddy, C o !.No.12"1#"$2#, %ani&es'ar Na(ar,tarna&a,!ydera)ad P*N"#++++, -mai.:&nr.rti/( To, Date:)!5 252 )<

The Public Information Officer, The Admi""ion and =ee Regulator% ,ommittee, 8agan >ihar, $am#all%,1%derabad( Sub: Seeking information regarding C2aitanya 42arat2i *nstitute of Tec2no.o(y, ,haitan%a Bharathi 6P(O7, 8andi#et, 1%derabad C ! A under the RTI Act, 2 ! Re"#ected Sir, I $arender Redd% &am#elli, I 'ould like get the information regarding abo+e mentioned college #lea"e "end me the follo'ing information( ) ( *hether it i" "ubmitted affida+it to the Su#reme ,ourt of India, a""uring the #a%ment of "alarie" to their facult% according to the -th Pa% ,ommi""ion during the #eriod .anuar%, 2 )) to Augu"t, 2 )/0 ))( *hether it "ubmitted affida+it" to the 1igh ,ourt of A(P , a""uring the #a%ment of "alarie" to their facult% according to the -th Pa% or !th Pa% ,ommi""ion during the #eriod .anuar%,2 )) to Augu"t, 2 )/0 )2( The follo'ing detail" of the facult% member" iE( $ame of the facult% member ,De"ignation, De#artment, 1o' long he i" 'orking in that #articular college, E( Salar% #aid to the facult% member( The follo'ing detail"
$umber 3ualified and Sl( $o $umber A##ointed *orking 'ith 6!th/-th AI,T2 Pa% Scale"7 *orking 'ith ,on"olidated Pa% $umber 4n53ualified




4(8( P(8( 4(8( P(8( 4(8( P(8(

Associate Professors Assistant Professors TOTAL

I am de#o"iting the a##lication fee 6R"() /57 "e#aratel% If %ou feel that abo+e re:ue"ted information doe" not #ertain to %our de#artment then #lea"e follo' the #ro+i"ion" of Section -6/7 of the RTI Act, 2 !/Al"o a" #er the #ro+i"ion" of the RTI Act, 2 ! #lea"e #ro+ide the detail" 6$ame and De"ignation7 of the fir"t a##ellate authorit% '(r(t to %our de#artment 'ith the re#l% to the abo+e re:ue"t(, 'here I ma% if re:uired file m% fir"t a##eal( Thank %ou, ;our" "incerel%, Address for communication: 6$arender Redd% &am#elli7 K.Narender Reddy, C o !.No.12"1#"$2#, %ani&es'ar Na(ar,tarna&a,!ydera)ad P*N"#++++, -mai.:&nr.rti/( To, Date:)!5 252 )<

The Public Information Officer, The Admi""ion and =ee Regulator% ,ommittee,
Gagan Vihar, Nampally,Hyderabad.

Sub: Seeking information regarding Vardhaman College of Engineering,Kacharam, Shamshabad 501 218, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India under the RTI Act, 2 ! Re"#ected Sir, I $arender Redd% &am#elli, I 'ould like get the information regarding abo+e mentioned college #lea"e "end me the follo'ing information( )/( *hether it i" "ubmitted affida+it to the Su#reme ,ourt of India, a""uring the #a%ment of "alarie" to their facult% according to the -th Pa% ,ommi""ion during the #eriod .anuar%, 2 )) to Augu"t, 2 )/0 )<( *hether it "ubmitted affida+it" to the 1igh ,ourt of A(P , a""uring the #a%ment of "alarie" to their facult% according to the -th Pa% or !th Pa% ,ommi""ion during the #eriod .anuar%,2 )) to Augu"t, 2 )/0 )!( The follo'ing detail" of the facult% member" Ei( $ame of the facult% member ,De"ignation, De#artment, 1o' long he i" 'orking in that #articular college, Eii( Salar% #aid to the facult% member( The follo'ing detail"
$umber 3ualified and Sl( $o $umber A##ointed *orking 'ith 6!th/-th AI,T2 Pa% Scale"7 *orking 'ith ,on"olidated Pa% $umber 4n53ualified




4(8( P(8(

Associate Professors Assistant Professors TOTAL

4(8( P(8( 4(8( P(8(

I am de#o"iting the a##lication fee 6R"() /57 "e#aratel% If %ou feel that abo+e re:ue"ted information doe" not #ertain to %our de#artment then #lea"e follo' the #ro+i"ion" of Section -6/7 of the RTI Act, 2 !/Al"o a" #er the #ro+i"ion" of the RTI Act, 2 ! #lea"e #ro+ide the detail" 6$ame and De"ignation7 of the fir"t a##ellate authorit% '(r(t to %our de#artment 'ith the re#l% to the abo+e re:ue"t(, 'here I ma% if re:uired file m% fir"t a##eal( Thank %ou, ;our" "incerel%, Address for communication: 6$arender Redd% &7 K.Narender Reddy, C o !.No.12"1#"$2#, %ani&es'ar Na(ar,tarna&a,!ydera)ad P*N"#++++, -mai.:&nr.rti/(

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