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The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth Chapters 6, 7, 8, & 9

Catechism of the Catholic Church Part One: The Profession of Faith Section 2: Prof. of the Christian Faith Chapter 1: I Believe in God the Father
Created by Mr. James Woodmansee for use at Good Shepherd Catholic School.

Historical Jesus
Gospels written after Jesus Resurrection Mark 30-40 years John 60-70 years Historical & scientific facts are not necessary for salvation Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5:1) vs. in a plain (Lk 6:17) HS guided writers for specific communities

Mark Jews in Jerusalem Matthew Jewish Converts Luke - Gentiles John

Titles for Jesus

Read pp. 59-60, list and give meaning for titles of Jesus 1. __________

2. __________
3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________

The Incarnated Word

The Incarnation is one of the greatest mysteries in our

Jesus is fully God Jesus is fully human

God wants us to share in Jesus divinity Not to become gods To be the image and likeness of God

The Kingdom
Public ministry began with his baptism by John Jesus had no sin He was baptized to identify with sinners and foreshadow his taking on of sin for us Immediately after his baptism he was tempted in the

desert for 40 days (sound familiar?) How does Jesus announce his ministry? (Mk 1:14-15, Mt 5:12-17, Lk 4:16-17, Jn 1:35-31

Jesus confirmed the Jewish belief that God was LORD of

creation The Kingdom of God is wherever and whenever people are trying to life Gods call to live and forgive. Anyone can be in the Kingdom. You do not have to be perfect, instead you need only be willing to let the Holy Spirit help and guide you in faith, love, and hope/prayer.

Why did Jesus preform miracles?

Read pp 70-71 & complete the Miracles of Jesus


List the 12 Apostles & 3 Women disciples

What were the religious & political reasons for Jesus arrest?
Read pp. 75-76 (to However, the Jewish..)

What were the religious & political reasons for Jesus execution?
Read pp. 76 (fr0m However, the Jewish..)-77

Christ as the New Adam

Just as sin came into the world through one man, and

death through sin Romans 5:12 Christ himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that, free form sins, we might in righteousness. 1 Peter 2:24 Christ made eternal salvation possible for all, for just as Adams sin meant we die die, Christ descended into hell and Resurrected

3 Images of Jesus
Read pp.79-81 Draw each of the three images and explain were each

comes from and why/how it was used

The Resurrection
Complete the Meaning of the Resurrection Worksheet Jesus body was not re-animated, but transformed

Confirmed that Jesus was indeed God

Jesus teachings are true There is more after death

The Ascension
Historically may not be factual Reality that Jesus spent time with diciples before leaving

brining his humanity into heaven waiting for us

Holy Bible: New Living Translation. Wheaton, Ill: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2001. Ripley, Canon Francis. This is the Faith. Rockford, Ill: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., 2002. Singer-Towns, Brian, Janet Claussen, Clare vanBrandwijk, and others, The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth. Winona, Minnesota: Saint Marys Press, 2004. St. Michael and the Angels. Rockford, Ill: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., 1983. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Compendium: Catechism of the Catholic Church. Washington DC: USCCB Publishing, May 2007.

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