Why Is Bullfrog Power Here?

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Why is Bullfrog Power here? Bullfrog Power's vision is a future powered by 100% renewable energy.

Our mission is to provide Canadians with easy and practical 100% renewable energy solutions for their homes businesses and transportation. !hy are clean energy choices important" Bullfrog's mission is founded on a belief that consumers have a unique power to change the world, and that it is important to make clean energy choices available so that consumers can exert their influence When clean energy choices are available, many good things happen !ndividuals have the opportunity to take action and reduce their own environmental footprint "s more and more people choose renewable energy, green solutions become increasingly affordable both as a result of the technology being improved and through economies of scale "nd, collectively, our demand helps to increase the amount of renewable energy being generated and in#ected onto the energy systems !n addition, when thousands of people take a stand for renewable energy, they create an inspiring example for the rest of the community $hey also send a powerful message to industry and government about the importance of renewable energy, and thereby

initiate and enable political change %aving multiple energy choices available stimulates discussion, education and ultimately conservation and wiser energy management !hat is Bullfrog doing" $o achieve our vision, we provide a &''( renewable energy choices to )anadians Bullfrog's green electricity comes from a blend of wind and low*impact hydro power sourced from new )anadian renewable energy facilities, with at least +'( sourced directly from your region ,ourced from a unique, ground*breaking methane* capture pro#ect situated on one of )anada-s thousands of landfills, Bullfrog-s green natural gas is a climate*friendly alternative to conventional, polluting natural gas $hrough this innovative technology, biogas is captured, cleaned up, and in#ected onto the national natural gas pipeline, displacing fossil*fuel based gas and reducing )./ emissions into the atmosphere $hrough our Bullfrog Builds 0enewable "ccelerator program, we also provide critical financial support to new renewable energy pro#ect development across )anada We are raising the standards for green energy in )anada We do this by exceeding current requirements, working to improve standards 1such

as the 2co3ogo4 standard for green electricity5 and creating new standards 1such as those developed through !)6 !nternational for green natural gas5 We make publicly available audits of our product offerings by a nationally recogni7ed accounting firm $hese audits confirm that as much green energy has been in#ected onto the respective energy system as our consumers have purchased "nd, we publish our emission reductions data and methodology We partner with leading )anadian environmental non* governmental organi7ations on efforts to promote sustainability We are active in the electrification of transportation using renewable electricity !t is important that electric vehicles, as they become more common, run on renewable electricity in order to ensure that the pollution does not move from the vehicle's tailpipe to a polluting electricity generation facility $hrough partnerships with bullfrogpowered customers 4itsubishi )anada and 8issan )anada, we are raising awareness of the important link between renewable energy and 29s !n early /'&/, we made our biggest leap yet in this area by partnering with )hevrolet )anada to launch the )hevrolet 9olt Bullfrog Power 2dition, )anada's first 29 to come with emissions*free, renewable electricity "s a )ertified B )orporation, Bullfrog Power meets higher standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability

:nlike traditional corporations, )ertified B )orporations are required to consider the impact of their decisions on their employees, suppliers, community, consumers, and the environment We have also committed to donate &'( of after*tax operating profits to organi7ations that support environmental sustainability $he founders have also pledged &'( of the founding equity to organi7ations that promote sustainability "s always, we continue to advocate for conservation and energy efficiency, for which new forms of renewable energy are no substitute 2ven with conservation and renewable energy, there are times currently when fossil fuel is an unavoidable choice, for instance for necessary car or air travel " sister company, 3ess 2missions, offers )anada's highest quality carbon offsets & #ow can you help" !f you share a vision of a clean energy future, there is a lot you can do to help make it a reality $hink about how energy is used in your life $ake steps to reduce your energy use and become more energy efficient ,witch to buying clean energy where you can and support organi7ations that are doing the same ;et involved with organi7ations that are promoting more sustainable energy policies and add your voice to those calling for change

Bullfrog Power's

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;reen electricity

Bullfrog's green electricity comes from a blend of wind and low*impact hydro power sourced from new )anadian renewable energy facilities, with at least +'( sourced directly from your region 4ore

;reen natural gas

Bullfrog's green natural gas is sourced from a ground*breaking

methane*capture pro#ect situated on one of )anada's landfills "t the site, biogas is captured, cleaned up, and in#ected onto the national natural gas pipeline 4ore
bullfrogpowered 28;.s and 2nvironmental "ssociations
4any 28;., 1environmental non*governmental organi7ations5 and environmental associations have bullfrogpowered their facilities in support of clean, renewable energy We thank all of them for their leadership

=Bullfrog Power and WW6*)anada are showing how renewable power solutions like Bullfrog Power, together with energy efficiency measures, can help fight climate change >

=Bullfrog Power offers a simple but powerful way to take the lead in supporting the development of renewable energy and reducing our environmental impact >

=!ndividual action can make a big difference in the fight to stop climate change ! encourage )anadians to make the choice for clean, green energy !t's an easy, but important, step we can all take to help the environment >


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